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08-15 投稿


emigrates 发音

英:[?em?ɡre?ts]  美:[?em?ɡre?ts]

英:  美:

emigrates 中文意思翻译



emigrates 词性/词形变化,emigrates变形

动词过去式: emigrated |名词: emigration |动词第三人称单数: emigrates |动词现在分词: emigrating |动词过去分词: emigrated |

emigrates 短语词组

1、emigrates baggage allowance ─── 移民行李限额

emigrates 同义词

evacuate | leave | travel | move away | trek | relocate |migrate

emigrates 反义词


emigrates 相似词语短语

1、remigrated ─── vi.再迁移;重新移植;再移民

2、remigrates ─── vi.再迁移;重新移植;再移民

3、denigrates ─── vt.诋毁;使变黑;玷污

4、emirates ─── n.阿联酋航空公司

5、migrates ─── vi.移动;随季节而移居;移往;vt.使移居;使移植

6、emigrate ─── vi.移居;移居外国;vt.移民

7、immigrates ─── vi.移入;vt.使移居入境

8、emicates ─── 排泄物

9、emigrated ─── vi.移居;移居外国;vt.移民

emigrates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He later emigrates to America bequeaths his library and half his estate to the college founded in 1636 at Newtowne, Massachusetts. ─── 随后他移居美国。随后他移居美国,并把他的图书馆以及一半的地产遗赠给1636年建立在马塞诸塞州纽敦镇的一所大学。

2、Born in 1928 as the son of Russian immigrants in Paris, his family emigrates to the US in 1939. ─── 欧维特作为1928年出生在巴黎的一个俄国移民的儿子,他的家庭在1939年移民到美国。

3、For this, chongqing city implemented many agricultural industrialization projects in recent years, undertake development the gender emigrates and take off deficient. ─── 为此,重庆市近年实施了不少农业产业化项目,进行开发性移民和脱贫。

4、When Pi is sixteen, his family emigrates from India to North America aboard a Japanese cargo ship, along with their zoo animals bound for new homes.The ship sinks. ─── Life of Pi(少年Pi的奇幻漂流) Book Description The son of a zookeeper, Pi Patel has an encyclopedic knowledge of animal behavior and a fervent love of stories.

5、Because it is concerning,library area rural area emigrates whether move so that go.Live firmly and rich got problem. ─── 因为它关系着库区农村移民能否移得走.稳得住而且富得了的问题。

6、Joe plans to look for a temporary job before he emigrates to the States. ─── 乔计划在他移民到美国前先找一份临时工。

7、The article basically makes an on-the-spot investigation the mouth emigrates on the west activity and latter-day Inner Mongolia western land desert turns the concern between. ─── 本文主要考察走西口移民活动与近代内蒙古西部土地荒漠化之间的关系。

8、When high school graduates, she follows parents emigrates together the United States. ─── 高中毕业时,她跟随父母一起移民美国。

9、The Comparison of dialect features between emigrates and original inhabitants in Lianyuan ─── 涟源三峡移民方言与当地方言特点比较

10、When high school graduates, she follows parents emigrates together the United States. ─── 高中毕业时,她跟随父母一起移民美国。

11、Progress of 3 gorge project and successful key are in emigrant, appropriate finds a place for good library area emigrates, protecting environment of library area zoology is a very main task. ─── 三峡工程进展和成功的要害在移民,妥善安置好库区移民,保护库区生态环境是一项十分重要的任务。

12、If enough production emigrates, global emissions might even increase. ─── 生产移民达到一定数量的话,全球排放量反而会提高。

13、Theophraste emigrates to the United States. ─── 斗夫拉斯托移民去了美国。

14、Characteristic of the theoretical foundation that the article emigrates with respect to condole village, main body and the analysis that restricted an element to undertake essentials discuss. ─── 本文就吊庄移民的理论基础、主体特点和制约因素进行了概要的分析讨论。

15、The Comparison of dialect features between emigrates and original inhabitants in Lianyuan ─── 涟源三峡移民方言与当地方言特点比较

16、Civilian battalion economy emigrates together and support development deficient job union rises; ─── 把发展民营经济同移民和扶贫工作结合起来;

17、1914 He emigrates to America to join one of his brothers who works in a shoe factory in Boston making “Queen Quality” shoes. Salvatore works there for 15 days. ─── 1914年他移居美国,和哥哥一起在波士顿一家制造“女王品质”鞋品的鞋厂工作。萨尔瓦托勒仅在那里工作了15天。

18、If enough production emigrates, global emissions might even increase. ─── 如果足够多的产品进行了搬迁,那么全球的碳排量甚至会增加。

19、This is a none emigrates non-immigrant visa for work in the persons person's area of special leespecialty. ─── (这种签证要由雇主来申请,有效期是3年,也可以延长三年。)

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