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08-15 投稿


imbibing 发音

英:[?m?ba?b??]  美:[?m?ba?b??]

英:  美:

imbibing 中文意思翻译



imbibing 词性/词形变化,imbibing变形

动词过去式: imbibed |动词过去分词: imbibed |动词第三人称单数: imbibes |名词: imbiber |动词现在分词: imbibing |

imbibing 相似词语短语

1、imbarring ─── 嵌入

2、imbasing ─── 音乐

3、imblazing ─── 栓塞

4、imbarking ─── vt.创业(等于embark);装载;使上船;vi.上船;着手

5、imbosking ─── 吸引人的

6、imbuing ─── v.灌输;(使)浸透;(使)充满感情(或品质)(imbue的现在分词)

7、imbedding ─── v.把(物体)嵌入;(使)深深植入;嵌进(短语或从句);(在文件中)插入(文本、代码);内置(微处理器)(imbed的现在分词,imbed等于embed)

8、imbathing ─── 浸染

9、imbruing ─── v.(物,尤指手或剑)玷污;弄湿

imbibing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords low permeability condensate gas reservoir;retrograde condensate impairment;water blocking impairment;reverse imbibing aqueous trapping; ─── 低渗透;凝析气藏;反凝析伤害;水锁伤害;反渗吸水;

2、hopelessly, I should add, because that frenzy of mutual possession might have been assuaged only by our actually imbibing and assimilating every particle of each other's soul and flesh; ─── 同时还是无望地,我必须补充说;因为相互占有的狂乱只有靠实际吸吮、融合彼此灵魂和肉体的每一分子,才能平息下来;

3、Every afternoon on sunny days, you can see mothers pushing their baby carriages in parks and imbibing the sunshine, or sitting at roadside cafes chatting with each other over afternoon tea. ─── 每天下午,只要有阳光,都可看到许多妈妈推著娃娃车到公园晒太阳,或在街边的小店喝下午茶,互相聊妈妈经。

4、The invention provides a rapid-imbibing foamed material with antibacterial property and a preparation method thereof. ─── 本发明提供了一种抗菌性快速吸液泡沫材料及其制备方法。

5、These steps involve achieving certain goals and imbibing some qualities that recruiters look for in top-level managers. ─── 这些办法包括实现某些目标和掌握某些招聘人员认为是高管需具备的素质。

6、No one believes that current nondrinkers should be encouraged to start imbibing. ─── 无人相信应该鼓励现在滴酒不沾的人开始去饮酒。

7、"do not operate machinery after imbibing alcohol"; ─── 注释列句:handle and cause to function;

8、One study has shown that mosquitoes prefer to bite people who have been drinking beer over those who have been imbibing water. ─── 一项研究表示蚊子更喜欢那些喝了啤酒的人而不是那些喝水的人。

9、It was not long before the imbibing began to tell. ─── 很快,喝酒喝得有效果了。

10、The soil expands upon imbibing water. ─── 土壤会由于吸水而膨胀。

11、Stop your boy from imbibing of the liquor. ─── 别让你儿子喝烈酒。

12、But not so in France, where people spend more time dining, imbibing and snoozing than anywhere else in the mostly-rich countries of the OECD. ─── 经合组织(OECD)的那些富国当中,法国人花在吃饭,喝茶,睡觉上的时间最长。美国人闭眼睛的时间也很长,但却(嗜食快餐)很可能深受消化不良之苦。

13、do not operate machinery after imbibing alcohol; control the lever ─── 酒后不要操作机器;控制杠杆

14、The act of imbibing. ─── 吸收,吸取吸收的动作

15、both Christians and non-Christians celebrate the secular version of the holiday by wearing green, eating Irish food, imbibing Irish drink, and attending parades. ─── 圣帕特里克节这一天,人们通常要举行游行、教堂礼拜等活动。

16、This is a developmental process flowing from the imbibing of the Scriptures, which are the Spirit Word of life. ─── 这是对圣经-生命中灵性的话语逐渐吸收的发展过程。

17、imbibing the good contemporary culture of the west to enrich and develop Marxism; ─── 在批判地吸取当代西方有益文化中丰富和发展马克思主义;

18、Imbibing alcohol actually carries a higher risk, so it would be surprising if this were the actual cause for the decrease in breast cancers in the later study. ─── 而饮酒使发病风险增加的更多,因此如果在后续研究中发现激素替代疗法确实是乳腺癌发病的危险因素,我们都会感到比较惊讶。

19、Throughout his life Amis was absurdly quotable on almost every topic, but on imbibing especially. ─── 说也奇怪,在艾米斯有生之年,世人几乎论及任何题材时都会引用他的谈话,尤其是饮酒方面。

20、The average Russian already drinks 30 litres of hard liquor a year, six times the amount in the EU, while imbibing a modest 77 litres of beer, a little less than a typical European. ─── 平均每个俄国人每年要喝30升的烈酒,这是欧盟平均数量的6倍,与之相比,俄国人每年平均每人只消耗77升的啤酒,这比欧盟国家的平均数还差一点。

21、Physically he is frail and must sustain himself by imbibing magical potions of his own creation. ─── 他天生身体虚弱,必须服用他自己创造的魔法药剂来维持自己的生命。

22、I saw him imbibing liquor. ─── 我看见他正在饮烈酒。

23、His companion, who had also been imbibing freely, was waxing eloquent, and was not to be gainsaid ─── 但是同样有几杯酒下肚的李玉亭却也例外地饶舌。他不肯服气似的说

24、Are you imbibing? ─── 你正在喝酒吗?

25、Physically he is frail and must sustain himself by imbibing magical potions of his own creation. ─── 他天生身体虚弱,必须服用他自己创造的魔法药剂来维持自己的生命。

26、They are freely and comfortably imbibing nourishment from heaven and earth, and demonstrating their life in a free and easy way. ─── 她们自由自在地吸收着天地间的养分,无拘无束地展示着自己的生命;

27、His companion, who had also been imbibing freely, was waxing eloquent, and was not to be gainsaid. ─── 但是同样有几杯酒下肚的李玉亭却也例外地饶舌。 他不肯服气似的说:

28、A man's shoes get tight by imbibing water,but he doesn't. ─── 人穿的鞋子会因吸饱了水而变紧,惟其本人则不会(醉)。

29、This paper was fulfilled by combining the present chemistry education innovation trend, imbibing the formers’ research production and teaching experience. ─── 本文是在结合当前化学教育改革的趋势,吸取前人的研究成果和教学经验的基础上完成的。

30、They were used to imbibing enormous quantities of alcohol. ─── 他们曾经常大量饮酒。

31、Also, you're imbibing so much that it's literally being secreted out of your pores? ─── 你也喝太多了吧,连毛孔都开始渗出酒精了。

32、do not operate machinery after imbibing alcohol; control the lever. ─── 酒后不要操作机器;控制杠杆。

33、BARCELONA (Reuters) - More good news for drinkers -- imbibing regularly may hale your risk of deeloping rheumatoid arthritis, according to scientists. ─── 巴塞罗那(路透社)饮酒者的更多好消息-科学家发现规律饮酒可以使发生类风湿性关节炎的危险降低一倍。

34、I saw him imbibing liquor. ─── 我看见他正在饮烈酒。

35、Seeds are probably protected by a membranous reticulation structure while spongy reticulation and subtle reticulation in the reticulation bottom may facilitate seeds imbibing water when germinating. ─── 另一方面海绵质网状结构及网纹中网底的精细网状结构可能还有利于种子在萌发时吸收水分。

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