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08-15 投稿


deputes 发音

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deputes 中文意思翻译



deputes 短语词组

1、deputes def ─── 深度定义

2、deputes synonym ─── 德普特斯同义词

3、deputes europeens ─── 副欧罗波尼斯

4、deputes lrem frondeurs ─── 来自伊朗人民

5、deputes definition ─── 深度定义

6、deputes assemblee nationale ─── 国家装配部

7、deputes de guyane ─── 圭亚那部长

deputes 词性/词形变化,deputes变形

动词第三人称单数: deputes |动词过去式: deputed |动词现在分词: deputing |动词过去分词: deputed |

deputes 相似词语短语

1、deputies ─── n.副手;二把手(deputy的复数形式)

2、reputes ─── n.名誉;声望;vt.名誉;认为;把…称为

3、deputed ─── v.向(某人)授权;委派(某人);n.受权人

4、depurates ─── vt.使净化;提纯;vi.净化;清洁

5、deplumes ─── vt.拔去…的羽毛;剥夺…的荣誉

6、depute ─── v.向(某人)授权;委派(某人);n.受权人

7、depletes ─── vt.耗尽,用尽;使衰竭,使空虚

8、deputises ─── vt.委...为代表;vi.担任代表

9、deputizes ─── vi.代理;代表;vt.指定…为代理;授权…为代表

deputes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、All deputes in connection with or in the execution of this Contract shall be settled friendly through negotiations. ─── 有关或执行本合同的一切争议应通过友好协商解决。

2、The university spirit is congeals highly to the university culture builds up and deputes, is the university culture essence. ─── 大学精神是对大学文化的高度凝炼和提纯,是大学文化的精髓。

3、well , then , he deputes me to give you this . ─── 他委托我把这包钱给您。”

4、Abstract: The university spirit is congeals highly to the university culture builds up and deputes, is the university culture essence. ─── 摘要:大学精神是对大学文化的高度凝炼和提纯,是大学文化的精髓。

5、These volunteers now play important roles in maintaining community security, guiding residents on garbage classification and meditating deputes. ─── 目前,在社会安全维护方面,这些志愿者扮演着重要的角色,指导居民进行垃圾分类,调解争议。

6、depute Well, then, he deputes me to give you this. ─── 他委托我把这包钱给您。

7、4.Resolve material deputes with related department; ─── 与相关部门共同解决物料问题。

8、and responsibilities of the couple's proof in the judicial practice when deputes arising from reasonable distribution of marital debt. ─── 在司法实务中合理分配夫妻债务争议中的举证责任。

9、The Nanjing Technical University MSTC's sixth anniversary commemoration series activity formally started with the " Computer Hospital" first free medical treatment service's deput. ─── 南京理工大学微软技术俱乐部六周年纪念系列活动随着“电脑医院”首期义诊服务的开张正式启动了。

10、Procuratorate organs should study new mechanism and mediation way to deal with cases and deputes to maintain social stability and harmony. ─── 检察机关在维护社会稳定方面应积极探索办案新机制,建立矛盾纠纷排查调处机制,促进农村和谐稳定。

11、All deputes in connection with this contract or the execution thereof shall be settled through friendly consultations. ─── 凡与本合同有关或因执行本合同而发生的一切纠纷,应通过友好协商解决。

12、Predicting takeover , like forecasting bankruptcy, profitability and stock price, is a hot issue full of deputes among financial economists and investors for long time. ─── 公司并购预测与财务危机、盈利能力和股票价格等预测一样,是金融经济学理论与实务界一直关注和争论的问题。

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