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08-15 投稿


astriction 发音

英:[[?st'r?k?n]]  美:[[?st'r?k?n]]

英:  美:

astriction 中文意思翻译



astriction 短语词组

1、astriction definition ─── 限制定义

2、astriction pregnancy ─── 紧缩妊娠

3、astriction gut flora ─── 便秘肠道菌群

4、astriction medical definition ─── 收敛医学定义

astriction 相似词语短语

1、abstriction ─── n.缢离作用;断裂作用

2、striation ─── n.条纹;流束;大气结构切面纹

3、stiction ─── n.静摩擦;[力]静态阻力;粘滞作用

4、astricting ─── v.束缚,限制

5、restriction ─── n.限制;约束;束缚

6、antifriction ─── n.润滑剂;减磨装置;adj.减摩的;防摩的

7、astrictive ─── adj.止血的;使收缩的;收敛的;n.收敛剂

8、striction ─── n.收缩;约束;拉紧

9、obstriction ─── 妇产科

astriction 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the hand i known the work is no inportant..In the other hand i not feel astrict any more. ─── 一方面我知道我的工作并不重要,另一方面我不会感到束缚.

2、CATV charge and control system has excellent compatibility with other signals and no astriction in signal format, so you doesn't need to worry about its future. ─── CAT V收费控制系统有很好的信号兼容性,对信号的格式没有要求,不会因信号处理方式和信息量的多少而更新淘汰。

3、The company has astrict quality managing system. totally applying the ISO9000 international quality standard which has been cerified. ─── 公司形成了一套严格的质量管理体制,全面贯彻ISO9000国际质量标准,并通过认证。

4、Conclusion One-off transfusion duct connected with macromolecule duct of clysis method is better than one-off anus duct of clysis, and it is a ideal clysis method, especially to astriction elder with loosen sphincter ani. ─── 结论一次性使用输液器连接高分子导管进行清洁灌肠法效果明显优于一次性使用肛门管清洁灌肠法,是一种较理想的灌肠方法,尤其对于肛门括约肌松弛的老年便秘病人。

5、Clinical Observation on 38 Cases of Treatment over Astriction with Catgut Implantation at Acupuncture Point ─── 穴位埋线治疗便秘38例临床观察

6、Pressure will result in astriction, windy or others, which add toxin to your enteron.Bad toxin eliminating affects immunity system as well as health. ─── 压力影响消化并造成便秘、腹胀等,进而增加残留在消化道内的毒素。

7、On the Nursing to Prevent Astriction in the Acute Heart Attack Patient ─── 谈急性心肌梗塞病人预防便秘的护理

8、Clinical Observation on 38 Cases of Treatment over Astriction with Catgut Implantation at Acupuncture Point ─── 穴位埋线治疗便秘38例临床观察

9、On the Nursing to Prevent Astriction in the Acute Heart Attack Patient ─── 谈急性心肌梗塞病人预防便秘的护理

10、And in the true life,It also astrict the judiciary and cant strike the crime of bribe because the criminals take the advantage of this dispute. ─── 对此,全文运用刑法理论,采用比较法学及实证研究的方法,对“为他人谋取利益”要件进行分析,得出应对该要件进行修改完善的结论。

11、I believe that we won't fail as long as Xuan Xiao getout of the Ice Astriction . ─── 我相信只要玄霄能破冰而出,我们不会输的!

12、2. face chlorosis, splash, chloasma, killo, soreness and weakness of waist and knees, dizziness and tinnitus, early graying hair and astriction, etc. ─── 面色痿黄、色斑、黄褐斑、黑斑,腰膝痠软、头晕耳鸣、须发早白、便秘等。

13、Pediatric diseases : Cold , Cough, Fever , Faucitis, Diarrhea, Astriction, Dyspepsia. ─── 儿科病:感冒、咳嗽、发热、咽喉炎、腹泻、便秘、消化不良等。

14、Clinical Study on 146 Cases of Treatment over Aged Astriction with Yangyintongmi Granula ─── 养阴通秘颗粒治疗老年便秘146例临床研究

15、The treatment based on syndrome differentiation of chronic astriction ─── 慢性便秘的辨证治疗

16、The Treatment with Promoting Blood Circulation to Dissipate Blood Stasis on patients with Poststroke Astriction ─── 活血化瘀法治疗中风后便秘

17、Clinical Observation on the Treatment of 116 Cases of Senile Astriction with Simo Decoction ─── 四磨汤治疗老年性便秘116例临床观察

18、The products own the special effects of uvioresistance,astriction,moistening and antibiosis to skin. ─── 本产品对皮肤具有抗紫外线、收敛、滋润和杀菌等特殊功效。

19、The Astriction and Solution of Internal Policy Changing in University Libraries ─── 高校图书馆转换内部机制的羁绊及对策

20、astrict social large-scale production and a person's development for its characteristic of regionality and closeness. ─── 地域性和封闭性特点,束缚了社会化大生产和人的发展。

21、However, due to traditional ideals' astriction, original system's limitation and existing legislation's vacancy, it has not been brought into play in practice. ─── 然而,由于传统观念的束缚、原有体制的缺陷以及现行立法的缺失,使得证券仲裁未能在实践中发挥应有作用。

22、He astrict himself only smoke five cigarets each day. ─── 他限制自己一天只抽五根烟。

23、Don't frown anymore, Ziying. Are you still worrying about the Monster Realm's coming? I believe that we won't fail as long as Xuan Xiao getout of the Ice Astriction. ─── 韩菱纱:紫英你别皱眉头了,是不是担心妖界的事?我相信只要玄霄能破冰而出,我们不会输的!

24、Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of Runtong tea on astriction after ligation of mixed hemorrhoids. ─── 目的:观察润通茶(原名便秘灵袋泡茶)治疗混合痔术后便秘效果。

25、Go break astrict and fight shack. ─── 冲破束缚,打碎枷锁,尽情挥洒原始本色。

26、Thirdly, the club manager should broaden the capital channel of the club and break through the capital bottle-neck which astrict the development of the club. ─── 第三要拓宽俱乐部的融资渠道,突破俱乐部发展的资金瓶颈。

27、the king can take double ethic level to away from the astrict of the morality for supporting his own powr and profit. ─── 君主为了维护自己权力和利益采取双重道德标准以摆脱道德的束缚。

28、I believe that we won't fail as long as Xuan Xiao getout of the Ice Astriction. ─── 我相信只要玄霄能破冰而出,我们不会输的!

29、The adoption of systemic nursing can effectively prevent astriction, and reduce the risk of syndromes occurring. ─── 结果:采用系统护理能有效地预防便秘,使并发症的发生率明显降低。

30、sour astriction ─── 酸收法

31、Clinical Study on 146 Cases of Treatment over Aged Astriction with Yangyintongmi Granula ─── 养阴通秘颗粒治疗老年便秘146例临床研究

32、Moisturizing pathogenic dryness to loosen the Bowel, this drug has a special curative effect on astriction (constipation). ─── 本药润燥滑肠,专治便秘。

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