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08-15 投稿


abolisher 中文意思翻译



abolisher 短语词组

1、abolisher definition ─── 废除者定义

2、abolisher build ─── 废除者建造

3、abolisher archeage guide ─── 废除者考古指南

4、abolisher weapons ─── 废除武器

5、abolisher class ─── 废奴阶级

6、abolisher ff6 ─── 废除者ff6

7、abolisher guide ─── 废除者指南

abolisher 相似词语短语

1、abolish ─── vt.废除,废止;取消,革除

2、astonisher ─── 虚弱的

3、abolishing ─── vt.废除,废止;取消,革除

4、abolishes ─── vt.废除,废止;取消,革除

5、abolishment ─── n.[法]废止,革除;取消

6、polisher ─── n.磨光器;磨亮的人;[机]磨光机

7、abolished ─── adj.废除的;v.彻底废除;摧毁(abolish的过去分词)

8、unabolished ─── 未消化的

9、admonisher ─── 训诫者

abolisher 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Francis wanted to sanctify poverty, not to abolish it. ─── 圣弗朗西斯想圣化贫困而不是消除它。

2、How then can China abolish feudalism and capitalism and realize socialism and communism at an earlier date? ─── 但是,中国怎样才能比较快地消灭封建主义、资本主义,实现社会主义和共产主义呢?

3、For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. ─── 人类的手中,掌握着消灭一切形式的人类贫困和一切形式的人类生命的力量。

4、After the October Revolution the Soviet government issued two manifestos to China, promising to abolish all unequal treaties and treat China equally. ─── 1917年俄国革命后,两次发表对华宣言,自愿废除不平等旧约,平等对待中国。

5、Motions for Semi-finals: This house would abolish Women's Day. ─── 半决赛第二场对阵双方

6、Its central content is to abolish benefit housing allocation, and at the same time to increase housing expense amounts in employee salaries. ─── 其核心内容就是取消福利性分房,同时加大职工工资中的住房消费含量。

7、Many readers call Advisory : abolish the "zero Shoufu" affect the individual purchase of houses? ─── 不少读者来电咨询:取消“零首付”后是否会影响个人购房?

8、Thus, Sabah DAP urges the BN government to abolish the PKR appointment system once for all. ─── 因此,沙巴民主行动党敦促国阵政府取消所有社区发展领袖之职。

9、It abolish control and reduce cost i n small- scale geological survey that locate single geological dots ut-terly using GPS. ─── 在小比例尺地质测量中,用gps单点绝对定位技术测定地质点,减少了控制测量环节,降低了成本。

10、Once Alina Si resurfaces, he the chemical reaction which will gather with great difficulty the team all will abolish. ─── 一旦阿里纳斯复出,他会将球队好不容易聚集的化学反应全都废除。

11、To abolish or eliminate segregation in. ─── 取消隔离废除或取消隔离

12、The Regime of Representative of Corporate Body for Joint-stock Companies in China: To Preserve or to Abolish? ─── 中国股份公司法定代表人制度的存废?

13、It is easy to repent and examine one's great mistakes, but very difficult to abolish small habits. ─── 大错误容易反省,小习气不易除掉。

14、Huckabee offered details about his support for a controversial plan to abolish the nation's income tax system, and create a nationwide sales tax. ─── 哈克比详细谈论了他本人支持的取消全国所得税制度、创立全国性销售税制度这样一个有争议的计划。

15、And now the government is pushing a bill through Parliament to abolish them in complex fraud cases. ─── 如今政府正在通过议会推行一项议案,以废除在复杂诈骗案中的陪审团。

16、Mn~(++) shows a slight predilection to abolish ERG b-wave than a-wave. ─── ERG记录表明,Mn~(++)的作用在多数例子中显示出对b波有较a波为强的选择性抑制作用。

17、Posteroventral pallidotomy can abolish all Parkinson’s symptoms including pharmaceutical complications. ─── 但药物治疗与手术治疗关系如何?

18、Bow and sword and battle I will abolish from the land, so that all may lie down in safety. ─── 又必在国中折27断弓刀,止息争战,使他们28安然躺卧。

19、If this country's desire to abolish nuclear weapons is genuime, it could raise the iron curtain for evermore. ─── 如果该国消除核武器的愿望是真的,那就能永远去除铁幕了。

20、If it is an unjust law you would abolish, that law was written with your own hand upon your own forehead. ─── 你们要废止不公平的法律,那法律本是你们用自己的手写上自己的额头的。

21、Also, a move to abolish the practice of bento in school became a social issue. ─── 同样,一项废除学校内的便当运动成为了一个社会问题。

22、It stipulated the following: Abolish the land system of feudal and semi-feudal exploitation and put into effect the system of land to the tillers. ─── 土地法大纲规定:“废除封建性及半封建性剥削的土地制度,实行耕者有其田的土地制度”;

23、King of Judah who,according to the Old Testament,sought to abolish idolatry and restore worship of Jehovah. ─── 埃兹凯斯犹大国王,据《圣经·旧约》记载,企图废除偶像崇拜,并恢复对耶和华的崇拜。

24、If elected, I promise to abolish the unfair and elitist Pirate Points programme for good. ─── 如果我有幸当选,我保证将去处不公 并使海盗积分这个项目运作的更好

25、In her case it was able to abolish her fatigue. ─── 就她来说,这样可以消除疲劳。

26、The card and a handshake typify trust and abolish views that the bank was out to seize money. ─── 卡片和握手的形象代表了信任,消除了银行总是想抓钱的看法。

27、To abolish the examination and approval items concerning "down payment and subordinating expenditures under border barter trade". ─── 取消“边境易货项下支付定金或贸易从属费”的审批项目。

28、The Beijing Public Security Bureau's decision to abolish this unfair system is a very wise one. ─── 北京市公安局取消这一不公平的制度是非常明智之举,

29、Are they suggesting (that) we abolish the Olympic Games? ─── 他们建议我们废除奥林匹克运动会吗?

30、Transection of the dorsal half of the spinal cord didnot abolish the inhibitory effect of ARC stimulation on the pain-evoked dischargesof PF cells. ─── 切断脊髓背半部后,刺激ARC对PF单位痛诱发放电的抑制作用依然存在。

31、They petitioned the government to abolish hanging. ─── 他们向政府请愿,要求废除绞刑。

32、Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; I have not come to abolish, but to fulfill. ─── 不要以为我来是要废除律法或申言者;我来不是要废除,乃是要成全。

33、The aim of the land reform is to abolish the system of feudal exploitation, that is, to eliminate the feudal landlords as a class, not as individuals. ─── 土地改革的目的是消灭封建剥削制度,即消灭封建地主之为阶级,而不是消灭地主个人。

34、We present comprehensive utilization of abolish beer yeast. ─── 叙述了啤酒废酵母的产业化综合利用。

35、We should work together to abolish the draconian Act which allows for detention without trial. ─── 对阿都拉策划的镇压的批评反映首相的内阁的分裂不断加深。

36、People will not face this alternative because it is so difficult to abolish war. ─── 人们不肯面对这第二种选择,因为战争确实很难消灭。

37、The reporter sees in the spot, there is grizzle to be mixed character truly inside these Mu Xin board other abolish old board. ─── 尽管瓶子呈现嫩绿色,但观察力敏锐的客人不久会注意到,瓶子里装的看上去像是浓厚的灰色物质。

38、It is the middle cla that will benefit most if we abolish estate duty. ─── 取消遗产税后,最大的得益者是中产。

39、Neither ionizing radiation (IR) nor treatment with wortmannin, the specific inhibitor of PI3K family, could abolish the interaction. ─── PTC1与ATM的相互作用不依赖辐射,也不被PI3K家族特异性抑制剂Wortmannin抑制。

40、Both L-NAME(an inhibitor of NOS) and methylene blue(an inhibitor of GC) could abolish the protective effect of captopril. ─── NOS抑制剂左旋硝基精氨酸甲酯(L-NAM E)和GC抑制剂亚甲蓝均可取消卡托普利的血管保护作用。

41、The land tax in Hunan Province will abolish the tax department to verify the registration fee. ─── 其中,湖南省地税部门将取消税务登记验证费。

42、The existentialist is strongly opposed to a certain kind of secular ethics which would like to abolish God with the least possible expense. ─── 存在主义者强烈反对那种希望花费极少成本来废除上帝的世俗伦理观。

43、It looks unlikely that medical sci-ence will abolish the process of ageing. But it no longer looks impossible. ─── 医学再进步,看来也不可能停止老化的过程,但这看来已不再是遥不可及的梦。

44、William Wilberforce later spent fifty years of his life to abolish slavery in the British Empire. ─── 之后WilliamWilberforce用了他五十年的生命,终于废除了大英帝国中的奴隶制度。

45、Do abolish this kind of bad evil. ─── 一定要废除这种恶劣习俗。

46、The agricultural sector should promote advantages and abolish disadvantages and strive for more gains and less pains. ─── 农业部门要扬长避短,兴利除弊,努力争取利大于弊。

47、You must control and direct your emotions, not abolish them. Besides, abolition would be animossible task. ─── 你必须控制并导引你的情绪而非摧毁它,况且摧毁情绪是一件不可能的事情。

48、To abolish it, however, preparations must be made and the necessary steps taken. ─── 但是废除这种制度,必须是有准备和有步骤的。

49、On October 7, the Lebanese Government proposed to abolish the French position in the republic. ─── 10月27日,黎巴嫩政府提议取消法国在共和国的地位。

50、Abolish poison must ALWAYS be up on whichever one of you is getting killed. ─── 你们击杀目标身上的清毒术必须每时每刻都被驱散。

51、In terms of long-term interests,we should abolish the system by learning the Anglo-American Law for reference. ─── 从长远考虑,我国可以借鉴英美法系国家的模式,取消刑事附带民事诉讼制度。

52、The people did not want to abolish their monarchy; they just wanted to feel closer to it. ─── 人们并不想废除君主制,他们只不过想和皇室更接近些。

53、Five industry experts LDP : pre-sale housing should not abolish the system? ─── 五大业内专家纵横谈:房屋预售制度该不该取消?

54、Abolish the waiting period for RMB licences. ─── 取消人民币业务牌照的等候期。

55、In the common interest of protecting the nature, a lot of governments have been united to abolish the poisonous pollution caused by chemical industry. ─── 为了保护大自然这一共同利益,许多政府联起手来清除化学工业带来的有毒污染。

56、They must finally abolish capitalism and establish socialism. ─── 他们一定要最终消灭资本主义,建立社会主义。

57、The card and a handshake typify trust and abolish views that the bank is out to seize money. ─── 卡片和握手的形象代表了信任,消除了银行总是想抓钱的看法。

58、It's antidemocratic and elitist and favors insiders and establishment candidates. Just like the electoral college. Abolish it. ─── 如果大多数投票者支持某位候选人,超级党代表则不能够改变这一局面从而支持别的候选人。

59、To nullify or render void; abolish. ─── 使无效,使废弃;取消

61、Is the Inhumanity Enough Account to Abolish the Capital Punishment? ─── 不人道是废除死刑的充足理由吗?

62、To attract more investors and offshore funds to Hong Kong, measures have been taken to abolish estate duty and exempt offshore funds from profits tax. ─── 取消遗产税和豁免离岸基金缴交利得税,就是吸引投资者和离岸基金的措施。

63、An overwhelming majority voted to abolish the brutal punishment. ─── 压倒性的大多数投票废除那个残酷的刑罚。

64、As part of this far-reaching trade liberalization agreement,China agreed to lower tariffsand abolish market impediments. ─── 作为这一影响深远的贸易自由化协定的一部分,中国承诺降低关税,清除市场准入障碍。

65、If any " control counterpoises " produce change, be bought by other for instance, the agreement can abolish. ─── 假如任何一家的“控制权”发生变化,比如被他人买走,协议就可以废除。

66、He abolish poison before you blinded. ─── 他在你至盲之前就驱毒术。

67、On balance, after weighing these factors, I propose to abolish the tax and will introduce the relevant bill into this Council as soon as possible. ─── 因素,权衡轻重,我建议取消遗产税,并将尽快向立法会提交有关的条例草案。

68、Either man will abolish war, or war will abolish man. ─── 可知,人类要生存就必须消灭战争。

69、Include a country the staff, the job is multifarious. Best abolish is lifelong make. ─── 列入国家编制,工作五花八门。最好废除终身制。

70、In order to globalize safely, countries should abandon monetary nationalism and abolish unwanted currencies, the source of much of today's instability. ─── 为了安全地实现全球化,各国应当放弃货币国家主义,废除不必要的货币,因为它们是今天的许多动荡的根源。

71、King of Judah who, according to the Old Testament, sought to abolish idolatry and restore worship of Jehovah. ─── 埃兹凯斯犹大国王,据《圣经 旧约》记载,企图废除偶像崇拜,并恢复对耶和华的崇拜

72、Reciprocal agreements to abolish customs duties; a reciprocal invitation to lunch. ─── 关于取消关税互惠的协定;互邀共进午餐

73、People die, but books never die. No man and no force can abolish memory. ─── 人会死亡,书却无朽。没有任何人可以丢弃记忆。

74、The Federals helped abolish slavery during the Civil War. ─── 北部联邦主义者在南北战争期间促进了奴隶制的废除。

75、But I ask why it is called "homeland" when the South African Government plans to abolish this reserve. ─── 但我要问一问,既然南非政府计划废除这个保留地,那为什么还要管它叫“家园”呢?

76、That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it. ─── 不管什么样的政府,只要危害到人民的这些权利了,人民就有权改变或者废除这样的政府。

77、In 2012, abolish all Functional Constituencies. All 60 seats will be elected on the basis of universal suffrage. ─── 在2012年,全面取消功能界别的议席。立法会全部60个议席透过地区直选产生。

78、Before the higher authorities decided to abolish the labour contractor system, they had already found the system irrational and reformed it. ─── 在上级还未提出废除把头制时,他们已经发现这个制度不合理,而且改革了。

79、Books cannot be killed by fire.People die, but books never die.No man and no force can abolish memory. ─── 书不会被战火所烧,人会死,但书永远不会。没有人也没武力可以终止记忆。(知识永远不死。

80、But Mahathir ‘Mudah Lupa’ forgot that it was his own quota system that he recently urged to be abolish. ─── 但是,马哈蒂尔似乎忘记了他最近迫切要求废除的配额制度正是他自己曾提倡的。

81、Abolish the tied mechanism of issuing and listing. Establish new pattern of separating issuing from listing. ─── 取消发行上市联动机制 ,实行发行与上市脱钩的新模式

82、 双语使用场景

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