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poorhouse 发音

英:['p??ha?s; 'p??ha?s]  美:['p?rha?s]

英:  美:

poorhouse 中文意思翻译



poorhouse 网络释义

n. 救济院

poorhouse 反义词

rich people | fat | good |rich

poorhouse 同义词

hard up | evil | miserable | ill | wicked | pitiful | defective | piteous | needy | inferior | short | depressed |destitute | deprived | pathetic | haggard | poor people | sorry | coarse | meager | bad | inadequate | insignificant | ordinary | penniless | indigent | lame | bankrupt | broke | weak | impecunious | squalid | feeble | misfortunate | pitiable | impoverished | common | wretched | unfortunate | hapless | underprivileged

poorhouse 短语词组

1、poorhouse mn ─── 贫民院

2、poorhouse pies ─── 救济院派

3、poorhouse wv ─── 济贫院

4、poorhouse fair ─── 贫民区集市

5、poorhouse rd poorhouse ─── 路

6、poorhouse quilts ─── 贫民被

poorhouse 词性/词形变化,poorhouse变形

形容词比较级: poorer |形容词最高级: poorest |名词: poorness |

poorhouse 相似词语短语

1、coolhouse ─── 冷却室

2、cookhouse ─── n.户外的厨房;船上的厨房

3、posthouse ─── n.驿站;驿馆

4、porthouse ─── 舷窗

5、poorhouses ─── n.救济院,济贫院,劳动救济所;感化院,劳动教养所

6、pothouse ─── n.(英)小酒馆;酒馆

7、toolhouse ─── n.工具房

8、poor-house ─── 贫民院

9、powerhouse ─── n.精力充沛的人,身强力壮的人;强大的集团(或组织);强国;权势集团;权威人士;动力源

poorhouse 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Those who had no children or whose children were unable or unwilling to support them typically wound up in the poorhouse . ─── 那些无儿无女的或其子女无能力、不愿意赡养他们的老人只能病死在救济院里。

2、At his own expense, almost unaided, he maintained the poorhouse built by the order in Petersburg. ─── 他提供款项以兴建大厦,尽可能补足用于施舍的款子,大多数会员都很悭吝,不按时捐钱。

3、Cindy: That's why you married a penny-pincher. If I left it up to you, we'd be in the poorhouse by now! ─── 辛迪:这就是你娶了个吝啬鬼的原因。要是凡是让你做主,我们现在就会住在救济院。

4、Love your life, poor as it is.You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in a poorhouse. ─── 虽然贫穷,你也应该热爱生活,因为即使在救济院,你也有自己的快乐、幸福与辉煌的时刻。

5、(Brit) a poorhouse where able-bodied poor are compelled to labor. ─── (英国)救济院里让有劳动能力的人进行劳动学习技术。

6、Ennis: I don't need your money, huh? You know, I ain't in the poorhouse. ─── 恩尼斯:我不需要你的钱,你知道,我是不是在济贫院。

7、Those who had no children or whose children were unable or unwilling to support them typically wound up in the poorhouse. ─── 那些无儿无女的或其子女无能力、不愿意赡养他们的老人只能病死在救济院里。

8、You may perha have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hour , even in a poorhouse. ─── 甚至在一个济贫院里,你也还有愉快、高兴、光荣的时候。

9、He would push me in my go-cart out Market Street past the statue of the Indian and on out Rose Avenue to the poorhouse. ─── 他经常推着我坐着的童车,穿过市场街(MarketStreet)的印第安人雕像,穿过玫瑰大道(RoseAvenue),来到贫民院。

10、The mobile-devices division is losing so much money that breaking in two could put one or other of the newly independent firms in the poorhouse. ─── 移动业务部门亏损情况太过严重,若将摩托罗拉一分为二,那么总得有一家新公司要陷于困顿。

11、Don't let emotional upset force you into the poorhouse. ─── 别因情感冲动而陷入财政困境。

12、Social Security and other pensions promise a sufficient backlog to help keep you out of the poorhouse. ─── 社会保障和其它退休金确实能给你提供足够的保障,让你不用住破屋。

13、The fact is, if the task were left entirely up to him, we'd be in the poorhouse on just his purchases of mega-jars of pickles. ─── 事实是,如果这个任务完全交给他,我们会因为他购买大罐腌菜而住在救济院中。

14、Refrain from trying to buy your way into someone's heart. Even worse you mustn't let someone take advantage of your generosity or you'll end up in the poorhouse. ─── 双子座:本周双子不要因为很多人都对你感兴趣而感到困惑哦。你将处在一个有利的位置来挑选自己的“真命天子”或者“真命天女”。

15、It looks poorest when you are richest.The faultfinder will find faults in paradise.Love your life, poor as it is.You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in a poorhouse. ─── 她把这个消息告诉了一个男孩,于是男孩开始不断的安慰她,鼓励她,每天编好玩的短信逗她开心,就这样,女孩渐渐从痛苦中恢复过来,又变得和往日般活泼可爱。

16、Be sure to spend time helping children with projects that are too difficult for them to accomplish alone.Generosity will put you in the poorhouse. ─── 一定要多花些时间帮助孩子们解决他们不能独立完成的事情。

17、fair at the vanished poorhouse. ─── 消失救济院那里的集市。

18、As a result, the rich blink another time Heng Kong born, a simple and thrifty and the poorhouse so the annihilation. ─── 于是,瞬时间又一有钱人横空出世,一个勤俭朴素的穷人家就这样湮没了。

19、The tax money is used to helped the prisons and the poorhouse,and that costs me enough. ─── 税是用来帮助那些监狱和救济院的,并且那用了我很多钱。

20、Love your life, poor as it is. You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in a poorhouse. ─── 虽然贫穷,你也应该热爱生活,因为即使在救济院,你也有自己的快乐、幸福与辉煌的时刻。

21、Or, if he were homeless, she would take her master by the hand and bring him to her native home, the poorhouse. ─── 或者说,如果他无家可归,她会携起主人的手,带他去她的故居,济贫院。

22、More recent U. S. presidents have been far from the poorhouse but, in our judgment, were not among the top 10 while in office. ─── 按照我们的判断,许多近代的美国总统不算是穷苦出身,但也不能跻身总统财富榜的前十位。

23、You may perhaps have some pleasant thrilling glorious hourss even in a poorhouse. ─── 甚至在一个济贫院里,你也还有舒畅、兴奋、光荣的时候。

24、Hom Poorhouse to "Celtic Tiger ─── 从欧洲贫民到欧洲小“虎”

25、Don't go overboard or you may end up in the poorhouse overspending to impress someone who may only be around for a short time. ─── 不要过分狂热,否则你只会让对你印象良好的异性很快地离你而去。

26、Love your life,poor as it is.You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorioushourss, even in a poorhouse. ─── 你要爱你的生活,尽管它贫穷,甚至在一个救济院里,你起码也有愉快、高兴、光荣的时候。

27、The fact is, if the task were left entirely up to him, we’d be in the poorhouse on just his purchases of mega-jars of pickles. ─── 事实是,如果这个任务完全交给他,我们会因为他购买大罐腌菜而住在救济院中。

28、I was certain I was on the brink of poverty, going to the poorhouse. ─── 我确信自己已处在贫困的边缘,马上就要进济贫院了。

29、You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in a poorhouse. ─── 甚至你在救济院,你也会有快乐,高兴,光荣的时候。

30、The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the poorhouse as brightly as from the rich man's house; ─── 反射在救济院窗上的夕阳,跟富人家窗上的一样光亮;

31、This false sense of security has led many investors to the poorhouse over the years. ─── 几年来这种安全错觉使很多投资者倾家荡产。

32、Even worse you mustn't let someone take advantage of your generosity or you'll end up in the poorhouse. ─── 更糟糕的是不要让别人认为妳的慷慨是理所当然,否则妳将终老于救济院。

33、It looks poorest when you are faultfinder will find faults in you life,poor as it may perhaps have some pleasant,thrilling,glorious hours,even in a poorhouse. ─── 你要爱你的生活,尽管它贫穷。甚至在一个济贫院里,你也还有愉快、高兴、光荣的时候。夕阳反射在济贫院的窗上,像身在富户人家窗上一样光亮;

34、You may perha have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in a poorhouse. ─── 甚至在一个救济院里,你也可能有一些愉快、兴奋、光荣的时候。

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