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08-15 投稿


gravimetric 发音

英:[?ɡr?v??metr?k]  美:[?ɡr?v??metr?k]

英:  美:

gravimetric 中文意思翻译



gravimetric 短语词组

1、gravimetric correction ─── 重力校正

2、gravimetric unit ─── [机] 重力单位

3、gravimetric survey ─── [经] 重力测量

4、gravimetric method ─── [化] 重量法

5、gravimetric factor ─── [化] 重量因子

6、gravimetric concentration ─── 重量分析浓度

7、gravimetric altimeter ─── 重力高度计

8、folin's gravimetric method ─── [医] 福林氏重量法(检尿中蛋白质)

9、gravimetric analysis ─── [化] 重量法; 重量分析法 ─── [医] 重量分析

10、gravimetric capacity ─── 重量分析能力

11、gravimetric absorption method ─── [机] 重量吸收法

12、gravimetric dry feeder ─── 重力式干式给料机

13、gravimetric capacitance ─── 重量电容

14、gravimetric data ─── 重力测量数据

15、gravimetric ash ─── 重量灰分

16、gravimetric blender ─── 重量分析搅拌机

17、gravimetric blending ─── 重量混合法

18、differential thermal gravimetric analysis ─── [化] 差热重量分析

19、gravimetric analysts ─── 重量分析分析员

gravimetric 词性/词形变化,gravimetric变形

副词: gravimetrically |异体字: gravimetrical |

gravimetric 常用词组

gravimetric method ─── 重量法;重力勘探

gravimetric analysis ─── 重量分析;重量分析法

gravimetric 相似词语短语

1、planimetric ─── adj.平面的

2、craniometric ─── 测颅的;颅测量的

3、gravimeters ─── n.重力仪

4、gasometric ─── 气体定量的

5、gravimetry ─── n.重量测定;密度测定;重量分析法

6、gravimetrically ─── adv.重量分析地

7、araeometric ─── 几何的

8、gravimeter ─── n.重力仪

9、gravimetrical ─── adj.重量分析的

gravimetric 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Thereinto, the coal mill equipment for power station is the dominant production of our company, including HP type middle speed coal mill, BBD type low speed tube ball mill and 9224 type gravimetric coal feeder with electronic weighing. ─── 其中电站磨煤制粉系统设备是我公司的主导产品,它包括HP系列碗式中速磨煤机、BBD双进双出钢球磨煤机和9224型电子称重式给煤机等。

2、worldwide gravimetric basic point ─── 世界重力基点

3、The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) Differential Thermal Analysis and Thermo Gravimetric Analysis(DTA-TG) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). ─── 利用热分析仪(TG-DTA)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)对材料的结构进行表征。

4、Determination of plutonium content in plutonium dioxide (PuO2) of nuclear grade quality Gravimetric method?? ─── 核级纯二氧化钚(PuO2)中钚含量的测定? 重量法

5、Compared to the conventional method of gravimetric analysis, the proposed method avoids the pollution to the environment, being reliable, accurate and reproducible. ─── 所建立的方法避免了环境污染,且简便、准确、重现。

6、Our modular gravimetric ink dispensing program has proven to be a very effective way doing just this. ─── 我们的模块化墨水重力配药程序已被证明是一个非常有效的方式做只是这个。

7、In gravimetric and magnetic data interpretation, potential field transformationinfrequency domain is often done soas to highlight useful anomaly and distinguishdifferent anomaly sources. ─── 在重磁资料解释中,为了突出有用的异常,区分不同的异常源,往住要在频率域进行位场转换处理。

8、Sodium chlorate for industrial use; Determination of moisture content; Gravimetric method ─── 工业用氯酸钠。水含量的测定。重量法

9、differential thermal gravimetric analysis ─── 差热重量分析

10、Stationary source emissions - Determination of low range mass concentration of dust - Part 1: manual gravimetric method. ─── 固定源辐射。粉尘的小范围质量浓度的测定。第1部分:人工重量测定法。

11、For studying the contents of dietary fiber in general foods and functional foods, a enzymatic gravimetric method recommended by AOAC was established in our laboratory. ─── 为了分析测定膳食纤维的不同组分 ,参照AOAC推荐的酶 重量法建立了分别测定总的、不溶及可溶性膳食纤维含量的方法。

12、Standard Test Method for Sorption of Bibulous Paper Products (Sorptive Rate and Capacity Using Gravimetric Principles) ─── 吸水纸制品的吸附作用的标准试验方法(用重力原理测定吸附率和容量)


14、Milk - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method (Reference method ). ─── 乳品脂肪的测定重量分析法(推荐方法)

15、The 1:1000000 regional gravimetric survey deals mainly with physical property and gravity anomaly in the Kangxiwar-Shiquanhe zone on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. ─── 摘要提供岩石磁性参数统计表、各地层岩石密度统计表和布格重力异常图,并做初步分析。

16、Chemical analysis for silicon carbide refractories--Determination of silicon carbide--Absorb gravimetric method ─── GB/T16555.1-1996碳化硅耐火材料化学分析方法吸收重量法测定碳化硅量


18、Determination of Barium Molybdate Used for Enamel Product Adhesive Agent by 8-Hydroxyquinoline Gravimetric Method ─── 8-羟基喹啉重量法测定搪瓷密着剂钼酸钡

19、Gravimetric and volumetric configurations. ─── 重量和体积配置。

20、Anhydrous ammonia for industrial use; Evaluation of residue on evaporation; Gravimetric method ─── 工业用无水氨。蒸发残渣后的测定。重量法

21、Both volumetric method and gravimetric method can be used for determination of Zn in thiofide ZDBC.The gravimetric method is easy to operate but it spents more analysis time. ─── 容量法和重量法均可用于测定橡胶硫化促进剂二丁基二硫代氨基甲酸锌(ZDBC)中的锌含量。

22、Test method for gravimetric determination of mass per unit area of galvanized coatings steel products. ─── 本标准规定了钢产品单位面积上镀锌层质量试验方法的原理、试验溶液、试样、试验步骤、结果计算、再现性及试验报告。

23、Methods Borneolum syntheticum was identified by thin layer chromatography(TLC),and the content of borneolum syntheticum was detemined by gravimetric method. ─── 方法用薄层色谱(TLC)法鉴别冰片,用重量法测定冰片的含量。

24、Cream - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method (Reference method ) ─── 奶油脂肪含量的测定重量法(参比法)

25、Improve on gravimetric determination of aluminium in magnesium alloy with 8-hydroxyquinoline ─── 8-羟基喹啉重量法测定镁合金中铝的改进

26、Methods : Gravimetric method and titration method were used. ─── 方法:采用重量法、滴定法。

27、All gravimetric measurements require some sort of crucible or dish to hold the residue or precipitate ─── 所有重量分析需要某种坩埚或器皿保留残渣或沉淀物。

28、Calibrating the concentration of NaOH titrant by gravimetric method ─── 氢氧化钠标准滴定溶液浓度标定中的重量法核对

29、The analysis theory of gravimetric method is used for analyzing the experimental conditions in determining total sulfur in coal by Eschka method. ─── 将重量法分析理论应用于煤中全硫测定中艾氏法的试验条件分析,介绍了影响艾氏卡重量法测全硫准确度的几大因素与对策。

30、problems of the error of astro gravimetric leveling and the nonlinear influence are discussed. ─── 讨论了天文重力水准的误差及垂线偏差非线性影响等问题。

31、The gravimetric method used the least chemicals, but its whole procedure was the most time consuming of the four methods. ─── 重量法使用之药品最少,然操作方式最传统最耗时,最大的困难是反应终点难以控制。

32、It is the first time to have the theorem of orthogonal decomposition, a theoretical kernel in inverse gravimetric problem, realized in practice. ─── 使得这一定理实际应用于场源结构的解释与分析成为可能。

33、Keywords rubidium tetraphenylboron;gravimetric;condition experiment; ─── 四苯硼化铷;重量法;条件实验;

34、Keywords gravimetric method;galvanization coating mass;uncertainty; ─── 关键词重量法;锌层重量;不确定度;

35、Phosphoric acid for industrial use. Determination of total phosphoric pentoxide content. Gravimetric method using quinoline phosphomolybdate. ─── 1979工业磷酸(包括食品工业).钙含量的测定.火焰原子吸收法订购

36、automatic gravimetric filling instrument ─── 定量包装秤

37、After comparing the three processes, it was pointed that the result of gravimetric analysis was more accurate than the other processes, and its repeatability was good. ─── 并通过对3种方法进行对比,重量分析法测定氰尿酸纯度要比酸碱滴定法、电位滴定法结果准确,且重现性好。

38、The inhibition performance of the polymeric film by in situ has been studied by gravimetric method. ─── 失重试验结果表明膜层的缓蚀性能取决于乳液体系的成份,浓度和温度等。

39、Cheese and processed cheese products - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method (Reference method ) ─── 乳酪及其制品。脂肪含量的测定。重量方析法(参照法)。

40、The tetraphenylboron sodium gravimetric method must be employed when K2O is higher in compound fertilizer for enough accuracy. ─── 当复混肥中K2O含量较高时,仍宜用四苯硼钾重量法测定钾含量。

41、The procedure was given to assess the uncertainty in gravimetric analysis of Ba ion. ─── 对硫酸钡重量法与仪器分析相结合测定溶液中钡含量的不确定度评定,给出了评定步骤。

42、Zirconium and hafnium oxides--Determination of zirconium(hafnium) oxide contents--Mandelic acid gravimetric method ─── 氧化锆、氧化铪中氧化锆和氧化铪含量的测定(苦杏仁酸重量法)

43、By using model of shrinking core, iron oxide desulphurization dynamics in low water without Oxygen is studied by thermo gravimetric analysis. ─── 摘要采用收缩核模型,用热重法研究了无氧低水条件下常温氧化铁的脱硫动力学。

44、Their corrosion inhibitions for N-80 steel in 1 mol/L HCL solution were studied by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), potentiodynamic polarization curves and gravimetric measurements. ─── 利用红外光谱对其结构进行了表征,并通过失重法和极化曲线、交流阻抗等电化学方法研究了这两种咪唑啉化合物在1mol/L盐酸溶液中对N-80钢的缓蚀性能;

45、Dried milk and dried milk products - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method (Reference method ) ─── 奶粉和奶粉制品。脂肪含量的测定。重量分析法(基准方法)

46、Some disciplines demand high accuracy of the data from gravimetric measurements. ─── 有些学科对重力测量资料的精度要求很高。

47、Method of test for unit weight and air content (gravimetric) of fresh polymer-modified mortar ─── 新浇聚合物改良水泥砂浆的单容重量试验方法和空气含量的试验方法(重量方法)

48、Determination of uranium in uranium hexafluoride by gravimetric method ─── 六氟化铀中铀的重量法测定

49、METHODS Sodium tetraphenylboron gravimetric analysis was replaced by highly-accurate nephelometric titrimetry to determine potassium chloride in Compound sodium chloride injection. ─── 方法用高精度散射光度滴定法代替四苯硼钠重量法。

50、8-hydroxyquinoline gravimetric method ─── 8-羟基喹啉重量法

51、Keywords Diffusion coefficient;Zeolite;Gravimetric;Cyclopentane; ─── 关键词扩散系数;分子筛;重量法;环戊烷;

52、Examples of Bath Analysis by New Gravimetric Method ─── 新重量法镀液分析示例

53、If the objects you are going to explore are very small. You would probably miss the objects during the gravimetric measurement. ─── 如果被测量物体较小,是否有可能漏测这个物体?

54、Sodium hydroxide for chemical fiber use-Determination of sulphate mass fraction-Barium sulphate gravimetric method ─── GB/T11213.5-1989化纤用氢氧化钠中硫酸盐含量的测定硫酸钡重量法(甲法)

55、METHODS The contents of matrii sulfas exsiccatus and alumen exsiccatum were determined by gravimetric method and EDTA complexometric titration. ─── 方法用重量法及EDTA络合滴定法对玄明粉和枯矾进行定量分析。

56、Using it in thermal gravimetric analyzer, We obtained very good effect the index exceeded national standard. ─── 将该温度控制器应用于热重分析仪,取得了很好的效果,其指标超过国家标准。

57、Our modular gravimetric ink dispensing program has proven to be a very effective way doing just this. ─── 我们的模块化墨水重力配药程序已被证明是一个非常有效的方式做只是这个。

58、Whey cheese - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method (Reference method ) ─── 乳清干酪脂肪含量的测定重量分析法(参照法)

59、Do the topographical relief and the precision of the location of stations affect the result of gravimetric rneasurement? ─── 地形的起伏以及测点位置的准确性是否会影响重力测量的结果?

60、Our dominant products are loss-in-weight gravimetric feeder, gantry pelletizer, pneumatic screen changer, etc. ─── 主导产品:计量喂料机、龙门切粒机、挤出机换网器等。

61、The establishment and development of the classical wet methods(gravimetric and volumetric methods) applied in the geoanalysis in the past century is reviewed briefly. ─── 摘要回顾了近一个世纪以来经典的湿化学法(重量法和容量法)在岩矿分析方面的建立、发展情况。

62、Research and Design of Gravimetric Feeders of Large Capacity for 1000 MW Class Power Units ─── 1000 MW等级机组大容量给煤机的设计研究

63、Test Method for Sorption of Bibulous Paper Products (Sorptive Rate and Capacity Using Gravimetric Principles) ─── 吸水纸制品吸附作用的试验方法(用重力原理测定吸附率和容量)

64、Fig. 1 Flow chart of pentosan analysis - gravimetric method. ─── 图1聚戊醣分析法流程图--重量法.

65、Metallic coatings--Determination of the mass for hot dip galvanized coatings on ferrous materials--Gravimetric method ─── GB/T13825-1992金属覆盖层黑色金属材料热镀锌层的质量测定称量法

66、gravimetric method by means of volatilization ─── 挥发重量分析法

67、Method: The content of glycyrrhizie acid, total content of flavone and extract weight in wild and plant glycyrrhiza uralensis were determined by HPLC, spectro-photometry and gravimetric method. ─── 方法:采用高效液相色谱法,分光光度法及重量法,通过测定甘草中活性成分甘草酸含量、甘草总黄酮含量与浸膏量等,对两者作比较。

68、The biggest difficulties in gravimetric observations are to get a first class map and the exact location of every measurement. ─── 重力测量中最大的困难就是取得高精度的地形图以及确定每一测点的精确位置。

69、The gravimetric hydrogen production rate exceeds that of other solar-driven thermochemical processes by more than an order of magnitude. ─── 而分解出氢的效率以重量计算可比其它太阳能热制程的效率高出一个数量级。

70、Sodium fluoride for industrial use; Determination of carbonate content; Gravimetric method ─── 工业用氟化钠。碳酸盐含量的测定。重量法

71、Thermo Gravimetric Analysis of Ligneous Biomass ─── 木质类生物质的热重分析研究

72、DiSodium tetraborates and crude sodium borates for industrial use; Determination of water content; Gravimetric method ─── 工业用四硼酸二钠和粗硼酸钠。水含量的测定。重量法

73、Quantitative soil analyses have been accomplished by chemical gravimetric and radiotracer techniques ─── 污垢的定量分析在化学的重量分析以及放射性跟踪技术协助下,已能进行。

74、Keywords quinoline phosphomolybdate;gravimetric method;HEDP;content; ─── 喹啉磷钼酸盐;重量法;HEDP;含量;

75、UM200 is advanced gravimetric batch dosing system, and is suitable for dosing plastic material: granule, powder, regrinds by digital weighing technique; applicable on injection, extruder, blowing molding process device. ─── UM200直接安装在成型主机入料口上,并且配备各种尺寸规格的连接装置与任何一种结构入料口成型主机连接。

76、In view of the ultrafine nature of powdered boron, the method combined the gravimetric method and volumetric method together. ─── 鉴于硼粉颗粒的超细性,该分析方法以重量法、容量法相结合。

77、Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite ores--The gravimetric method for determination the loss content on ignition ─── GB/T3257.21-1982铝土矿化学分析方法重量法测定灼烧失量

78、gravimetric equivalent index ─── 比重当量指数

79、We further study on the isothermal gravimetric analysis of this polymer at three different temperature. ─── 本文进一步对其在三个温度下的等温曲线进行了研究。

80、Keywords volumetrid method;gravimetric method;thiofide of ZDBC;Zn; ─── 容量法;重量法;橡胶硫化促进剂(ZDBC);锌;


82、Milk-based edible ices and ice mixes - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method (Reference method) ─── 以奶为基料的食用冰制品和冰配制食品。脂肪含量的测定。重量分析法(参比法)

83、The purity determination process of cyanuric acid was introduced, such as acid-base titration, potentiometric titration, and gravimetric analysis. ─── 介绍了测定氰尿酸纯度的方法,即酸碱滴定法、电位滴定法和重量分析法。

84、Muffle furnace and a thermal gravimetric analyzer were used to simulate municipal solid waste drying on the drying bed of a combined grate-fluidized bed incinerator. ─── 利用马弗炉加热和热重分析方法,模拟垃圾在固定炉排干燥床上的干燥过程,研究了垃圾种类、加热温度等对干燥过程的影响。

85、Gravimetric methods (including barium sulfate weight method and baryta yellow weight method) in chemical analysis methods are used in daily control. ─── 日常检测较常用的是化学分析中的重量分析法(包括硫酸钡重量法、铬酸钡重量法)。

86、They are widely used for gravimetric analysis, microanalysis, colloid separation and sterility test. ─── 广泛用于重量分析、微量分析、胶体分离及无菌实验中。

87、The crustal thickness from East China Sea to North Fiji Basin was calculated on the basis of the actually measured water depth and the gravimetric data from continuous profiling. ─── 根据我们实测的水深、重力连续剖面资料,计算了自东海至北斐济盆地的地壳厚度。

88、In this experiment,content determination comparison ofsaponin of the same sample was also carried out by bromometric and gravimetric methods. ─── 另用溴量法、重量法对同一样品进行了皂甙含量测定比较。

89、The water content in fumed silica was determined by Coulometric Karl Fischer titrimetry and gravimetric method respectively and these two determinations were compared. ─── 使用卡尔·菲休库仑法和重量法分别测定了两种气相法白炭黑微粉中的水分质量分数,为白炭黑水分测定提供了技术途径,并对两种测定方法进行了比较。

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