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08-15 投稿


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nominalism 中文意思翻译



nominalism 网络释义

n. 唯名论;名义主义

nominalism 词性/词形变化,nominalism变形

名词: nominalist |形容词: nominalistic |

nominalism 短语词组

1、nominalism define ─── 唯名论定义

2、nominalism defined ─── 唯名论定义

3、nominalism wiki ─── 唯名论维基

4、nominalism definition ─── 唯名论定义

5、nominalism plato ─── 唯名论柏拉图

6、nominalism heresy ─── 唯名论异端

7、nominalism locke ─── 唯名论洛克

nominalism 相似词语短语

1、nominalised ─── 名义上

2、nominalises ─── 名义上的

3、nominals ─── adj.名义上的;有名无实的;[会计]票面上的;n.[语]名词性词

4、noumenalism ─── 本体论

5、nominalist ─── n.唯名论者

6、nominalistic ─── adj.唯名论的;名义主义的

7、nominalize ─── v.(使)名词化

8、nominalising ─── 提名

9、nominalise ─── 名义化

nominalism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Each year, we are given 40 days to refocus on the resurrection, to purge out the old leaven of hypocrisy, sloth, and nominalism, and to renew our baptisms. ─── 我对这样的书有兴趣,正因为我以为这样的讨论正正是这一代的信徒所缺乏和必需急起直追和再发现的。

2、Of or relating to nominalism. ─── 唯名论的属于或关于唯名论的

3、Part V discusses the Barclays extreme nominalism of the future generations and its evaluation. ─── 第五部分论述了巴克莱极端唯名论对后世的影响及其评价问题。

4、Nominalism, Realism and Linguistic Arbitrariness --On the Relationship Between Language and Thinking ─── 从名实之争到言无定论--语言与思维关系的研究

5、Nominalism, Realism and Different Linguistic Attitudes of Chinese and Western Philosophy ─── 从名实之论看中西方哲学的语言观

6、But, unfortunately for Resemblance Nominalism, some members of the red set actually turn out to not be red at all. ─── 但是,对相似唯名论来说,不幸的是,红物集合的有些成员实际上被证明不是红的。

7、Nominalism: Philosophical Base of Hobbes'Law Concept ─── 唯名论:霍布斯的法律概念的哲学基础

8、This years only breathe easier, seniors won't need to fear losing their doctors, and pregnant woman will nomin women with limited means won't have to worry about the health of their babies. ─── 有哮喘的孩子将能呼吸顺畅,老年人不必害怕不能看医生,预算有限的孕妇也不必担心他们孩子的健康。

9、Conceptualism thus seeks a third way, as they see it, between the excesses of Realism, and the unilluminating resemblance relations of Nominalism. ─── 概念论在‘实在论的过度’和‘唯名论的麻烦的相似关系’之间寻找第三条路。

10、this nominalism resurfaces, in new guise, in Bergson's insistence on the uniqueness of individual beings. ─── 这种唯名论以新面貌重新浮现在伯格森对于个人独特性的坚持上。

11、The nominalism of days past is now in a hostile, secular environment. ─── 从前的唯名论现在身陷一个充满敌意、世俗的环境当中。

12、This seems metaphysically innocuous, but many philosophers charge that Predicate Nominalism ignores the Problem of Universals, and does not solve it. ─── 这似乎是形上学无害的,但许多哲学家指责述谓唯名论忽略了共相问题,没有解决它。

13、The dissertation holds that possible worlds doctrines of extreme realism and extreme nominalism are both mistaken, and that the really feasible one should be moderate realism. ─── 文章认为,极端实在论和极端唯名论的可能世界学说都是错误的,真正具有可行性的可能世界学说应是温和的实在论。

14、The first part of the Barclays extreme nominalism The Ideological Origins of doing a bit rough reviewed. ─── 第一部分就巴克莱极端唯名论的思想渊源做了一下粗略回顾。

15、Importantly, because this is a version of Nominalism, we don't say the tropes resemble each other because they share a universal.Instead, they simply resemble each other. ─── 重要的是,因为这是一个唯名论的版本,我们不说这些殊质的彼此相似是因为分享一个共相,相反,它们是直接相似。

16、But when it comes to explaining these facts, Predicate Nominalism will go no further. ─── 但是当要解释这些事实的时候,述谓唯名论就不再前进了。

17、The three main mediaeval points of view regarding universals are designated by historians as realism, conceptualism, and nominalism. ─── 历史学家把中世纪关于共相的三个主要观点称为实在论、概念论和唯名论。

18、One, akin to nominalism and idealism, finds its expression today in finitism and intuitionism ─── 一种类似于唯名论和观念说,现在称为有穷论和直觉主义。

19、The doctrine, intermediate between nominalism and realism, that universals exist only within the mind and have no external or substantial reality. ─── 概念论介于唯名论与唯实论之间的一种理论,认为宇宙只存在于内心并没有外在或客观现实

20、They will be inclined to side with essentialism and against nominalism. ─── 他们显然是站在本质主义一边而反对唯名主义。

21、Nominalism and realism ─── 唯名论与实在论

22、The scholastic doctrine, opposed to nominalism, that universals exist independently of their being thought. ─── 与唯名论相对的一种哲学信条,认为宇宙是以其被认为的看法而独立地存在的

23、the doctrine,intermediate between nominalism and realism,that universals exist only within the mind and have no external or substantial reality ─── 概念论,介于唯名论与唯实论之间的一种理论,认为宇宙只存在于内心并没有外在或客观现实

24、Most people's first impression of Lu. Weittgenstein is likely to be: he is a synonym for nominalism, in aesthetics he is a deconstructist. ─── 关于路·维特根斯坦,大多数人的第一印象似乎是:他是颠覆与破坏的代名词,在哲学上他是一个极端的唯名论者,在美学上他是一个取消主义者。

25、this nominalism resurfaces, in new guise, in Bergson's insistence on the uniqueness of individual beings. ─── 这种唯名论以新面貌重新浮现在伯格森对于个人独特性的坚持上。

26、The realism and nominalism of middle ages affected the traditional taxonomy with different modes. ─── 摘要唯实论与唯名论以不同方式影响传统的生物分类原则。

27、The scholastic doctrine, opposed to nominalism, that universals exist independently of their being thought. ─── 唯实论与唯名论相对的一种哲学信条,认为宇宙是以其被认为的看法而独立地存在的

28、social nominalism ─── 社会唯名论

29、We still do not wake up from the daydream of nominalism after 63 years of national division. ─── 在民族分裂63年后,我们仍然没有从唯名论的白日梦中醒来。

30、If conceptualism retains what is correct in universalism and in nominalism and conceptualism offers an adequate explanation of the phenomena under consideration, then it solves the problem. ─── 如果概念论保留了共相论和唯名论中正确的东西,并对相关现象提供恰当解释,那么它就解决了问题。

31、This essay explores its significance in conciliating the controversy between nominalism and empiricism, liberating our thoughts and marking the limits of man's cognition. ─── 本文探讨了它在调和唯理论与经验论之间的争论、解放人类思想、划定人的认识界线的意义。

32、The experiment results show that the labeling of word category has an accuracy of 81.640 5%,and the labeling of the relation within compound nomin... ─── 实验效果表明,对词的类别进行标注取得了在把维度降到363时的精确率为81.6406%的结果;对复合结构语义关系之间的标注也取得了比以往工作有所改进的成果。

33、Remember that Resemblance Nominalism was vulnerable because it explained qualitative identity of individuals by reference to sets of resembling individuals. ─── 后者之所以容易受到攻击,是因为它通过相似殊相个体的集合来解释殊相个体的性质上的等同。

34、According to this theory of meaning, this kind of nominalism is the exact equivalence of conceptualism. ─── 根据这样的意义理论,阿伯拉尔的唯名论实际上也就是概念论。

35、In the third part, the authors focus on finishing a" Dialogue "covers jurisprudence implication, and from the" nominalism ", "State ratio" to explain aspects of "Dialogue. ─── 在第三部分,本文着力整理《对话》涵盖的法理学意蕴,并将从“唯名论”、“国家理由”的方面来阐释《对话》。

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