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08-15 投稿


geminate 发音

英:['d?em?ne?t; -n?t]  美:['d??m?net]

英:  美:

geminate 中文意思翻译



geminate 网络释义

adj. [生物] 成双的;双生的vi. 成双vt. 使成双;使加倍

geminate 词性/词形变化,geminate变形

动词过去分词: geminated |名词: gemina-tion |动词现在分词: geminating |动词过去式: geminated |动词第三人称单数: geminates |

geminate 短语词组

1、geminate consonant ─── 双生辅音

2、geminate dotlan ─── 多特兰双生

3、geminate tooth ─── 宝石牙

4、geminate teeth ─── [医] 双生牙, 双连牙

5、geminate eyes ─── 双生眼睛

6、geminate verbs ─── 成对动词

7、geminate flower ─── 双生花

8、geminate recombination ─── 孪生复合

9、geminate pair ─── 宝石对

geminate 相似词语短语

1、seminates ─── adj.(种子)散布的,散播的;v.(种子)散布,传播,播种于

2、deaminate ─── vt.使脱去氨基;n.脱氨基

3、seminated ─── adj.(种子)散布的,散播的;v.(种子)散布,传播,播种于

4、geminates ─── adj.叠音的;双音的;双重的;成对的;v.使(语音)双音化;重复(语音);成对

5、geminated ─── adj.叠音的;双音的;双重的;成对的;v.使(语音)双音化;重复(语音);成对

6、seminate ─── adj.(种子)散布的,散播的;v.(种子)散布,传播,播种于

7、geminately ─── 双生的

8、ingeminate ─── vt.重申

9、germinate ─── vt.使发芽;使生长;vi.发芽;生长

geminate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、the slipper of female dormitory is geminate and didymous, the slipper of male dormitory is to talk no matter double. ─── 女宿舍的拖鞋是成双成对的,男宿舍的拖鞋是论只不论双的。

2、Geminate Flower. ─── 双生花.

3、And geminate design more the mode that broke through a center, multivariate the style all shows among them. ─── 而成双的设计更突破了一个中心的模式,多元风格尽现其中。

4、geminate teeth ─── 并生芽双生牙

5、State Adjectives of Nouns as Geminate Roots ─── 名词作叠根的状态形容词探析

6、geminate tooth ─── 双生牙,双连牙

7、geminate recombination ─── 成对重结合

8、but can you not tell me something that will remain in me like a seed and geminate in spite of me? ─── 但你能不能告诉我,我里面是够还有像种子一类的东西存在着?”

9、Encrusted in a row of narrow geminate houses, the story began more as a challenge rather than as an architectural project. ─── 住宅嵌在一个极其狭窄的住宅区内部,故事开始于一个挑战而不是一个项目。

10、geminate fertilization ─── 对生受精

11、Beautiful stage and tea table are in ancient times put symmetrical beauty with geminate and didymous ground, contemporary do not pay attention to these of course. ─── 花台与茶几在古时都是以成双成对地摆放对称美,现代当然不讲究这些。

12、geminate(two substituents on the sameatom) ─── 双的, 偕取的(同一碳原子上有两个取代基)

13、Chinese usually prefer to send geminate presents ,cause odd present is regarded aunluckily. ─── 中国人一般讲究礼品成双,因为奇数被视为不吉利。

14、Change backstairs next to dining-room direction, do geminate Xiang Mu to make sliding door. ─── 然后将厨房门改至餐厅方向,做成双向木制推拉门。

15、However it takes much time and a lot of hard work for the seeds to geminate, to flower and to bear fruit. ─── 但要待这些种子、果子成长,开花,仍须很多工夫。

16、Local people think that logging has less influences on the forest because the stumps will geminate again and for some years the forest will be back. ─── 这种寒温山地硬叶常绿栎类林虽然在流域内分布面积较广,但是也容易为当地人利用。

17、This essay studies the historical origins of geminate consonants, and the ways in which their synchronic behavior may reflect historical origins. ─── 摘要本文研究辅音双音的历史来源,以及辅音双音的共时行为如何反映了历史的来源。

18、geminate species A little differentiated species evolved from a close common ancestor, a twin species. ─── 双生种从一位接近的共同祖先演化出来两个差异很小的种,双胞种。

19、Keywords geminate sulphonate;surfactant;metal;cleaning; ─── 双生磺酸盐;表面活性剂;金属;清洗;

20、Metal cleaning performance of geminate sulphonate surfactant was studied. ─── 研究了双生磺酸盐表面活性剂的金属清洗性能。

21、but can you not tell me something that will remain in me like a seed and geminate in spite of me? ─── 但你能不能告诉我,我里面是够还有像种子一类的东西存在着?

22、geminate transistor ─── 配对晶体管

23、Study on the function of phytate in improving the quality of geminate flour ─── 植酸盐对芽麦面粉品质改善作用的研究

24、Inflorescence terminal or axillary, usually geminate, rarely solitary, 8-10 mm in diam.; ─── 圆锥花序顶生或腋生,通常成对,很少单生,8-10毫米直径;

25、This case study of geminate evolution provides a basis for a further study of the evolution of phonology as a whole. ─── 对辅音双音进化的个案研究为我们提供了进一步全面了解音系进化的基础。

26、Inflorescence geminate, capitate, dense; ─── 花序成对,头状,紧密;

27、geminate pair ─── 偕对

28、Inflorescence usually geminate, capitate, 5-8 mm in diam. ─── 通常成对,头状的花序,5-8毫米直径;

29、The Geminate Poets in Late Qing Dynasty: Huang Zunxian and Qiu Fengjia ─── 晚清诗坛双子星:黄遵宪与丘逢甲

30、Later, assimilation, geminate word and tone sandhi are studied at the word tier. ─── 此后,我们研究了词层的同化错误、叠音词和连读变调。

31、annual branches usually geminate at apex of branchlets, unbranched, light green or yellow-green, 1-2 cm, with 3 or 4 internodes. ─── 通常一年生枝成对在先端小枝,不分枝,淡绿或黄色绿色,1-2厘米,具3或4。

32、Inflorescence terminal, capitate, solitary or geminate, 6-10 mm in diam.; ─── 花序顶生,头状,单生或成对的,6-10毫米直径;

33、geminate transistors ─── 对管

34、Inflorescence terminal, capitate, solitary or geminate, 6-10 mm in diam. ─── 花序顶生,头状,单生或成对的,6-10毫米直径;

35、Geminate Verb ─── 动词重叠

36、Metal Cleaning Performance of Geminate Sulphonate Surfactant ─── 双生磺酸盐表面活性剂的金属清洗性能

37、geminate speedwell herb ─── 婆婆纳

38、ENR general uses the engine that these design geminate machine to weigh couplet at drawing to set out from Abutaiertuer, pass through the phosphatic train that desert arrives at Nile. ─── ENR将把这些设计成双机重联的机车用于牵引从阿布泰尔图尔出发、穿越沙漠到达尼罗河的磷酸盐列车。

39、The error patterns of geminate word used by children of different ages are described as well. ─── 不同年龄儿童使用的错误的叠音词形式也在本文中详细描述。

40、Inflorescence terminal or axillary, usually geminate, rarely solitary, 8-10 mm in diam. ─── 圆锥花序顶生或腋生,通常成对,很少单生,8-10毫米直径;

41、Change backstairs next to dining-room direction, do geminate Xiang Mu to make sliding door. ─── 然后将厨房门改至餐厅方向,做成双向木制推拉门。

42、9 see joke: The person was swarmed in opern, there are a lot of geminate and didymous lovers in the audience. ─── 9看笑话: 歌剧院中挤满了人,观众中有许多成双成对的情人。

43、Dealing with rice seeds with different medicaments and Streptomyces 702 fermentation liquid, measuring seed with fungi and geminate rate after stored them four monthes later. ─── 摘要用不同药剂和链霉菌702发酵液处理水稻种于,贮藏4个月后测定种子带菌情况和发芽率。

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