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08-15 投稿


jural 发音

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英:  美:

jural 中文意思翻译



jural 短语词组

1、jural def WNDO ─── 负荷

2、jural entity ─── 法律实体

3、jural law ─── 法律

4、jural postulate ─── 硬膜姿势

5、jural bvba ─── 法律上的bvba

6、jural affect ─── 法律影响

7、jural means %1 ─── 十帕

8、jural act ─── [法] 法律行为, 权力义务行为

9、jural acuity ─── 法律敏感性

jural 词性/词形变化,jural变形

副词: jurally |

jural 相似词语短语

1、jura ─── n.侏罗山脉(位于法国和意大利之间);侏罗纪;侏罗省(法国东部省份);(拉)法律(jus的复数)

2、aural ─── adj.听觉的;耳的;气味的;先兆的;n.(Aural)人名;(西)奥拉尔

3、jurat ─── n.地方法官;宣誓证明书;市政长官;n.(Jurat)人名;(法)朱拉;(英)朱拉特;(塞)尤拉特

4、fural ─── 呋喃甲叉基

5、jugal ─── adj.面颊的;[解剖]颧骨的;n.颧骨

6、dural ─── adj.硬脑膜的;n.硬铝;n.(Dural)人名;(法)迪拉尔;(土)杜拉尔

7、mural ─── n.壁画;adj.(似)墙的,与墙有关的;(与)体腔壁有关的

8、rural ─── adj.农村的,乡下的;田园的,有乡村风味的

9、jurel ─── n.鲹科鲋鱼;鲭鱼

jural 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Forming and countermeasure of social focus problems in jural construction ─── 法制建设中的社会热点问题的形成及对策

2、Whether can bring about unfair search so as to Baidu, this is in jural it is to be short of break. ─── 至于百度这样是否会导致不公正搜索,这在法律上是缺失的。

3、A Discussion about Jural Countermeasures against False Advertisement ─── 浅论虚假广告治理的法律对策

4、So the video Programmes of law play an increasing important role in many areas such as impulsing generallaw education, enhancing citizen"s jural sense, growing constitutional circs and so on. ─── 电视法制节目已成为法制宣传教育的重要阵地,在推动全民普法教育,提高公民法制观念、培育社会法治环境等方面,发挥着越来越重要的作用。

5、That is to say, although trade,undertake on the net, although do not have the proof of paper medium, but should use effective electronic sign one's name only, jural it is completely effective. ─── 也就是说,虽然交易是在网上进行的,虽然没有纸介质的凭证,但只要使用了有效的电子签名,法律上是完全有效的。

6、jural postulate ─── 法律前提

7、But from jural tell, the set up shop on the net, want long-term big batch to sell only profit sexual commodity, have management quality, must handle business license. ─── 但从法律上讲,网上开店,只要长期大批量出售谋利性商品,具有经营性质,就必须办营业执照。

8、Furthermore, this thesis also tries to draw some lessons and experience from the reform of judicature for today"s jural construction. ─── 本文从清末司法制度改革的背景、过程及得失等几个方面,对其进行历史的考察和评析,以期为当今的法制建设提供可资借鉴的经验教训。

9、Jural Reflection on Perfecting Limited Liability System in Companies ─── 完善公司有限责任制度的法律思考

10、In jural whether to put in the risk? ─── 在法律上是否存在风险?

11、Spare no efforts to open up a new prospect of jural work in land and mineral resources ─── 围绕中心注重实效努力开创国土资源法制工作新局面

12、If complete not know the inside story and accord with market price, jural thinking this kind buys deed is kindness, commodity should put in Mr Wang 's charge all. ─── 如果完全不知情且符合市场定价,法律上认为这种购买行为是善意的,商品应归王先生所有。

13、On the Basic Changes to be Accomplished by Judges during the Process of Jural Modernization ─── 法治现代化进程中我国法官应完成的基本转变

14、Develop traffic safe publicity and education actively,strengthen the traffic safetyconsciousness and jural ideas of the persons in the mountain area. ─── 积极开展安全宣传教育,增强山区人的交通安全意识和交通法制观念。

15、So I want to be at present on industrial policy, jural, industry government field should set out from industrial character will do. ─── 所以我想现在在产业政策上、法律上,行业治理方面要从产业的特性出发来做。

16、At present the measure of jural lack effective, just bring about what this group is to be indulged. ─── 目前法律上缺乏行之有效的措施,才导致这一行为的被放纵。

17、Asset all or partial ground puts in a parent company 's charge to have, but economically with jural opposite parent company independent company calls subsidiary (or affiliated company) . ─── 资产全部或部分地归母公司拥有,但经济上和法律上都相对母公司而独立的公司称为子公司(或附属公司)。

18、If by any means we can determine the early forms of jural conceptions, they will be invaluable to us. ─── 如果我们能通过任何方法,断定法律概念的早期形式,这将对我们有无限的价值。

19、Not of patent application, without droit, what be used by other random is jural do not protect without proclaimed in writing. ─── 未申请专利的、没有所有权,被他人任意使用的法律上不没有明文保护。

20、The jural relationship of labor is different from employment legal relationship in subjects, objects, contents and national intervention, can not be distinguished. ─── 劳动法律关系与雇佣法律关系在主体、客体、内容、国家干预程度等方面存在区别,不应当相互混淆。

21、All the legislation are the effective jural sustains for the fight against money-laundering . ─── 这为我国惩治和预防洗钱犯罪提供了较为充分的法律依据。

22、From the perspective of theory and practice, “jural means of state intervention”and “corporate governance” are the two important themes in the domain of economic jurisprudence and academic research. ─── “国家干预的法律路径”和“公司治理”是经济法学中的两个具有重要理论和实践意义的课题,也一直是学术界研究的重点。

23、Keywords modern medicine;jural circumstance;legal responsibility; ─── 关键词现代医学;法律环境;法律责任;

24、Relevant website ought to endeavor to had been done jural " examine obligation " . ─── 相关网站应当尽力做好法律上的“审查义务”。

25、Two appear on the market in Hong Kong, buy in jural not complex. ─── 两家都在香港上市,收购在法律上并不复杂。

26、The thesis then expounds the parties and their jural relations existing in contractive investment funds, company founds and special design for the protection of the relating investors. ─── 接着从公司型和契约型投资基金的组织结构及有关投资者保护的特殊设计三方面具体阐述了基金当事人的性质及其权义关系。第四部分不动产投资基金的信托法理分析。

27、Re-Positioning Equality in Administrative Jural Relations ─── 行政法律关系对等性之重新定位

28、How to Perfect the Jural Education in Telecom Industry? ─── 电信业:如何做好法制教育?

29、However, only on condition that it makes juristical connection with social real-life can the virtual estate be involved into the normalization of jural realm. ─── 但是,虚拟财产只有与现实的社会关系发生具有法律意义的联系时,才能切实进入法律调整的范畴。

30、Bigger question is, the involves Internet issue that includes fictitious belongings to be protected inside is in jural ambiguous still, when the problem appears, of fall victim often is consumer. ─── 更大的问题是,包括虚拟财产保护在内的涉及互联网的问题在法律上还不明确,当问题出现时,受害的往往是消费者。

31、Xiao Yun: There are three famous parks, Baihe Park, Civil Exercise Park and Jural Park. ─── 小云:有三个著名的公园,白河公园,全民健身公园,法制公园。

32、Legislative branch should study this kind of new issue, eliminate jural scotoma. ─── 立法部门应研究这类新问题,消灭法律上的盲点。

33、Each right of specific belongings is in jural flow and make over between the different economy principal part that has equal place, formed property right market. ─── 特定财产的各项权利在法律上具有平等地位的不同经济主体之间的流动和转让,就形成了产权市场。

34、jural relation ─── 法定关系

35、Jural Countermeasure against Exterior Problems of Using Glebe ─── 解决土地使用外部性问题的法律对策

36、Conclusion further narrates the need and important role to the judge’s power of legal interpretation and the mode in our jural country. ─── 结束语进一步明确了法官释法权的必要性、重要作用以及当代法治中国所要构建的法官释法权的模式。

37、Action for confirming jural relations ─── 法律关系确认之诉

38、This invests with distributive individual capital character to participating in state ownership economy, no matter be on theoretic, policy, jural still it is.. ─── 这对参与公有制经济投资与分配的个人资本而言,无论在理论上、政策上,还是法律上都是一个...

39、What degrees the dignity of human personality would be protected is the chief criterion to assess the justness of jural procedure. ─── 评价法律程序正当性的主要标准是它使人的尊严获得维护的程度。

40、The key of the problem depends on jural should the establish protection to informing against a person and to informing against information by leak ask duty. ─── 问题的关键在于法律上应确立对举报人的保护以及对于举报信息被泄漏的问责。

41、jural act ─── [法] 法律行为, 权力义务行为

42、Make Great Efforts in Practising "Three Representations" and Set up a Highly Qualified Team of Jural Personnel ─── 努力实践“三个代表”建设一支高素质的法制队伍

43、What degrees the dignity of human personality would be protected is the chief criterion to assess the justness of jural procedure. ─── 评价法律程序正当性的主要标准是它使人的尊严获得维护的程度。

44、Hearing system,which is the outcome of modern democratic politics,has its significant value and strength in the course of constructing a modern jural society. ─── 听证制度是现代民主政治的产物,在建设现代化法制社会的进程中具有重要的价值与力量。

45、Contrary, if commercial website popularizes this tort novel that uploads by the user everywhere, from which seek business interest, that is in jural namely " help tort " . ─── 相反,商业网站如果将这部由用户上传的侵权小说到处推广,从中谋取商业利益,那在法律上就是“帮助侵权”。

46、From Alibaba the group registers the ground to look is a graceful archipelago, in jural belong to enterprise of pure foreign capital. ─── 从阿里巴巴集团注册地看是开曼群岛,在法律上属于纯外资企业。

47、The libility basis and indemnity foundation are quite different according to respective jural relation between litigants. ─── 按照不同当事人之间各自的法律关系,责任人承担赔偿责任的基础和依据各异。

48、Cannot saying for certain nevertheless is piracy, this is in jural say to be illogical. ─── 不过肯定不能说是剽窃,这在法律上说不通。”

49、Based on above-mentioned characters, the thesis talks about the jural consequence and criminality essence of gathered offense. ─── 从集合犯的定义中,引申出集合犯最主要的两大特征,即主观的犯意倾向和客观的行为反复。

50、Abstract: At present the major problems in Henan governmental management system are the overuse of authority and default in obligation and jural construction in economic management. ─── 文章摘要: 现阶段河南省政府管理体制中存在的问题主要是政府在经济管理中职能越位、缺位和法制建设仍不够健全。

51、From the angle of the course of entry into WTO and jural causes of WTO, application for DSU to cross-strait trade disputes is scarcely equal to the internationalization of Taiwan Issue and Taiwan authorities could not get what they want. ─── 而无论是从海峡两岸入会历程还是WTO法律规则看,两岸间适用DSU等WTO法律规则,并不简单地等同于台湾问题国际化,台湾当局的企图也是无法得逞的。

52、Hohfeld) is classical to what all sorts of right place do in differentiating, all rights are jural advantage, because they protect the interest with proprietary right with different kind. ─── 在霍菲尔德(W.Hohfeld)对各种权利所做的经典的划分中,所有的权利都是法律上的优势,因为它们以不同的方式保护权利所有者的利益。

53、Jural department decides so: Get in flavour the other side agrees and make not the behavior of ghost calls encroach him (she) person body abbreviation " the gender is annoyed " . ─── 法律上系这样定的:在味得到对方同意而作出不鬼的行为称作侵犯他(她)人身体简称“性骚扰”。

54、Cannot saying for certain nevertheless is piracy, this is in jural say to be illogical. ─── 不过肯定不能说是剽窃,这在法律上说不通。

55、The so-called “stratum-relationship” means the social stratum and social relationship and power relation and jural relation of an organization. ─── 所谓“层缘”是指一个组织所处的社会层以及所面对的社会关系、权力关系和权利义务关系。

56、On internal law, the country basically is the existence of an idea, the main body with normally jural nonfeasance . ─── 在国内法上,国家主要是一个观念的存在,通常不作为法律上的主体。

57、I was pregnant, but I do not think and he marries.If he does not take me to go to a hospital abort, can I sue him?Give a dot jural professional knowledge please. ─── 我怀孕了,可我不想和他结婚.如果他不带我去医院打胎,我可以起诉他吗?请给点法律上的专业知识.

58、jural news ─── 法制新闻

59、jural cause ─── 法律事项

60、Lawsuit participates in a person is to because sue,point to, should appeal to or with be appealed to, should accuse main body has jural interests, and in the case whole or the person that litigant activity joins in partial lawsuit process. ─── 诉讼参与人是指因起诉、应诉或与被诉、应诉主体有法律上的利害关系,而在案件的整个或部分诉讼过程中参加诉讼活动的人。

61、Jural management of occupational disease prevention and control ─── 职业病防治工作的法制管理

62、Here, can encounter the morality and justice about user privacy and jural double and accusing. ─── 在这里,就会遇到关于用户隐私的道义和法律上的两重责难。

63、The system of law clerks plays an essential role in today's jural construction. ─── 法官助理制度是建构现代司法制度的重要一环。

64、From jural tell, the manufacturing business of Intel China and Intel (Malaysia square) attribute different principal part, comes to the responsibility that who is so assume. ─── 从法令上讲,英特尔中国与英特尔的出产商(马来西亚方)属于分歧的主体,那么就是谁的责任谁来承担。

65、The main body with national jural nonfeasance joins suit. ─── 国家不作为法律上的主体参加诉讼。

66、The first point Gan raised was that Jinan University deprived her right to education by internal regulations without jural supports. ─── 甘某认为,学校仅依据内部的规章制度剥夺她的受教育权,没有法律上的依据。

67、Jural news report must obey right propaganda, must be practical and realistic, and must stick to news discipline and news law. ─── 在法制新闻报道中要坚持以正面宣传为主的方针,坚持实事求是的报道态度,坚持遵守新闻纪律和新闻法的原则。

68、jural entity ─── 法律实体


70、Jural Analysis of the Lawsuit of "Pig Effused Water" ─── 郫县"注水肉"案件的法律分析

71、Administrative jural relations of audit ─── 审计行政法律关系

72、Current, the our country protection to informing against a person is policy only go up, without jural safeguard, the strength that protects to informing against a person still shows inadequacy. ─── 目前,我国对举报人的保护只是政策上的,没有法律上的保障,对举报人保护的力度仍显不足。

73、This will be provided from jural ambassadorial Shui Jie hold the position that cannot replace in the market, traditional bad news water wholesome clean is provided will exit the market. ─── 这将从法律上使节水洁具在市场上占据不可取代的地位,传统的耗水型卫生洁具将退出市场。

74、On internal law, the country basically is the existence of an idea, the main body with normally jural nonfeasance. ─── 在国内法上,国家主要是一个观念的存在,通常不作为法律上的主体。

75、If some systems which restrict land requisition compensation, and some jural barriers can be eliminated in time, reasonable compensation for the people of land requisition will be possible. ─── 如果某些制约征地农民补偿的制度及法律上的障碍能够及时加以消除,那么这样的一种合理补偿不仅是可行的,而且是可期待的。

76、Since want to collect tax, the country is about to offer jural protection to the fictitious character in the network. ─── 既然要收税,国家就要对网络中的虚拟人物给予法律上的保护。”

77、The ingredients of the law of tax,which refer to all the jural factors of tax,are the general Abstract of the main contents of the law of tax in a country. ─── 税法要素,一般指各单行税种法所共有基本要素之总称,乃一国税法中必不可少的主要内涵与抽象概括。

78、Unquestionably, many jural phenomena lie behind these codes and preceded them in point of time. ─── 毫无疑问,在这些法典的后面,存在许多法律现象,这些法律现象在时间上是发生在法典之前的。

79、Wang Bin tells a reporter, video shares website tort case often very complex, zai is jural also exist gray region; ─── 王斌告诉记者,视频分享网站侵权案件往往很复杂,在法律上也存在灰色地带;

80、We can roll out very quickly to be in of course jural more ambiguous product will catch this breach. ─── 我们当然可以很快推出一个在法律上比较模糊的产品来捕捉这个缺口。

81、Here, can encounter the morality and justice about user privacy and jural double and accusing. ─── 在这里,就会遇到关于用户隐私的道义和法律上的两重责难。

82、Yao Kefeng of intellectual property lawyer expresses yesterday, "Be like pure from jural tell, two game are too similar on the picture also can produce tort problem, but see specific problem even. ─── 知识产权律师姚克枫昨日表示,“如单纯从法律上讲,两款游戏在画面上过于相似也会产生侵权问题,但还要看具体问题。

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