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ficus 发音

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ficus 中文意思翻译



ficus 网络释义

n. 热带榕属植物;[植] 无花果属

ficus 词性/词形变化,ficus变形

名词复数: ficus |

ficus 短语词组

1、Ficus religiosa L. ─── [医] 菩堤树

2、Ficus elastica ─── [网络] 橡皮树;印度榕;印度橡胶树

3、Ficus stipulata Thunb. ─── [医] 薜荔

4、Ficus carica ─── 无花果

5、Ficus pumila L. ─── [医] 薜荔

6、Ficus religiosa ─── [网络] 菩提树;菩提榕;榕属

7、Ficus bengalensis ─── [网络] 印度榕树;印度无花果树;无花果属印度榕树

8、Ficus aurea ─── [网络] 榕树

9、Ficus rubiginosa ─── [网络] 锈叶榕

10、Ficus diversifolia ─── [网络] 异叶榕

11、Ficus deltoidea ─── [网络] 三角榕;金钱榕

12、Opuntia ficus-indicus Mill. ─── [医] 仙人掌

13、genus Ficus ─── [网络] 榕属;无花果属

14、Ficus carica L. ─── [医] 无花果

15、Ficus erecta Thunb. ─── [医] 天仙果

16、Ficus retusa L. ─── [医] 榕树

17、Ficus carica sylvestris ─── [网络] 野生无花果

18、Ficus Iaurifolia ─── [医] 桂叶榕

19、Ficus sycomorus ─── [网络] 西克莫无花果;桑树相比;聚果榕

ficus 相似词语短语

1、Picus ─── n.皮库斯(罗马神话中的神)

2、Amicus ─── n.(具体案件的)庭审顾问

3、fichus ─── n.三角形披肩

4、ficuses ─── 榕树

5、circus ─── n.马戏;马戏团

6、fucus ─── n.岩藻;墨角藻属

7、focus ─── n.焦点;中心;清晰;焦距;vt.使集中;使聚焦;vi.集中;聚焦;调节焦距;n.(Focus)人名;(瑞典)福库斯

8、fices ─── n.杂种小狗(等于feist)

9、Pincus ─── 平卡斯(人名)

ficus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Outside the living area, a rattan chair is suspended from a ficus tree. ─── 在起居区的外边,一把藤条椅悬挂在树上。

2、Ficus - bees are symbiotic system of plants belong to banyans moraceae with little bees pollinate banyan with the ecology benefit form. ─── 榕-蜂共生系统是桑科榕属植物与传粉榕小蜂专一互惠形成的生态学关系。

3、Anatomical Observation on Test- tube Seedling and Analysis of Transplant Survival Reason in Ficus carical L . ─── 无花果试管苗解剖学观察及移栽成活原因分析。

4、The ratio of free water and adsorbent water of leaves followed the order: Ficus carica Linn>Euphorbia pulcherrima>Cidiaeum variegatum var. pictum>Ficous elastica. ─── 叶片自由水与束缚水比值大小为无花果>一品红>变叶木>橡皮树;

5、There were numerous large ficus trees and a few framed photos leaning against the walls; Khan had just ordered them from Art. com. ─── 有好几棵大榕树,几张照片镶在框里,靠在墙边;这是汗刚刚在Art.com上买的。

6、Ficus erecta var. beecheyana [fairy fig] ─── 天仙果

7、Ficus rumphii [mock Bodh tree] ─── 假菩提树

8、"T'm Going. Let Me Take the Ficus Laor Sapling with Me." ─── "要走了,让我带上那株黄桷树苗!"

9、Ficus microcarpa At the bottom of the frame one after another colorful flower, which has phase at Qi-fang, red, yellow and purple - it looked spoiled for choice. ─── 在小叶榕的底部衬托着一朵朵五颜六色的花,它们在竟相齐放,红的,黄的,紫的-让人看了眼花缭乱,应接不暇。

10、Indian wild fig banyan tree Ficus bengalensis ─── 孟加拉榕木

11、The spatial allocation of seeds and wasps suggest that dioecious Ficus are more evolved in the allocation of female florets. ─── 就此而言,雌雄异株榕树大果榕在解决资源分配的竞争冲突中具有更大的优势。

12、Objective: To study effect of Ficus Carica Polysaccharides (FCPS) on immunologic function in mice. ─── 目的:研究无花果多糖(FCPS)对正常小鼠免疫功能的影响。

13、Effects of NaCl Treatment on Free Radical Metabolism of Fig ( Ficus carica L.) Calli ─── NaCl处理对无花果愈伤组织细胞过氧化系统的影响

14、Keywords Ficus microcarpa L. f;flavonoids;ultrasonic extraction; ─── 小叶榕叶;总黄酮;超声波提取;

15、All the differences can be used as subsidiary characteristics to distinguish species or varieties from one another and have some systematic significance to the taxonomy of Ficus. ─── 上述特征在不同种之间都有一些差异,这些差异可作为区分种和变种的辅助特征。

16、Ficus microcarpa var. pusillifolia ─── 小叶榕

17、the colored-leaf varieties of Ficus elastica ─── 印度橡胶榕彩叶栽培种

18、advantageous types of trees include ficus lacor, indialaurel fig oak and B.blakeana. ─── 优势树种为大叶榕、小叶榕、橡树、羊蹄甲等。

19、Based on the results, it was concluded that the shedding behavior in F. ficus is a autotomy. ─── 以上结果显示,花球枇杷螺自割组织的断落,应属于一自割行为。

20、Research was carried out on the reproductive impacts of different carry pollen process of fig-pollinating wasp of Ficus hispida in the tropical rainforest of Xishuangbanna. ─── 在西双版纳热带雨林中,对叶榕的传粉榕小蜂不同运载花粉的过程对寄主榕果和自身后代的繁殖都有影响。

21、Also known as weeping fig, benjamin tree, or small-leaved rubber plants, all ficus have milky sap in their leaves and stems that is toxic. ─── 小叶橡胶树又被称为本杰明树,其叶子和树茎内均含有有毒的牛奶状树液。

22、Resources of wild Ficus var. awkeotsang (makino) corner in Tai-shun county were deeply investigated, results showed that those who grown well and born more fruits per plant mainly distributed in areas of Si-qian and Xiao-cun. ─── 摘要通过对泰顺县野生爱玉子资源深入调查,发现生长良好、单株结果量大的优良爱玉子种源主要集中在该县司前、筱村片区。

23、Keywords Ficus hirta Vahl.;Content determination;Psoralen;Bergapten;HPLC; ─── 五指毛桃;含量测定;补骨脂素;佛手柑内酯;HPLC法;

24、Keywords enriched selenium;Ficu Pumila L.Var juice;pleurotus eryngii;compound beverage; ─── 富硒;薜荔汁;杏鲍菇;复合饮料;

25、Ficus pumila L. ─── [医] 薜荔

26、Keywords Enriched selenium;Ficu Pumila L.Var juice;Golden mushroom;compound beverage; ─── 富硒;薜荔汁;金针菇;复合饮料;

27、Ficus carica L. ─── [医] 无花果


29、This paper introduced the first introduction and culture experiments of Ficus awkeotsang from Taiwan in Fujian, it could flower and fruit normally, the relatively good effect was obtained. ─── 台湾爱玉子首次在福建引种栽培能正常开花结果,取得较好的效果。

30、leaf of Ficus microcarpa L.f. ─── 小叶榕叶

31、Controlling test on the method of ring cutting and applyng chemical against Macrohomota Sinica Yang et Li of Ficus microcarpal ─── 小叶榕华卵痣木虱环割涂药防治试验

32、"I'm Going.Let Me Take the Ficus Laor Sapling with Me." ─── “要走了,让我带上那株黄桷树苗!”

33、Some species, such as Ficus auriculata, F. hispida, Cinnamomum camphora, Sterculia lanceolata, Heteropanax fragrans, are more important than other species in vegetation composing and succession. ─── 值得注意的是,外来入侵种在本区占有较大比例,这与本区的地理位置和日益增长的外贸、旅游交流等密切相关。

34、The present study investigated the phenology of Ficus formosana Maxim. ─── 摘要本研究探讨关刀溪森林生态系台湾榕物候适应性的表现。

35、Ficus hispida L. is dioecious, which female figs produce seeds and male figs reproduce fig wasps and pollen. ─── 摘要2004年在西双版纳热带地区,统计了对叶榕隐头果接受的传粉榕小蜂数量,以及所生产的种子和传粉小蜂繁殖后代数量。

36、Ficus concinna Miq. var.subsessilis Corner ─── 无柄小叶榕

37、Difference in Light Acclimation Mechanisms Between Light-loving and Shade-tolerant Ficus Species ─── 喜光榕树和耐荫榕树光适应机制的差异

38、Commercial rubber comes from the latex of the rubber plants Ficus elastica and Hevea brasiliensis. ─── 商业橡胶来自橡皮树和三叶橡胶树。

39、Ficus carica, Good for People's Stomach and Spleen ─── 健脾益胃无花果

40、An overview using stereomicroseopy and scanning electron microscopy is given of the morphology of the syconia of Ficus erecta var. beecheyana, 1 of the common dioecious fig species in Taiwan. ─── 摘要本篇论文以解剖显微镜及扫描式电子显微镜观察台湾常见雌雄异株牛奶榕的榕果形态变化。

41、Ficus protease;Ficus proteinase; ─── 别名名称:Debricin;

42、Abstract: The vessel elements of secondary xylem in Ficus fistulosa were observed and studied by bio-microscope image analysis system and micrography. ─── 摘 要: 运用细胞图像分析系统及显微照相方法,观察研究水同木次生木质部导管分子。

43、Analysis of Volatile Composition in the Perfume of Ficus Carica Lam. Produced by Fermentation ─── 发酵无花果香料的挥发性成分分析

44、Ficus pandurata Hance var.angustifolia Cheng ─── 奶汁树

45、Based on the research on flower bud differentiation, the Ficus carica L.Bulan ruike was used as the material for studying the changes of the contents of soluble protein, soluble sugar and starch. ─── 摘要在对“布兰瑞克”无花果花芽形态学研究的基础上,对花芽分化期叶片中可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖和淀粉含量的变化进行研究。

46、Ficus tikoua Bur. ─── 地枇杷

47、Effects of different light intensity after low night temperature stress on PSII functions and absorbed light allocation in leaves of Ficus microcarpa ─── 低夜温后不同光强对榕树叶片PSII功能和光能分配的影响

48、Ficus laco and Ficus altissima are the key species of green trees in Xiamen City by the survey results of 131 roads and streets with the important values of above 6%. ─── 对城区131条道路绿化的调查表明, 大叶榕和高山榕为骨干绿化树种, 重要值均在6%以上。

49、The Machilus, Camellia, Ilex and Ficus are the dominant genera and the typical families are Lauraceae, Theaceae, Moraceae, Myrsinaceae, Araliaceae and Aquifoliaceae. ─── 以润楠属、山茶属、冬青属、榕属等为优势属,以樟科、山茶科、桑科、紫金牛科、五加科、冬青科等为表征科。

50、Drag onto the page to add a potted plant for patios or flower boxes, such as ficus, palm, or elephant ears. ─── 拖到绘图页后,可以添加用于装饰天井或花坛的盆栽植物,如榕属类植物、棕榈或象耳果等。

51、Keywords Ficus hirta;Chemical constituents;Seructure identification; ─── 五指毛桃;化学成分;结构鉴定;

52、Community structure of fig wasp in Ficus benjamina in different habitats ─── 垂叶榕隐头果内小蜂群落结构与生境关系的初步研究

53、Ficus simplicissima Lour var.hirta Migo ─── 佛掌榕

54、METHODS Flavonoids in Ficus pandurata root were extracted in different temperature,time condition and different solvent,including petroleum ether and different density ethanol. ─── 方法采用碱、石油醚及不同体积分数的乙醇为溶剂,在不同温度、时间条件下分别从琴叶榕根中提取总黄酮。

55、Ficus benghalensis [great Indian banyan] ─── 印度榕

56、Ficus hirta Vahl. ─── 五指毛桃

57、He regularly parked his cruiser under a massive ficus tree growing at the corner of the elderly couple's property. ─── Rich常常把巡逻车停在这对老夫妇草坪一角的一片无花果树下。

58、Ficus sarmentosa var. impressa ─── 凹叶榕

59、Ficus erecta Thunb. ─── [医] 天仙果

60、Ficus microcarpa of arround 1400 years old, very strong air roots down into earth, makes a forest itself, with red fruits on. ─── 大榕树,据说1400多年了,垂下粗大气根,枝叶茂盛,红色果子累累,地面有虬根的是气根,没有的是支架木棍

61、Ficus septica Burm. f. ─── 稜果榕 (木本, 原生

62、Ficus L. ─── 无花果

63、The order of the BCR values of these four species in 2004 was Platanus spp. (8.107) >Ficus concinna (2.579) > Ginkgo biloba (1.543) > Grevillea robusta (1.055). ─── 其效益成本比的大小排序为:悬铃木(8.107)>小叶榕(2.579)>银杏(1.543)>银桦(1.055)。

64、Conclusion: Antiinflammatory effect of alcohol extracts of Ficus pumila L. is better than alcohol extracts of Ficus pumila L. ─── 结论:薜荔药材乙醇提取物的抗炎效果优于水提取物。

65、The spatial allocation of seeds and wasps suggest that dioecious Ficus are more evolved in the allocation of female florets. ─── 就此而言,雌雄异株榕树大果榕在解决资源分配的竞争冲突中具有更大的优势。

66、Extracts prepared from Ginkgo bibioba, Ficus carica, Isatis indigotica, and Rheum officinale exhibit over 50% antiviral activity, and that of Ficus carica is up to 68.6%. ─── 其中银杏、无花果、板兰根、大黄对烟草花叶病毒的抑制率在50%以上,无花果最高,达到68.6%。

67、endophytic fungi;isolation; fermentation; activity;screening;metabolites; Eucommia Ulmoides Oliv;Ficus carice; ─── 01内生真菌;分离;发酵;活性;代谢产物;杜仲;无花果

68、Notes on the Tricentrus fulgidus Group Injuring Ficus spp.from China(Homoptera:Membracidae) ─── 为害榕树的三种耀光角蝉及新种记述(同翅目:角蝉科)

69、The spatial and temporal morphogenesis of laminar hydathodes in Ficus formosana Maxim. f. shimadai Hayata was examined at light and electron microscopic levels. ─── 摘要本研究藉由透明法、光学显微镜术、扫描与穿透电子显微镜术,观察细叶天仙果叶部泌水器的发育过程,并且著重于描述末梢组织的发育。

70、Keywords Ficus pandurata Hamee;flavonoids;extract condition; ─── 关键词琴叶榕;黄酮类化合物;提取条件;

71、The new attempt of slice production of leaf and stem of Ficus elastica Roxb ─── 印度胶树茎、叶制片新尝试


73、cluster fig (ficus recemosa) ─── 丛生榕

74、The toxicity and control effect of 7 kinds of insecticides to Ficus gall-forming thripid were evaluated in this paper. ─── 摘要本文进行了7种杀虫剂对榕管蓟马的毒力测定和田间药效试验。

75、Ficus religiosa L. ─── [医] 菩堤树

76、Because of the special pollination mutualism ecology and the minute pollen size of Ficus, anther/ovule ratio (A/O) substitutes for P/O to explore their pollination ecology and phylogeny. ─── 因榕属植物独特之共生授粉生态系统及花粉粒极小之因素,本文藉由计数花药-胚珠比取代花粉-胚珠比来探讨榕属植物与榕果小蜂之授粉生态与系统分类等问题。

77、Outside the living area, a rattan chair is suspended from a ficus tree. ─── 起居区的外边,一把藤条椅悬挂在树上。

78、Difference of Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Micropropagated Ficus elastica Plantlets of Mini-cutting Type and Organ Type ─── 不同增殖类型橡皮树试管苗的叶绿素荧光特性

79、Banyan | [Latin] Ficus benghalensis ─── 孟加拉榕树| 榕树

80、New cultivated varieties of fig (Ficus) and privet (Ligustrum) in Taiwan. ─── 台湾榕树与女贞之新栽培变种.

81、Keywords Ficus hirta Vahl.;Tissue culture; ─── 关键词五指毛桃;组织培养;

82、In vitro Propagation of Ficus elastica Roxb.'Schryveriana' ─── 富贵榕的离体快繁

83、A tropical Indian fig tree(Ficus benghalensis), often widely spreading because of the many aerial roots that descend from the branches and develop into additional trunks. It is planted for ornament and shade. ─── 印度榕树一种热带的印度无花果树(孟加拉榕榕属)因其枝上生有气根,垂入土中并长成另外的树干,所以覆盖面积很大。因装饰性和树荫而被种植

84、Ficus binnendijkii var.variegata ─── 彩叶橡胶榕

85、Ficus retusa L. ─── [医] 榕树

86、Callus was obtained from the terminal bud explants of Ficus robusta on Murashige and Skoog(MS) basel medium supplemented with 2.0 mg L-1 BA and 0.1 mg L-1 NAA. ─── 以黄斑橡胶榕(Ficus robusta“Yellow spot”)的顶芽为外植体进行离体培养与植株再生研究。 结果表明,黄斑橡胶榕的诱导培养基以MS+BA 2.0 mg L-1+NAA 0.1 mg L-1为宜;

87、Study on Tissue Culture of Ficus hirta ─── 五指毛桃组织培养研究

88、Try using a ficus tree or palm tree in a corner and see the instant effect. ─── 试着在角落处摆放热带榕属桑科树或者棕榈树,看看效果是否理解发生改变。

89、Ficus benjamina var. ruda seeds ─── 丛毛垂叶榕种子

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