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08-15 投稿


accurateness 发音

英:[['?kj?r?tn?s]]  美:[['?kj?r?tn?s]]

英:  美:

accurateness 中文意思翻译



accurateness 短语词组

1、accurateness meaning ─── 准确意义

2、accurateness mean ─── 准确度平均值

3、accurateness or accuracy ─── 准确度或 ─── 准确度

4、accurateness synonym ─── 准确度同义词

5、accurateness definition ─── 准确度定义

accurateness 相似词语短语

1、aureateness ─── 金色

2、articulateness ─── 清晰

3、accountableness ─── 会计

4、obdurateness ─── 顽固

5、accumulativeness ─── 累积性

6、accursedness ─── 诅咒

7、incurableness ─── 不治之症

8、acuteness ─── n.剧烈;敏锐;锐利

9、inaccurateness ─── 不准确

accurateness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、8.To satisfy high requirements for position follow accurateness and location precision of AC servo system at present.This paper researches and develops AC servo position control system based on DSP. ─── 为了满足当前交流伺服位置跟随精度和定位精度高的要求,本文研究并开发了基于DSP的交流伺服位置控制系统。

2、Meanwhile with the help of modified gain function,the problem of instability caused by the unknowm of statistics of measurement noise is solved,which greatly improves the filter rate and accur. ─── 同时,通过引入修正增益函数,克服了由于观测噪声的统计特性不能精确已知而导致的滤波不稳定问题。

3、Keywords: fixturing accuracy, deterministic ocalization, localization variance, localization accurateness. ─── 关键词:夹持精度、决定性定位、定位变异量、定位精度。

4、Friendli fireisn't.Th onli thing more accur than incom enemi fire is imcom friendli fire. ─── 不是吗?唯一比敌火还准确(而且会宰掉你友军炮火.友军伤害.

5、The process is of great theoretic significance and practical use in improving the objectivity and accurateness of safey state evaluation of petrochemical produciton installations. ─── 该方法对于提高石化生产设备安全状况评价的客观性和准确性具有一定的理论意义和实用价值。

6、Be responsible for reviewing relative product drawings and design documents and ensure the timeliness and accurateness. ─── 审核相关产品图样及设计文件,保证及时、准确。

7、Thus a concept that an appropriate strategy should be applied to a special numerical simulation case to obtain most accur... ─── 提出针对具体模拟对象,选择适当的模拟方法,以提高计算精度。

8、When early faults accur, the background noise is heavy, it is difficult to extract the latent periodic components successfully using second order cyclostationary analysis alone. ─── 摘要由于噪声的严重干扰,在滚动轴承早期故障时,仅仅利用二阶循环平稳分析方法往往较难成功提取出信号中潜在的有用周期信息。

9、This paper uses ART2 to evaluate credit risk, and its precision and accurateness are prior to other nerve network mode and statistical method through comparative research of real case. ─── 本文将ART2模型应用于信用风险评估,通过实证比较研究,结果显示应用自适应共振模型进行信用风险评估在精度和准确性上,都优于其他神经网络模型和统计方法。

10、The result of experimentation testifies the accurateness is 100 percent in the first stage and 93.3 percent in the second stage. ─── 利用训练数据进行识别模型的训练,通过测试数据验证识别模型在第一阶段识别率为100%,第二阶段可达到93.3%。

11、Nevertheless the meaning goes far from accurateness, equal to nothing, or worse than nothing because the words can make listener misunderstand so as to have wrong impression. ─── 然而这个涵义却极不精确,有了等于没有,可能比没有更糟。因为,话语极有可能会误导人,让人产生错误的想法。

12、The Registration Organs shall take good care of the Registration Materials and ensure the completeness, accurateness and safety of the Registration Materials. ─── 登记机构应当妥善保管登记资料,保证登记资料的完整、准确和安全。

13、The words are then queried against the inverted index and a rank of their accurateness is computed. ─── 的字样,然后问,对倒排索引和排名的准确性是计算。

14、Conclusion The spiral CT might be the effective and accur... ─── 结论螺旋CT诊断壶腹部癌是有效准确的检查方法。

15、Results show that severe accumulations of noncondensable gases in condensers do accur,which hamper flow and deteriorate heat transfer. ─── 对此提出了改进方案,即将抽气口处的挡板开口,从而将积聚的不凝结气体引出,通过数值计算证实该措施有效。

16、Compared with the other water detectors,the coaxial line water detector based on phase is high in measurement accur... ─── 与其它测井仪器相比,该仪器测量精度高,应用范围广.

17、In evaluation for the risk of dangerous rocks, the fuzzy comprehensive judgment method adopted has advantages of accurateness and fastness. ─── 在对危岩危险性评价中,采用模糊综合评判法具有准确、快速的优点。

18、The application indicates that the machine possesses features of high degree in automation, high accurateness in flow control, date supervision in whole process and convenient operation on work, etc. ─── 应用表明该装置自动化程度高,流量控制准确,全过程数据检测,操作简便等特点。

19、Therefore, how to preprocess data to improve the data quality is very important on accurateness of data analysis results. ─── 因此,如何预处理数据对于提高数据质量以及数据分析结果的正确有效性有着重大的影响。

20、Raising the Rate of Response Accurateness of Boiler Flame Detector Systems ─── 提高锅炉火焰检测系统准确率

21、It can serve as an ideal tool to study any complicated formg of optical waveguide and can enable one to obtain very hjag accur... ─── 能以校小的计算工作量获得本征值与本征函数的高精度的计算结果,可作为复杂电磁场边值问题研究的理想方案。

22、The mould of business management will be changed in network society because it is affected by the paradigm of net technology. The paradigm of net technology includes quickness, character, accurateness, nimbleness and low cost. ─── 在网络社会中 ,企业的经营模式将发生改变 ,网络企业的经营模式受网络技术范式的影响 ,网络技术范式为快捷性 ,个性化 ,准确性 ,低成本等。

23、It could display the moisture content by meter in accordance with the varied conductivity signal.The experience results indicate that it possess good linear and could accur... ─── 试验表明,该电导仪可准确反映混合料的水分、电导法可以实现烧结混合料水分的在线连续检测。

24、The journal beari ng dynamics and the original unbalance distribution are not necessary.The accur acy of the new method relies only on rotors model. ─── 新模型无需已知油膜轴承动力特性系数和转子上原始不平衡分布情况,识别结果的准确性仅仅与转子系统模化精度有关。

25、In order to ensure the accurateness in measurement, the function magnetic field analysis is adopted to remove bias flow. ─── 采用“函数磁场分析方式技术”确保消除“偏流”影响,保证测量准确;

26、2. Facing long computation,besides patience,carefulness and accurateness,we must also emphasize the efficiency. ─── 面对冗长的计算,除了耐心,细致,准确之外,还要讲求效率。收藏指正

27、This method is of great theoretic significance and practical use in improving the objectivity and accurateness of the safety state evaluation for petrochemical production installations. ─── 该方法对于提高石油化工生产装置安全现状综合评价的客观性和准确性具有理论意义和实用价值。

28、The development of modern information technology leads us to the information time. The accurateness, highly effectiveness and interconnection of information system make it indispensable for the enterprise to survive and develop. ─── 现代信息技术的发展,使我们进入了信息化时代,信息系统准确、高效和互联互通的特性,使其成为企业生存和发展的基本条件。

29、Keywords shrinkage temperature;measuration;accurateness; ─── 收缩温度;测定;准确;

30、Language awareness activities can bridge the accurateness and smoothness in the transfer of two languages. ─── 语言意识活动可以在两种语言相互转换的准确性和流利性之间架起一座桥梁。

31、T he software synchronism sampling method based on real-time pa rameter self-optimizing minishes pe riod t runca tion e r ror, and the meas urement accur acy is improved . ─── 基于软件查表功能的设计,按照有关标准进行被测变压器的容量判别[1-2]。该仪器集多种试验方式于一体,提供了二表法和三表法试验。

32、The military logistics of US army in the Iraq War displays the new trends of modern military logistics, which are large-scale, integration, accurateness and specialization. ─── 伊拉克战争中的美军军事物流,呈现出现代军事物流新的发展趋势:规模化、一体化、精确化、专业化。

33、4. to change the frequency of the motor through transducer and make the motor work with slow speed in order to improve its site accurateness. ─── 4.可以通过变频器对运行电动机进行变频控制,从而使运行电动机微速运行,提高运行定位的准确性,还可以进行点动操作。

34、the passage describes a methodology, emplains the methodology's accurateness and comprehensiveness, and reaffirms the methodology's usefulness despite its limitations. ─── 虽然作者在第二,三段提出了一些批评观点,但是最后一段又从新说这个方法是有其效果的,

35、Facing long computation,besides patience,carefulness and accurateness,we must also emphasize the efficiency. ─── 面对冗长的计算,除了耐心,细致,准确之外,还要讲求效率。

36、The equivalent load observed is fed back for resisting force load disturbance and raising the accur acy of the hydraulic position servo control. ─── 利用观测出来的等效负载进行反馈控制,抑制力负载干扰的影响,提高液压位置伺服控制的精度。

37、High precision and performance, torque accurateness, control the tension precisely in a large scale. ─── 高精度,高性能,转矩准确,在大范围内精确地控制张力。

38、Be responsible for reviewing relative product drawings and design documents and ensure the timeliness and accurateness. ─── 审核相关产品图样及设计文件,保证及时、准确。

39、At the same time CCD pickup camera and laser sensor are combined to meet the high efficiency and high accurateness requirements of this non-contact measure. ─── 同时测量系统中采用CCD摄像头和激光传感器相配合,实现了高效、高精度的非接触式测量方案。

40、The tenderee or his agencies are responsible in ensuring the accurateness, truthfullness and completeness of the Invitations to Bid. ─── 招标人或其委托的招标代理机构应当保证招标公告内容的真实、准确和完整。

41、Nevertheless the meaning goes far from accurateness, equal to nothing, or worse than nothing because the words can make listener misunderstand so as to have wrong judgment. ─── 而这个涵义又极不精确,有了等于没有,可能比没有更糟。因为,话可能会误导人,产生错误的判断。

42、The model's reasonableness and accur ac y have been proved by the experiment. ─── 在此基础上,开发了环形加热炉在线优化控制系统。

43、Compared with the traditional methods, the proposed method achieves greater robustness and better accurateness. ─── 与传统算法相比,论文提出的方法在音频定位的鲁棒性和精度方面得到较大的提高。

44、It is very important to relocate the real positions of the hydrophones on seabed.First break second positioning technique can provide accur... ─── 初至波二次定位方法 ,能够利用准确的速度模型和大量的数据进行冗余计算 ,从而提供准确的检波器位置 ,为后期的资料处理和解释增加可信度。

45、Conclusion Through the analysis of results,we may find out the problems and solve it in time to improve the accur... ─── 结论通过对回报结果分析,可及时发现问题,查找原因,进一步提高检测结果的准确性。

46、Article 4 The confidentiality review of the government information disclosure of the National Audit Office shall follow the principle of accurateness, objectiveness, prudence, and safety. ─── 第三条审计署办公厅负责组织、协调和管理政府信息公开保密审查工作。审计署相关业务司(局)、保密办等为政府信息公开保密审查责任单位。

47、In contrast with the usual soil analytical method, this one is high in sensitivity, good in accurateness, and adaptable to the determination of trace reducing matters in soil of rainfed land. ─── 与常规土壤分析法对照,该法灵敏度高,准确度好,适用于还原性物质较低的旱地耕土。

48、The simulation-experiments have shown,it can be effectively used for online detecting tasks with higher accur... ─── 实验表明:此方法能够有效地实现高准确率在线检测任务。

49、Article 4 The announcement of records on the illegal tendering and bidding acts shall adhere to the principle of accurateness, timeliness and objectiveness. ─── 第四条招标投标违法行为记录的公告应坚持准确、及时、客观的原则。

50、Convenience, Safety, Rapidness, Accurateness and Economization is the permanent pursuit of our company. ─── 方便、安全、迅捷、准确、节省是我们永远的追求。

51、* manager supplier system in china.* be responsible for all orders from headquarter. ensure accur... ─── 岗位要求:欧美外资公司,工艺品或家纺系列产品行业,招聘总经理职位。

52、The analysis by a simplified model of the moist air in condenser finds that moist air can be oversaturated under some conditions, but fog will not accur. ─── 通过对简化模型的分析发现在一定条件下冷凝换热器通道内的湿空气可能达到过饱和状态,但分析表明不会产生结雾,计算时不需要考虑;

53、A comparative analysis of the experience of the two patterns of economic transformation is of significance for accur... ─── 比较分析两者的经验教训,对正确认识中国的经济转型,稳步推进经济改革具有重要的意义。

54、The experimental results show that the accur acy and processing speed are very promising. ─── 最后对每一个候选区域根据人脸形状信息和 特征进行验证。

55、However, problems do accur in this modern teaching method.The fascination of this method is weakened for It still does not fully meet the demands and expectations of both teachers and students. ─── 然而,总感到它还存在这样那样的一些问题,没有达到师生对多媒体英语教学的期望和要求,从而削弱了多媒体英语教学应有的魅力。

56、The former is popular with preferable zigzag accurateness and medium height accurateness, while the latter is more favorable for excellent height accurateness with worse zigzag accurateness. ─── 本文在将有效范围控制和拉出值变化量控制两种方法结合使用的基础上,建立了系统测试的数学模型,实现了前置嵌入式处理机的程序设计及代码编写。

57、m accur ─── (=misce accuratissme) (拉)充分混合

58、At the same time CCD pickup camera and laser sensor are combined to meet the high efficiency and high accurateness requirements of this non-contact measure. ─── 同时测量系统中采用CCD摄像头和激光传感器相配合,实现了高效、高精度的非接触式测量方案。

59、We use neural network because of its simpleness and accurateness. ─── 使用神经网络来进行客户离网预警的优点在于其模型建立简单,识别精度高。

60、Iillness,injury,love,lost (lot of?) moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all accur to test the limits of your soul. ─── 疾病、伤害、情爱,曾经的荣耀和所做的傻事,都是对你灵魂的考验。

61、That is to say that the accurateness of results is influenced if ABR is only used in objective auditory testing. ─── 因此,单独用ABR进行客观听力检测难以准确评定言语频率范围的听力情况。

62、Check related product drawings and design documents, ensuring the timeliness and accurateness. ─── 校对相关产品图样及设计文件,保证及时、准确。

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