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08-15 投稿


chirping 发音

英:[?t???p??]  美:[?t???rp??]

英:  美:

chirping 中文意思翻译



chirping 词性/词形变化,chirping变形

动词第三人称单数: chirps |动词现在分词: chirping |动词过去分词: chirped |动词过去式: chirped |

chirping 短语词组

1、chirping noise ─── 啁啾噪声

2、chirping sound ─── 呖 ─── 呖

3、chirping birds ─── 鸣叫的鸟

4、chirping of cicadas ─── 蝉鸣

5、chirping sparrow ─── 啁啾麻雀

6、chirping smoke detector ─── 啁啾感烟探测器

7、chirping sound of sparrow ─── 麻雀啁啾声

8、chirping chicken ─── 唧 ─── 唧鸡

9、chirping crickets ─── 鸣叫的蟋蟀

10、duckling chirping ─── 小鸭啁啾声

11、chirping bird ─── 鸣叫的鸟

12、chirping robins ─── 啁啾知更鸟

13、chirping budgies ─── 唧 ─── 唧喳喳的鹦鹉

14、crickets chirping ─── 蟋蟀啁啾

chirping 相似词语短语

1、chirring ─── n.(蟋蟀或蝉发出的)短暂或刺耳的颤音,唧唧叫声;v.发出刺耳的颤音,唧唧叫

2、chirling ─── 唧唧喳喳

3、chirting ─── 唧唧喳喳

4、chirruping ─── n.吱喳声;v.(尤指小鸟)唧唧叫;(人)尖声说;(人)活泼高兴地说;抱怨;故意惹怒(某人)而说,奚落(chirrup的现在分词,chirrup等于chirp)

5、chirpingly ─── 叽叽喳喳地

6、chipping ─── v.打破;凿下(碎片);削成;(边缘或表面)剥落;打(或踢)高球;将(土豆等)切条;植入微芯片(chip的现在分词);n.(石或木等)碎屑;(铺路或铁轨用的)碎石;切削

7、chirking ─── v.使……高兴,使……快活;adj.兴致好的,快活的;n.(Chirk)(乌克兰、法、美)奇尔克(人名)

8、chirpings ─── n.[昆]鸣叫;啁啾声;鸟叫声;v.叽叽喳喳地讲话;唧唧地叫(chirp的ing形式)

9、chirming ─── n.鸟鸣声;v.(鸟)吱喳叫;低声哼唱

chirping 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、So then, at dawn, when we have waked up from sleep and are still tossing about in bed, we hear a chorus of chirping songs like a celestial symphony. ─── 将旦时睡梦初醒,尚展转在被,听一片啁啾,如云门咸池之奏。

2、They are basically quiet cats in voice, however they do trill, chirp and click when delighted. ─── 在声音上它们基本算得上安静,然而高兴时它们会发颤音、唧唧声和短而轻的声音。

3、All of a sudden become a quiet classroom chirp up. ─── 安静的教室顿时变得叽叽喳喳起来。

4、"Language", here is not chirp, but focus on when their head and singing depict DouChan XiZhang tail movements, this is the visual image. ─── “语”,在这里不光是鸣声,而是侧重于刻画鸟鸣时摇头张口与尾部翕张抖颤的动作,这是视觉的形象。

5、The sparrows still chirping on the branches. ─── 噪雀数枝桠。

6、Influence of the chirp on the intensity distributions of an apertured pulse[J]. ─── 引用该论文 Runwu Peng,Yunxia Ye,Zhixiang Tang,Shuangchun Wen,Dianyuan Fan.

7、To utter a succession of light chirping or tremulous sounds;chirrup. ─── 啁啾发出连续的轻的啁啾声或抖动的声音;

8、At night the crickets chirp in the woods. ─── 夜里蟋蟀在林中唧唧地叫。

9、It is also verified that DOP was independent of chirp and fiber dispersion in experiment, which made the theoretical analysis of DOP-DGD easy. ─── 实验还表明偏振度的大小与脉冲啁啾和光纤色散无关,从而肯定了将实际光脉冲化简为准单色光波分析的可行性。

10、The sun is shining, the sky is a bright blue, the birds are chirping in the nearby trees. ─── 太阳灿烂地照耀着,天空呈亮蓝色,鸟儿在附近树上啁啾,

11、The birds are chirping. ─── 小鸟吱吱喳喳地叫着。

12、It's not the chirping,rambunctious play that they did when they first arrived. ─── 他们现在已经不像刚开始见面那会儿,总是冲着对方乱叫,或者在玩耍时动作粗暴。

13、BRAKES: Are your brakes mushy?Do they sink to the floor when you hold them at a stoplight?Do they pull to one side, chirp, or groan?If so, have them checked immediately. ─── 刹车:刹车是否失灵?当见到车尾停车灯亮时刹车,能否杀住?刹车是否偏位?有无吱吱或咯吱响声?如有,立即检修。

14、And chirp gratings arc adopted to improve the diffraction efficiency. ─── 并采用变周期的方法提高红外衍射效率。

15、With any hint of warmth, chickadees emerge from their sheltered caverns of thick brush, chirping softly and eating, always eating. ─── 一有天气转暖的迹象,山雀就会从藏身的厚厚的树枝洞里出来,轻轻地唱上几句,然后就是吃,总是在吃。

16、Accurate measurement of grating period of periodically poled crystal by using broad band chirp pulse second harmonic generation[J]. ─── 引用该论文 曾小明,隋展,朱启华,黄小军,邓青华,魏晓峰.

17、The Chinese enjoyment of croaking frogs, chirping crickets and intoning cicadas is immeasurably greater than their love of cats and dogs and other animal pets. ─── 中国人在欣赏青蛙的咯咯声,蟋蟀的唧唧声和蝉的鸣声的时候,其乐趣是比他们对猫狗及其他家畜之爱更大的。

18、I was awakened by the chirping of the birds this morning. ─── 今天早晨我被鸟叫声唤醒。

19、The still evenings have no motion or sound except for the chirping of crickets and the buzzing of countless junebugs under the streetlights. ─── 寂静的夜晚,周围无声无息,没有一丝动静,只有蟋蟀在鸣叫,无数的六月鳃金龟在路灯底下嗡嗡作响。

20、English Introduction: Minor ?B chirping together shouts strike a birdie with mouse bid left key. ─── 中文介绍:欢迎您玩"小鸟吱吱喳喳叫"这个小游戏,小鸟吱吱喳喳叫

21、But I can tell you this: I wake up with the sun and the birds chirping, just like I did when I was a little girl. ─── 但我可以告诉你这一点:我醒来与太阳和鸟啁啾,就像我当时我是一个小女孩。

22、It's just as I overhear a bird chirp in its dream and then I would like to sing for her silently all my life. ─── 就像我偶然听到一只小鸟的梦呓,我就没有任何理由不在心中为她歌唱一生。

23、A cricket an inch long has a chirp that is audible for nearly a mile. ─── 一英寸长的蟋蟀发出的唧唧声在将近一英里远的地方都能听见。

24、Chirp allows you to generate and record the chirp defined by default on application start or by in Settings menu. ─── 声音允许您生成和记录在应用开始或在设置菜单定义的短促声波。

25、Furthermore,the suitable chirp of fundamental field can reduce the distortion of third-harmonic pulse and increase the third-harmonic conversion efficiency. ─── 合适的基频光频率啁啾可以减小三倍频光脉冲的畸变,并有效地提高三倍频转换效率.

26、"It's not the chirping, rambunctious play that they did when they first arrived. ─── 他们现在已经不像刚开始见面那会儿,总是冲着对方乱叫,或者在玩耍时动作粗暴。"

27、The chirped fiber Bragg grating used in our experiment is obtained by chirping a 10 cm long uniform grating into a chirped one. ─── 实验中所用啁啾(Chirp)光纤光栅系由10cm长的均匀光纤光栅线性啁啾化而得。

28、Taken into account the third-order dispersion in a single-mode fiber by means of Fourier-transform algorithm, an analytic expression of chirp is obtained. ─── 利用傅里叶变换法推出了三阶色散所致啁啾的解析表达式。

29、A bird flew by me, chirping and singing.It interrupted my thoughts. ─── 一只鸟飞过,嘁嘁喳喳地叫着,打断我的思绪。

30、A weak chirping sound, as of a young or small bird. ─── 啁啾声微弱的鸟鸣声,如幼鸟或小鸟的叫声

31、Compensation of Nonlinear Chirp in Synthetic Aperture Imaging Ladar[J]. ─── 引用该论文 Xu Nan,Liu Liren,Lu Wei.

32、Now the tiresome chirping of a cricket that no human ingenuity could locate, began. ─── 这时,一只蟋蟀开始发出烦人的唧唧声,而人们根本找不到它在哪。

33、Everything that lived or grew was oppressed by the glare; except the lizard, passing swiftly over rough stone walls, and cicada, chirping its dry hot chirp, like a rattle. ─── 一切动物和植物都受到这耀眼光芒的压抑;例外的只是在那凹凸不平的石墙上敏捷爬行的蜥蜴和拨浪鼓似地发出强烈鸣声的蝉儿。

34、A chirp grating is placed inside a multimode interference (MMI) structure to shorten the device length and increase wavelength tolerance. ─── ??了缩短组件长度并增加波长变动容忍度,我们在多模干涉结构里面旋转一个周期渐变光栅。

35、With this as background, the suona section plays a vigorous, piping tune in imitation of the chirping of birds in flight. ─── 在它的衬垫下,高亢明亮的唢呐细腻地模拟各种飞鸟啼鸣。

36、But I can tell you this: I wake up with the sun and the birds chirping, just like I did when I was a little girl.I always wake up smiling, and I love what I do. ─── 不过我可以告诉你,一如当年,现在我每天都在阳光鸟语中醒来,总是笑着醒来并且热爱我所做的一切。

37、Cascading Acousto-Optic Modulator Used in Linear Chirp Waveform Coherent Ladar System[J]. ─── 引用该论文 杨苏辉,吴克瑛,赵长明,刘杰,魏光辉.

38、The Volt is by no means a sports sedan, but it will briefly chirp its tires when pulling away from a stop. ─── 伏安绝不是运动轿车,但将其简单地啁啾时轮胎脱离停止。

39、Chirp, chirp, little chicken, They are worried, not seeing the mother hen. The chicke... ─── 小鸡唧唧唧,妈妈不在真着急。你挤我,我挤你,紧紧团结在一起。

40、"In the early moring, birdies are chirping and twittering in hunger.Their mama is finding food tiredly outside. ─── “清晨,小鸟们饿的叽叽喳喳的乱叫,鸟妈妈飞到外面正在辛辛苦苦的寻找着食物。

41、Additionally, the sounds of birds chirping in the morning can provide a great natural alarm clock. ─── 另外,在上午骊鸟音能提供一个伟大的自然闹钟。

42、It was 10am and I was doing my 12km jog along the scenic seaside with blue skies, blue-green seas, green trees, colorful flowers, birds chirping and sweet floral fragrance. ─── 上午10点,我沿着新加坡风景如画的海边进行12公里的慢跑,碧海蓝天,绿绿的树,五彩的花,鸟儿在欢唱,空气中弥漫着醉人的芳香。

43、To chirp or whistle, as a bird does. ─── 唧唧喳喳地叫象鸟类似地尖叫

44、I named him Squeak because of his constant squeaky chirping. ─── 因为它常吱吱地欢叫,我便给它取名“佳乐”。

45、Very glad to be free active once more, Tithonus jumped about in the fields all day, chirping happily to Aurora. ─── 泰索尼斯很高兴能再自由行动,就整天在田野里乱跳,很愉快地对欧洛拉叫着。

46、The chirping sound of the nightingale, not only won the approval of the educated from all around the world, but also won the tears from the Chinese emperor. ─── 夜莺那曼妙的嗓音,赢得了全世界博学之士的推崇,也赢得了中国皇帝的眼泪。

47、Obviously, they were beset with wrath-they had no appetite and did not chirp at all, just flapping their wings to jostle against the cage. ─── 它们的愤怒是显而易见的,不太爱吃东西,也不叫,只是在笼子里不停地飞,冲撞着笼子。

48、On my way to school I can see the babbling water in the brook, hear the frogs creaking, cuckoos cuckooing, sparrows chirping in the woods. ─── 上学路上,我能看见溪中的潺潺流水,能听见青蛙鸣、杜鹃啼,麻雀叫。

49、The chirping of flying gull couples in cold I hear. ─── 寒鸥相对飞。

50、However the longer chirp time the more calculations is needed and this slow down the computer. ─── 但是更久的短促声波播放时间需要的是更多计算,也会导致机器的速度降低。

51、The forest that you loved so much.The chirping of the birds, the rustling of the trees...We'll be surrounded by it once more. ─── 你最爱的那座森林,鸟儿们的叫声,树叶摩擦的沙沙声,我们可以再度徜徉其中。

52、But I will not chirp for fear that I disturb your quietness. ─── 但我不会鸣叫,不会打扰你的清静。

53、A chirp grating is placed inside a multimode interference( MMI) structure to shorten the device length and increase wavelength tolerance. ─── 爲了缩短组件长度并增加波长变动容忍度,我们在多模干涉结构里面旋转一个周期渐变光栅。

54、A faint, shrill sound like that of a young bird; a chirp. ─── 唧唧声象小鸟发出的轻轻的尖叫声;啁啾声

55、It was cold and the cicadas were chirping plaintively. ─── 寒蝉凄切。

56、Even the chirping of the birds sounds so thin and broken that the quietness of the house is needed to set it off. ─── 就是鸟语,也好像琐碎而单薄,需要屋里的寂静来做衬托。

57、Her chirping does not have a canary's fancy trill, but she sings joyfully, and I can feel what she wants to communicate. ─── 原来,窗台上飞来的一只可爱的小麻雀,一面轻轻跳跃,一面唱个不停。

58、In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart's content. ─── 在一个领域有一年夏天的一天,一个蚂蚱是跳跃,啁啾和歌唱到它的核心的内容。

59、Occasionally crickets' chirp could be heard and the sound of the wave comes and goes in the far distance. ─── 偶然传来蟋蟀的叫声,远处海浪的声音时隐时现。

60、Only male cicadas chirp in late summer, and early autumn. ─── 只有雄性的寒蝉在夏末秋初时鸣叫。

61、In the morning chirping birds woke us up.Lake Alpine let out some thin mist.It was like a fairyland. ─── 凌晨,小鸟叽喳,猛地醒来,只见湖面泛起一层薄霭,犹如仙境!

62、Relationship. Relationship. Be aware. Aware...adjust. Now, open it up a little bit. Feel the wind blowing. Ahh, the bird. You hear the bird chirping? ─── 协调。协调。注意,注意....调整。现在,向上一点点!感觉有风在吹。啊哈鸟儿,你听到鸟在叫吗!

63、Every morning,there are a lot of birds chirping in the trees not far from our house. ─── 从以上所举的例子可以看到,象“叫”这样一个普通的词,英译时用什么词大有讲究。平时要做“有心人”,多注意积累。

64、To utter a succession of light chirping or tremulous sounds; chirrup. ─── 啁啾发出连续的轻的啁啾声或抖动的声音;发连续的吱喳声

65、Campus radio can not hear "chirp" sound, it seems a bit really not used to! ─── 听不到校园广播“叽叽喳喳”的声音,似乎还真的有点不习惯!

66、Baby, stretching his neck to reach up for Dad’s gifts, kept chirping and gulping seeds as fast as they were served. ─── 小鸟则伸长脖子去接爸爸的礼物,并一直不停地吱吱叫着,并飞快地将给它的食物吞咽下去。

67、Chirp Investigation for Electrooptic Waveguide Modulators with Mach-Zehnder structure[J]. ─── 引用该论文 甘小勇,刘永智,张晓霞,张长命.

68、The sign of chirp parameters has no effect on the spectral distribution and transversal intensity distribution. ─── 啁啾参数的正负号不影响横向光强分布和光谱分布。

69、Two birds flied to my cart and then flied away, chirping constantly as if they would like to tell me something. ─── 天边飞来两只小鸟,在我的车边落下又飞去,叽叽喳喳似在说着什么,它们在对我说么?

70、To make a faint, shrill sound or sounds; chirp. ─── 啁啾发出唧唧的尖叫声;啁啾

71、Taken into account both second order dispersion and SPM in the abnormal-dispersion region of single-mode fibers, we obtained the expression of chirp induced by GVD and SPM. ─── 应用付里叶变换法,求解了非线性薛定谔方程,得出了单模光纤在正、反常色散区域中二阶群速度色散(GVD)效应所致啁啾的解析表达式。

72、And the wind blows through the branches, Rocks the cradle to and fro, Happy birdie, chirping, chirping, Racking safely to and fro. ─── 风吹过枝干,把摇篮来回摇晃。快乐的小鸟,嚓嚓叫,嚓嚓叫,安全地来回摇晃。

73、An analytic expression of the self-phase modulation induced by chirp in non-Kerr-like optical fibers with saturable nonlinearity is derived taking into account the fiber loss. ─── 在考虑光纤损耗下,从理论上推导出具有饱和非线性的非克尔光纤中自相位调制效应产生啁啾的解析表达式;

74、The experimental results show that the method is very effective for both the multicomponent signals consisted of the LFM’s and nonlinear frequency modulation chirp signals. ─── 实验结果表明, 该方法对由多个LFM信号构成的多分量信号和非线性调频信号都非常有效。

75、And as you went up you nearly trod on a mother with her dozen or more little baby quails and they scattered with chirping into the bushes. ─── 你往上走的时候,差一点就踩到了带著一群孩子的鹌鹑母亲,它们正鸣叫著稀稀拉拉地往灌木丛走去。

76、Today, her chirping enthusiasms did not irritate Lily. ─── 今天她在丽莉耳旁叽叽喳喳说的那些热情话并没惹丽莉发火。

77、Dependence of Attosecond Pulses on The Chirp of The Excitation Pulse[J]. ─── 引用该论文 王向欣,王成,李邵辉,刘建胜,徐至展.

78、By contrast, the same student used a brush to make a breath-taking landscape painting—so vivid that one could almost smell the refreshing rivers and hear the chirping birds. ─── 形成对比的是,同一个学生用画笔画了一幅令人惊叹的风景画——如此逼真,几乎可以闻到沁人心脾的河水,听到鸟儿的啁啾。

79、Chirp began in the quiet wilderness, seems especially clear wonderful. ─── 唧唧呱呱地在寂静的原野,显得格外的清醒悦耳。

80、Sorrow that has lost its memory is like the dumb dark hours that have no bird songs but only the cricket's chirp. ─── 失去了记忆的忧愁像喑哑沉郁的光阴,没有鸟儿的歌唱,只有那蟋蟀的唧唧声。

81、The conventional radar signal processing is used to the chirp coherent CO2 ladar in this paper. The match filter with cosine weight is presented for the signal process. ─── 为了解决线性调频CO2相干激光雷达的信号处理技术,将普通雷达的信号处理方法引入相干激光雷达的信号处理中,提出采用余弦加仅匹配滤波的处理方法。

82、All morning, the little robin soared through the air chirping her grand announcement to everyone.Then, spying a puddle, she flew down for a drink. ─── 一整个早晨,小知更鸟都盘旋在空中,喳喳地鸣啭着那重要的宣言,然后,他发现了一个亮晶晶的水塘,就飞下来喝水。

83、But soon, as if to prove our guide Larson right, they begin to cry out, something between a growl, a hoot and a chirp. ─── 但随即,彷佛为了证实我们的导游拉森所言不假,牠们开始叫喊起来,那声音听起来像是混杂著狗吠声、猫头鹰的呼呼笑与小鸟尖促的鸣叫。

84、Will peepers be trilling, fish jumping, tree leafing, deer drinking, baby birds chirping? ─── 唧唧叫的小动物会用颤音唱歌吗?鱼会跳吗?树会长叶子吗?鹿会饮水吗?小鸟会吱喳叫吗?

85、Very glad once more, Tithonus jumped about in the fields all day, chirping happily to Aurora. ─── 泰索尼斯很高兴能再自由行动,就整天在田野里乱跳,同时很愉快地对欧洛拉叫着。

86、This made a grave and persistent noise in the still air, that seemed meditative like the chirping of a solitary little bird. ─── 这在寂静的空中发出低沉、持续的响声,犹如孤独的小鸟在林中啁啾,似乎带着沉思冥想的韵味。

87、And as you went up you nearly trod on a mother with her dozen or more little baby quails and they scattered with chirping into the bushes. ─── 爬着爬着,你差点踩上一只鹌鹑妈妈,她带着一打或者更多鹌鹑宝宝。他们尖叫着四散跑进灌木丛里。

88、Hatching will be over in about a month's time and now the nestlings are heard chattering and chirping everywhere, making this the busiest and noisest time on the isle in a year. ─── 一个月后,各种幼鸟破壳而出,叽叽喳喳,这是鸟岛最热闹的季节。

89、There also seem to be chirping birds here. ─── 好像也能听到鸟叫声啊。

Fly Away中文是什么意思?

Fly Away: 飞走例句与用法:

1. If the bird is let out of its cage, it will certainly fly away. 如果把鸟儿放出笼子,它肯定会飞走的。

2. The hawk snatched the chicken and flew away. 老鹰抓住小鸡飞走了。

3. The boy set his caged bird loose, and it flew away chirping. 这孩子把关在笼里的鸟儿放出来,鸟儿吱吱叫着飞走了。 英英解释: 形容词fly away:1. guided by whim and fancy同义词:flighty, flyaway, head-in-the-clouds, scatterbrained2. (of hair or clothing) worn loose同义词:flyaway


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