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08-15 投稿


amalgam 发音

英:[?'m?lg?m]  美:[?'m?lɡ?m]

英:  美:

amalgam 中文意思翻译



amalgam 网络释义

n. [材] 汞合金,[化工] 汞齐;混合物

amalgam 短语词组

1、annealing amalgam ─── [医] 炼韧汞合金

2、aging of amalgam ─── [医] 汞合金 ─── [充填]时效

3、ammonia amalgam ─── [化] 氨汞齐

4、amalgam alloy ─── [医] 汞合金

5、amalgam manipulator ─── [医] 汞合金调制器

6、amalgam mixer ─── [医] 汞合金调拌器

7、copper amalgam ─── [医] 铜汞合金

8、amalgam die ─── [医] 汞合金代型

9、amalgam carrier ─── [医] 汞合金输送器

10、amalgam expansion ─── [医] 汞合金膨胀

11、amalgam plugger ─── [医] 汞合金充填器

12、amalgam core ─── [医] 汞合金核(心)

13、amalgam treatment ─── [化] 混汞法

14、amalgam polarography ─── [化] 汞齐极谱法

15、amalgam safe ─── [机] 汞齐挤出机

16、amalgam process ─── [机] 混汞法

17、amalgam condenser ─── [医] 汞合金充填器

18、amalgam electrode ─── [化] 汞齐电极

19、amalgam matrix ─── [医] 汞合金型片

amalgam 词性/词形变化,amalgam变形


amalgam 相似词语短语

1、Ramallah ─── n.拉马拉;拉姆安拉(巴勒斯坦地区城市)

2、amalgamate ─── vi.合并;汞齐化;调制汞合金;vt.合并;使(金属)汞齐化;混合

3、amalgamator ─── n.合并者;混汞器

4、amalgamated ─── 合并;混合;(使)汞齐化(amalgamate的过去式和过去分词)

5、amalgamable ─── adj.可合汞的

6、mamaliga ─── 粗玉米粥

7、amalgamates ─── vi.合并;汞齐化;调制汞合金;vt.合并;使(金属)汞齐化;混合

8、amalgams ─── [材]汞合金

9、small game ─── n.小猎物;小玩意儿

amalgam 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、SEM showed that the bonding resin can adhere tightly to the cavity wall and amalgam. ─── 对照组合金与洞壁间可见明显间隙。

2、double-ended amalgam carrier ─── 双头汞合金输送器

3、Then carries on the production experiment of processing recycling of the amalgam,the total processed amalgam is 441. ─── 在恒电位模式下,利用电解槽,采用阳极溶出法,以汞为阳极,对汞膏的处理回收进行了生产试验,共处理汞膏441。

4、Like the weather, we are a complex amalgam of feedback systems: genes in our brains switch on in response to our behavior as well as vice versa. ─── 我们就像天气一样,是一个由各种反应系统组成的复杂混合体:我们头脑里的基因对我们的行为举止做出反应,反过来也是如此。

5、A Study of EM Dental Adhesive Used as Silver Amalgam Felted Reagent ─── EM粘结剂银汞合金粘结充填的实验及临床应用研究

6、Composite resins are the preferred alternative to amalgam in many cases. They have a long history of biocompatibility and safety. ─── 很多时候,复合树脂是银汞合金的替代品,长期的应用历史证明了它的生物相容性和安全性;

7、Our spirituality is an amalgam of practices and beliefs about living in harmony with the earth and about the power of community to realize the abundance and loving potential in us all. ─── 我们的精神是生活的实践、与地球和睦相处和实现我们所有人之间丰富和爱的潜能的社区能量的信念的结合。

8、TCM is the precious legacy that the ancient Chinese left and is an amalgam of medicine and philosophy. ─── 文章着重介绍了对立统一、质量互变和永恒发展的规律在中药研究中的体现和运用。

9、My primary life study has been about love.Second comes economics, so here, in the form of a few rules, is a little amalgam of the two fields: the economics of love. ─── 我人生的第一课就是关于爱的学习,然后才是经济学,因此,从一些规律的形式来讲,就是两个领域的结合,即爱的经济学。

10、An amalgam of charming agreeability and indefatigable humor. ─── 极为令人愉快而又富于幽默的混合

11、In endodontics, various materials have been used for root repair: amalgam, zinc oxide eugenol, calcium hydroxide, composites and glass-ionomers. ─── 在牙体牙髓科的临床操作中,已有很多材料被用于根管的修复,如:银汞、氧化锌、氢氧化钙、复合树脂和玻璃离子。

12、affine Wiener amalgam spaces ─── 仿射Wiener合并空间

13、When the two crews recover, they find that the two ships have fused together in a freakish amalgam. ─── 两方的船员惊魂未定,突然发现两艘船以一种不可思议的方式"融合"在了一起。

14、The best filling material is silver amalgam. ─── 充填料以银汞合金为好。

15、The Standard Electrode Potential of Standard Cadmium Amalgam Electrode at 298 K ─── 在298K标准镉汞齐电极的标准电极势

16、An amalgam of political idealism, national pride, and relative insularity ─── 政治理想、民族自尊和相对孤立的混合物

17、can see the amalgam of these two sets of ideas in his work. ─── 可以在他们作品中看到两种思想的结合。

18、marginal adaptation of amalgam ─── 汞合金边缘密合度

19、slot-retained complex amalgam siagantritis ─── 上颌窦炎

20、This most visceral and ritual of actions tends to be mediated through a flimsy, poorly conceived amalgam of shapes. ─── 这种最发自肺腑、最具仪式性动作的含义却经常因为一个轻薄且设计很差的各种形状的结合体而打折。

21、It's there from when you are a child because it's your shuffle of genes, but I'm just an amalgam of the genes of my parents. ─── 当你还是个孩子的时候,它就在那里,因为它是你基因的排列,但我只是我父母基因的混合体。

22、his theory is an amalgam of earlier ideas. ─── 他的理论是早期观点的集合。

23、amalgam plugger with round point ─── 圆头汞合金充填器

24、amalgam plugger with oval point ─── 椭圆头汞合金充填器

25、The adhesive ability of "One Coat Bond" used in bonded amalgam restoration: A SEM study ─── "一滴棒"用于银汞合金粘结效果的扫描电镜研究

26、Oral lichen planus and allergyto dental amalgam restorations ─── 口腔扁平苔藓和对牙科汞合金修复过敏

27、The first part deals with the amalgam of magic elements and realistic elements in the novel. ─── 文章第一部分探索小说中魔幻与现实的结合。

28、To counter this myth, we explained that we're really an amalgam of little guys ─── 为了打破这个神话,我们解释说,我们确实是由一群小小的老百姓所组成的混合体。

29、Her character is an amalgam of many different traits. ─── 她的个性是许多不同特性的融合。

30、Woodson's amalgam instrument ─── 伍德森(氏)汞合金充填器

31、Keywords Amalgam post-core restorations Fracture resistance; ─── 关键词银汞桩核;抗折裂强度;

32、amalgam carrier with bolt and lever ─── 杠杆通芯式汞合金输送器

33、solid amalgam alloy electrode ─── 固体汞合金电极

34、Method The dye infiltration test and SEM were used to check the microleakage and the gap between amalgam and cavity wall. ─── 方法以常规银汞合金充填作对照,对应用粘结剂后再完成的银汞合金充填进行了微渗漏试验和扫描电镜观察。

35、polishing armamentarium for amalgam ─── 汞合金磨光器

36、A18 year old male patient,Mesial lesion in relation to 26.Mesial and distal amalgam restorations with marginal deterioration.Discoloured Palatal groove. ─── 18岁男性患者,26号牙齿的牙冠中面出现缺损,中面及远中面的汞合金修复出现边缘恶化现象。上颚沟变色。

37、It's an amalgam slightly disarmed by pastel-colored earmuffs , but Sean is still clearly not to be messed with. ─── 卸下淡彩色御寒耳罩,不过肖恩显然仍没有受到干扰。

38、All amalgam post core repair the residual root and residual crown of the posterior tooth ─── 全银汞合金根管钉核修复后牙残根残冠

39、amalgam carrier with sterling silver end ─── 带纯银头的汞合金输送器

40、In experiment, we test correct segmentation rate, correct detection of amalgam rate, and correct detection of missing teeth rate. ─── 实验的部分,我们测试切割的正确率、侦测是否填补银粉的正确率、是否缺牙的正确率。

41、Adding few palladium in amalgam can impove the amalgam s mercury vapor release rate, mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and creep resistance. ─── 在汞齐合金中添加微量的钯,可改善汞齐合金的汞释出率、机械性质、抗腐蚀性与抗潜变性。

42、Of all quarters in the queer adventurous amalgam called London, Soho is perhaps least suited to the Forsyte spirit ─── 在伦敦这样一个五方杂处,令人莫测的怪地方,苏荷区恐怕是最最不适合福尔赛精神的了。

43、amalgam condenser instrument ─── 汞合金压缩器

44、It's an amalgam slightly disarmed by pastel-colored earmuffs, but Sean is still clearly not to be messed with. ─── 卸下淡彩色御寒耳罩,不过肖恩显然仍没有受到干扰。

45、Methods 20 isolated teeth were divided into two groups, one group was filled with Gallium alloy, and the other group was filled with amalgam. ─── 方法选择20颗离体牙,备洞后,随机分为两组,实验组用镓合金充填,对照组银汞合金充填。

46、The controversies surrounding early orthodontic therapy and mercury-containing amalgam fillings continue to be areas of contention. ─── 围绕早期矫正治疗和含汞汞合金填充物仍然是有争议的地区。

47、It was possible that secondary caries of gallium alloy's restorative may be higher than those of amalgam. ─── 体外实验的结果显示,银汞合金的耐磨性和耐腐蚀性均优于镓合金,并有显著性差异。

48、Conclusion: To reduce the microleakage, it might be recommended to restore the endodontically treated posterior tooth using a bonded amalgam coronal-radicular technique. ─── 对后牙进行粘结银汞桩核的修复可以有效的保护经过牙髓治疗的牙齿。

49、Study of the microleakage on bonding resin for amalgam filling. ─── 树脂粘结剂对银汞合金充填微渗漏的影响。

50、The surface area of filling mercury amalgam did not relate to Hg concentration.The larger volume of polishing old mercury amalgam was, the higher concentration of Hg was. ─── 同时表明,银汞充填的表面积和汞浓度之间无相关性,但磨除陈旧性银汞合金的体积越大,汞浓度就越高。

51、Presidential decision is always an amalgam of judgement, confidence in his associates, and concern about their morale. ─── 总统所作的决定,经常是他的判断,他对僚属的信任以及对他们的情绪的关怀的混合体。

52、Compared to control group, no difference were found for mood status (POMS) among amalgam subgroups with various amalgam faces and duration. ─── 不论充填数多少和充填时间长短,均未发现情感状态的改变。

53、an amalgam of strength, reputation, and commitment to ethical principles.See Synonyms at mixture ─── 力量、名誉和坚信民族信念的结合体参见

54、The commonest sources of Mercury are amalgam fillings and the eating of large marine fish such as tuna. ─── 最常见的是水银汞合金补源及饮食等大型海洋鱼类金枪鱼.

55、It also can be used in the manufacture of sodium hydroxide , vitamins, spices, dyes, sodium amalgam, tetraethyl lead, titanium and oil refining and so on. ─── 可用于制造氰化钠、维生素、香料、染料、钠汞齐、四乙基铅、金属钛等,还可用于石油精制等方面。

56、In other words, American literature is to our eyes a curious amalgam of familiar and strange ─── 换句话说,我们认为,美国文学把我们所熟悉的和陌生的东西奇妙地结合起来了。

57、A Presidential decision is always an amalgam of judgement, confidence in his associates, and concern about their morale ─── 总统所作的决定,经常是他的判断,他对僚属的信任以及对他们的情绪的关怀的混合体。

58、The new religion is an amalgam of superstitious beliefs and modern science. ─── 新的宗教是封建信条和现代科学的结合.

59、Unlimited amalgam (silver) filings for posterior teeth due to decay. Posterior teeth means premolar & molar. ─── 无限次因蛀牙而导致的后牙银粉补牙,后牙指犬齿以后的牙齿。

60、The film script is an amalgam of all three books. ─── 这个电影脚本由三本书合成。

61、Next, we want to solve problems which are how to extract tooth regions, how to segment teeth from tooth regions, how to detect amalgam from a tooth, and how to detect the existence of a missing tooth. ─── 因此,我们要解决的问题为:如何从牙齿影像中撷取出牙齿的区域、从牙齿的区域切割出每颗牙齿、再从每颗我们所切割的牙齿判别是否补银粉及侦测缺牙。

62、She has a duskier complexion than her seven predecessors, with features representing an amalgam of white, Hispanic, Indian, African and Asian ancestry. ─── 与前7任贝蒂相比,最新版的贝蒂肤色更加黝黑,面部特征则是白人、拉美裔、印第安人、非洲裔和亚裔后代的混和。

63、Keywords Standard Copper amalgam;Standard electrode Potential; ─── 标准铜汞齐电极;标准电极电势;

64、Keywords glass ionomer cement(GIC);amalgam;microleakage; ─── 关键词玻璃离子水门汀;银汞合金;微漏;

65、Or rather (this being Los Angeles) a fantasy amalgam of several town centres. ─── 因其坐落于洛杉矶,更恰当一点说,它更像是几个城镇中心的混血儿。

66、Foster-Flagg amalgam instruments ─── 弗-弗二氏汞合金充填器械

67、It is an amalgam of small buildings and newer, giant shed-like structures, redolent of fish and diesel oil. ─── 它是小建筑和更新、更大的棚式建筑,鱼腥味和柴油味的混合物。

68、Conventional material such as calcium hydroxide, amalgam have been used for repairing this perforation. ─── 传统的修补材料有氢氧化钙、银汞合金等,直接用于穿孔的充填。

69、An amalgam is a solution of a metal in liquid Hg ─── 汞齐是金属在液态汞中的溶液。

70、Amalgam waste from dental care ─── 口腔护理产生的汞合金废物

71、Number of amalgam face, hot-eating habit, odontoprisis and sex were major predictors of urinary mercury levels. ─── 汞合金充填面数量、喜烫食习惯、磨牙习惯以及性别是影响汞释放的主要因素。

72、amalgam and plastic instrument ─── 汞合金及成形质充填器

73、Study of the Adhesion Intensity of Amalgam Restoration with Super-Bond Adhesive. ─── Super-Bond粘结剂对银汞合金粘接强度的影响

74、amalgam stopper and burnisher ─── 汞合金充填研光器

75、After one year ,sliver- reinforced glass ionomer has less secondary caries rate and loose or drop rate than silver amalgam alloy(P

76、Experimental study of dental amalgam substitutes against microleakage in vitro ─── 几种银汞合金替代材料微渗漏的体外实验研究

77、His work is a strange amalgam of several musical styles. ─── 他的作品是数种音乐风格的奇特融合。

78、an amalgam of several companies and organizations ─── 几家公司和机构的联合体

79、It may be only an amalgam;it is better if it be a chemical combination ─── 它可能只是一种混合物,若是一种化学化合物就更好了。

80、amalgam carrier with bolt and spring ─── 弹力通芯式汞合金输送器

81、Influence of multiple coats of bonding agent on the bond strength of amalgam bonding ─── 复层粘结剂对银汞合金粘结效果的实验研究

82、Discharge lamps containing lead in the form of an amalgam, ─── 放电灯中以汞齐形式含有的铅

83、Making the horrific amalgam more unpleasant was a persistent wet, hacking cough coming from his ravaged lungs. ─── 因为肺部受伤,他不停地唾涎咳嗽,使这堆恐怖的混合体更加令人厌恶。

84、an amalgam of strength, reputation, and commitment to ethical principles ─── 力量、名誉和坚信民族信念的结合体

85、"We're not contraindicating dental amalgam in any patient group [other than those who have allergies]," Runner noted during the news conference. ─── "我们没有禁止任何病人使用牙齿汞合金填料(除了过敏者以外)"兰纳尔在记者招待会解释。

86、A creature lurking in the abyss of Naboo, the opee sea killer is an amalgam of evolutionary traits found in other animals. ─── 欧匹海洋杀手潜伏于纳布星球的海底深渊,在它身上混合了其它数种动物的进化特征。

87、Ward's wax and amalgam carver ─── 沃德(氏)蜡和银汞合金雕刻刀

88、The growth of gas bubbles on liquid-liquid interface is studied experimen-tally when gas forms through chemical reaction in sulphuric acid solution-zinc amalgam (or mercury electrode) system. ─── 以硫酸水溶液-锌汞齐(汞电极)体系,实验研究了液-液界面上化学反应形成气体产物时气泡的生长规律。

89、Amalgam was mixed with mercury by the silver, copper and the tin powder.It s properties can be improved by adding few metals like zinc, indium and palladium . ─── 中文摘要汞齐合金主要是以银、铜与锡之合金粉末与汞混合而成的合金,有时也会添加少量金属(如锌、铟、钯等)以改善其性质。

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