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vicissitude 发音

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vicissitude 中文意思翻译



vicissitude 网络释义

n. 变迁;盛衰;变化无常;变迁兴衰

vicissitude 短语词组

1、vicissitude v5 ─── 沧桑v5

2、vicissitude definition ─── 变迁定义

3、vicissitude verb ─── 变迁动词

4、vicissitude define ─── 变迁定义

5、vicissitude defined ─── 变迁定义

6、vicissitude syn ─── 变迁综合征

7、vicissitude k ─── 变迁k

vicissitude 词性/词形变化,vicissitude变形


vicissitude 相似词语短语

1、necessitude ─── 必要性

2、crassitude ─── n.愚钝;粗糙;粗大

3、lassitude ─── n.疲乏;懒散;厌倦

4、similitude ─── n.相似;外表;比拟

5、vicissitudinary ─── adj.交替的;饱经沧桑的;多变迁的

6、vicissitudes ─── n.变迁;兴衰;枯荣;(人生的)盛衰(vicissitude的复数)

7、vicissitudinous ─── adj.变迁的;有变化的;有盛衰的

8、celsitude ─── 塞尔西特

9、spissitude ─── n.密(度);浓(度)

vicissitude 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Our future real property law should comply with the historical trend of the vicissitude of real property. ─── 我国未来物权法应当顺应物权观念演进的历史潮流,实现由绝对物权到相对物权的历史性更新。

2、What’s more important, the vicissitude of the later afforded the deep-seated background and impetus to the forer. ─── 反过来,这一思潮变迁的过程,为“少中”同人的聚散离合提供了深层次的社会背景。

3、An Analysis of Government Acts and the Vicissitude of the hampagne Fairs in Medieval Europe ─── 政府行为与香槟市集的兴衰

4、Ji'nuo National residence vicissitude ─── 基诺族民居变迁

5、It reflects the vicissitude of society. ─── 它反映了社会的变迁兴衰。

6、As a compulsory vicissitude of rural tax and fee system,the rural tax and fee reform brings profound impacts on township financial revenue and expenditure. ─── 农村税费改革作为新时期农村税费制度的一次强制性制度变迁,对乡镇财政收支产生了深刻影响。

7、idiosyncrasy and vicissitude had combined to stamp Sergeant Troy as an exceptional being ─── 个人的特性和身世的沉浮都表明特罗依中士是一个非同寻常的人。

8、Over one hundred years ,they have evoluted on each tracks, pertinaciously continued characteristic spirits and traditions whether the civilization vicissitude and regime subrogation. ─── 一百多年来,文化变迁,政权更替,它们都顽强地延续和传承着自身特有的精神和底蕴,为福建乃至中国培养了各类大批人才,在福建的教育历史上占有重要的地位。

9、So great a vicissitude in his life could not at once be received as real. ─── 他的生活中发生了如此巨大的变迁,他一时还无法相信是真的。

10、Vicissitude of the market produces steatitic to China industry main effect. ─── 市场变化将对中国滑石工业产生重要影响。

11、Pareto improvement on the vicissitude of the tariff regulatory regimes in telecom industries in China ─── 中国电信资费规制制度变迁的帕累托改进

12、Characteristic and Vicissitude of Shanghai Residential Quadrangle with Stone-ringed Door ─── 上海石库门住宅的特征和变迁过程

13、On the one hand, its whole evolution reappeared the dynamic vicissitude of these thoughts, on the other hand, the forer impelled the later on the some part of transformation. ─── 一方面,它的全程演化过程折射了五四前后社会思潮的动态变迁,另一方面,它也从一定程度上推动了这一变迁过程。

14、Chapter III: Establishment and vicissitude of the principle. ─── 第三章:直接言词原则的确立及其变迁。

15、Historical vicissitude ─── 历史变迁

16、The system vicissitude is the key factor in modern society. ─── 制度变迁是社会现代化变革的关键性因素。

17、verb-object vicissitude ─── 动宾式离合词

18、By personal while accomplishes government-private industry partnership enterprise in the management way, levies tax vicissitude. ─── 在经营方式上由私人承办到官商合办,征收税捐的变迁;

19、rabbitry to suffer domestic and international vicissitude of the market to affect bigger; ─── 养兔业受国内外市场变化影响较大;

20、Vicissitude Path Dependence and Innovation of the Urban Neighborhood Committee System ─── 我国城市居委会制度变迁路径依赖及创新

21、Nursing education is closely linked with social vicissitude and technical developments.How nursing education can meet social demand is a key issue nowadays. ─── 摘要护理教育与社会变迁、科技发展息息相关,如何让护理教育符合社会需求是当今主要议题。

22、social experience e. g Post-modernism is the phenomenon of this social experience and is the process and result of cultural vicissitude. ─── 后现代主义是这一社会经验的现象,是文化变迁的过程和结果。

23、On the Vicissitude of Folk Beliefs among the Tujia Nationality --Using Laxidong Village as a Case in Point ─── 土家族民间信仰的变迁--以拉西峒村为个案

24、The Analysis of the Vicissitude of Sports Cultural Center on Eurasia from the Global Historical Vision and the Causes of Formation ─── 宏观历史视野下的亚欧体育文化中心转移现象及其成因的分析

25、vicissitude way ─── 变迁路径

26、aesthetic interest vicissitude course ─── 审美趣味变迁历程

27、Since in trillion year geologic history, the Changbai Mountain area has experienced the dark green sea Sang Tian vicissitude. ─── 在亿万年以来的地质历史上,长白山地区经历了苍海桑田的变迁。

28、At the same time, these novels involved Tang Dynasty history culture many aspects, like Hu vulgarly was in vogue, Kunming pond vicissitude, prime minister the system and soon. ─── 同时,这些小说涉及唐代历史文化的许多方面,如胡俗盛行、昆明池的变迁、宰相制度等。

29、Social engineering is a creative social activity in which people actively intervene in social vicissitude and consciously lead social life into a certain direction.It has clear goal and orientation. ─── 摘要杜会工程是人们积极干预社会变迁,自觉引导社会生活沿一定方向变迁的创造性社会活动,它具有明确的目的性和指向性。

30、key word: Enterprise marketing; Cultural difference; Cultural adaptation; Cultural vicissitude; International marketing ─── 关键词:企业营销;文化差异;文化适应;文化变迁;国际营销

31、By the privately operated economical development and the government function vicissitude two dynamic processes comparison, discusses the relations between them. ─── 以民营经济发展和政府职能转变两个动态过程的对照,探讨两者之间应然的关系。

32、Underneath this style, the rising and vicissitude of the neo school of Hangzhou food is concealed, which is also in accompaniment of the unique idea of Sir. Zhang's. ─── 在这种风情之下,掩藏着新派杭菜在时代潮流中的兴起与变迁,以及张生记独树一帜的美食主张。

33、rural vicissitude ─── 乡村变迁

34、medium vicissitude ─── 媒介变迁

35、The social vicissitude as the human society universal social phnomenon, can result in the public psychology transformation. ─── 摘要社会变迁作为人类社会普遍的一种现象,必然会引起大众心理的转变。

36、the vicissitude of values ─── 价值观变迁

37、As to the narrative of the other in Chinese-Thai literature, presence and absence, stabilization and vicissitude, fabrication and reality are the affiliating and interrelating parts of a conflicting and unifying entity. ─── 在泰华文学的异族叙事中,在场与缺席、虚构与真实、稳定与变迁是矛盾统一体,它们相互交错,互为表里。

38、Zhang Jian and the Social Vicissitude of the Late Qing Dynasty ─── 张謇与晚清社会变迁

39、Taking the standard as the core in the agricultural product quality ecosystem, is the medium of environment process, which will change environment vicissitude unceasingly in the long-term. ─── 以标准为核心的农产品质量生态系统,也是在适应不断变化的环境过程中长期演化,随着环境的变迁而变化。

40、Vicissitude Way of Financing System in Medical Health of Our Countryside and Research of Its Influence Factor ─── 我国农村医疗卫生融资制度变迁路径及其影响因素研究

41、As a compulsory vicissitude of rural tax and fee system, the rural tax and fee reform brings profound impacts on township financial revenue and expenditure. ─── 摘要农村税费改革作为新时期农村税费制度的一次强制性制度变迁,对乡镇财政收支产生了深刻影响。

42、The law vicissitude of FDI in China ─── 外国直接投资在我国法律地位的历史变迁


44、compulsory system vicissitude ─── 强制性制度变迁

45、family vicissitude ─── 家庭变迁

46、The System Design of the Theory of System Vicissitude and the Development of Chinese Farmer Cooperative Economy Organization ─── 制度变迁理论与中国农民合作经济组织发展的制度设计

47、By using system vicissitude theory we can construct the general vicissitude theory model of our country accounting system. ─── 摘要运用制度变迁理论,可以构建我国会计制度变迁的一般理论模型。

48、The entering of foreign bank cause to ensure the demand of our country accede to WTO, to ensure the tendency of the financial globalization and to ensure the necessity of banking system vicissitude. ─── 外资银行的进入是我国加入世界贸易组织的必然要求,是金融全球化的必然趋势,也是我国金融制度变迁的必然选择。

49、Therefore, critque of such an approach is nessarily connected with the collapse of the cold-war pattern and reflects the vicissitude of the power of the capitalist countries. ─── 对结构主义语言学的批判与二战后全球爆发的革命运动并导致冷战格局瓦解之间存在着必然的联系。

50、Because of their limited space, comic sketches tend to reflect the vicissitude of social mentality instead of directly exhibiting important issues. ─── 喜剧小品因篇幅限制一般不正面表现重大题材,但是它能反映社会心理变迁。

51、So great a vicissitude in his life could not at once be received as real. ─── 他的生活中发生了如此巨大的变迁,他一时还无法相信是真的。

52、In the individual stratification plane carefully examines the realistic environment, the adjustment point of view, positive should to the social vicissitude. ─── 个体层面上应学会审视现实环境,调整心态,积极应对社会变迁。

53、Study on the Vicissitude of Copper Cash Casting and Cost Change in Song Dynasty ─── 宋代铜钱铸造业的盛衰与铸钱成本变动

54、To restitute archaic geographical entironment and make a discussion disccombined with the cause of the New Stone Age culture area variety by entironment vicissitude. ─── 3、复原古代地理环境,结合环境变迁对环太湖流域新石器时代文化区域的变化原因进行探讨。

55、The purpose of this study is trying to expound the formation and vicissitude of the Han and Hun's national consciousness from the angle of ethnopsychology. ─── 摘要本文试从民族心理学视角出发,阐释汉匈民族意识的形成与变迁。

56、Second, the Tibetan medicine modern transformation conforms to the trend of the social vicissitude and the cultural adjustment. ─── 第二,藏医学的现代转换符合社会变迁与文化调适的必然趋势。

57、On the Vicissitude of Foreign Trade System in Our Country ─── 我国对外贸易制度变迁

58、An average english house combine all the curse of civilization with the vicissitude of life in the open. ─── 一个普通的英国家庭,是把文明的所有一切祸根与人生的沉浮结合在一起的。

59、The parper elabrates the development vicissitude of private garden in Han of Tang dynasty in Luoyang from four points, the background, ideas and aesthetic, methods and characteristics of garden-making. ─── 摘要从汉唐洛阳私家因林产生的造园背景、造园理念和美学思想、造园手法和特征四个方面阐述了汉唐时期洛阳私家园林的发展变迁。

60、the vicissitude of popular cult ─── 信仰流变

61、An average english house combine all the curse of civilization with the vicissitude of life in the open. ─── 一个普通的英国家庭,是把文明的所有一切祸根与人生的沉浮结合在一起的。

62、Its meaning and the content have differently along with time vicissitude. ─── 它的含义和内容随着时代的变迁而有所不同。

63、Vicissitude track of Taiwan female appetency writing shows that female construction trend from"private image"to"public image"and then to"removing gender". ─── 从台湾女性小说欲望书写的变迁轨迹来看,呈现出从“私我”到“公我”再到“去我”的女性主体性的建构走势。

64、in stitutional vicissitude ─── 制度变迁

65、It Mainly elaborates the related policy and the laws and regulations change in the vicissitude process, proposes the present countryside social security systems also have many problems to solve. ─── 主要阐述南京市农村社会保障制度变迁过程中,相关政策和法规的变化,提出目前的农村社会保障制度还存在着诸多问题尚未解决。

66、Honest government system vicissitude way dependence. ─── 廉政制度变迁的路径依赖。

67、Say up from a certain meaning, the history of a country is a set of vicissitude history about finance and taxation legal system. ─── 从某种意义上说,一个国家的历史,就是一部财税法制变迁的历史。

68、Poking the pride of the morning, listening respectfully to vital movement, melodious tweedle is pouring the year’s palingenesis and historical vicissitude. ─── 拨开晨雾,踏着牧草、用心聆听生命的乐章,琴声悠扬的响起,又在默默诉说岁月的轮回,历史的变迁!

69、The vicissitude of farmland system in Guizhou Minority Nationality Areas and its historical significance since the China founding ─── 建国以来贵州少数民族地区农村土地制度变迁及其历史意义

70、So a new vicissitude of information disclosure institution of public company is necessary. ─── 因此,新一轮的上市公司信息披露制度变迁的过程势在必行。

71、For the whole twentieth century, the vicissitude of international communism movement is a process of great Utopia's disillusion. ─── 对于二十世纪来说,共产主义运动的兴起和覆没,是一个伟大的乌托邦梦想的破灭过程。

72、Keywords Qing Dynasty;city manegement;organization;vicissitude of law system;nation;society; ─── 关键词清代;城市管理;机构;法律;制度变迁;国家;社会;

73、key word: Local authority; Government competition; System vicissitude; Tibbott model; Citizen participation ─── 关键词:地方政府;政府竞争;制度变迁;蒂博特模型;公民参与

74、The relationship between social vicissitude and education would be reviewed from the dynamic perspective. ─── 教育与社会变迁是从动态的视角考察教育与社会的关系。

75、The social vicissitude as the human society universal social phenomenon, can result in the public psychology transformation. ─── 社会变迁作为人类社会普遍的一种现象,必然会引起大众心理的转变。

76、The contemporary child books design should along with the time vicissitude unceasing evolution development, finally because Chinese the child books design to base on the world design front. ─── 当代儿童书籍设计应随着时代的变迁不断的演变发展,最终使中国的儿童书籍设计立足于世界设计前沿。

77、The thesis, taking Tongxin County of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region as a model place for investigation and case study, focuses on the history of Islamic education and its vicissitude in modern times. ─── 回族作为一个信仰伊斯兰教的民族,其文化和教育都具有浓厚的伊斯兰色彩。

78、political vicissitude ─── 政治变迁

79、vicissitude pattern ─── 变迁模式

80、Study on the Selection of Urbanization Route According to the Social Vicissitude in the Urbanization of Suburb around the Cities in GanSu Province ─── 从城市郊区城市化的社会变迁分析甘肃省城市化道路选择

81、Technical vicissitude in unceasingly accelerates, the product life cycle in unceasingly reduces, is also changed audiences' multiplex demand more nitpicks. ─── 技术的变迁在不断地加速,产品生命周期在不断地缩短,受众的多元化需求也变得更为挑剔。

82、policy vicissitude ─── 政策变迁

83、Simultaneously technologic reason destine itself to show the inherent logic of modernity culture vicissitudes.And it drive the vicissitude of modernity culture. ─── 同时,它也注定了现代性文化嬗变的内在逻辑,驱动着现代性文化的变迁。

84、Evolvement of Retail Department of Farm Produce and Its Vicissitude of Stock System in Croatia ─── 克罗地亚农产品供销体系的变迁

85、Then,the author establishes a model of vicissitude of enterprise" institution under the power ideologic institution surroundings and analyzes the course of vicissitude before Reform. ─── 在此基础上,根据我国特殊的国情构筑了强意识形态制度环境下的企业制度变迁模型,并分析改革前企业制度变迁的过程。

86、vicissitude of fate ─── 命运变化

87、The dilemma of China's geopolitical strategy first led to Ming Dynasty's retreat from the sea, then influenced and restricted the vicissitude and development direction of modern China. ─── 摘要中国地缘战略之两难选择首先导致郑和远航的悲壮结局,继而影响和制约中国近代社会的变迁和发展方向。

88、compulsory vicissitude ─── 强制性变迁

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