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08-15 投稿


tadpole 发音

英:['t?dp??l]  美:['t?d'pol]

英:  美:

tadpole 中文意思翻译



tadpole 短语词组

1、little tadpole ─── 小蝌蚪

2、bullfrog tadpole ─── 牛蛙蝌蚪

3、Tadpole Computer ─── 蝌蚪电脑

4、tadpole larva ─── 蝌蚪幼体

5、ascidian tadpole ─── [无脊椎动物]海鞘

6、tadpole-shaped ─── [网络] ad ole形

7、Tadpole madtom ─── 蝌蚪疯子

8、tadpole teasing ─── 蝌蚪戏弄

9、Tadpole Galaxy ─── 蝌蚪星系

10、tadpole shrimp ─── 鲎虫

tadpole 词性/词形变化,tadpole变形


tadpole 相似词语短语

1、flagpole ─── n.旗杆

2、beanpole ─── n.支竿;瘦长之人

3、taphole ─── n.[冶]出铁口,出渣口;塞孔

4、Walpole ─── n.沃波尔(姓氏)

5、rampole ─── 坡道

6、to pole ─── 到极点

7、clodpole ─── n.笨人,呆子

8、Maypole ─── n.五朔节花柱

9、tadpoles ─── n.[脊椎]蝌蚪(tadpole的复数形式)

tadpole 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Rana adenopleura;tadpole;micronucleus;nucleus anomaly;atrazine; ─── 弹琴蛙;蝌蚪;微核;核异常;阿特拉津;

2、Little tadpole 3: Hi, who are you? ─── 小蝌蚪3:嗨,你们是谁?

3、A few days after the eggs are laid,young frogs which are called tadpole come out of them. ─── 卵产下几天以后,称为蝌蚪的青蛙幼虫就从卵里出来了。

4、Discovery of a Middle Jurassic Fossil Tadpole from Daohugou Region, Ningcheng, Inner Mongolia, China ─── 内蒙古宁城道虎沟地区首次发现中侏罗世蝌蚪化石

5、In the weeks that followed, the tadpole grew tiny front legs and his tail got smaller and smaller. ─── 接下来的几个星期里,小蝌蚪又长出了两条小小的前腿,同时他的尾巴变得越来越短。

6、Keywords DDVP;Butachlor;Polypedates megacephalus;tadpole;SOD;AChE;micronucleus;DNA damage;toxicit; ─── 敌敌畏;丁草胺;斑腿泛树蛙;蝌蚪;毒性;

7、The biological factors of habitat of Rana spinosa tadpole have been described.Above mentional data may be made a theoretical basis for the artificial culture of tadpole (Rana spinosa). ─── 叙述了赣东北山区越冬后的棘胸蛙蝌蚪栖息地生物因子,为棘胸蛙人工培育提供依据。

8、The small tadpole sees the small duck to delimit with mother in the water delimits, remembered own mother to come. ─── 小蝌蚪看见小鸭子跟着妈妈在水里划来划去,就想起自己的妈妈来了。


10、When a tadpole came into the circle, I blocked the entrance with a stone. Secondly, I kept looking for the tadpole in the water. ─── 当一只小蝌蚪游进来时,我就用石块堵住入口,然后不停地用双手在水里摸索着。

11、a month ago i was a cute tadpole,but now i am a taipei tree frpg with green skin and big eyes. ─── 一个月前我是只可爱的蝌蚪,不过,现在我是知有著绿皮肤大眼睛的台北树蛙.

12、tadpole Rana chensinensis ─── 中国林蛙蝌蚪

13、A tiny tadpole can change into a frog, but a 747 Jumbo Jet can't add six inches to its length without crippling itself. ─── 小蝌蚪可以变成青蛙,而一架747喷气式飞机即使只增加六英寸的长度,也会把它变成残废。

14、Out came a short black tadpole. ─── 一尾短小的黑蝌蚪出来了。

15、One story goes that a more compact intruder galaxy crossed in front of Arp 188 - from left to right in this view - and was slung around behind the Tadpole by their gravitational attraction. ─── 为什么星系雅伯188会长出这么怪的尾巴呢?有种说法是曾经有个小而密实的星系从它的前方由左到右闯过,然后被蝌蚪星系的重力甩到后方去。

16、22 stretch hand an evening of disappear the five fingers in a day, the tadpole of garden pond be take a sunbathe! ─── 22在一天伸手不见五指的晚上,池塘的蝌蚪在晒太阳!

17、Bufo gargarizans gargarizans tadpole ─── 中华大蟾蜍蝌蚪

18、Astronomers have dubbed them "tadpole galaxies" because of their distinct knot-and-tail shapes, which suggest that they are engaging in galactic mergers. ─── 天文学家称他们为“蝌蚪星系”是由于他们独特的外形,从这些外形可以认为他们正在合并。

19、"And so with solids such as a shell, a nut, a plum, a pear, a tadpole, a mushroom, a mountain peak, a kidney, a carrot, a tree-trunk, a bird, a bud, a lark, a ladybird, a bulrush, a bone. ─── 对种种立体形态诸如贝壳、核桃、李子、梨子、蝌蚪、蘑菇、山峰、肾脏、胡萝卜、树干、鸟、花蕾、云雀、瓢虫、芦苇和骨头,均应持这样的态度。

20、The small tadpole you asks me, I ask you, but nobody knew. ─── 小蝌蚪你问我,我问你,可是谁也不知道。

21、GENG Degui,ZHANG Dasheng,CHENG Wei.Effects of four herbicides on micronuclei and nuclear anomalies in tadpole erythrocytes of Bu fo bufo gar garizans[J].Journal of Zoology,2000,35(1):12-16. ─── [6]耿德贵,张大生,程伟.四种除草剂对中华大蟾蜍蝌蚪红细胞微核及核异常的影响[J].动物学杂志,2000,35(1):12-16.

22、The Little Tadpole Looking for His Mother ─── 小蝌蚪看到他的妈妈

23、According to the addictive index method of marking,the addictive index (AI) of Cu2+and Cd2+to tadpole is 1.03,1.12 and 1.20 in 24h,48h and 96h,respectively. The results show synergism action. ─── Cu~(2+)和Cd~(2+)共存对蝌蚪24h、48h和96h联合毒性的相加指数AI分别为1.03、1.2和1.20,均为协同作用。

24、Keywords Bufo gargarizans;tadpole;nuclear anomalies;zinc ion;copper ion;cadmium ion; ─── 中华大蟾蜍;蝌蚪;核异常;锌离子;铜离子;镉离子;

25、they have a tail like a tadpole that contains the notochord. ─── 它们有含有脊索的蝌蚪形尾巴。

26、Keywords Rana adenopleura;tadpole;Atrazine;micro-spatial distribution pattern; ─── 弹琴蛙;蝌蚪;阿特拉津;微空间分布型;

27、Make riddles about “tadpole” and “turtle”, and ask pupils to guess in Chinese. ─── 学生通过机械模仿熟悉新单词。

28、A tiny tadpole can change into a frog, but a 747 Jumbo Jet can't add six inches to its length without crippling itself. ─── 一只小蝌蚪可以变成青蛙,而一架747喷气式飞机即使只增加六英寸的长度,也会把它变成残废。

29、Tolerance to saltness and pH in tadpole Rana chensinensis ─── 中国林蛙蝌蚪对盐度和pH的耐受性

30、Study of the feeding habits of Rana temporariaat during the tadpole period ─── 中国林蛙蝌蚪期食性研究

31、At the edge of the woods there was a pond, and there a minnow and a tadpole swam among the weeds. They were inseparable friends. ─── 森林边有个水塘,水塘里有一条小鲤鱼和一只小蝌蚪。他们是形影不离的好朋友。

32、Tadpole 3: Let's go and have a look. ─── 小蝌蚪3:让我们去看一看吧。

33、The message which is carried kind of tadpole can tell the depth of the water it is swimming in by the pitch of a tone which is produced by its own lungs. ─── 举个例子,有一种蝌蚪能感知它所有用之处水的深度,它是通过某种自己肺部产生的声音的音调来判断的。

34、And so with solids such as a shell, a nut, a plum, a pear, a tadpole, a mushroom, a mountain peak, a kidney, a carrot, a tree-trunk, a bird, a bud, a lark, a ladybird, a bulrush, a bone. ─── 对于其他实体,如,贝壳、核桃、李子、梨子、蝌蚪、蘑菇、山峰、肾脏、胡萝卜、树干、鸟儿、花蕾、云雀、瓢虫、芦苇以及骨头也应这样来感觉。

35、Tadpole 2: Look, Grandpa Shrimp. Let's ask him. ─── 小蝌蚪2:看,虾爷爷。让我们问问他吧。

36、Characters and Toxicity Towards Tadpole of Ultraviolet Spectrums of Fungicide Prochloraz and Its Major Metabolites ─── 咪鲜安及其主要代谢物的紫外光谱吸收特性和对蝌蚪急性毒性的研究

37、She laughed at first, and then said: "The tadpole is not can species. ─── 奶奶先是哈哈大笑,然后说:“蝌蚪是不可以种的。”

38、With a tadpole in a jar. ─── 他的容器里装满了蝌蚪。

39、The Impact of Waste Battery Leaching on the Fatality Rate of Bufo Melanosticus Tadpole ─── 废旧电池浸出液对蟾蜍蝌蚪致死率的影响

40、Small tadpole-shaped cold-water fishes with pelvic fins forming a sucker; related to lumpfish. ─── 小的蝌蚪形冷水鱼,长有形成吸盘的腹鳍;与圆鳍鱼科有关。

41、I am a Little Tadpole, too. ─── 我也是小蝌蚪。

42、They are part of more than 165 tadpole galaxies in the HUDF studied recently by a team of astronomers. ─── 他们是最近由哈勃超深空计划中一组天文学家发现的超过165个蝌蚪星系的一部分。

43、A little tadpole is swimming in the river.She is looking for Her mother. ─── 小蝌蚪在河里游泳他看到了他的妈妈。

44、Tadpole 1: Yes, she has got bulging eyes, white stomach. ─── 小蝌蚪1:是的,她有两只圆圆的眼睛,一个白肚子。

45、A little tadpole is swimming in the river. She is looking for Her mother. ─── 小蝌蚪在河里游泳他看到了他的妈妈。


47、Keywords dichlorvos;Bufo melanostictus;tadpole;toxicity; ─── 敌敌畏;黑眶蟾蜍;蝌蚪;毒性;

48、Tadpole 3: My sisters, she has got four legs, she has got a white stomach. She must be our Mummy. ─── 小蝌蚪3:我的姐妹们,她有四条腿,她有一个白肚子,她一定是我们的妈妈。

49、Like most amphibians these begin life in a juvenile "tadpole" state, then metamorphose into the adult form — except for one species, the axolotl, which famously lives its entire life as a juvenile. ─── 像大多数的两栖动物一样,它们从幼年的“蝌蚪”状态蜕变成成年的形式——蝾螈这个物种除外,众所周知,它一生都处于幼年状态。

50、Bufo gargarizans tadpole ─── 中华蟾蜍蝌蚪

51、Didn't you name your tadpole? ─── 你还没帮你的蝌蚪取名字吗?

52、Tadpole 2: She has got four legs. ─── 小蝌蚪2:她有四条腿。

53、Tadpole 1: Chicks have their mother. How happy! Where is our mother? ─── 小蝌蚪1:小鸡们有妈妈,多开心啊!我们的妈妈在哪里呢?

54、In the middle of last century,biologists put a somatic cell nucleus of a frog into an enucleated egg cell,then created a clone tadpole. ─── 尽管百岁老人仍然少见,人类的平均寿命(尤其是在发达国家)在过去的几十年中一直在延长。

55、Keywords Rana adenopleura;tadpole;Atrazine;abnormal behavior; ─── 弹琴蛙;蝌蚪;阿特拉津;异常行为;

56、The next day, I came back from school, his mother asked anxiously, "polar explorer 'in the tadpole still alive? " ─── 第二天,我放学回来,着急问妈妈,“极地探险’里的蝌蚪还活着吗?”

57、The LC50 on fries of red crucian carp and tadpole were 171.13mg/L and 72.77mg/L respectively, the coefficient of ground bait were 5.84 and 13.74. The EC had low toxicity on fish and frog. ─── 对红鲫鱼和泽蛙96h时的LC50分别为171.13 mg/L和72.77mg/L,投毒系数为5.84和13.74。 0.2%苦皮藤素乳油对鱼类及蛙类低毒。

58、Keywords image processing;Rana adenopleura tadpole;Atrazine;biomonitoring;spatial distribution pattern; ─── 图像处理;弹琴蛙蝌蚪;阿特拉津;生物监测;空间分布型;

59、Keywords substituted phenol;bioactivity;autocorrelation topological index;duckweed;Rana Japonica tadpole; ─── 取代苯酚;生物活性;自相关拓扑指数;浮萍;日本长腿蛙蝌蚪;

60、Ionic control of settlement and metamorphosis in the tadpole larvae of ascidian, Styela canopus Savigny ─── 冠瘤海鞘幼体附着和变态的离子控制

61、The Tadpole did not know what to do with his little tail. ─── 可是蝌蚪还不知道自己的小尾巴做什么。

62、Keywords Rana adenopleura;tadpole;morphologic variation;Atrazine; ─── 弹琴蛙蝌蚪;形态发育;阿特拉津;

63、I'm telling you, Tadpole, one of us should've stayed at home to protect her. ─── 听我说,小蝌蚪,我们应该有人留在家里保护她。

64、The ability to draw tadpole people (TP) in their doodling indicates that children have acquired higher skills of pictorial representation. ─── 摘要儿童能在涂鸦过程中“绘画”出蝌蚪人标志着儿童已经具有了较高水平的绘画表征能力。

65、Observation of Digestive Tract Histology of Bullfrog Tadpole at Different Development Stages ─── 不同发育期的牛蛙蝌蚪消化道组织学观察

66、Tadpole 2: Hello, Grandpa Shrimp. Have you ever seen our mother? ─── 小蝌蚪2:虾爷爷,你好!你有没有见过我们的妈妈啊?

67、Tadpole 3: Look at her. She has got round bulging eyes, she is beautiful, she is our Mummy. ─── 小蝌蚪3:看她,她有两只圆圆的眼睛,她很漂亮,她是我们的妈妈。

68、Also known as "smooth tadpole. ─── 也叫“抿蝌蚪”。

69、The tadpole has become a frog. ─── 这个蝌蚪已长成青蛙。

70、Day-Night Feeding Rhythm and Daily Feeds Intake Rate of Bufo Gargarizans Tadpole ─── 中华大蟾蜍蝌蚪的摄食节律和日摄食率

71、Keywords conservation biology;Rana rugulosa tadpole;herbicide;toxicity; ─── 保护生物学;虎纹蛙蝌蚪;除草剂;毒性;

72、One morning the tadpole discovered that during the night he had grown two little legs. ─── 一天早晨,小蝌蚪发现,经过一个晚上,身上长出了两条小腿。

73、Following its terrestrial namesake, the Tadpole Galaxy will likely lose its tail as it grows older, the tail's star clusters forming smaller satellites of the large spiral galaxy. ─── 和地球上同名的动物相似,随着蝌蚪星系年龄的增加,它的尾巴很可能也会消失,而位于长尾的这些星团,会聚集成这个大螺旋星系的小卫星星系。

74、The little tadpole, about the size of a sesame seed, is now made up of three layers: the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. ─── 芝麻籽大小的小蝌蚪现在已经分成了三层:外胚层、中胚层和内胚层。

75、Tadpole 3: We are tadpoles. You come into the water and we play games together. OK? ─── 小蝌蚪3:我们是小蝌蚪。你们到水里来跟我们一起玩游戏吧,好吗?

76、I used to be a brown tadpole,but the global warming people convinced me to go green . ─── 我过去是一只棕色的蝌蚪,人们确信是全球气候变暖致使我变成了绿色。

77、Short-haired pelt is laughing to say: "Now is summer, there can be tadpole of course inside water, be at ease tadpole won't bite you. ─── 小毛笑著说:“现在是夏天,水里面当然会有蝌蚪,放心蝌蚪不会咬你的。”

78、Keywords copper;zinc;triazophos;acute toxicity;joint toxicity;Rana limnocharis Boie tadpole; ─── 三唑磷;急性毒性;联合毒性;泽蛙蝌蚪;

79、7“Frog has tail”: Tadpole has tail, and frog is molted from tadpole, so we can say frog has tail. ─── “丁子有尾”:丁子,蛙的一种,蛙是由蝌蚪蜕变而来,而蝌蚪有尾,所以也可以说,丁子有尾。

80、Tadpole 2: Is she behind brothers and sisters? ─── 小蝌蚪2:她是不是藏在兄弟姐妹们后面啊?

81、Tadpole 4: Yes, she is our Mummy. ─── 小蝌蚪4:是的,她是我们的妈妈。

82、Tadpole:I can change into a frog soon.Then I can play on the ground with you. ─── 我很快就会变成一只青蛙了,那时候我就能和你在陆地上玩耍了。

83、Sidewinder Sport-Z - Sidewinder's unique rear steer tadpole got decidedly cheaper in 2006. ─── 响尾蛇体育-Z型-响尾蛇的独特后方引导蝌蚪得到便宜,断然在2006年。

84、Tell you, be the tadpole of that ceaseless pendulous school and foolish-looking, roily his heart. ─── 告诉你,正是那不停摇摆的鱼群和傻头傻脑的蝌蚪,搅乱了他的心。

85、Effects of chemical pesticides on the formation of micronucleus in chromosome of tadpole ─── 化学农药对蝌蚪染色体微核形成的影响

86、The message which is carried is not, however, always connected with the hearing sense. For instance, a certain kind of tadpole can tell the depth of the water it is swimming in by the pitch of a tone which is produced by its own lungs. ─── 但是被承载的信息并不总是与听觉相连。举个例子,有一种蝌蚪能感知它所游泳之处水的深度,它是通过某种自己肺部产生的声音的音调来判定的。

87、Like many of the Microhylidae family, these frogs bypass the tadpole stage, developing fully within the egg. ─── 作为狭口蛙的一种,它们不经历蝌蚪阶段,其幼体在卵内就完全发育成形。

88、Keywords tadpole;Cu;Zn;Mg;Fe;Ca; ─── 关键词蝌蚪;铜;锌;镁;铁;钙;

89、The small, blue galaxy visible in the upper left corner of the Tadpole ripped through the larger spiral galaxy, distorting it and pulling out a long tail of stars, gas and dust. ─── 左上角的小型蓝色星系被图中大型涡旋星系的引力吸引、扭曲,并拖出一条长长的包括恒星、气体和尘埃的潮汐尾。

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