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08-15 投稿


larkspur 发音

英:['lɑ?ksp??]  美:['lɑrksp?]

英:  美:

larkspur 中文意思翻译



larkspur 词性/词形变化,larkspur变形


larkspur 短语词组

1、larkspur flower ─── 云雀花

2、larkspur to candleford ─── 云雀花到烛台

3、larkspur or delphinium ─── 云雀或飞燕草

4、larkspur landing bellevue larkspur ─── 着陆bellevue

5、larkspur blue ─── 云雀蓝

6、larkspur california ─── 加州百灵鸟

7、larkspur tincture ─── [医] 飞燕草子酊

8、larkspur and lazarus larkspur ─── 和lazarus

9、larkspur colorado ─── 科罗拉多州百灵鸟

10、larkspur cove ─── 云雀湾

11、larkspur seed ─── [医] 飞燕草子

12、larkspur jacket larkspur ─── 夹克

13、larkspur landing roseville ─── 罗斯维尔云雀

14、rocket larkspur ─── 飞燕草

15、larkspur dr larkspur ─── 博士

16、larkspur oil ─── [机] 燕草油

larkspur 相似词语短语

1、larker ─── n.嘲弄者;嬉戏者

2、larks ─── n.云雀;百灵鸟;欢乐;vi.骑马玩乐;嬉耍;vt.愚弄;n.(Lark)人名;(东南亚国家华语)六

3、longspur ─── n.铁爪鸟

4、cockspur ─── n.鸡距

5、larksome ─── adj.嬉戏的,好嬉戏的

6、larkspurs ─── n.燕草属植物

7、sandspur ─── 沙丁鱼

8、larkier ─── adj.爱闹玩的(larky的变形)

9、larruper ─── 拉鲁珀

larkspur 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、With names like coast fiddleneck, common cocklebur, low larkspur and common arkspur groundsel all present risks to people or animals. ─── 像海岸的提琴颈花,普通的苍耳属植物,低矮的飞燕草和共同的千里光,所有都都对人或者是动物有风险。

2、XXX withWith names like coast fiddleneckcommom , common cocklebur, low larkspur and commom common groundsel all present risks to people or animals. ─── 像海岸提琴颈花、苍耳植物、矮拉克斯珀和狗舌草这类的植物对人和动物都会呈现较高的中毒危险。

3、candle larkspur ─── n. 高飞燕草

4、He sees larkspur, ─── 他看飞燕草,

5、Snapdragons, calceolaria, and larkspur will drop their florets rapidly. ─── 金鱼草,蒲包花、翠雀花的小花迅速脱落。

6、larkspur tincture ─── [医] 飞燕草子酊

7、Commonly cultivated larkspur of southern Europe having unbranched spikelike racemes of blue or sometimes purplish or pinkish flowers; sometime placed in genus Delphinium. ─── 欧洲南部一种无树枝,拥有大钉状花穗(兰色、紫色或粉红色)的飞燕草;有时归于毛莨科。

8、a dry,single-chambered fruit that splits along only one seam to release its seeds,as in larkspur and milkweed ─── 干燥、单心皮的果实,仅沿着一个生出种子的合缝裂开,如飞燕草和马利筋

9、Snapdragons, calceolaria and larkspur will drop their floret rapidly ─── 金鱼草,蒲包花和翠雀花的小花迅速脱落。

10、Yunnan larkspur root ─── 小乌草

11、Snapdragons, calceolaria and larkspur will drop their floret rapidly. ─── 金鱼草,蒲包花和翠雀花的小花迅速脱落。

12、larkspur poisoning ─── 飞燕草中毒

13、larkspur oil ─── 飞燕草油

14、Plants with names like coast fiddleneck, common cocklebur, low larkspur and common groundsel all present risks to people or animals. ─── 诸如名为coastfiddleneck,普通苍耳属植物,矮飞燕草和普通千里光的植物都对人和动物存在一定风险。

15、A dry, single - chambered fruit that splits along only one seam to release its seeds, as in larkspur and milkweed. ─── 骨突干燥、单心皮的果实,仅沿着一个生出种子的合缝裂开,如飞燕草和马利筋

16、Plants with names like coast fiddleneck, common cocklebur, low larkspur and common groundsel all present risks to people or animals. ─── 诸如名为coastfiddleneck,普通苍耳属植物,矮飞燕草和普通千里光的植物都对人和动物存在一定风险。

17、snapdragons , calceolaria , and larkspur will drop their florets rapidly ─── 金鱼草,蒲包花、翠雀花的小花迅速脱落。

18、pogonanthous larkspur root ─── 白升麻

19、brunon larkspur herb ─── 囊距翠雀

20、coast fiddleneck, common cocklebur, low larkspur and common groundsel all present risks to people or animals. ─── 沿海提琴颈花,苍耳,燕草和蠹吾等都对人或动物非常危险。

21、With the names like coast fiddlenck fiddleneck, common cocklebur, low larkspur and common groundsel or all present risks to people and or animals. ─── 沿海提琴颈花,苍耳,燕草和蠹吾等都对人或动物非常危险。

22、larkspur seed ─── [医] 飞燕草子

23、Barbey larkspur ─── 巴比翠雀

24、Weeds weWith names like cost coast fiddleneck, common cocklebur, low larkspur and common goundsel groundsel all present risks to people or animals. ─── 像海边提琴颈花,常见的苍耳,矮翠雀花和常见的千里光都会对人类或动物有危害。

25、With names like coast fiddleneck, common cocklebur, low larkspur and common groundsel all president risk present risks to people or animals. ─── 像一些名叫海岸琴颈草,普通苍耳,矮燕草,普通千里光的植物都表现出对人类和动物一定的风险。

26、bluewhite larkspur herb ─── 矮白蓝翠雀

27、A dry, single-chambered fruit that splits along only one seam to release its seeds, as in larkspur and milkweed. ─── 骨突干燥、单心皮的果实,仅沿着一个生出种子的合缝裂开,如飞燕草和马利筋

28、Snapdragons, calceolaria and larkspur will drop their floret rapidly. ─── 金鱼草,蒲包花和翠雀花的小花迅速脱落。

29、larkspur seeds ─── 飞燕草籽

30、Traditionally use natural pigments (indigo, saffron crocus, acorn cup, and larkspur stem...) to dye the yarns into different colors.But now we also use chemical dye,which is also called synthetic dye. ─── 传统上使用天然的植物颜料(蓝靛,红花,橡壳等)把丝线染色但现在更多使用化学颜料染色。

31、potanin larkspur root ─── 峨山草乌

32、bouquet larkspur herb or root ─── 翠雀花

33、With name names like coast fiddleneck, common cocklebur, low larkspur and common groundsel all present risks to people or animals. ─── 有了这样海岸名称,共同苍耳,低拉克斯珀和狗舌草所有在场的风险,人或动物。

34、Kangting larkspur root ─── 虎图辣

35、Anhwei larkspur root ─── 安徽翠雀

36、Basket & Bear Arrangement:Chrysanthemums,larkspur and sunflowers with a plush bear arrive in a darling wicker basket. ─── 菊花、飞燕草和向日葵的花篮,附一只小熊。

37、oneflower larkspur herb ─── 奇林翠雀

38、blue tit larkspur (delphinium 'blue tit') ─── 兰特飞燕

39、4. Botany A dry, single-chambered fruit that splits along only one seam to release its seeds, as in larkspur and milkweed. ─── 骨突:干燥、单心皮的果实,仅沿着一个生出种子的合缝裂开,如飞燕草和马利筋

40、branching larkspur ─── 翠雀


42、Snapdragons, calceolaria, and larkspur will drop their florets rapidly ─── 金鱼草,蒲包花、翠雀花的小花迅速脱落。

43、girald larkspur root ─── 云雾七

44、6. commonly cultivated larkspur of southern Europe having unbranched spikelike racemes of blue or sometimes purplish or pinkish flowers; sometime placed in genus Delphinium. ─── 欧洲南部一种无树枝,拥有大钉状花穗(兰色、紫色或粉红色)的飞燕草;有时归于毛莨科。收藏指正

45、denseflower larkspur herb ─── 密花翠雀

46、Snapdragons, calceolaria, and larkspur will drop their florets rapidly. ─── 金鱼草,蒲包花、翠雀花的小花迅速脱落。

47、A plant, perhaps the larkspur, gladiolus, or iris, that sprang from the blood of the slain Hyacinthus. ─── 风信子花一种从被杀死的海厄辛忒斯的血中生长出来的植物,可能是飞燕草、剑兰或鸢尾花

48、red larkspur ─── 红燕草

49、With names like coast fiddleneck, common cocklebur, low larkspur and common groundsel all present risks to people or animals. ─── 沿海提琴颈花,苍耳,矮燕草和蠹吾都会对任何动物造成危险。

50、Weeds withWith names like coast diddleneckfiddleneck, common cocklebur, low larkspur and common groundsel , all present risks to people or animals. ─── 像是提琴颈花,牛蒡,飞燕草,千里光等植物都对任何动物具有威胁。

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