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08-15 投稿


designating 发音

英:[?dez?ɡne?t??]  美:[?dez?ɡne?t??]

英:  美:

designating 中文意思翻译



designating 词性/词形变化,designating变形

形容词: designative |动词过去式: designated |动词现在分词: designating |名词: designator |动词第三人称单数: designates |动词过去分词: designated |

designating 短语词组

1、designating antifa ─── 反法指认

2、designating device ─── [计] 指示设备

3、designating means ─── 指定方式

4、target-designating system ─── [电] 目标标示系统

5、designating a time for reading ─── 指定阅读时间的

6、designating a ─── 指定

7、designating def ─── 指定def

8、designating good fortune ─── 表示好运的

9、designating act ─── 指定行为

10、designating specific areas ─── 指定特定区域

11、designating fmla ─── 指定fmla

12、designating agent ─── 指定代理人

designating 相似词语短语

1、designative ─── adj.指定的;指明的;指名的

2、resinating ─── vt.用树脂处理;将树脂渗入;n.[有化]树脂酸盐;尸酸盐

3、desiderating ─── v.渴望

4、designations ─── 指定

5、desalinating ─── v.(从海水中)除去盐分;使(海水)脱盐(desalinate的现在分词)

6、designing ─── adj.有计划的;狡猾的,不怀好意的;n.设计;阴谋;v.设计;计划(design的现在分词)

7、desiccating ─── v.使脱水,变干(desiccate的现在分词)

8、predesignating ─── 预先指示

9、designation ─── n.指定;名称;指示;选派

designating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His design, for the most part, correspond with the actual needs. ─── 他的设计绝大多数情况下都符合实际需要。

2、They rejigged their original design drawing. ─── 他们将原来的设计图纸进行了修改。

3、In printing, a complete range of design variants of a particular typeface. ─── 在印刷技术中,一整套不同设计的特殊字样。

4、The temple has been considered an example of classic design. ─── 人们认为这座神庙是古典式设计的范例。

5、The cutters for fibre strands are simple in design. ─── 原丝切刀造型简单。

6、Did you take out a patent on your design? ─── 你是否取得一项设计的专利?

7、Not having completed the design of this device in last month, I am very sorry. ─── 上个月没有完成这台装置的设计,我很抱歉。

8、The basic design of the Mini has held good for more than twenty-five years. ─── 微型汽车的基本设计已经适用了25年以上。

9、They have a design for a rich, full life. ─── 他们计划过富有意义的生活。

10、Don't expect him to approve of your design straight away. ─── 别指望他能立即支持/接受你的设计方案。

11、Designating a property of a geometric figure that does not vary when the figure undergoes projection. ─── 射影的指定几何图形属性的,以便当这个图形经受影射时不发生变化

12、The interior design is very creative and artistic. ─── 室内设计非常独特,有艺术水准。

13、He chicaned every detail of the design. ─── 他对设计的每一细节都加以挑剔。

14、Right-click menus are used to easily guide the user in designating elements as required or optional. ─── 用户可以使用右击菜单将元素指定为必需的或可选的。

15、The act of appointing or designating for an office or position. ─── 任命,委派任命或指派一个职位或位置的行为

16、Engineers try to design new nuclear power plants to do minimum damage to the environment. ─── 工程师们试图设计新的核电厂以尽量减少对环境的危害。

17、They tried to impress a design on the table-cloth. ─── 他们试图在桌布上印一个图样。

18、Zhou Enlai reciprocated by designating Huang Zhen from Paris. ─── 周恩来相应地把黄镇从巴黎调回委以新任。

19、Designating west-to-eASt motion of a planet in the same direction AS the sun's movement against the stars. ─── 表明行星在同一方向由西向东运动的,太阳与星体正好相反。

20、He hasn't the funds to carry out his design. ─── 他没有资金来施行他的设计。

21、Designating the three basic intervals of the octave, fourth, and fifth. ─── 完全音程的指出八音度、四音度、五音度三个基本停顿的

22、The design or construction of gadgets. ─── 小巧机械的设计或构造

23、A figure or design carved into or beneath the surface of hard metal or stone. ─── 凹雕; 阴文刻在坚硬的金属或石头表面上的图形或图案

24、He has won a prize for excellence in furniture design. ─── 他赢得了家俱设计优胜奖。

25、Of or designating carbon compounds. ─── 与碳化物有关的

26、Be careful, don't buy a schlock car with a pretty design. ─── 小心,不要买品质差造型美的车。

27、A tool for stamping a design on a surface. ─── 压印器一种在表面上打印出图案的工具

28、She specialized in interior design. ─── 她专门从事室内设计。

29、A wheeled vehicle, especially a four-wheeled horse-drawn passenger vehicle, often of an elegant design. ─── 四轮马车带轮子的车辆,尤指马拉的四轮客车,常设计得很精巧

30、For this subject, who thinks he can accede to himself by designating himself in the statement, is no more than such an object. ─── 意识的主体仅仅是如此一个客体,因为他以为他能够在陈述中表明自己身份,他就能够接纳自己。

31、A fine powder, such as pulverized charcoal, dusted over a stencil to transfer a design to an underlying surface. ─── 印花粉撒于镂花模板上以便在其表面上印出图案的细粉末,如磨碎的木炭粉

32、He has secured two commissions to design buildings for a local authority. ─── 他已承包两项为当地政府设计建筑物的业务。

33、They refined their original design. ─── 他们改进了他们原来的设计。

34、They promise to send us the design in a week. ─── 他们答应一周后将图案寄来。

35、He chalked out a rough sketch of the design . ─── 他绘制了设计草图。

36、An area on a diamond marked by lines designating where the batter may stand. ─── 击球区用线标示出来指示击球手站立的球场区

37、They have nothing to do with the design of thermonuclear warhead. ─── 他们]与热核武器弹头的设计毫无关系。

38、A mahogany dresser with an inlaid teak design. ─── 内嵌有柚木装饰的红木衣柜

39、He showed us his new design with much flourish. ─── 他炫耀地向我们展示他的新设计。

40、Next, a directory designating the database partition is added (/NODE0000). ─── 接下来,添加了一个指定数据库分区的目录(/NODE0000)。

41、He did it whether by accident or design. ─── 不知道他是偶然还是有意做了这件事。

42、He advanced a design to advertise the product. ─── 他提出了一个这产品的广告设计。

43、The cardinal number, represented by the symbol1, designating the first such unit in a series. ─── 一基数,用符号1表示,代表一系列中这样的单元中的第一个

44、Do you have the same design in red? ─── 同样图案的你们有红颜色的吗?

45、In Britain, the Design Council gives awards for good industrial design. ─── 在英国,设计委员会给优秀的工业产品设计颁奖。

46、In system development, the realization of a system design in hardware, software, or both. ─── 在系统开发过程中,用硬件、软件或其两者对一个系统设计的具体实现。

47、Be this the only design you have? ─── 你们只有这种图案的吗?

48、The Grand Design reached its rhetorical apogee. ─── 宏伟计划达到口头上的高潮。

49、Application of biological principles to the study and design of engineering systems, especially electronic systems. ─── 仿生学应用有关生物学原理对工程系统的研究与设计,尤指电子学系统

50、The overall design of an epic poem. ─── 一首史诗的总体方案

51、I'm designating you to act for me while I am away. ─── 当我不在时, 我指派你来代替我。

52、The compact family design is ideal. ─── 亲密的家系设计是理想的。

53、Embroider a design on a bedspread. ─── 在床单上绣出一个图案

54、Work hard, put some beef into the design. ─── 努力吧!在这个设计上加把劲。

55、Designating a tone or color, such as pale gray, that suggests little warmth. ─── 冷色调的指音调或颜色,比如淡灰色,使人想到寒冷

56、He makes a rough draft of the new design. ─── 他画了一个新设计的草稿。

57、The bedcover was quilted in a flower design. ─── 床罩被缝成花卉图案。

58、Designating an integer not divisible by two, such as1,3, and5. ─── 奇数的不能被2整除的整数,如1,3和5

59、Expressing or designating repeated action. ─── 反复的表示或描述重复的动作

60、A diamond brooch, not large but dainty in design. ─── 一个钻石胸针 不大 但设计得很精美。

61、You transfer the embroidery design from the paper to cloth by pressing it with a warm iron. ─── 你用热熨斗一烫就把刺绣图样转印到布上。

62、His design took the first prize. ─── 他的设计得头等奖。

63、The truth is that designating new features as "experimental" and announcing them only on a blog is just a charade, a marketing gimmick. ─── 事实上,把新的特色产品指定为“试验版”并只在博客上宣布仅仅是一种伪装、一种行销伎俩。

64、She has received many commissions to design public buildings. ─── 她接受多项委托,设计公共建筑。

65、His business skill complement her flair for design. ─── 他的生意经与她对设计的鉴赏力相得益彰。

66、Mosaic a design on a rosewood box. ─── 将一个图案嵌入红木盒子上。

67、But personally, I like the flower design very much. ─── 但是我本人非常喜欢那些花形图案。

68、He chalked out a design on the blackboard. ─── 他用粉笔在黑板上勾划出一个图样。

69、Creative thinking is the antecedence of design. ─── 创新性设计,必须有创新性思维。

70、I'm afraid I can't finish the design on time. ─── 恐怕我不能按时完成设计。

71、His business skill complements her flair for design. ─── 他的经营技巧和她的设计才能相辅相成。

72、Designating a cadence or chord progression from the dominant to the tonic at the end of a phrase or piece of music. ─── 完全终止的在乐章或乐曲结尾指出由第五音到主音的和声或和弦的

73、What does he think of the latest design ? ─── 他觉得这个最新设计怎么样?

74、Johnson's Design is a big partnership. ─── 强森设计是一个大型合资公司。

75、note : p . o . box is not acceptable . the bank reserves its right by designating its branch for card collection as it thinks fit. ─── 注意:邮政信箱恕不接纳。于特别情况下,银行有权要求客户于指定分行领取其信用卡。

76、He participated in the design of the big bridge. ─── 他参与了那座大桥的设计。

77、Revision is a fact of life in design. ─── 修改并再修改,这是设计生活中的现实。

78、Any network design must satisfy the above laws. ─── 任何网路设计必须符合上述规律。

79、We accomplish this through a process of designating persona types. ─── 在这一步骤中,我们指定人物角色类型。

80、He has drawn up the design draft. ─── 他拟订了设计草图。

81、You can check the mechanic design part. ─── 你可以检查机械设计部分.

82、He wanted to impress a design on wax. ─── 他想在蜡板上压印出图样。

83、Of, relating to, or designating algebra. ─── 代数的代数的,关于代数的或表示代数的

84、They fastened exclusively on the dynamo of the latest design. ─── 他们的注意力完全集中在最新式的发电机上。

85、If it's important enough to do regularly, consider designating a time for it. ─── 如果事情很重要并且需要经常做,考虑为其设定一个时间。

86、His master assigned Paul to be God's representative, designating him for proclaiming God's great, good news, the gospel. ─── 主人分配保罗作上帝的代表,指派他宣扬上帝的福音,伟大的好消息。

87、She attended a school of dress design. ─── 她就读於一所服装设计学校。

88、The full range of type of the same design. ─── 同一种图案的铅字的全范围

89、I long for a return to the simplicity of designating metro exits by the points of the compass. ─── 我盼望着能恢复用方位标地铁出口的简明方式。

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