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08-15 投稿


etymons 发音


英:  美:

etymons 中文意思翻译



etymons 短语词组

1、etymons definition ─── 词义定义

etymons 词性/词形变化,etymons变形

名词复数: etymons |

etymons 相似词语短语

1、etymon ─── n.词源;字的原形

2、telamons ─── n.[建]男像柱

3、-mons ─── n.(Mons)蒙斯(比利时南部城市);n.(Mons)(挪)蒙斯(人名)

4、etymol. ─── 不要行动。

5、hegemons ─── 霸主

6、timons ─── 钻石

7、-tons ─── n.吨;大量;许多(ton的复数形式);n.(Tons)人名;(俄)通斯

8、Symons ─── 西蒙斯

9、penstemons ─── 钓钟柳

etymons 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She asked the teacher why some etymons are difficult to memorize. ─── 她问老师为什么有些字很难记住。

2、Coding for Strokes and the Basic Etymons ─── 二.笔画及基本字根编码

3、By researching on early sound and etymon of nose in Chinese in the light of historical and comparative theories and methodologies. ─── 摘要依据汉语文献材料探索汉语核心词“鼻”的早期音义形式,并探讨汉语表示“鼻”义的这组词的发展演变。

4、The English letter “I” and the Chinese etymon “一” are very much alike , and the English script “ i ” and the Chinese etymon “ 讠” are also alike. ─── 大写英文字母I的笔画与中文字根“一”相似,而英文字母i的手写体又与中文字根“言”的简写“讠”相似。

5、Legal terminology is an essential part of legal language system. This article probes into the etymon of legal terminology and illustrates some translation techniques. ─── 法律术语是法律语言体系的重要组成部分。本文对法律术语的词源进行探究并提出相应的翻译技巧。

6、Hence , these Chinese etymons are merged into a group and their representative is “I”. ─── 因此,将中国数字“一”以及中文字根“讠”和“言”归为一类,以I为代表,其口诀为:一言[堂]。

7、This article is to introduce a speeded-up teaching method of reciting the pithy formula and Memorizing the etymon and practicing bare-handed. ─── 该文介绍一种五笔字型背口诀记字根及徒手练习速成教学方法。

8、Etymon Coding ─── 基字编码

9、An earlier form of a word in the same language or in an ancestor language. For example, Indo-European.duwo and Old English tw are etymons of Modern English two. ─── 词的原形在同一语言中和在祖系语言中一个词的原始形式。例如,印欧语中的duwo和古英语中的twa都是现代英语中two的原形词

10、Grouping and Coding of Etymons ─── 字根的分组和编码

11、Pictographic Coding ultilizes the pictographic relations between the Chinese etymons and the English letters, such as:工and H ,人and V ,日and B etc. ─── 象形码利用中文部首与英文字母之间的象形来编码,例如工与H,人与V,日与B等等。

12、Although convention has same origins as ethics in etymon, content and function, it’s difficult for it to qualify as the ethical starting-point for it lacks the spiritual essence that ethics has. ─── 斯密的基于利已心和“看不见的手”指导和操纵下的经济自由主义是贯穿在整个斯密理论体系中的基本理念。

13、The vocabulary system covers etymons, the formation of words, the changes of morphologies and semantics, the evolution of synonyms and the relationship between the words. ─── 所谓的词汇体系包含词源、词的构成、词法和语义的变化、词汇之间的所属关系、同义词的演变等。

14、Keywords Sino-Tibetan languages;DE structure;synchronic characteristics;etymon relationships;typology; ─── 汉藏语;“的”字结构;共时特征;词源关系;类型学;

15、On the Relationships Among Various Nationalities from the Etymon of the Manchu Word "butambi ─── 从满语butambi词源文化看不同民族关系

16、Since many pairs of Chinese etymon and English letter are pictographicly alike , the etymons required to remember are the least. ─── 3要求记忆的字根最少,因为很多字根与英文字母象形,都不必记忆。

17、Grouping and Coding for Strokes and the Basic Etymons ─── 基本字根的分组和编码

18、This article probes into the etymon of legal terminology and illustrates some translation techniques. ─── 本文对法律术语的词源进行探究并提出相应的翻译技巧。

19、An earlier form of a word in the same language or in an ancestor language. For example,Indo-European.duwo and Old English tw are etymons of Modern English two. ─── 词的原形在同一语言中和在祖系语言中一个词的原始形式。例如,印欧语中的duwo和古英语中的twa都是现代英语中two的原形词。

20、reciting the pithy formula and memorizing the etymon ─── 背口诀记字根

21、In using the key concepts,Heidegger investigates the original meaning of the concepts from the etymons,generates a series of new concepts to replace the former words so as to improve his thinking. ─── 海氏在使用那些关键概念时呈现出这样的特点:非常注重从词源学角度考察概念的原初语义;不断繁衍出一系列新的概念去替换原有的语词,从而推进他的思想。

22、The Etymon and Translation of Legal Terminology ─── 法律术语词源及其翻译

23、In using the key concepts, Heidegger investigates the original meaning of the concepts from the etymons, generates a series of new concepts to replace the former words so as to improve his thinking. ─── 海氏在使用那些关键概念时呈现出这样的特点:非常注重从词源学角度考察概念的原初语义;不断繁衍出一系列新的概念去替换原有的语词,从而推进他的思想。

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