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tangled 发音

英:[?t??ɡ(?)ld]  美:[?t??ɡ(?)ld]

英:  美:

tangled 中文意思翻译



tangled 同义词

disorderly | knotted | knotty | jumbled | complicated | tousled | mixed-up | messy | intricate | complex | involved | Byzantine | disordered | tortuous | twisted |confused | convoluted | matted | interwoven

tangled 短语词组

1、tangled rapunzel ─── 缠结的长发公主

2、tangled 2 ─── 纠结2

3、tangled cast ─── 缠结石膏

4、tangled credits ─── 混乱的信贷

5、tangled mania ─── 纠结性躁狂

6、tangled disney ─── 混乱的迪斯尼

7、uselessly tangled ─── 毫无意义的纠结

8、tangled songs ─── 纠结的歌曲

9、tangled the series ─── 把这个系列搞得乱七八糟

10、tangled yarn ─── 缠结纱线

11、tangled up in blue ─── 缠在蓝色里

12、tangled traffic ─── [法] 繁乱的交通

13、Tangled Up ─── 神魂颠倒;搅进去

14、tangled web ─── 错综复杂的网络

15、tangled with ─── 与……吵架,争吵; ─── 与……争论; ─── 与……有纠葛

16、tangled case ─── [法] 复杂的案件

17、tangled threads ─── 缠结的线

18、tangled heart ─── 纠结的心

tangled 常用词组

tangle with ─── 与…吵架,争吵;与…争论;与…有纠葛

tangled 反义词


tangled 词性/词形变化,tangled变形

过去分词:tangled 原型:tangle 过去式:tangled

tangled 相似词语短语

1、dangled ─── adj.悬挂着的;v.挂;悬荡;吊着(dangle的过去分词)

2、jangled ─── v.(使)发出金属撞击声;(使)烦躁不安(jangle的过去式及过去分词)

3、twangled ─── 胡言乱语

4、bangled ─── 手镯

5、taigled ─── 桌子

6、angled ─── adj.成角的;有角的;v.使成角度(angle的过去式和过去分词)

7、fangled ─── adj.新流行的(新奇的)

8、mangled ─── v.严重损毁;轧平;糟蹋;在(榨干机中)榨干(mangle的过去式及过去分词);adj.严重损毁的;没有逻辑的

9、cangled ─── 坎格里德

tangled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It had tangled me all up in a knot every time I had looked at it in the daytime. ─── 在白天,我每瞧它一次,便被它搅得昏头昏脑。

2、Delaware and his sidekick, detective pal Milo Sturgis, follow the tangled trail to a surprising conclusion. ─── 但是,作者已经把这些事情的大概情节和分析的理论说清楚了,大家一定也已经明白其中的道理了。

3、Many get tangled in mile-long lines laced with bait. ─── 它们被布满诱饵的长长的鱼线缠住无法脱身。

4、The three of them were tangled in a large political intrigue. ─── 他们三人卷入了一起政治阴谋。

5、He got his equipment tangled with the aeroplane in some way, and plunged to his death. ─── 他的器材因某种原因与飞机绞在一块,他因此被困死在那里。

6、An open doorway, tangled in vines, frames an idyllic scene of gently waving grasses in Puerto Rico. ─── 一个开放的门口,藤蔓攀爬植物在缠绕,一幅田园诗般的情景稻科植物类轻轻地挥舞着波多黎各。

7、A girl stood on a cliff and the wind tangled her hair. ─── 一个女孩子站在悬崖边,被风吹乱了头发。

8、After he was tangled with those "counterculture" boys, he began to be indulged in drugs and drink. ─── 他和那些“反传统文化”的家伙混在一起后,就迷恋上了吸毒和酗酒。

9、Tufts of the bearded lichen or old man's beard hang from the branches like bits of sea mist tangled there. ─── 一簇簇须毛丛生的地衣如老人的胡须从树枝上挂下,就象一缕缕海雾萦绕于斯。

10、We did not think of the great open plains, the beautiful rolling hills, the winding streams with tangled growth, as 'wild'. ─── 我们没有认为开阔的平原,绵延起伏的山峦和蜿蜒远去的河流是荒野的。

11、Puppies may also get tangled in ropes or the plastic from six-pack beverage holders. ─── 小狗还很容易被绳子或者6包装易拉罐的塑料固定包装绳缠绕。

12、She twisted up her tangled hair. ─── 她把散乱的头发卷起来。

13、He was tangled into this situation by his debts. ─── 他因为债务而卷入了这件事情。

14、Your hair looks a bit tangled. ─── 你的头发看起来有点乱。

15、All of them were located on the first web space and thenar eminence region, demonstrating tangled skin, nods and cords. ─── 8例的病变均位于虎口和大鱼际区域,表现为皮肤纠集、结节和条索,很少影响拇指的活动范围。均手术切除局部的掌腱膜条索。

16、The blanket probably got tangled up with the snake's rabbit dinner, owner Karl Beznoska of Ketchum, Idaho, told the Associated Press. ─── 一条3.5米长的蛇正面临手术,原因是它完全吞下一个大号电热毯,包括控制盒和电缆,这些可以从7.19的照片中看到。

17、She had tangled up the sheets on the bed as she lay tossing and turning. ─── 她在床上翻来覆去,把被单弄得乱成一团。

18、Christmas energy as we all know can be extremely pushy, frantic, tangled, overexcited and spin you off into all directions. ─── 众所周知,过圣诞所需的精力会是死缠硬磨的、疯狂混乱的、错综复杂的、过度兴奋的,让你忙得团团转。

19、If you are a plumbing so, please play your boundless imagination, tangled pipes are connected - it. ─── 假若你是一名水管工的话,请发挥你无限的想像力,把乱成一团的水管都接通吧-。

20、He came on a great boar lying in a tangled thicket of boughs and bracken, a dark place where the sun never shone, nor could the rain pierce through. ─── 尤利西斯遇到了一头野猪,它躺在紊乱茂盛的树枝和欧洲厥之中,四周一片黑暗,太阳照不进来,雨也打不进来。

21、His foot became tangled in the rope. ─── 他的一只脚被绳子缠住。

22、We were caught in a tangled web of relationships. ─── 我们陷入了错综复杂的人际关系网络。

23、I'm sorry to hear that you've been tangled with such unsuitable people,and glad that you're now making new friends. ─── 听说你曾和这样一伙人厮混,我很遗憾,我很高兴你现在正结交新朋友。

24、You throw a net over them, they get tangled up, and then you go up and sedate them. ─── 你扔下一张网罩住它们,它们就被裹住了,然后你走上前去,给它们注射镇静剂。

25、But don't get tangled: Gasol's a key player, one of the most adept power forwards in the league at scoring nattily and moving the ball. ─── 但是不要为加索尔在总决赛中的表现耿耿于怀了:加索尔本身就是一名关键的球员,一名可以快速得分和转移球的联盟中最灵活之一的大前锋。

26、Divers rescued a humpback whale off the coast of Acapulco, Mexico.The adult male was tangled in fishing nets about a mile out to sea. ─── 在墨西哥A海岸潜水员拯救了一只被渔网缠绕的成年驼背鲸,位置在离海一里左右的地方。

27、Messages for them were always getting hopelessly tangled. ─── 寄给他们的信总是给弄混了,一点办法也没有。

28、Your hair is so tangled that I can't comb it. ─── 你的头发太蓬乱,我没法梳。

29、Last time I tangled with him, he won! ─── 上次我和他打架,他赢了!

30、If a user is very computer-naive, he might see it as an unconditional panic button for extricating himself from a hopelessly tangled misadventure. ─── 如果用户是一个计算机盲,他会将撤销当做一个无条件的应急按钮,而将自己从运气不佳的混乱遭遇中解脱出来;

31、From images of women using stove, we get a picture of the mystery history of kitchen where people's affection interweave a tangled yarn. ─── 从妇女使用大灶的身影,我们窥探了厨房秘史里所展现的恩怨情仇。

32、A flourishing economy, on the other hand, creates what biologists call “a tangled bank” of niches, with no clear hierarchy between them. ─── 在另一方面,繁荣的经济创造了生物学家所谓之等级界限含混的“混乱阶层”。

33、The safety car was required after Sebastian Vettel and Robert Kubica, fighting hard for second place, tangled mere laps from the chequered flag. ─── 安全车后,需要维泰尔和罗伯特库比卡,艰苦奋斗的第二位,缠绕圈仅仅从终点.

34、Don't get caught in a tangled web. ─── 不要陷入错综复杂的关系网里。

35、He described it as an extraordinarily tangled and complicated tale. ─── 他把它讲成了一个格外错综复杂的故事。

36、"Right there, " Sally said, brushing the cursor across the tangled top of his head. ─── “在这吧,”莎莉说着,用光标触碰了一下小狗头部的一团簇拥物。

37、Your hair's so tangled that I can't comb it. ─── 你的头发太乱了,我梳不动。

38、History is a tangled web of stories, opinions, and mysteries. ─── 历史是一张由故事,观点和谜团交织而成的网。

39、He got tangled in the affair. ─── 他被卷入那事件。

40、If the Thicket of Life is sufficiently tangled, it may require a rethinking of our past and future. ─── 如果生命的灌木丛充分缠结,难解难分,那么,也许就需要我们重新思考自己的过去和未来了。

41、If you make a mistake, get all tangled up, just tango on. ─── 如果你跳错了也没关系,接着跳下去。

42、There are so many issues all over the globe that are tangled in knots and very difficult to solve. ─── 因为世界上这里那里有很多疙瘩,很难解开。

43、It fluttered ungracefully to the ground and landed in a tangled mass of weeds and string against a dead bush. ─── 它笨拙地摆动着向地面坠落,落在一堆乱草之中,线缠绕在一颗死灌木上。

44、They managed to extricate the pilot from the tangled control panel. ─── 他们设法把困在控制盘里的飞行员救了出来。

45、A movement caught his eye in the tangled undergrowth. ─── 乱灌木丛里的晃动引起了他的注意。

46、Then, for more than an hour, he wandered with erring feet through the tangled undergrowth. ─── 他高一脚低一脚地在盘根错节的下层树丛中转了一个多小时。

47、Marriage: a woman's hair net tangled with man's spectacles on top of the bedroom dresser. ─── 可以说人类是既强大又虚弱,既卑琐又崇高,既洞察入微又常常视而不见的。

48、If you get all tangled up, just tango on. ─── 即使在一处绊倒,请站起来,继续舞蹈。

49、His tangled hair and scraggy neck gave witness of unreadiness and through his misty glasses weak eyes looked up pleading. ─── 他那其乱如麻的头发和瘦削的脖颈都表明他的笨拙。透过模糊不清的镜片,他翻起一双弱视的眼睛,央求着。

50、Animals get tangled in fishing nets and drown. ─── 动物被缠在渔网里淹死了。

51、From a bird's-eye view, these three burgs, the City, the Town, and the University, each presented to the eye an inextricable skein of eccentrically tangled streets. ─── 俯瞰之下,老城、大学城、新城这三镇仔细一看,都是街道纵横交错,乱七八糟,各像一件编织的毛衣,拆也拆不开。

52、The little girl tangled the yarn her mother was knitting. ─── 小女孩把她妈妈在编结的毛线弄得纠结在一起了。

53、When the Warriors attempted to inbound the ball at midcourt, Delaney called an offensive foul on Ellis while he was tangled up with Fisher. ─── 勇士尝试在中场时夺回球权,在与小鱼争抢防守位置时,Delaney吹了艾里斯一个进攻犯规。

54、In the same beachside community, a truck and tangled mass of corrugated steel are wedged against the house of F. ─── 在相同的海滨社区,一辆卡车和弯曲的钢铁插入F.F.的家。

55、Heaps of metal and tangled wire litter Chateauroux's concrete surface on which all the dismantling and recycling takes place. ─── 一堆堆废铁和纠缠如麻的线路,零散丢弃在沙特鲁水泥地上,所有拆卸和回收都在这里进行。

56、I exhausted myself remorselessly in tangled and contradictory accounts, and I wept with impotent despair. ─── 为了这些混乱、矛盾的讲述,我毫不顾惜地弄得自己精疲力竭,却无能为力,只好绝望地哭泣着。

57、In the old society, owing to cruel exploitation and succesive years of tangled warfare among warloads, the labouring people led a vagrant life. ─── 在旧社会, 残酷的剥削和连年不断的军阀混战, 使劳动人民过着颠沛流离的生活。

58、We bathe her every week or so at home, but occasionally she gets so grimy and tangled that we have to take her to a professional groomer. ─── 我们每周都会帮牠洗澡,不过,有时候牠实在太脏了,而且毛都打结时,我们就必须把牠送去宠物美容中心好好整理一番。

59、My hair is all tangled up. I can't comb it out. ─── 我的头发纠缠在一起,梳不开。

60、Alana, what does "tangled web" symbolize? ─── |Alana,"纠缠的网"指代什么?

61、It fluttered ungracefully to the groundlanded in a tangled mass of weedsstring against a dead bush. ─── 它毫无风度地震颤着向地面坠落,落在一堆乱草之中,线缠绕在一颗死灌木上。

62、He can get over a stile without danger, scramble through a tangled hedge without being caught, come down a slippery path without falling. ─── 他能够安然无恙地跨越栅栏,能够攀过纷乱的树篱而不被刮伤,也能够走过光滑的地面而不跌倒。

63、For extra-curly or tangled hair,use in combination with our Calming Hair Conditioner. ─── 对于特别卷曲或纠结的头发,配合护发素一起使用更好。

64、Do you know how he got tangled in the quarrel? ─── 你知道他是怎么卷入争吵的吗?

65、But some fishermen still kill them. Other seals get tangled in the nets and drown. ─── 但一些渔夫仍会杀死它们。其他海豹会卷入网中而溺亡。

66、Her fingers tangled with the grey-black hair laying open the bald patch. ─── 她的手指插进灰中带黑的头发,披露出一块秃顶。

67、Because of your own makeup, you are rather good at unraveling the tangled skeins of others' personal lives. ─── 同时你天生有着旺盛充沛的性能量,并有着天生能将他人纠缠不清的个人生活分析理清的良好能力。

68、This fern often forms a tangled mass over other plants. ─── 会缠绕生长成一片,覆盖其它植物.

69、Lily often sat on the tangled roots reading in her childhood. ─── 丽丽念小学时常坐在这棵榕树的树根上背书。

70、The majority view is that the molecules are tangled up in a completely random manner. ─── 大多数意见是分子完全杂乱地缠结在一起。

71、Occasionally, red Ogilby's and blue duikers crashed through the tangled undergrowth. ─── 偶尔,红色和蓝色小羚羊穿过杂乱的灌木丛。

72、He turned swiftly tosee standing beside him an ancient man in the garb of a hermit with long matted hair and tangled beard. ─── 他赶紧转过身,看见旁边站着一位古时候的人,归隐者装束,头发又长又乱,胡子也蓬成一团。

73、" Happy, Mingo looking for you? " Third, manage the wind tangled hair, to the bridge Yu lit his cigarette. ─── “虎哥,明哥找你什么事啊?”三小,理了理风吹乱的头发,给桥宇点了根烟。

74、They were tangled in the labour-management controversy. ─── 他们被卷入了劳资纠纷。

75、The highways will morph in your mind from helpful escape routes into a tangled web of concrete slowly tightening around your neck. ─── 在你的脑海里,高速路将从帮你逃离城市的路径变成勃颈上越缠越紧的纠结的混凝土网。

76、Mom asked me to tease out the dog's tangled hair after it came back. ─── 妈妈让我在狗回来以后给它梳理一下打卷的毛。

77、They were so brave! They crossed and tangled more than fifty times and neither could best the other. ─── 他们两个人的功夫都很厉害,一直打了五十多个回合都不分胜负。

78、At the belay, the rope is stacked soit won't get tangled or stuck. ─── 下图:在保护站,绳子是堆叠在一起的,因此不会缠结在一起或卡住。

79、Also once we all have forgotten own, realizes that palpitation the feeling and the tangled up love. ─── 也曾经我们都忘了自己,体会那心跳的感觉和缠绵的爱。

80、I like it, but somehow they seem tangled up, like a lot of worms. ─── 地方我是喜欢的,可是他们未免太混杂了,象是一大堆的虫似的。”

81、Oh, what a tangled web we weave, / When first we practice to deceive(Sir Walter Scott. ─── 噢,我们陷入一团混乱,/当我们第一次试图使诈时!(沃特尔 斯图尔特爵士)。

82、He crouched down among the tangled foliage. ─── 他蹲下把身子藏在紊乱的叶丛中。

83、A mass of fallen timber and tangled brush. ─── 一堆倒下的树木和杂乱的灌木

84、I'm sorry to hear that you've been tangled with such unsuitable people, and glad that you're now making new friends. ─── 听说你曾和这样一伙人厮混,我很遗憾;我很高兴你现在正结交新朋友。

85、He was bare-headed, and the leaves had tossed his rebellious curls and tangled all their gilded threads. ─── 他没戴帽子,树叶搅乱了他那桀骜不驯的卷发,叫所有那些发丝都纠结起来。

86、Her hair got all tangled up in the barbed wire fence. ─── 她的头发被刺钢丝篱笆给挂住了。

87、He didn't like what he saw: loose wires,tangled hoses, bolts painted four different colors -- the kind of sloppiness you'd never see in a Japanese car. ─── 他对眼前所见的一切感到不满,松散的电线、混乱的软管和漆成四种不同颜色的螺栓,这种粗心和马虎的状态在日本小汽车上是绝对看不到的。

88、The adult male was tangled in fishing nets about a mile out to sea. Divers think the whale may have been tangled there for up to two months. ─── 这头成年雄性鲸鱼在距离海岸一英里处的渔网里挣扎,潜水员们猜测它已经在那里挣扎了两个月以上。

89、"Oh, what a tangled web we weave,/When first we practice to deceive!" (Sir Walter Scott). ─── “噢,我们陷入一团混乱,/当我们第一次试图使诈时!” (沃特尔·斯图尔特爵士)。


tangled[英][?t??gld][美][?t??ɡ?ld]adj.纠缠的; 紊乱的; 混乱的; 杂乱的; v.(使)缠结, (使)乱作一团( tangle的过去式和过去分词 ); 例句:

1.His rule has burdened it with a legacy of inadequate institutions, tangled laws andburning animosities. 他的统治给利比亚遗留下来一堆债务重担:不完善的体系、混乱的法律和仇恨的怒火。

2.The problem, as everyone knows, is that each of these issues is tangled in thedomestic politics of the united states. 众所周知,美国国内政治格局是造成这些问题如此混乱的原因。


tangled[英][?t??gld][美][?t??ɡ?ld]adj.纠缠的; 紊乱的; 混乱的; 杂乱的; v.(使)缠结, (使)乱作一团( tangle的过去式和过去分词 ); 例句:

1.His rule has burdened it with a legacy of inadequate institutions, tangled laws andburning animosities. 他的统治给利比亚遗留下来一堆债务重担:不完善的体系、混乱的法律和仇恨的怒火。

2.The problem, as everyone knows, is that each of these issues is tangled in thedomestic politics of the united states. 众所周知,美国国内政治格局是造成这些问题如此混乱的原因。

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