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08-15 投稿


gnaws 发音

英:[n??z]  美:[n??z]

英:  美:

gnaws 中文意思翻译



gnaws 词性/词形变化,gnaws变形

动词过去分词: gnawed |动词现在分词: gnawing |动词第三人称单数: gnaws |动词过去式: gnawed |名词: gnawer |

gnaws 短语词组

1、gnaws iron bites steel ─── 啃铁咬钢

2、gnaws alcohol ─── 啃酒

3、gnaws def ─── 啃def

4、gnaws define ─── 啃老定义

5、gnaws at ─── 啃,咬;侵蚀

6、gnaws at conscience ─── 咬良心

7、gnaws meaning ─── 啃咬意义

8、gnaws means ─── 啃意味着

gnaws 常用词组

gnaw at ─── 啃,咬;侵蚀

gnaws 相似词语短语

1、gnaw ─── vt.咬;折磨;侵蚀;vi.咬;折磨;侵蚀

2、gnawed ─── adj.缺刻状的;v.咬;侵蚀(gnaw的过去分词)

3、gnows ─── 侏儒

4、gnars ─── v.咆哮,吼;吠(同gnarr)

5、gnawn ─── 啃

6、begnaws ─── 贝格纳斯

7、gnarls ─── n.木节;木瘤;vi.咆哮;形成木节

8、gnats ─── n.蚊子;咬人的两翼小昆虫;看起来渺小(或不重要)的人(或物)(gnat的复数)

9、gnawer ─── n.腐食物;咬噬者;臼齿动物,啮齿动物

gnaws 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Her good people on the spot to come up with sewing up the seam and I give her a standing seam, but on crack when she finished, the line of his mouth gnaw When her husband came in! ─── 她人很好,当场就拿出针线缝了起来我也站著给她缝,可是就当她缝完,用嘴把线咬断时,她老公进来了!”


3、Good: Plant is following guidelines set forth in Division's sanitation manual. No evidence of rodents (i.e. droppings outside bait station; gnaw or rub marks, etc.) found in any area of the plant. ─── 好:厂房符合区域公司的卫生手册的指南。厂房内任何区域未发现老鼠的痕迹(即饵站外有鼠屎,咬或擦的痕迹等)。

4、A man estranged from his wife is convinced that he has a live serpent inside him which perpetual gnaws at him. ─── 一个和妻子疏远的男人相信体内有一条活蛇常常在咬他。

5、Gnaw: This ghoul ability is now able to be set on autocast. ─── 啃咬:这个食尸鬼技能可以设置为自动施放。

6、That if I had kill'd a goat, or a fowl, by any contrivance, I had no way to flea' or open them, or part the flesh from the skin, and the bowels, or to cut it up; but must gnaw it with my teeth, and pull it with my claws like a beast. ─── 即使想方设法打死一只山羊或一只鸟,我也无法把它们开膛破肚,剥皮切块,而只好像野兽一样,用牙齿去咬,用爪子去撕了。

7、Once inside, they will constantly gnaw at virtually anything - including concrete, lead, and plastic. ─── 一旦进入,他们就会不断地咬嚼一切东西,包括混凝土,铅,塑料等。

8、The worm that gnaws on the bean is the one inside the bean. ─── 啃豆的儒虫是豆里面的虫子。

9、Self-doubt began to gnaw away at her confidence. ─── 对自己的怀疑渐渐吞噬了她的自信心。

10、Without more ado it set to work to gnaw the ropes with its teeth, and succeeded before long in setting the lion free. ‘There!’ ─── 它毫不迟疑地开始啃网绳,不久便放出了狮子。

11、To Bite gold and gnaw iron ─── 咬金嚼铁

12、Have you known restlessness that gnaws at you? ─── 你有没有尝过心绪不宁之苦?

13、and other little rodents that gnaw away the farmers' profits. ─── 和其他啮齿动物无限制地繁殖起来。

14、One Tian Xiaomin gnaws snack on the bed, han hits a phone to say such meetings are hidebound! ─── 一天小敏在床上啃快餐,韩打来电话说这样会营养不良!

15、But, solve the problem of dress warmly and ear one's fill of impoverished population of our country country basically to this century end, also became the unyielding person that gnaws hard together. ─── 二十一世纪正向我们走来。但是,到本世纪末基本解决我国农村贫困人口的温饱问题,也成了一块难啃的硬骨头。

16、But, japanese is to excogitate special chili to reduce weight food, be not thought like you, dry gnaw chili. ─── 但是,日本人是研究出专门的辣椒减肥食品,并不是像你所想的,干啃辣椒。

17、porcupine of northeastern North America with barbed spines concealed in the coarse fur; often gnaws buildings for salt and grease ─── 北美洲东北部的豪猪,尖刺藏在粗硬的毛中;经常啃咬建筑物以得到盐和油脂

18、gnaw a hole.See Synonyms at bite ─── 咬一个洞参见

19、"Discrimination is a hellhound that gnaws at Negroes in every waking moment of their lives to remind them that the lie of their inferiority is accepted as truth in the society dominating them" (Martin Luther King, Jr.) ─── “歧视是地狱之犬,在黑人们醒来后的每时每刻它都在向他们狂吠,提醒他们在这个统治着他们的社会里,他们地位卑下的谎言却被当作真理来接受”(小马丁·路德·金)。

20、[Formal] to gnaw ─── 啮

21、gnaw through ─── adj. 咬穿

22、When attending a college, learn me of article lesson is not busy, not be to read a novel all the day, get online namely, had period end to just agree to gnaw a few day textbook madly only. ─── 上大学时,学文的我课业并不繁忙,整天不是看看小说,就是上网,只有到了期末才肯狂啃几天课本。

23、It damages grain and food, as well as gnaws books, periodicals, papers and documents, etc. ─── 主要出现在有淀粉的场所,除危害各种粮食、食物外,常啮食图书、期刊、纸张、档案等。

24、10. In a desperately poor country such as Sierra Leone, drug money will quickly gnaw its way through the legislature and bureaucracy. ─── 在塞拉利昂这样一个贫穷末落的国家,毒资不断蚕食立法机构和国家机器。

25、to gnaw a hole ─── 咬成个洞

26、porcupine of northeastern North America with barbed spines concealed in the coarse fur; often gnaws buildings for salt and grease. ─── 北美洲东北部的豪猪,尖刺藏在粗硬的毛中;经常啃咬建筑物以得到盐和油脂。

27、Again it gnaws my heart ─── 却上心头

28、but at last, when the Rev.Mr. Burgess rose and laid his hand on the sack, he could hear his microbes gnaw, the place was so still. ─── 可是后来牧师伯杰斯先生起立,把手往那只口袋上一按,全场就静得能让他听见自己身上的跳蚤磨牙了。

29、The worm that gnaws on the bean is the one inside the bean . ─── 啃豆子的儒虫是豆里面的虫子。

30、“The King is angry.See, he gnaws his lip. ─── "国王生气了.看吧,他咬着自己的嘴唇.

31、rat who gnaws ata cat's tail invites destruction. ─── 咬猫尾巴的老鼠自寻毁灭。

32、Italy's economic illness is not the acute sort, but a chronic disease that slowly gnaws away at vitality. ─── 意大利的经济弊病已从急性病发展为一种正慢慢吞噬其经济活力的慢性疾病了。

33、Melanie smiled at him through sparkling tears while Scarlett felt the fox of wrath and impotent hate gnaw at her vitals. ─── 媚兰眨着泪眼对他笑了笑,然而思嘉只觉得一阵怒火和内在仇恨在狠咬她的脏腑。

34、There must be something beyond my power, otherwise, how can day and night alternate so quick, all the moments I have missed, grief gnaws my heart. ─── 一定有些什么,是我所无能为力的,不然日与夜怎么交替得那么快,所有的时刻都已错过,忧伤蚀我心怀。

35、gnaw at ─── v. 侵蚀, 咬, 折磨

36、However, once bored pigs have reached this level of psychopathy they may gnaw the remaining stump of the tail as far down as they can. ─── 但不管怎么做,这些百无聊赖的小猪在精神错乱以后,还是会尽可能地去啃噬残留的尾根。

37、to bite; to snap at; to gnaw ─── 噬

38、gnaw track ─── 啃轨

39、3 Her princes in her midst are roaring lions; Her judges are wolves of the night that have had no bones to gnaw by morning. ─── 她的王侯在她中间,是些咆哮的狮子;她的判官是夜间的豺狼,什么也不留到天明。

40、17 A stray sheep was Israel that lions pursued; Formerly the king of Assyria devoured her, now Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon gnaws her bones. ─── 以色列是狮子追捕的亡羊,首先吞噬她的,是亚述君王;最后咬碎她骨骸的,是巴比伦王拿步高。

41、A rat who gnaws at a cat's tail invites destruction。 ─── 咬猫尾巴的老鼠自寻毁灭。

42、"Right, I am to want to use ' gnaw buttocks ' ' go to curium ' , this is too difficult nevertheless, so I decide first ' gnaw buttocks ' , again ' go to curium ' . ─── “对呀,我是想用‘啃腚’‘造锯’,不过这太难了,所以我决定先‘啃腚’,再‘造锯’。”

43、gnaw a bone ─── 啃骨头

44、Precious now sometimes plays with dog bones, and Honey lets Precious gnaw on her like a puppy would. ─── 喵宝现在偶尔会玩狗骨头玩具,甜心也让喵宝像小狗一样在她身上啃咬。

45、Perhaps, to Yahoo board of directors, most important is, in professional career of Ba Ci, she has acted the part that gnaws hard bone successfully frequently. ─── 也许,对于雅虎董事会来说,最为重要的是,在巴茨的职业生涯中,她屡次成功扮演过啃硬骨头的角色。

46、He tried to find something to say to Hsin-mei, but Hsin-mei ignored him.Left without aid or resistance, he let the pain of his affliction nibble and gnaw away at his heart. ─── 他竭力寻出话来跟辛楣说,辛楣不理他,鸿渐无抵抗、无救援地让痛苦蚕食虫蚀着他的心。

47、Godot.They quarrel, make up, contemplate suicide, try to sleep, eat a carrot and gnaw on some chicken bones. ─── 他们争吵、打扮,企图自杀,试图睡觉,他们吃了根胡萝卜,他们啃了些鸡骨头。

48、Withered up through want and hunger, They gnaw at the dry ground, A gloom of waste and desolation. ─── 3他们因穷乏饥饿,身体枯瘦,在荒废凄凉的幽暗中,啃食于干燥之地;

49、"It's your duty to invite all the rats in the world to gnaw at your bones." ─── 你的责任是邀请世界上所有的老鼠来啃你的骨头。

50、gnaw into ─── adj. 侵蚀(咬)

51、But, some leaders comrade still does not jump to give the circle of routinism, " gnaws some excuse not to move " , far hydrolyze not close thirsty, read to learning adopt perfunctory attitude. ─── 但是,有些领导同志仍跳不出事务主义的圈子,有的借口"啃不动",远水解不了近渴,对学习读书抱敷衍态度。

52、14, marriage is that degree of difficulty is maximal love, because of must gnaw bread as well as talking about it! ─── 14、婚姻是难度最高的爱情,因为必须边啃面包边谈它!

53、Gnaw the meat off a bone ─── 啃去骨头上的肉。

54、Sorrow gnaws at the human heart. ─── 又如碱上倒醋。

55、Mr Carr gnaws away at Wagner's anti-Semitism, which was unreservedly shared by his second wife, Franz Liszt's daughter Cosima (and by many other members of the clan, especially the women). ─── Carr担心,瓦格纳和她第二任妻子李斯特之女柯西玛的反犹主义会使其家族蒙上羞辱。

56、I've had worse partings, but none that so gnaws at my mind still. ─── 我也曾经历过离别的痛苦,却从未试过,如此的伤怀.。

57、No evidence of rodents (i.e. droppings outside bait station; gnaw or rub marks, etc.) found in any area of the plant. ─── 厂房内任何区域未发现老鼠的痕迹(即饵站外有鼠屎,咬或擦的痕迹等)。

58、Agriculture negotiation: difficult to gnaw the bone ─── 农业谈判:难啃的骨头

59、A 19-year-old Indonesian girl has eaten her own fingers due to a weird disease.She began to gnaw her fingers from the age of 10. ─── 印度尼西亚一名19岁的女孩身染怪病,从10岁开始啃食自己的手指,现在10根手指都已被吃掉。

60、gnaw away ─── adj. 咬去(破坏)

61、A man estranged from his wife is convinced that he has a live serpent inside him which perpetual gnaws at him ─── 一个和妻子疏远的男人相信体内有一条活蛇常常在咬他。

62、gnaw nails ─── 咬指甲

63、Manmohan Singh, the prime minister, has described the accident as one that still "gnaws" at the collective conscience. ─── 印度总理曼莫汉?辛格(ManmohanSingh)称,此次事件仍然“折磨”着集体良知。

64、She saw him gnaw his under lip, and roll his eyes, and she knew he was always fatal when he looked so. ─── 她看到他咬着下嘴唇,眼睛翻转着,知道他一这样,总是要做出什么可怕的事情。

65、He’ll grapple and gnaw at creatures just long enough to give you some time to retreat and wing some firebombs or send some mongrels in. ─── 它会抓住、撕咬敌人,这样你就有足够时间撤退或是释放火焰骷髅,亦或是丢出几个混血兽。

66、to gnaw; to nibble; to bite ─── 啃

67、'You will drink it and drain it. Then you will gnaw its fragments And tear your breasts; for I have spoken,' declares the Lord GOD. ─── 你必喝这杯、以致喝尽.杯破又龈杯片、撕裂自己的乳.因为这事我曾说过.这是主耶和华说的。

68、To gnaw with the teeth in the manner of a rodent. ─── 嚼咬象啮齿类动物那样用牙齿啮蚀

69、And you will drink it and drain it And gnaw at its shards; And you will tear out your breasts; For I have spoken, declares the Lord Jehovah. ─── 34你必喝这杯,以致喝尽,杯破又啃杯片;你必撕裂自己的胸;因为这事我曾说过,这是主耶和华说的。

70、To gnaw or wear away; erode. ─── 啮蚀,腐蚀啮蚀或磨损;腐蚀

71、The water gnaws at the shoreline. ─── 海水侵蚀海岸线。

72、When rest, he will make several phone calls, will smoke the root cigar, will eat several bucket soft cheese or gnaws an apple, but will ever not drink. ─── 休息时,他会打几个电话,抽根雪茄,吃几勺软干酪或啃个苹果,但从不喝酒。

73、Japan shows another: a long period of stagnation in which debt constantly gnaws away at the economy like the eagle on Prometheus's liver. ─── 而日本的现状则给出了另外一种可能性:由于债务就像叼食普罗米修斯肝脏的老鹰一样一点点破坏者经济结构而导致经济长时间的出现滞涨。

74、3 Her princes within her are roaring lions; her judges are evening wolves; they gnaw not the bones till the morrow. ─── 她中间的首领是咆哮的狮子。她的审判官是晚上的豺狼,一点食物也不留到早晨。

75、gnaw into; make resentful or angry. ─── 侵蚀;使愤慨或者生气。

76、Gnaw a hole. ─── 咬一个洞

77、Yes, the maggot gnaws the cabbage, but it dies before it's done; ─── 可是蛆咬白菜心,自己先丧命:老人都这么说。”

78、The general opinion was that M. Charles Loyson would be the genius of the century; envy was beginning to gnaw at him--a sign of glory and this verse was composed on him:-- ─── 一般舆论认为查理·罗丛先生是本世纪的天才,他已开始受人羡慕,那是光荣的预兆,并且有人为他写了一句这样的诗:

79、He thought former "its disposition is not belongs to theperson but is belongs to the beast", latter simply is "the personwhich gnaws the oneself mind". ─── 他认为前者“其性格不是属于人而是属于兽的”,后者干脆就是“啃噬自己心灵的人”。

80、Thus, I oppose the desire for oblivion that gnaws at our roots even as the light is summoning us to bloom. ─── 因此,我反对弃世逃遁,这种想法即使在上帝的荣光召唤我们大显身手时也在内心深处噬咬着我们。

81、Beggar has the answer that enrages yuan of force: "Madam, I am already hungry was overcome, gnaw a bit your sod so. ─── 乞丐有气元力的回答:“夫人,我已经饿的受不了了,所以就啃一点你们的草皮。”

82、Although the world outside embraced by young boys and girls is very exciting, she jails Herself into the tower of ivory and let her inferiority gnaw her sad heart. ─── 外面的世界虽然精彩,却被红男绿女所拥有着,她独自把自己封入象牙塔内

83、"Yes Haruko," Li Lao 3, she had a Tate's menfolk tears out, "gnaw life so tough it!" ─── “是春子,”李老三说着,一个大老爷们眼泪竟出来了,“咋命这么苦呢!”

84、Fear gnaws at you: "I may never make it back to safety. " Just as all hope is fading, your frantic eyes see a dim light in the distance. ─── 恐惧侵蚀你心:“我可能死于此地”就在希望褪去之际,你狂乱的眼睛看见一道远方暗光。

85、From January of 1999 to February, the company carried on the foundation of the systematic environment, the preparation of the basic data was a hard bone that Shanghai Bell must gnaw . ─── 1999年1月到2月,公司进行了系统环境的建立,基础数据的准备是上海贝尔必啃的一块硬骨头。

86、Gnaw a tree again to prevent an ass, he went to asinine fasten on cement lever, went again. ─── 为防驴再次啃树,他把驴拴到了水泥杆上,就又走了。

87、Gnaws at my mind still. Perhaps it is roughly ─── 如此的伤怀。也许只有上帝

88、He didn't know these bugs were so hungry they weren't choosey about what they ate.As soon as they saw flesh, they bit.They aimed their jaws at Greatest Metal's thumb and began to gnaw. ─── 哪知这些虫早已饥不择食,见肉便噬,两只前颚对著金大的大拇指便是一夹。


gnash 咬牙

gnat 琐事

gnaw 咬




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