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08-15 投稿


arsenious 发音

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arsenious 中文意思翻译



arsenious 短语词组

1、benzophenone arsenious acid ─── [建] 二苯甲酮亚胂酸

2、Arsenious Chloride Chemical Warfare Agent ─── 砷氯化学战剂

3、arsenious anhydride ─── [医] 亚砷酸酐, 三氧化二砷

4、carboxy phenyl arsenious acid ─── [化] 羧苯亚胂酸

5、arsenious definition ─── 砷的定义

6、methyl arsenious oxide ─── [化] 甲基亚胂酸酐

7、Phosgene and Arsenious Chloride Chemical Warfare Mixture ─── 光气和砷氯化学战合剂

8、diaryl arsenious acid ─── [化] 二芳基亚胂酸

9、dimethyl arsenious oxide ─── 二甲基亚砷酸盐

10、arsenious acid solution ─── [医] 亚砷酸溶液

11、arsenious sulphide ─── 硫化亚砷

12、arsenious acid ─── 亚砷酸

13、arsenious acid pka ─── 亚砷酸pka

14、arsenious oxide ─── [医] 氧化亚砷

15、Arsenious Chloride Chemical Warfare ─── 砷化氯化物化学战

16、arsenious acid oxidation numbers ─── 亚砷酸氧化值

17、arsenious acid anhydride ─── [机] 三氯化砷

18、Phosgene and Arsenious Chloride Che ─── 光气和砷氯化铁

19、diphenyl arsenious acid ─── 二苯基亚砷酸

arsenious 相似词语短语

1、arsenals ─── n.军械库(arsenal的复数)

2、arseniates ─── 砷酸盐

3、arsenicals ─── adj.砷的,含砷的;n.砷化合物;砷剂

4、harmonious ─── adj.和谐的,和睦的;协调的;悦耳的

5、paroecious ─── adj.雌雄器官紧连的,雌雄有序同苞的

6、arsenites ─── n.亚砷酸盐

7、abstemious ─── adj.节约的,节省的;有节制的

8、arsonous ─── 纵火的

9、arsenous ─── adj.含砷的,亚砷的

arsenious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、arsenious trioxide ─── 三氧化亚砷

2、arsenious oxide injection ─── 羟基喜树碱

3、Keywords arsenious sulfide;hydrolytic equilibrium; ─── 三硫化二砷;水解平衡;

4、Inhibitory Kinetic Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Silver with Nitrous Acid- Arsenious Acid- Iodide System ─── 亚硝酸-亚砷酸-碘体系阻抑动力学光度法测痕量银

5、arsenious oxide ─── [医] 氧化亚砷

6、Ventricular tachycardia attributed to arsenious acid ─── 亚砷酸致儿童室性心动过速

7、methyl arsenious oxide ─── 甲基亚胂酸酐

8、Keywords Liver Neoplasms/ther;Radiofrequency Ablation;Arsenious Acid;Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor;Disease Models;Animal; ─── 肝肿瘤/治疗;射频消融;亚砷酸;血管内皮生长因子;疾病模型;动物;

9、Abstract:Objective:To evaluate the safety and efficacy of combining radiofrequency ablation(RFA) with arsenious acid(AA) locally to treat liver VX2 tumor in rabbits,and to explore its mechanism. ─── 目的:探讨射频消融联合亚砷酸局部治疗对兔肝VX2肿瘤的有效性和安全性,并探讨其机制。

10、arsenious acid anhydride ─── [机] 三氯化砷

11、Arsenious Chloride Chemical Warfare Agent ─── 化学战用剂

12、The paper discusses the solubility of the arsenious sulfide in the nonoxidizahle strong acids. ─── 通过实验讨论三硫化二砷在无氧化性强酸、强碱溶液中的溶解性。

13、Observation on toxic reactions caused by arsenious acid for solid carcinoma ─── 亚砷酸治疗实体恶性肿瘤的毒性反应观察

14、Action and mechanism of arsenious acid to human hepatocarcinoma in nude mouse ─── 亚砷酸抗裸鼠人肝癌作用及机制研究

15、arsenious trisulfide sol ─── 三硫化二砷溶胶

16、dimethyl arsenious oxide ─── 氧化二甲胂

17、diaryl arsenious acid ─── 二芳基亚胂酸

18、arsenious acid solution ─── [医] 亚砷酸溶液

19、Effects of arsenious oxide artery perfusion on neoadjuvant chemotherapy for osteogenic sarcoma ─── 亚砷酸动脉灌注在骨肉瘤新辅助化疗中的作用

20、The standard equilibrium potentials of evolving AsH3 from arsenic acid, arsenious acid and element arsenic are thermodynamically calculated as 0.144V, 0.005V, -0.238V respectively. ─── 据热力学参数,计算得到砷酸、亚砷酸、单质砷析出砷化氢的标准平衡电势值分别为0.144V,0.005V,-0.238V。

21、arsenious sulphide ─── 雄黄石黄

22、Effects of arsenious oxide artery perfusion on neoadjuvant chemotherapy for osteogenic sarcoma ─── 亚砷酸动脉灌注在骨肉瘤新辅助化疗中的作用

23、The influence of arsenious acid on proliferation and differentiation of human hepatocarcinoma cells ─── 亚砷酸对人肝癌细胞生长增殖及分化的影响

24、Studies on Speciation of Arsenious Compounds by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis ─── 毛细管区带电泳用于分离分析砷化合物的研究

25、arsenious chloride ─── 三氯化砷

26、liquor arseni et hydrargyri iodidorum ─── [医] 碘化坤汞溶液

27、Inhibitory Kinetic Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Silver with Nitrous Acid- Arsenious Acid- Iodide System ─── 亚硝酸-亚砷酸-碘体系阻抑动力学光度法测痕量银

28、The arsenic concentration of this well water was 0.6rag/L, which was 15 times as great as the maximal permissible concentration of drinking water, In the plant the morbidity of endemic chronic arseni cism was 44.6 percent. ─── 该井水含砷浓度为0.6mg/L,是我国生活饮用水中最高容许浓度的15倍。 该厂地方性慢性砷中毒的患病率是44.6%。

29、Keywords arsenious acid;toxic reactions;solid carcinoma; ─── 亚砷酸;毒副反应;实体瘤;

30、Arsenious Acid. ─── ( 亚砷酸).


32、paper discusses the solubility of the arsenious sulfide in the nonoxidizahle strong acids. alkaline solution by way of the experiment. ─── 通过实验讨论三硫化二砷在无氧化性强酸、 强碱溶液中的溶解性。

33、Keywords transcatheter arterial chemoem-bolization;arsenious oxide injection;hydroxycamptothecin;liver cancer in middle and advanced stage; ─── 肝动脉化疗栓塞;羟基喜树碱;亚砷酸注射液;中晚期肝癌;

34、Acute renal failure in connection with arsenious acid ─── 亚砷酸致急性肾功能衰竭

35、In the processing of the purification of copper electrolyte, arsenic acid prior to arsenious acid evolves AsH 3. ─── 在铜电解液净化工序中,砷酸优先于亚砷酸析出砷化氢,当阴极电势足够负时,三者共同放电析出砷化氢。

36、Objective:To evaluate the safety and efficacy of combining radiofrequency ablation(RFA) with arsenious acid(AA) locally to treat liver VX2 tumor in rabbits, and to explore its mechanism. ─── 目的:探讨射频消融联合亚砷酸局部治疗对兔肝VX2肿瘤的有效性和安全性,并探讨其机制。

37、The paper discusses the solubility of the arsenious sulfide in the nonoxidizahle strong acids. alkaline solution by way of the experiment. ─── 通过实验讨论三硫化二砷在无氧化性强酸、强碱溶液中的溶解性。

38、arsenious acid ─── 亚砷酸

39、Neuronal development of bone marrow stromal stem cells induced by arsenious acid ─── 亚砷酸诱导骨髓基质干细胞向神经细胞的分化作用

40、Injection in Thorax Using Herbs and Arsenious Acid to Treat the Cancer Liquid in Thorax ─── 中药配合亚砷酸胸腔内注射治疗癌性胸水

41、The effects of arsenious acid on the apoptosis and the expression of ERK-1 protein of human hepatocarcinoma cells ─── 亚砷酸对人肝癌细胞凋亡及ERK-1蛋白表达的影响

42、The influence of arsenious acid on proliferation and differentiation of human hepatocarcinoma cells ─── 亚砷酸对人肝癌细胞生长增殖及分化的影响

43、carboxy phenyl arsenious acid ─── 羧苯亚胂酸

44、arsenious acid pulp devitalizer ─── 亚砷酸牙髓失活剂

45、Ventricular tachycardia attributed to arsenious acid ─── 亚砷酸致儿童室性心动过速

46、Arsenious acid chemotherapy is considered effective on treating moderate or advanced liver cancer, but its utilization following liver transplantation remains few. ─── 砷酸全身化疗被认为对中晚期肝癌具有一定作用,但在肝移植后的应用还未见报道。

47、arsenious iodide ─── 三碘化砷

48、Phosgene and Arsenious Chloride Chemical Warfare Mixture ─── 碳酰氯和砷氯化物化学战混合物

49、OBJECTIVE: To explore the role of arsenious acid on tumor recurrence in liver transplant patients with primary HCC extending Milan criteria. ─── 目的:观察超出米兰标准的肝癌患者肝移植后应用亚砷酸全身化疗的对肿瘤复发的干预效果。

50、Keywords Arthritis;rheumatoid;experimental;Arsenious acid;Apoptosis;Cytokines; ─── 关节炎;类风湿;实验性;亚砷酸;凋亡;细胞因子;

51、It is put forth that the arsenious Sulfide can't dissolve in the nonoxidizable strong acids. but can dissolve easily in the alkaline solution because of existence of hydrolytic equilibrium. ─── 提出三硫化二砷由于存在水解平衡导致难溶于无氧化性强酸而易溶于强碱溶液中。

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