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08-15 投稿


acrobat 发音

英:[??kr?b?t]  美:[??kr?b?t]

英:  美:

acrobat 中文意思翻译



acrobat 词性/词形变化,acrobat变形


acrobat 短语词组

1、install acrobat reader ─── 安装acrobat reader

2、Acrobat Reader ─── 阅读器(软件名)

3、adobe acrobat x pro adobe acrobat x pro

4、adobe acrobat pro adobe acrobat pro

5、acrobat star show ─── 杂技明星秀

6、acrobat reader dc acrobat ─── 阅读器dc

7、adobe acrobat professional adobe acrobat professional

8、circus acrobat ─── [网络] 马戏杂技演员

9、acrobat professional acrobat ─── 专业人员

10、adobe acrobat pro dc adobe acrobat pro dc

11、acrobat pdfmaker acrobat pdfmaker

12、acrobat distiller acrobat ─── 蒸馏器

13、acrobat pro acrobat ─── 专业版

14、adobe acrobat reader adobe acrobat reader

15、acrobat dc acrobat dc ─── 公司

16、acrobat xi ─── 杂技演员席

17、acrobat pdf acrobat pdf

18、Adobe Acrobat ─── 阅读软件

19、adobe acrobat dc adobe acrobat dc

acrobat 相似词语短语

1、acrobatism ─── n.杂技

2、acrobatic ─── adj.杂技的;特技的

3、arobas ─── 芳香

4、aerobat ─── n.飞行器

5、aerobats ─── n.飞行器

6、acrobats ─── n.杂技演员(acrobat的复数形式)

7、arroba ─── n.阿罗瓦(西班牙重量单位)

8、arrobas ─── n.阿罗瓦(西班牙重量单位)

9、acrobatics ─── n.杂技;巧妙手法

acrobat 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He said that no acrobat could ever perform those daring feats unless trained very young. ─── 他说这种惊险的动作一般杂技演员是不能表演的,除非从小受过训练。

2、The presence and appearance of some of the following features depends on which version of Acrobat or Acrobat Reader you are using. ─── 以下某些功能是否可用及其外观取决于您所使用的AcrobatAcrobat Reader的版本。

3、The atmosphere acts not merely as an acrobat on a tightrope pitched far from the vertical, but as an acrobat teetering between tilting and falling, and poised there for millions of years. ─── 大气层的举止不仅仅像一个高空走钢丝的杂技演员,更像一个左倒右歪摇摇欲坠的杂技演员,而且几百万年来一直保持着那个姿势。

4、The terms and conditions of auction sale in Acrobat PDF format ─── 拍卖条款及条件

5、Word does not save changes or you receive an error message in an Office program after you install Adobe Acrobat 7.0 ─── 安装Adobe Acrobat 7.0后,Word无法保存更改或者在Office程序中收到错误消息

6、To open some of our downloads, you will need a program that will open PDF documents. You can download Adobe Acrobat for free, if you need a PDF Reader. ─── 您将需要一些软件来打开我们的PDF文件。

7、Before he started his training on snow, he used to be an acrobat at a circus. ─── 在开始他的雪上项目训练之前,他曾在马戏团当杂技演员。

8、You can get Adobe Acrobat here, free of charge. ─── 您可以由此下载免费的Adobe Acrobat软件。

9、Because she was an acrobat when she was young. ─── 因为她年轻的时候是杂技演员。

10、As if I were an acrobat of some kind ─── 仿佛我是一个身怀某种绝技的人似的。

11、To help us prepare for our show we will go to see an acrobat show in town. ─── 为了让我们有直观的认识,我们会去马戏场看一场杂技表演呢!

12、Software-Asli_com Menjual software asli Windows Xp, Vista, Office, Antivirus, AutoCAD, Corel, Netop, Photoshop, Acrobat, dll dengan harga murah. ─── 地区/亚洲/中国/广东/深圳/商业与经济/制造业-深圳建鸿来实业有限公司生产塑胶制品、弹簧及系列五金制品,含公司简介及厂房介绍。

13、Acrobat sustains a pile of discs by the top of his head jiggly. ─── 杂技演员头上晃晃悠悠地顶着一叠瓷碟。

14、If you do not have any of the above, please download "Acrobat Reader" and "Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 7.0". ─── 如你没有安装以上软件,请下载"Acrobat Reader"和"Asian Font Packs for Acrobat Reader 7.0"。

15、3.He is its victim and seems to spin like a wheel, turning over and over, as an acrobat does somersaults. ─── 他变成了爱情的俘虏,轮子一般地不断打转,活像个杂技演员在翻筋斗。

16、Look at the clever acrobat on the tightrope. ─── 快看,那个灵巧的杂技演员在走绷索。

17、To be a writer was such a strange and foreign thing to want.It was like saying I wanted to be an acrobat. ─── 当作家是那么奇怪陌生的念头,就像说我想要当杂技演员一样。

18、The acrobat went through various contortions. ─── 卖艺人把身体作出各种扭歪的姿态。

19、Users can digitally sign, verify and encrypt PDF files using Adobe Acrobat 6.0 And Reader ─── 利用该解决方案用户可以实现基于Adobe6.0的文档的数字签名和验证、加密

20、I hate working in the family business. Maybe I should just run off and become an acrobat! ─── 在家里忙里忙外真是没意思。也许我该出去当一个杂耍演员!

21、the gymnastic moves of an acrobat. ─── 一种杂技演员的训练动作。

22、an acrobat who performs in the air,as on a trapeze or tightrope ─── 在高空秋千或钢丝上表演的杂技演员

23、Adobe extends its reach into the enterprise with Acrobat 6.0 ─── 凭借Acrobat 6.0,Adobe将其影响范围扩展到企业内部

24、You need to use Acrobat Reader to read the above PDF format document files. ─── 以上PDF格式文件需用Acrobat Reader阅读。

25、Adobe Acrobat and Library Documents Digitalized Construction ─── 与图书馆文献数字化建设

26、The littlest knight couldn't believe his good fortune until he was fully halfway across the ravine, balancing like an acrobat. ─── 小小骑士像杂技演员一般踩着公主的头发过了峡谷,此时他才相信自己确实走了好运。

27、The acrobat’s spinning plate has broken and the strongman’s weights have dropped. ─── 展览的设计者以及博物馆馆长着实花了很多心血来营造出壮观的效果。

28、With 123 Cleaner, you can easily erase the tracks of applications,such as playlist of Realplayer, Mediaplayer, QuickTime, recent files of Office, Acrobat ,Winzip, etc. ─── 与123清洁的,您可以轻松地清除铁轨上的应用,如播放的RealPlayer , mediaplayer来说, QuickTime ,最近的文件的办公室时, Acrobat时, WinZip等。

29、The Guangzhou Acrobat Group of China had a great success of performing in Australia ─── 中国广州杂技团赴澳大利亚演出成功

30、Don't worry, he's an acrobat. ─── 别担心,他是个杂技演员。

31、an acrobat who performs on a rope stretched at some height above the ground. ─── 在高空钢绳上表演的人。

32、The features and applications of their reader softwares induding ReadBook,e_Book,Acrobat Reader and ACPsee are all introduced. ─── 并对其相应的阅读器ReadBook、e -Book、AcrobatReader、ACDsee等工具软件的特点与使用作了说明

33、Does it look like an acrobat standing on his head? ─── 就像个杂技演员在做倒立呢?

34、an acrobat who performs in the air (as on a rope or trapeze) ─── 在高空(如吊绳或吊架)表演的杂技演员

35、His clowning is founded on extreme skill as juggler and acrobat ─── 他的滑稽表演是基于他那魔术师和杂技演员的高超技艺上的。

36、Please download the latest version of the Acrobat Reader Traditional Chinese if forms cannot be read. ─── 如您未能使用申请表,请索取最新中文阅读程式。

37、Fearless acrobat, a Decken's sifaka leaps a chasm a hundred feet deep. ─── 勇敢的杂技演员,一只德肯的狐猴飞过一道一百英尺深的裂缝。

38、The acrobat have a plie of dishes on his head. ─── 4. 杂技演员头上晃晃悠悠地顶着一叠瓷碟。

39、Another 10yr later, we retired. We just like the monkey, doing some acrobat to entertain out grandchildren. ─── 接著的10年,我们退休了,我们得像只猴子表演杂耍来娱乐自己的孙儿,

40、With Icesun System Cleaner, you can easily erase the tracks of applications,such as playlist of Realplayer, Mediaplayer, QuickTime, recent files of Office, Acrobat ,Winzip,Winrar, etc. ─── 与icesun系统的清洁,您可以轻松地清除铁轨上的应用,如播放的RealPlayer , mediaplayer来说, QuickTime ,最近的文件的办公室时, Acrobat时, WinZip , WinRAR的,等等。

41、the contortions of an acrobat ─── 卖艺人所做的软功

42、CloseApp was originally written to automatically close Acrobat after use when scripting from dos .bat files, but CloseApp can used for any windows application or window! ─── closeapp原本的书面自动关闭acrobat后,使用时,脚本从DOS 。蝙蝠档案,但closeapp可以用于任何Windows应用程序或窗口!

43、The star turn In our show tonight will be a group of chinese acrobat ─── 我们今天晚上节目中最精彩的是中国杂技表演

44、then acrobat returned to his element, dipped, zoomed, and sailed out to dive for a fish. ─── 然后它又开始了它的特技表演,俯冲、收翼,一头冲入水中去抓鱼。

45、I saw an acrobat who can spin 5 plates at the same time. ─── 我看到一个可以同时转五个盘子的杂技演员。

46、Acrobat 7.0 Can prevent Word from automatically saving changes to the global template. ─── Acrobat 7.0会防止Word自动将更改保存到Normal.dot文件中。

47、Residual Dynamics of Acrobat in Lichee and Soil ─── 安克锰锌在荔枝树上施用的残留代谢消解规律与安全性评价

48、As an acrobat, when do you feel best about doing your work? ─── 作为一个杂技演员,你什么时候对你的工作感觉最好?

49、An example would be opening a PDF file, with the Acrobat installer as the Failsafe Program.10 Powerful Viewers to Choose From. ─── 2、文件安全保护,程序将压缩以及加密项目中的文件,仅限于使用程序才能浏览或使用其中的文件。

50、Because she was an acrobat when she was yong. ─── 因为她年轻时是个杂技演员。

51、Contact Adobe Systems Incorporated to determine whether an update is available for Acrobat 7.0. ─── 与Adobe Systems Incorporated联系以确定是否有可用的Acrobat 7.0更新。

52、An acrobat can dance on a rope or wire, swing on trapezes, turn handsprings, etc. ─── 一个卖艺人能在绳子上跳舞,盪大秋鞑、大斛斗等。

53、1. The watchers held their breath as the acrobat crossed the tightrope. ─── 当卖艺者走过绷索时,观众都屏住了呼吸。

54、The Adventure of the Hanging Acrobat ─── 吊死的特技演员

55、To open PDF documents, you must have an application called Adobe Acrobat Reader (or Adobe Reader)installed on your computer. ─── 您的计算机必须安装Adobe Acrobat Reader(或Adobe Reader)才能够打开PDF文件。

56、Do we have to redeploy Acrobat 8 again with ALM-disabled media? ─── 我们必须使用已停用ALM的介质重新部署Acrobat 8吗?

57、If needed, some proprietary components can be downloaded from a separate repository, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, RealNetworks RealPlayer, Sun Java Runtime Environment, Macromedia Flash Player etc. ─── 如果您需要,一些专有软件可以从单独的软件包库下载,例如 Adobe Acrobat Reader, RealNetworks RealPlayer, Sun Java Runtime Environment, Macromedia Flash Player 等。

58、When an acrobat wants to keep safety, if he holds one sling using one hand and the other hand fastening the other sling tightly, the end is he holds nothing at all. ─── 他说,杂技演员他想从一根吊绳跳到另一根吊绳的时候,如果他为了安全,既想着用一只手抓住这一根绳,又想着用另外一只手抓住另外一根,最终的结果只有他两根都抓不住。

59、* The agility of the acrobat amazed and thrilled the audience. ─── *灵活的杂技演员惊讶和激动的观众。

60、an acrobat who performs in the air (as on a rope or trapeze). ─── 在高空(如吊绳或吊架)表演的杂技演员。

61、When linking to a non-HTML file, such as Excel, Word or Acrobat, make it evident, by including a small icon next to the link. ─── 已访问的链接颜色应该不同,这样访问者可以了解已经浏览过哪些内容(未访问的链接最好使用紫色或者其它比较柔和的颜色),

62、Acrobat 7.0 Supports Microsoft Active Accessibility MSAA, a standard that enables Windows based programs to easily deliver information to assistive technologies. ─── Acrobat 7.0支持Microsoft Active Accessibility MSAA标准,这一标准使得基于Windows的程序能够轻松地向辅助技术传送信息。

63、Products in the Acrobat 7.0 Family offer different levels of functionality to address specific customer needs. ─── Acrobat 7.0产品家族针对客户的具体需求提供不同层次的功能。

64、The watchers held their breath as the acrobat crossed the tightrope ─── 当卖艺者走过绷索时, 观众都屏住了呼吸。

65、Another popular cross-platform format, and the format most suited to printing, is PDF (also known as Adobe Acrobat). ─── 另一种流行的跨平台格式,也是最适合打印的格式,是PDF(也就是Adobe Acrobat)格式。

66、The father, with the agility of an acrobat, seized a broken-nosed jug which stood on the chimney, and flung the water on the brands. ─── 做父亲的带着走江湖的那股矫捷劲儿,在壁炉上抓起一个缺口罐子,把水泼在两根焦柴上。

67、Download it again and open with latest Adobe Acrobat Reader or Professional. ─── 不好意思,我这里直接打开和保存后打开仍都是乱码.

68、Having installed the Acrobat Reader, you can click on the PDF timetable link and the timetable will automatically be shown in a new internet browser window. ─── 按PDF航班时间表连结,便可在新的浏览视窗阅览时间表。

69、239. Don't be afraid. He's an acrobat. ─── 别害怕,他是位杂技演员。

70、The watchers held their breath as the acrobat crossed the tightrope. ─── 当卖艺者走过绷索时,观众都屏住了呼吸。

71、It fits really nicely into our Acrobat document collaboration strategy. ─── 它非常适合我们的 Acrobat 文档协作策略。

72、The print routine has been tested with HP Laserjet 4ML and Lexmark 3200, with Acrobat Writer by setting the resolution at 600 dpi. ─── 打印 例行进行了测试与惠普LaserJet 4ML和利盟3200 ,与Acrobat作家决议通过设置在600 dpi的。

73、End users with properly installed copies of Acrobat 8 for Windows do not need to have their software reinstalled or adjusted in any way. ─── 已正确安装Acrobat 8 for Windows副本的最终用户无需重新安装软件或进行任何形式的调整。

74、Does it look like an acrobat standing on his head? ─── 就像个杂技演员在做倒立呢?

75、This format is useful if you don't have Acrobat Reader installed. ─── 如果没有安装Acrobat Reader,则此格式非常有用。

76、Operation of adding guiding bar button on PDF file with Adobe Acrobat ─── 在PDF文件上增加导览栏按钮的操作

77、If you are linking to PDF files disclose it : ever clicked on a link only to see your browser freezing while Acrobat Reader launches to open that (unrequested) PDF file? ─── 你一定有过点击链接之后,浏览器就像死掉一样等待AcrobatReader启动,只为了打开一个(你不想看的)PDF?

78、Here you can download the full directions in PDF format (1,3 MB), as well as the Adobe Acrobat Reader for free ─── 您可以在此处下载完整的交通指南,PDF格式(1,3MB),如需要,还可免费下载Adobe Acrobat Reader

79、The "acrobat" is a metaphor for contemporary man in search of his lost humanistic identity. ─── 作品简介:杂技演员是当代人寻找丧失的自我的一种隐喻。

80、A new method for transferring proof files formed in Founder format system to authors'ones using Adobe Acrobat ─── 将北大方正大样文件制成作者校样的新方法

81、The com component will quickly tell you how many pages are in a pdf file without the need for acrobat, ideal for web sites that serve pdf content. ─── COM组件会很快告诉你多少网页中的PDF文件,而不需要杂技演员,理想的网站,提供PDF格式的内容。

82、Garmin, e-sword, lots of games,acrobat, etc... ─── 我倒是有灌很多其他的...

83、If you are running AIM e-Learning from CD, double click on the file called "ar500eng. Exe" and follow the prompts to install Adobe Acrobat. ─── 如果您正在使用光盘,双击名字是"ar500eng.exe"的文件,按照指示进行安装。

84、With Eastsea System Cleaner, you can easily erase the tracks of applications,such as playlist of Realplayer, Mediaplayer, QuickTime, recent files of Office, Acrobat ,Winzip,Winrar, etc. ─── 与eastsea系统的清洁,您可以轻松地清除铁轨上的应用,如播放的RealPlayer , mediaplayer来说, QuickTime ,最近的文件的办公室时, Acrobat时, WinZip , WinRAR的,等等。

85、I can't help but be astonished by that acrobat. ─── 我不能不为那杂技演员而深为惊奇。

86、I can't helpbe astonished by that acrobat. ─── 我不能不为那杂技演员(的表演)而深为惊讶。

87、Don't worry. He's an acrobat. ─── 别担心,他是位杂技演员。

88、A Retrospection of Performance of Acrobat Individual and Development Strategy for Trampoline Tumbling in China ─── 我国技巧单跳成绩回顾与蹦床单跳发展对策

89、The star turn in our show tonight will is a group of chinese acrobat. ─── 我们今天晚上节目中最精彩的是中国杂技表演。



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