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estuary 发音

英:['estj?(?)r?]  美:['?st??'?ri]

英:  美:

estuary 中文意思翻译



estuary 网络释义

n. 河口;江口

estuary 反义词


estuary 同义词

oestrus | rut |heat

estuary 词性/词形变化,estuary变形

名词复数: estuaries |形容词: estuarial |

estuary 短语词组

1、choked estuary ─── 阻塞河口

2、estuary animals ─── 河口动物

3、estuary plants ─── 河口植物

4、Estuary English ─── 河口英语

5、estuary cafe ─── 河口咖啡馆

6、estuary accent recruiter ─── 河口口音招聘者

7、estuary definition ─── 河口定义

8、estuary accent ─── 河口口音

9、estuary define ─── 河口界定

10、Taz Estuary ─── 塔兹河口

11、estuary crossword ─── 河口纵横字谜

12、estuary moon ─── 河口卫星

13、estuary images ─── 河口图像

14、Thames Estuary Airport ─── 泰晤士河口机场

estuary 相似词语短语

1、bestiary ─── n.动物寓言集

2、actuary ─── n.[保险]保险计算员;保险精算师

3、ossuary ─── n.藏骨堂;骨罐

4、vestiary ─── adj.服装的;n.藏衣室

5、textuary ─── 诠释学家

6、quaestuary ─── 河口

7、custumary ─── 保管

8、electuary ─── n.[药]药糖剂;干药糖剂

9、estray ─── n.迷失的人;迷失的家畜;vi.迷路

estuary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the off shore of Zhujiang Estuary where food supply is abundant, and in Nansha area where irradiance is strong, C-isotope of G. ruber is lighter. ─── 在饵料来源丰富的珠江口外水域,以及光照充沛的南沙海域,G. ruber的碳同位素偏轻。

2、Moraine south of the Yellow River Estuary Tourism Development Zone, East and Lishi Liulin interchange. ─── 南接黄河碛口旅游开发区,东与离石柳林交汇。

3、Application of GPS in Engineering of Shanghai Wusong Estuary Tunnel Etc. ─── GPS在上海吴淞口隧道等工程中的应用。

4、Battleships riding at the mouth of the estuary. ─── 战舰停泊在海港入口处

5、The more mixing that occurs in the estuary, the greater is the landward flow in the subsurface layer. ─── 在河口湾出现的混合越强烈,次表层向陆地方向的流量就越大。

6、Situated on the north bank of the Yangtze River estuary, Nantong has the same geographical advantages as Shanghai. ─── 城南的狼山,为全国佛教八小名山之首,是南通最值得一去的地方。

7、The world's largest electricity generating tidal barrage may be built across Britain's Severn estuary by the end of the century. ─── 在本世纪末世界上最大的发电拦潮大坝可能在横贯英国的塞文河口建立起来。

8、A borough of southwest Ireland on the Shannon River estuary. ─── 利默尼里克:爱尔兰西南部一地区,位于香农河河口。

9、Flushing the Shenzhen River out only pushes the problem further out into the Pearl River Estuary but has not solved the real problem. ─── 引进大鹏湾海水只会把问题推至珠江三角洲河口,无助解决真正问题。

10、The hypoxia zone in the bottom water in the adjacent area of Yangtze estuary is one of the largest in the world. ─── 长江口邻近海域夏季底层水体存在世界上面积最大的缺氧带。

11、The regime of the north channel in the Yangtze Estuary is excellent with a stable discharge ratio and a relatively small sand ratio. ─── 长江口南港北槽具有稳定的分流比和相对较小的分沙比。

12、And the 1,000-megawatt London Array in the outer Thames Estuary is projected to be completed in 2012. ─── 另外,泰晤士河口外面1000兆瓦的伦敦阵列风电场计划于2012竣工。

13、We live near the Thames estuary. ─── 我们的住处靠近泰晤士河入海口。

14、The little bird was found, exhausted but otherwise well, on Sunday after a couple spotted him in a nearby shallow estuary. ─── 周日,一对夫妇在附近的一处浅滩发现了小德克,他看上去十分疲惫,但是健康状况良好。

15、As a feat of engineering it would be remarkable; a barrage stretching for 10 miles across the Severn estuary. ─── 就以工程学来说这将会成就非凡,一道延伸16公里横越赛文河口的巨障。

16、A stretch of water in a river, an estuary, or a tidal channel made rough by waves meeting an opposing current. ─── 巨澜在河流、港湾或潮汐海峡中,由波浪和它对立的水流相撞而成的一条绵延水域

17、The feasibility of using phosphotides to evaluate the microbial biomass in marine and estuary sediments was investigated. ─── 探讨了用磷脂类化合物估价海洋和河口沉积物中微生物生物量的可行性。

18、The incised alley was gradually inundated when sea-level rose during the postglacial period and a huge estuary was formed. ─── 冰后期海平面上升,下切河谷被淹,并转化为河口湾,海水随之扩展到两侧的古河间地。

19、The phase components of the suspended sediments and depositionsin the Changjiang Estuary were determined using the X-ray powde r diffractometer. ─── 对长江口水体固相物质的物相成分,作者首次采用改进的X射线粉末衍射超样本无标分析法取得了较好的分析结果。

20、A river of southwest Scotland flowing about 7 km (0' mi) northwest to the Firth of Clyde, an estuary of the North Channel.The river is navigable to Glasgow for oceangoing vessels. ─── 克莱德河:苏格兰西南的一条河,流程约7公里(0'英里),向西北流至克莱德河口,北海海峡的一个港湾。

21、Also in the Arafura Sea (Ref. 9819).Collected from the estuary of the River Ganges (Ref. 33178). ─── 也在阿拉弗拉海中.(参考文献9819)采集自恒河的河口了。

22、The variation of scour and silt at the estuary of Neijiang river is larger than that at the middle and downstream. ─── 内江河段进口段的冲淤幅度较大而中下段较小,河床冲淤频繁,淘淤的作用有限。

23、A large area of marsh: At low tide in the estuary, cows graze on the marshes. ─── 冲积滩在退潮时,奶牛会在湿地上吃草。

24、A habitat of Uca formosensis is located at the estuary of Putzu Creek, Tungshih, Chiayi County, on the right of this figure is Avicennia marina . ─── 图12.台湾招潮的栖地之一:嘉义县东石朴子溪口,图右侧矮小的红树林为海茄冬。

25、The stability of profiled-block used as the toe-protection of seadefense work s in Qiantangjiang estuary under the action of tidal-bore was researched by a t idal-bore flume. ─── 利用涌潮水槽模拟研究钱塘江河口海塘护脚异型块体在涌潮作用下的稳定特性,结合现场调查分析,认为单纯增加异型块体重量来提高块体的抗冲稳定性,效果不明显。

26、And in oxygenic isotope 1st phase, cause of the postglacial period transgression, most of them is the semi-saltwater environment of estuary area. ─── 在氧同位素1期,发生冰后期海侵,多为入海河口区的半咸水环境。

27、Acipenser sinensis fully mature, and then moved to the area of shallow water into the estuary, where fattening, habitats. ─── 中华鲟完全成熟后,再迁移到我国浅海地区进入河口,在那里肥育、栖息。

28、A river of central Siberian U.S.S.R. flowing about4, 023 km(2, 500 mi) westward and generally north to the Kara Sea through Yenisei Bay, a long estuary. ─── 叶尼塞河苏联西伯利亚中部一河流,流程约4,023公里(2,500英里),向西而且大致向北流经一长海湾叶尼塞湾流入喀拉海

29、A city of western Portugal, an industrial suburb of Lisbon on the estuary of the Tagus River. Population, 50,8'3. ─── 巴雷罗:葡萄牙西部一城市,里斯本的一个工业郊区,位于塔古斯河港湾。人口为50,8'3

30、The back-silting quantities and distributions of Yangtze Estuary Deepwater Channel Project in three phases under normal and typhoon conditions are predicted. ─── 在此基础上采用全沙模型研究了长江口深水航道治理工程一、二、三期工程实施后航道的年回淤量和回淤分布以及发生“二碰头”和“三碰头”时的航道回淤量。

31、The Chesapeake Bay is the largest estuary in United States and its drainage basin includes parts of six states and Washington, DC. ─── 切萨皮克海湾是美国最大的河口,其流域包括了六个州和华盛顿的部分地区。

32、A city of east-central China on the northern bank of the Yangtze River(Chang Jiang) estuary east of Nanjing. It is an industrial center. Population,300, 000. ─── 南通中国中东部的一座城市,位于扬子江(长江)北岸河口、南京以东,是一工业中心。人口300,000

33、The estuary of blue Nile on lake Tana. ─── 图片说明:塔纳湖上,青尼罗河的入口。

34、The canal was built to connect Shefield with the Humber estuary. ─── 修建这条运河是为了将设菲尔德和享伯河河口连接起来。

35、Ningbo Port is a major multi-function deep-water port integrating inland harbors, estuary harbors and sea harbors. ─── 宁波港是一个集内河港、河口港和海港于一体的多功能、综合性的现代化深水大港。

36、Located at Tungting lake bund's Yoyang, is the Hunan only estuary, is also Zhujiang Delta and a long triangle economic cycle intersection point pearl. ─── 位于洞庭湖边的岳阳,是湖南唯一出海口,也是珠三角和长三角经济圈交汇处的一颗明珠。

37、The summer contamination of dissolved nonylphenols(NPs) and octylphenol(OP) in surface water of Zhujiang estuary and other rivers of Zhujiang Delta was analyzed. ─── 对夏季珠江三角洲河流及珠江口表层水中溶解态的壬基酚 (NPs)和辛基酚 (OP)的污染状况进行了分析 .

38、The residue analysis of DDT, BHC and petroleum in the fishes and shellfishes collected from the Minjiang estuary has been undertaken with GC and GC-MS. ─── 应用GC和GC-MS分析了闽江口采的鱼、贝类样品中DDT,BHC及石油的残留量.

39、It rises in the Cotswolds in Gloucestershire and winds 210 mi (338 km) eastward across southern central England into a great estuary, through which it empties into the North Sea. ─── 发源于格洛斯特郡科兹窝德,蜿蜒向东,穿过英格兰中南部注入北海,河口宽阔,全长338公里。

40、An estuary of southwest France formed by the Garonne and Dordogne rivers and opening into the Bay of Biscay. ─── 吉伦法国西南的一个港湾,由加龙河与多尔多涅河形成的,通往比斯开湾

41、Transportation laws of salinity with flow in the Lanmensha area of the Yangtze River Estuary are discussed. ─── 探讨了长江口拦门沙地区盐度随水流的扩散输移规律。

42、We moored in the estuary, waiting for high tide. ─── 我们在港湾停泊,等待涨潮。

43、English: 303. The more mixing that occurs in the estuary, the greater is the landward flow in the subsurface layer. ─── 中文:在河口湾出现的混合越强烈,次表层向陆地方向的流量就越大。

44、Analysis results of an example show that this method can supply the foundation for the feasibility study of sluice construction in the estuary. ─── 实例分析表明,该方法可为河口建闸可行性研究提供依据。

45、Gabon in the north-west border the north shore of the estuary, Bin From the about 46 km. ─── 位于国境西北部加蓬河口北岸,濒大西洋。距赤道约46千米。

46、and a reasonable widening rate of the regulation line in the estuary can readjust the variation of the average water depth along the river. ─── 合理地选择治导线的放宽率,能有效地调整深槽平均水深的沿程变化。

47、Due to the sudden narrowness of the estuary, the flood flowed higher and higher. ─── 因河口急骤缩小, 洪水流势愈来愈大。

48、Poulet S A, Ning X R, Li Y, Shi J X, 1990. Measurements of dissolved free amino acids in the Changjiang Estuary and coastal waters of the East China Sea. PISBCE, 121-130. ─── 任典勇等,1993。东海黑潮区溶解氧垂直分布最大值。见:黑潮调查研究论文选(五)。北京,海洋出版社。

49、The Qiantang estuary model was established,and the formation and propagation process of tidal bore was simulated. ─── 制作了钱塘江河口模型,并模拟了涌潮的形成与传播过程.

50、Fan Lau Fort is located at the south-western tip of Lantau, overlooking a sea passage leading into the Pearl River Estuary. ─── 分流炮台位于大屿山西南端,俯瞰来往珠江的航道。

51、"What are you talking about?" Eshono shouted after him, but Shemsen had found the estuary current and was headed for open water. ─── "你在说什么?"艾绍诺在他身后喊叫,但舍姆森已经进入了河口的水流,向开放水域游去。

52、Shek Kip Northern Cymbidium since Deng Deng northbound I pass the north, south Bailongjiang into two Minjiang estuary, 25 kilometers in length. ─── 大花石峡北自邓邓桥北通北口,南至岷江汇入白龙江的两河口,全长25公里。

53、ZHENG Jian-lu.Chemical forms of heavy metals in water and sediment of Pearl River Estuary [J].Tropic Oceanology, 1985, 4(1): 62-69. ─── [6]郑建禄.珠江及其河口沉积物中重金属的化学形态研究[J].热带海洋,1985,4(1):62-69.

54、Compared with other types of waters, the COC content of Taihu Lake waters was lower than that in rivers but higher than that in ocean, bay and estuary. ─── 与其它有关水体相比,太湖水体COC的含量比河流低,但比海洋、海湾及河口等水体高.

55、SpareDescription: Tendency of deposition in the Guanting reservoir and dredging on mouth bar of the Guishuihe estuary are analyzed by the data from the model experiments. ─── 描述:在实体模型试验的基础上,对官厅水库的泥沙淤积发展和妫水河口拦门沙的清淤疏浚措施进行了研究。

56、Up to 13 lagoons would be dotted around the Severn estuary, not across it. ─── 截至13湖将点缀着塞文河河口,而不是越过它。

57、Temporally,the suspended sediment concentration in the jiaojiang river estuary area show a neap-spring tidal cycle and flood-ebb fluctuations. ─── 在此基础上,本文分析了椒江河口段悬沙浓度的时空变化规律。

58、The gradient distributions of the nutrient concentrations at the estuary and the adjacent sea are consistent with,that of salinity. ─── 在河口及其邻近海域营养盐的分布梯度与盐度的分布一致。

59、There are developed reservoirs with middle high porosity and permeability in the beach sand bar and littoral delta bar of estuary, foreshore-nearshore facies. ─── 刚性颗粒组分含量高和塑性颗粒组分含量低、分选好、古地温低、溶蚀作用是东河砂岩形成中高孔、渗储层的主要原因,这也是该套储层的重要特徵。

60、The typical seasonal(summer and winter) residual circulation in the Bohai Sea is studied with the Osaka Dagaiku Estuary Model(ODEM),3 D baroclinic hydrodynamic model. ─── 以大阪大学海湾模型(ODEM),三维斜压水动力模型研究了渤海夏、冬季节典型余环流结构及其控制因子的影响.

61、Using the Godunov scheme based on the exact Riemann solution with WLF Method, the tidal bore in the Qiantang Estuary is simulated. ─── 应用以准确Riemann解为基础的Godunov格式,结合WLF方法模拟了钱塘江涌潮。

62、The Severn estuary is an important habitat for birds; large barrages would destroy or damage much of it, as well as interfere with fish stocks in the river. ─── 塞文河口是鸟类的栖息地,而大型水坝会在很大程度上破坏或毁坏河口,这同样也会破坏河流中鱼群的生态环境。

63、The model was applied to forecast the desalting tendency in Jian jiang River Estuary under different hydrology conditions. ─── 以鉴江河口为例,运用所建模型,定量预测了不同水文条件下,河口水库水质淡化的趋势。

64、What are you talking about?"Eshono shouted after him, but Shemsen had found the estuary current and was headed for open water. ─── 你在说什么?"艾绍诺在他身后喊叫,但舍姆森已经进入了河口的水流,向开放水域游去。

65、A city of east-central China on the northern bank of the Yangtze River(Chang Jiang) estuary east of Nanjing. It is an industrial center. Population,300,000. ─── 南通中国中东部的一座城市,位于扬子江(长江)北岸河口、南京以东,是一工业中心。人口300,000。

66、Meanwhile, with moist southwesterlies feeding into isolated convective storm over Pearl Estuary, another squall line developed explosively. ─── 与此同时,潮湿的西南气流进入珠江口上空另一个对流暴雨区,急剧引发另一道飑线。

67、The canal was built to connect Sheffield with the Humber estuary. ─── 修建这条运河是为了将设菲尔德和亨伯河河口连接起来。

68、The canal was built to connect Sheffield with the Humber estuary. ─── 修建这条运河是为了将设菲尔德和亨伯河河口连接起来。

69、Shanghai belongs to the alluvial plain of the Yangtze River Delta. To the west of the Yangtze River estuary is Shanghai. ─── 上海坐落在长江三角洲平原上,处在长江入海口的西侧。

70、The suspended sediment concentration in the jiaojiang river estuary area varies with space. ─── 小潮时,南北槽均是涨潮悬沙浓度大于落潮悬沙浓度。

71、The river opens up suddenly into a broad estuary. ─── 河面突然变宽,形成了一个宽阔的河湾。

72、English: 303.The more mixing that occurs in the estuary, the greater is the landward flow in the subsurface layer. ─── 中文: 在河口湾出现的混合越强烈,次表层向陆地方向的流量就越大。

73、It is shown that the shallow water nonlinear effect is the determinant for the generation of a bore, and the varying shape effect of estuary |S a promoter. ─── 得出结论是,在涌潮形成过程中起决定作用的是浅水非线性效应,而河口变形效应则是起促进作用的。

74、A city of east - central China on the northern bank of the Yangtze River(Chang Jiang)estuary east of Nanjing.It is an industrial center.Population, 300, 000. ─── 南通中国中东部的一座城市,位于扬子江(长江)北岸河口、南京以东,是一工业中心。人口300,

75、This paper describes the developing process of the deep navigation channel in the Weser estuary,regulation measures taken,as well as the new development plan. ─── 介绍威悉河口深水航道的开发过程、所采取的整治措施以及新的开发目标。

76、CH4 dynamics in sediments of a Bruguiera sexangula mangrove were studied at Hegang estuary of Dongzhai harbor in Hainan. ─── 对海南东寨港河港河口海莲红树林土壤CH4动态进行研究。

77、Many of the intensively-farmed areas of the industrialized countries are at risk, including the coastal regions of the North Sea, the estuary of the River Po. ─── 工业化国家的很多集中耕地地区,包括北海的沿海地区、路易斯安那河沿岸、芬兰海湾地区,也在危险范围内。

78、Yes, but the farmers, for instance, that I saw down in the Pearl River estuary -- they have motorcycles, they have colour television sets, they are building homes. ─── 在广东珠江三角洲,我看到现在农民生活得很好,有摩托车、彩电,自己盖新房。

79、The abundance mixing those occurs in the estuary, the outstandinger is the earthward flow in the subsurexpression layer. ─── 在河口湾呈现的混合越强烈,次表层向陆地方向的流量就越大。

80、South America: Amazon River basin and estuary near Cayenne, French Guiana. ─── 南美洲:在卡宴,法属圭亚那附近的亚马逊河流域与河口。

81、Most crabs on the mudflat of the estuary of Putzu Creek died because a lot of mud covered this habitat after a typhoon. ─── 图44.朴子溪口栖地大量螃蟹遭受台风过后污泥的掩埋而死亡。

82、As a typical estuary wetland, Minjiang estuary wetland is one of the important stops of migration route for Eastern Asia- Australia birds. ─── 闽江河口湿地是东亚——澳大利西亚候鸟迁徙路线上重要的驿站,属于非常典型的河口湿地。

83、It introduces the application and construction method of various kinds of soft mattresses in the Yangtze Estuary Deepwater Channel Regulation Project. ─── 介绍各种软体排在长江口深水航道治理工程中的应用及施工方法。

84、Dark, and I reluctantly left the estuary, I would like to: "My swimming skills are not sophisticated. ─── 天黑了,我依依不舍的离开了河口,我想:“我的游泳技术还不老练。

85、Sturgeon fishing has been pretty good in the estuary. ─── 鲟鱼捕捞在这个河口一直很好。

86、The advantages of ADCP survey technique, the important role it played in hydrological monitoring of the Yangtze Estuary deepwater channel regulation project are introduced. ─── 介绍ADCP测量技术的优点,以及它在长江口深水航道治理工程水文监测方面所发挥的作用。

87、A river of southwest France flowing about563 km(350 mi) generally northwest from the Spanish Pyrenees to join the Dordogne River north of Bordeaux and form the Gironde estuary. ─── 加龙河位于法国西南部的一条河,流程约563公里(350英里),大致源于西班牙比利牛斯山西北部,与波尔多湾北部的多尔多涅河汇集形成吉伦特海湾

88、Located in New York on the Hudson estuary of the "free island" on. ─── 坐落在美国纽约哈得逊河口上的“自由岛”上。

89、A river, about 346 km (215 mi) long, of northeast North Carolina flowing generally southeast to an estuary of Pamlico Sound. ─── 塔尔河:美国北卡罗来纳州东北部一河流,流程约346公里(215英里),向东南注入帕姆利科湾的一个河口湾

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