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middling 发音

英:[?m?dl??]  美:[?m?dl??]

英:  美:

middling 中文意思翻译






middling 网络释义

n. 中级品adj. 中等的;第二流的adv. 中等v. 把…放在中间(middle的ing形式)

middling 词性/词形变化,middling变形

副词: middlingly |

middling 短语词组

1、middling synonym ─── 中等同义词

2、middling warm ─── 中等温暖

3、middling fare ─── 中等票价

4、middling meat ─── 中段肉

5、middling define ─── 中等定义

6、middling grade ─── 中等年级

7、middling synthesizer ─── 中型合成器

8、middling product ─── 中间产品

9、middling and hard cycling days ─── 中等强度和高强度循环日

10、middling selectivity ─── 中等选择性

11、middling sort ─── 中等阶层

12、fair to middling ─── 过得去, 还算好

13、middling men ─── 中等的男人

14、flotation middling ─── 浮选中矿

15、middling talent ─── 中等人才

16、middling marketers ─── 中等规模营销人员

17、middling drinking problems ─── 中度饮酒问题

18、middling definition ─── 中等定义

19、middling standard ─── 中等标准

middling 常用词组

fair to middling ─── 过得去;还算好

middling 特殊用法

1、flour middlings ─── 中粗粒精(面)粉

2、rye middlings ─── 粗黑麦粉

middling 相似词语短语

1、muddling ─── v.弄乱;(使)困惑;混淆;懵懵懂懂地白忙;调制(饮料)(muddle的现在分词)

2、tiddling ─── tiddling

3、widdling ─── 寡居

4、meddling ─── n.干预;瞎管;v.干预;瞎弄(meddle的ing形式);adj.干预的

5、diddling ─── vt.骗取;欺骗;浪费;vi.快速摇动;闲混;瞎摆弄

6、fiddling ─── adj.无用的;无足轻重的;微不足道的(等于fiddly);n.诈骗;v.拉小提琴;虚度时光(fiddle的ing形式)

7、piddling ─── adj.琐屑的;无用的;不重要的;v.撒尿;鬼混(piddle的ing形式)

8、middlings ─── n.[粮食]麦麸;中间产品(middling的复数)

9、riddling ─── n.筛选;adj.谜一样的;解谜的;v.出谜题;解谜(riddle的现在分词)

middling 习惯用语

1、fair to middling ─── 过得去, 马马虎虎

2、only middling ─── 过得去, 一般

middling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In actual construction, plank of waterproof coating, PVC and aluminous gusset plate are the material that as string of 1 in kitchen toilet top middling is used. ─── 在实际的施工中,防水涂料、PVC板材和铝扣板是在厨房卫生间吊顶中常使用的材料。

2、Bagnio middling of ancient time uses a few coin, that has special use. ─── 古代的妓院中常用一些钱币,那就有非凡的用途了。

3、Middling and small modulus gear ─── 中小模数齿轮

4、InMenstruationThe abdomen having hilum that ill middling involves, little stomach, alvine, these place are genital official is main distributinging area. ─── 在月经病中常涉及的有脐腹、少腹、小腹,这些部位是生殖器官的主要分布区。

5、"He says: The heifer should be neither too old nor too young, but of middling age. ─── 他说:“我的主说:那头牛确是不老不少,年龄适中的。

6、Good Middling Lighter Spotted ─── 上级淡点污棉

7、The analysis of clothing consuming and marketing strategy for the middling income community ─── 上海中等收入群体服装消费分析和营销对策

8、Low Middling Lighter Spotted ─── 下级淡点污棉

9、"What kind of weather did you have on your holiday? ""Fair to middling." ─── “你度假时天气怎样?”“还好。”

10、I feel only middling. ─── (非正式)我身体觉得还好。

11、The geologic hazards risk is partitioned into dense development region, middling development region, haphazard occurring region and occurring hardly region based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. ─── 分区结果表明:灾害密集发育区和灾害中等密集发育区主要分布在贵州省西南部及东北部的部分地区;

12、Its technological system and parameters were founded on the middling experiment. ─── 在中试研究基础上确定了它的工艺制度与参数。

13、Technology of middling regrinding and magnetic separation ─── 中矿再磨磁选

14、The method that we see to its middling only tries to analyse, have certain help to the economic activity of the enterprise with its. ─── 我们只对其中常见的方法加以分析,以其对企业的经济活动有一定的帮助。

15、A middling Old World power, how is France to do this? ─── 作为一个欧洲中等国家,法国要如何恢复其昔日地位呢?

16、a middling nice cake(bHatfield MA Valley Advocate) ─── 一个相当不错的蛋糕(b哈特菲尔德ma谷辩护律师)

17、In a middling rainfall condition, calcium eluviate and movement in uprightness direction. ─── 一次中等程度的降雨条件下,钙在土壤垂直方向上发生淋溶迁移转化。

18、Tom, it was middling warm in school, warn't it? ─── 汤姆,学校里挺热的,是吗?

19、"Just ordinary brains," said Peter, "Middling good, and middling bad, like most of the folks round here." ─── “平常的智慧就行了”,彼得说,“不太好也不太坏的,就象这里周围大多数人那样的智慧就行了。”

20、Discussion on the question of allotting farmland to males of middling age under land disribution system ─── 关于均田制下中男受田问题的探讨

21、Middling and minitype enterprises ─── 中小企业

22、The Research of the Machine Teaching Material Developments in the Middling Vocational Education ─── 中等职业教育机械类专业教材建设研究

23、a man of middling height ─── 中等身材的男子

24、a middling nice cake(Hatfield MA Valley Advocate) ─── 一个相当不错的蛋糕(哈特菲尔德ma谷辩护律师)

25、Good Middling Yellow Stained ─── 上级黄染棉

26、Snoring in 145 cases (100%),choking during sleep in 87 cases (60%),daytime lethargy in 74 cases (51%),memory failing in 59 cases (40.7%),light hypoxemia at night in 50 cases (40%),middling in 53 cases (42%),heavy in 26 cases(18%). ─── 145例OSAS中10 0%有打鼾 ,6 0%有夜间憋醒 ,5 1%白天嗜睡 ,40 .7%有记忆力减退 ,40%有夜间轻度低氧血症 ,42%有中度低氧血症 ,18%有重度低氧血症。

27、They found that the faces of children and adults of middling years did seem to give away intelligence, while those of teenagers and the elderly did not. ─── 他们发现小孩的脸和中年人的脸确实看上去散发出一股聪明的气息,而十几岁的青少年和老年人的脸就没有。

28、He was never more than a fair to middling student. ─── 他只是一个马马虎虎、混得过去的学生。

29、Jack, with a body well-proportioned, about the middling, a pair of intense big eyes, has become the target of many pretty girls. ─── 杰克体型匀称,个头适中,一双大眼睛炯炯有神,成了许多女孩追求的目标。

30、The Investigation and Analysis of the Psychological Anxiety of the Freshman in the Middling Occupational Nursing School and the Senior High School ─── 中职护理新生与高中新生心理焦虑状况调查分析

31、He is middling height with black short hair. He is very thin with a pair of glasses. ─── 22他中等个子留着黑色短发。他很瘦戴着眼镜。

32、Keywords Step-by-step priority Middling regrinding Combined regrinding Copper Concentrate grade; ─── 分步优先;中矿再磨;合并再磨;铜精矿品位;

33、Middling uses Chinese traditional medicine blindly is " of medical " earthworm to point to? ─── 中药中常用的一味药"地龙"是指?

34、We are specialize in middling and noblest necktie and shirt, include designing, producing and sale together. ─── 厂址位于上海市松江工业开发园区。

35、Anti-oxygen series, mainly exported to Euro and USA. Superior quality products and more comprehensive service, fit in with top and middling market. ─── 公司抗氧剂系列产品,在质量上均达到出口欧美中高端市场的标准。公司产品目前以出口外销为主,少量产品供应国内市场。

36、"I was middling well till I see you, young fellow," said the old woman. ─── “不看见你我倒是挺好的,小伙子。”老妪说道。

37、"I was middling well till I see you, young fellow," said the. ─── “不看见你我倒是挺好的,小伙子。”老妪说道。

38、The Reform of State Middling and Small Enterprise ─── 国有中小企业进行民营化改革的思考

39、Fabrication of Middling Temp Shift Converter ─── 中温变换炉的制造

40、Nozzle : K type, W type, middling long nozzle, thread nozzle and pulse nozzle. ─── 喷嘴系列:K型、W型、中长喷嘴、螺纹喷嘴、脉冲喷嘴等。

41、Liu Peng is a good student. He is tall. He has curly brown hair and middling stature. He likes reading and playing chess. ─── 34刘鹏是一个好学生。他个子很高。他留着卷曲的褐色的头发。中等身材。他爱好读书下棋。

42、a school of middling size ─── 中等规模学校

43、Problems in Chinese medicine education of middling medical schools together with countermeasures ─── 中等医学专业学校中医教育中存在的问题及其对策

44、Water of kitchen, toilet ooze is the problem that adornment middling appears, he brought the inconvenience of the life to owner not only, and still affect the relation between neighborhood. ─── 厨房、卫生间渗水是装饰中常出现的问题,他不仅给业主带来了生活的不便,而且还影响邻里之间的关系。

45、Problems existed in construction of hospital nursing group in middling and small cities and its countermeasures ─── 中小城市医院护理队伍建设存在的问题与对策

46、"How are you today, George?" "Fair to middling." ─── “乔治,今天你好吗?”“还过得去。”

47、He says he's only (feeling) middling today ─── 他说他今天(身体)还算好

48、Beatles enjoyed only middling success until 1963. ─── 直到1963年,甲壳虫乐队的成功还只是一般般。

49、Investigation of psychological inquietude problems in the middling occupational nursing students ─── 中等职业护士生心理不安倾向的调查

50、However, all of the bikes have one thing in common, said the magazine - they offer middling performance at a premium price tag. ─── 不过,报道称,所有这些自行车都有一个共同特点:价格令人咋舌,性能差强人意。

51、He's neither tall nor short, but of middling height. ─── 他不高不矮,个子中不溜儿的。

52、In truth there were more questions raised than answered in a performance that was neither impressive nor depressive, but rather one of middling proportions. ─── 事实上这样的表现提出的问题远多于答案,这样的表现既不令人兴奋,也不令人压抑,而是一种中间比例.

53、From the best the middling the leftovers he receives alms. Sustaining himself on what others give, neither flattering nor speaking disparagement: The enlightened call him a sage. ─── 依靠别人布施生活,无论获得上等的,中等的或其他的饭团,即不赞扬,也不抱怨,智者们称这样的人为牟尼。

54、Wanglin is the header of the basketball team. He is tall, middling stature. His hair is short and straight. ─── 31王林是篮球队的队长,他个子高,中等身材.头发短而直.王林非常受欢迎.

55、Design and Wind Tunnel Experimental Investigation of Middling Sweepback Wing Plane Parameter ─── 中等后掠机翼平面参数设计与实验研究

56、Keywords grade;recovery;middling treatment;flow sheet;concentration;concentrate; ─── 品位;回收率;中矿处理;流程;富集;精矿;

57、In order to reduce spending on legal aid for poor litigants and open the courts to people of middling means, the government allowed lawyers to accept clients on a conditional basis. ─── 为了减少对穷人的法律援助费的开销以及鼓励中产阶级多打官司,政府允许律师收取“条件费”。

58、He is a skier of middling skill. ─── 他的滑雪技术一般般。

59、Although middling only account for 14% of the products in Chuxiong Mining and Metallurgy Company, it has great influence on the stability and inprovement on the operation indexes. ─── 中矿在流程中产率仅有14%左右,但它对流程的稳定及指标的提高却影响很大。

60、The great walks with the small without fear.The middling keeps allof. ─── 伟大坦然地与低微同行,平凡却不与它为伍。)

61、Analyzing a Couple of Main Problems about the Course Reforms on the Middling vocational School ─── 中等职业学校课程改革中几个主要问题分析

62、In the bridge-construct, middling and small span bridges are the majority.How to design well and truly, fleetly, economically and rationally is the designer’s desired goal. ─── 其中,在桥梁的建设中,中小跨径的梁桥在数量、规模上都占了多数,如何准确、快速、经济、合理地进行桥梁结构设计已经成为广大设计人员孜孜以求的目标。

63、Thinking about the Mode that Educates Person With Ability of Innovation and Founding a Business on the Middling Vocational School ─── 关于中职培养创新创业人才整体融合模式的思考

64、He says he's only (feeling) middling today. ─── 他说他今天(身体)还算好.

65、The attacks were of middling complexity. ─── 袭击不算太复杂。

66、The great walks with the small without fear. The middling keeps allof... ─── 伟大坦然地与低微并肩而行.平凡却不与他为伍.

67、Treatment of low-grade tin concentrate and tin middling ─── 低品位锡精矿和锡中矿处理

68、middling ; medium goods ; common goods ; good fair average(G.F.A.) ; fair average quality(F.A.Q.) ─── 中级品

69、In the right context, a middling show can survive. ─── 在适当的场合,中等的节目能幸存。

70、Most are for “petty”patents: middling technology that undergoes minimal review and receivesonly a 10-year term. ─── 其中大部分属于“实用新型”专利:只需要经过最简单审查并只有10年有效期的中等技术。

71、The Course Exploitation Based on the Middling Vocational School Itself: Vindication, Animadversion and Developments ─── 中职校本课程开发:辩护、批判与建议

72、Ma Yan is very thin, middling height with golden short ringlet. She is very beautiful, but doesn't like talking. ─── 32马艳长得很瘦,中等个子,留着金色的卷曲的短发.她很漂亮,但是有点内向(不爱说话)。

73、The Da Vinci Code is a middling adventure game take on Dan Brown's mega-selling novel, but it does do at least a few things reasonably well. ─── The Da Vinci Code是一款披着丹·布朗百万级销量小说外衣的中等品质冒险游戏,不过它至少有少数东西还是做的相当不错的。

74、LIKE Caesar's Gaul, North Rhine-Westphalia is divided into three parts: the rich Rhineland, middling Westphalia and the poor, sooty Ruhr. ─── 和恺撒的高卢地一样,北莱茵威斯特法伦被一分为三:富饶的莱茵兰、中等的威斯特法伦和又脏又穷的鲁尔。

75、Jack, with a body well-proportioned, about the middling, a pair of intense big eyes, have becoming the target of a lot pretty girls. ─── 杰克体形匀称,个头儿适中,一双大眼睛炯炯有神,成了许多女刚出生的孩子追求的目的。

76、The Middling Profesional Schools Should Strenghten on Students'Psychology Quality Education ─── 中等职业学校应加强学生的心理素质教育

77、And the author makes a analysis of the flour milling benefit between low grade wheats and middling grade wheats. ─── 同时作了低等级小麦与中等小麦出粉效益分析。

78、middling and small scale problem ─── 中小规模问题

79、Keywords Magnetite;Magnetic field screening separator;Technology of middling regrinding and magnetic separation;Cleaning by magnetic field screening separator; ─── 关键词磁铁矿;磁场筛选机;中矿再磨磁选;磁场筛选机精选工艺;

80、Study on the Cultivating Land's Space-time Dynamic Change of Middling and Low Land in the West of Sichuan Basin--Taking Yucheng District as An Example ─── 四川盆地西缘中低山地区耕地时空变化的研究--以雅安市雨城区为例

81、poor to middling in quality. ─── 品质介于差和中等之间的。

82、The Idea,Target and Mode of the Course Exploitation Based on the Middling Vocational School Itself ─── 中职校本课程开发的理念、目标取向和模式

83、Correlation analysis of middling nursing students'mental health and alexithymia ─── 中等护理专业学生心理健康状况与述情障碍

84、Treatment Practice of Tailings Rock from the Magnet Separator of Middling in the Xing an Branch Factory ─── 兴安分厂中煤磁选尾矿的治理

85、"a middling nice cake" (Hatfield MA Valley Advocate) ─── “一个相当不错的蛋糕”(哈特菲尔德MA谷辩护律师)

86、The Da Vinci Code is a middling adventure game take on Dan Brown's mega-selling novel, but it does do at least a few things reasonably well. ─── TheDaVinciCode是一款披着丹·布朗百万级销量小说外衣的中等品质冒险游戏,不过它至少有少数东西还是做的相当不错的。

87、The investigation and analysis of smoking and hygiene knowledge of students in middling health school ─── 中等卫校学生吸烟及卫生知识情况调查与分析

88、But while China may be a middling economy by GNP, its aggregate size gives it a lot of clout. ─── 不过,虽然从中国的国民生产总值看来是一个中等经济,但它的总规模却给予很大的影响力。

89、It may be that only the middling, manufactured sort of hit will fall by the wayside: the genuinely popular variety will remain just as powerful. ─── 也许那些二流的,滥制的所谓的卖座品会被淘汰,而真实的流行的多样性却依然强大。

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