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08-15 投稿


ambulant 发音

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英:  美:

ambulant 中文意思翻译



ambulant 短语词组

1、ambulant athletes ─── 步行运动员

2、ambulant toilet ─── 流动厕所

3、ambulant edema ─── [医] 移动性 ─── [水]肿

4、ambulant treatment ─── 救护车治疗

5、ambulant clinic ─── [医] 门诊部

6、ambulant blister ─── [医] 游走性水疱

7、ambulant plague ─── [网络] 气喘吁吁的瘟疫

ambulant 相似词语短语

1、ambulacra ─── n.吸垫;柄吸盘;[昆]步行足(ambulacrum的复数)

2、ambulance ─── n.[车辆][医]救护车;战时流动医院

3、ambulator ─── n.[测]测距仪;测程轮

4、ambulances ─── n.[车辆][医]救护车(ambulance的复数)

5、ambulate ─── vi.走动;步行;移动

6、ambulated ─── vi.走动;步行;移动

7、acidulant ─── n.[助剂]酸化剂;酸化刀剂

8、ambulating ─── vi.走动;步行;移动

9、ambulates ─── vi.走动;步行;移动

ambulant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Third Party Tools are components necessary for the compilation of Ambulant. ─── Ambulant的编译需要使用第三方组件。

2、Objective: To analyze the effect of health education on the complication and quality of life of patients with continuous ambulant peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). ─── 目的:分析健康教育对腹膜透析(PD)患者并发症发生及生活质量的影响。

3、ambulatory, ambulant ─── 能走动的, 不卧床的

4、ambulant continuous peritoneal dialysis ─── 非卧床持续性腹膜透析

5、ambulant edema ─── [医] 移动性[水]肿

6、Centralized Management of Laboratory Sheets in Ambulant Clinic ─── 浅谈门诊血液化验单的集中管理

7、Keywords Ambulant tumor;Spine;X-ray computed; ─── 肿瘤转移;脊柱;X线计算机;

8、Ambulant tumor ─── 肿瘤转移

9、The clinical observation of Fentanyl with Atropine for ambulant analgesic abortion ─── 芬太尼与阿托品用于门诊无痛流产的临床观察

10、One may walk in an old district where a curious feeling of liveliness still express itself and end up in the middle of a no-man’s-land where wreckages, ruins, ambulant salesmen and workers coexist. ─── 有人可能会走进一个老城区,会奇怪的发现依然热闹的地方终将在结束在一片无人的废墟中,这里曾经有过流动小商贩和工人的身影。

11、"Suzhou Ambulant Book Caravan for the Juvenile" is a kind of new service practice in Suzhou. This paper introduces its equipments, main tasks, services and circulation. ─── 摘要“苏州市未成年人流动图书大篷车”是出现在苏州的一项新的图书馆服务项目。论文介绍了大篷车的设备配置、基本任务、服务项目和运行情况。

12、Ambulant and semi-ambulant residents have their meals in the dining hall or otherwise in their ward. ─── 除了不能行动,需要高度医药护理的老人,其他的都在楼下餐厅用餐。

13、Mobile belt tail pieces' pedestal main girder is a main support of the ambulant components and stageloaders. ─── 自移机尾基架主梁是小车和转载机机头的主要支撑体。

14、Cerebral ambulant tumor ─── 脑转移瘤

15、ambulant treatment ─── 流动式治疗

16、Result The BMD of the cases with normal ambul ation and ADL ability were obviously higher than that of the cases with lower ambulation and ADL(all P

17、Methods Using case-control study,we measured the blood rheological items of 45 sbjects who were selected from ambulant clinic(patients 23,normal 22). ─── 方法选择患者23例,正常对照22例,分别测量其血液流变学指标。

18、Repeated opening and closing of Ambulant from the command-line interface (CLI) destroys the error buffer each time. ─── 通过命令行界面(CLI)重复打开和关闭Ambulant每次会破坏错误缓冲。

19、Note that, if there is no file to load when the Ambulant window first opens, the window size is minimal; you might have to look for it. ─── 需要注意的是,如果首次打开Ambulant窗口时没有加载文件,则窗口大小是最小化的;您可能必须查找窗口。

20、ambulant radio station ─── 流动电台

21、Statistics showed that about 40% of all the outpatient in emergency and ambulant clinic had fever. Among them fever of the acute upper respiratory tract infection accounts for more than 80%. ─── 据广东省中医院急诊科统计,以发热就诊的病人占急诊门诊总数的40%左右,其中急性病毒性上呼吸道感染发热患者约就占其中的80%以上。

22、Evaluation of standard health education and instruction for patients with continuous ambulant peritoneal dialysis . ─── 腹膜透析患者规范化健康指导的效果评价。

23、Ambulant tumour resemble infarct of brain(analysis of 24 case) ─── 貌似脑梗死的脑转移瘤(附24例临床分析)

24、Keywords mock visit;ambulant clinic;medical expenses; ─── 模拟病人;门诊;医疗费用;

25、Ambulant expressions of CRH and NGF in hypothalamus of focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion rats ─── 局部脑缺血再灌注大鼠下丘脑CRH和NGF的动态表达

26、The centralized management of the ambulant clinic laboratory sheets is a necessary work for modern hospitals . ─── 门诊化验单的集中管理是现代化医院必不可少的一项工作。

27、Electrocardiogram, ambulant ECG, ambulant blood pressure and echocardiogram were all studied before treatment and after treatment 6, 12 and 18 months. ─── 观察干预前和干预后6、12和18个月的心电图、动态心电图、动态血压、心脏超声和血生化的变化。

28、Evaluation of standard health education and instruction for patients with continuous ambulant peritoneal dialysis. ─── 腹膜透析患者规范化健康指导的效果评价。

29、Hubalek, etc. Ambulant recording of light for vision and non-visual biological effects. ─── 庞蕴凡.视觉与照明.中国铁道出版社.1993.北京

30、Keywords ambulant blood pressure;blood sugar;blood lipids;crrelation analysis;aged patients; ─── 关键词动态血压;血糖;血脂;相关分析;老年人;

31、An Analysis of the Use of Medicines in the Ambulant Clinic of the Department of Medical Neurology of the Xuanwu Hospital ─── 宣武医院神经内科门诊用药分析

32、Study on Increase of Peasantry's Ambulant Income and Income of Property in Main Grain Production Region ─── 粮食主产区农民转移性收入和财产性收入增收探讨

33、early ambulant ─── 早期(下床)活动

34、Beyond two weeks (up to four weeks) and in ambulant patients, there is some evidence for treatment with plasma exchange, but no evidence for IVIg use. ─── 对于尚可行走的格林-巴利综合征患者,以及神经系统症状体征出现已超过2周的格林-巴利综合征患者,有一些证据显示血浆置换疗法有一定疗效;



37、The golds in women's discus F42-46 and shot put F42-46 (Ambulant: amputations and other disabilities) went to ZHENG BAOZHU in 2004. ─── 2004年女子掷铁饼F42-46和掷铅球F42-46(可活动的残障:截肢和其他残障)由郑寳珠夺得。

38、Author YANG Qiu shi;GAO Ben;SHI Hui jie;et al (Ambulant Clinic of Prevention and Public Health Department;Harbin Medical University 150001;China); ─── 作者杨秋实;高本;石惠杰;何桦松;杨艳敏;

39、For elderly and less ambulant patients in particular, getting on and off the treatment chair represents more of a challenge. ─── 尤其是老年患者和卧床患者,对上下治疗椅提出了更多挑战。

40、The ambulant doctor's workstation and nurse's workstation speed up the information collection and improve working efficiency. ─── 移动医、护士工作站的运行,信息采集更加快捷,提高了工作效率。

41、Li Lin; Zhao Zigang; Ma Changsheng; et al.Asian Games Village Ambulant Clinic of Logistics Department of General Armament Department of Chinese PLA; Beijing; 100101; ─── 解放军总装备部后勤部亚运村门诊部;解放军306医院皮肤科;解放军总医院皮肤科;

42、5.Environmental laser ambulant paper:Commonly used to make up all kinds of brand, environmental inner &outer soft-hard package. Furthermore, directly print if surface is ok; ─── 环保型镭射转移纸:一般用于制作各种商标、环保型内外软硬包装,表面已保护可以直接印刷。

43、ambulant clinic ─── [医] 门诊部

44、They resembled lofty, ambulant, insectile bundles of reeds. ─── 它们就像一束束高大的、移动的、带虫的芦苇。

45、Research on Establishing Non - Smoking Ambulant Department through Smoking - Control Intervention ─── 医院门诊实施控烟干预的研究

46、Keywords Lercandipine Amlodipine Hypertension Ambulant blood pressure monitoring; ─── 关键词乐卡地平;氨氯地平;高血压;动脉血压监测;

47、Ambulant comes in two formats: stand-alone and browser plug-in. ─── Ambulant支持两种格式:单机版和浏览器插件。

48、ambulant patient (or case); walking wounded ─── 轻伤员

49、ambulant case ─── 能走动患者

50、continuous ambulant peritoneal dialysis units ─── 持续流动的腹膜透析装置

51、ambulant blisters ─── 移动性水疱

52、an ambulant blacksmith ─── 走街串巷的铁匠

53、ambulant blister ─── [医] 游走性水疱

54、At the moment, I refer to myself as "shambling amateur" , "ambulant pacifier" or "milch cow" . ─── 现在我会当自己是“蹒跚的业余人士”、“移动奶嘴”或是“奶牛”。


56、Ambulant (see Resources) is an open source player that is quite close to a complete SMIL 3 implementation. ─── Ambulant(参见参考资料)是一个开源播放器,该播放器非常接近于完整的SMIL3实现。

57、Ambulant has its shortcomings, but these traps will, of course, disappear over time. ─── Ambulant具有它的缺点,但当然,这些漏洞将随着时间而消失。

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