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08-15 投稿


III 发音

英:[θri?]  美:[θri?]

英:  美:

III 中文意思翻译



III 短语词组

1、Bacillus I.III ─── [医] 莱希曼氏乳杆菌

2、cobalt(III) hydroxide ─── [化] 氢氧化高钴

3、chlorophosphonazo III ─── [化] 偶氮氯膦III

4、chromium(III) hydroxide ─── [化] 氢氧化铬

5、complexone III ─── [化] 氨羧络合剂III; 配位酮III; 乙二胺四乙酸二钠盐

6、complexon III ─── [化] 氨羧络合剂III; 配位酮III; 乙二胺四乙酸二钠盐

7、Emperor Napoleon III ─── [网络] 拿破仑三世;皇帝拿破仑三世

8、dsm-iii abbr. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (of mental disorders-third edition) ( ─── 精神病的)(第三版)

9、Edward III un. ─── 爱德华三世(1312-1377,英王,在位期间1327-1377) [网络] 那时英国国王 ─── 爱德华三世

10、Alexander III ─── [网络] 亚历山大三世;亚历山大三世桥;亚历山大第三

11、APR III ─── [医] 垂体前叶反应III(阿-宋二氏试验中发现黄体)

12、Calixtus III ─── [网络] 斯三世;加里斯都三世;教宗卡利克斯特三世

13、Clement III ─── [网络] 克勉三世;克莱蒙特三世;克里明特三世

14、factor III ─── [化] 第三因子; 凝血第三因子; 促凝血酶; 组织促凝血酶; 组织凝血致活酶 ─── [医] ─── [凝血]第三因子, 组织凝血 ─── [酶]致活酶

15、Darius III ─── [网络] 大流士三世;大琉士三世;波斯王大流士三世

16、Czar Alexander III ─── [网络] 沙皇亚历山大三世;俄国沙皇亚历山大三世;末代沙皇亚历山大三世

17、Anacin III ─── [网络] 阿纳辛三世

18、cellulose iii structure ─── [建] 纤维素III型结构

19、arsenazo III ─── [化] 偶氮胂III

III 相似词语短语

1、-pii ─── 个人识别信息(PersonallyIdentifiableInformation);模式性强度指数(PatternIntensityIndex)

2、-nii ─── abbr.(美)国家信息架构(NationalInformationInfrastructure);n.(Nii)人名;(加纳)尼

3、iwi ─── n.毛利部落,毛利人;社区,社区居民;n.(Iwi)(英、俄、巴西、美、德)伊威(人名)

4、iiwi ─── 猩红蜜鸟

5、-mii ─── abbr.信息产业部(MinistryofInformationIndustry);广播级录象机的型号之一,由松下公司制定并生产

6、-dii ─── abbr.图纸签发说明(dialtestindicator);n.(Dii)人名;(俄)季伊

7、filii ─── 儿童

8、iid ─── abbr.独立相似分布(independentidenticallydistributed)

9、-ini ─── n.初始化设置文件的后缀名

III 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Phase III study of LDT underway. ─── LDT的第三期研究在进行中。

2、Remedy III - Moderate heal with fast 2 second casting time. ─── 2秒释放时间的中等治疗。

3、In Richard III we have a parallel history of an individual's crime. ─── 从《亨利第三》,我们可以寻得个人犯罪的类似事例。

4、The death of King Richard III in 1485 rang down the curtain on the Middle Ages. ─── 1485年理查德三世国王的去世标志着中世纪的结束。

5、Iron presents in abundance as variety of Fe(III) oxides in crust. ─── Fe 在地壳中含量丰富,通常以各种Fe(III)氧化物的形式存在。

6、Lethargy III - Slows enemy attack speed. ─── 减慢敌人攻击速度。

7、Edward III comprehended this like Elizabeth; Frederick the Great like Joseph II; Washington like Napoleon. ─── 在这一点上,爱德华三世和伊丽莎白一样,腓特烈大王和约瑟二世一样,华盛顿和拿破仑一样,他们都有着同样的理解。

8、Development report of rule of law in China III. ─── 中国法治发展报告2。

9、In Warcraft III, certain textures are marked as replaceable textures. ─── 在魔兽三里,有些贴图被标识为可置换贴图。

10、Stalag Luft III (1944) POWs excavated three tunnels below this Nazi stronghold. ─── 勒夫特3号战俘营(1944年) 战俘们在这个纳粹据点地下挖出了三条隧道。

11、In the Courland Pocket were III SS Panzer Corps and VI SS Corps. ─── 在库尔兰口袋的是党卫队第3装甲军和党卫队第4军。

12、Nine patients had GSD type I and 3 had GSD type III. ─── 其中9名患儿为糖原累积病I型,3名为III型。

13、Jurassic Park III is my favourite movie. ─── 侏罗纪公园是我最爱的电影。

14、Their new Series III lures now have holographic foil sides that. ─── 他们的新系列III 诱剂现在有全息照相的箔边那。

15、The sizing of instrument air supply subheaders shall be as per Appendix III. ─── 仪表风分支总管的尺寸计算应符合附件III的要求。

16、Intermezzo: Andantino grazioso - III. ─── 2:第二乐章:间奏曲:优美的小行板;第三乐章:活泼的快板II.

17、As she is iii, we have to cancel our trip to West Lake. ─── 因为她病了,我们只好取消去西湖的旅游。

18、Here, Edward III is depicted in shiny, bedazzled armor. ─── 图中的德华三世身着一身华丽的战袍。

19、George III still sat on the throne of England. ─── 乔治三世仍坐在英格兰国王的宝座上;

20、Feint III - You feint, preventing your target from attacking for 3 seconds. ─── 佯攻,3秒内防止目标受到攻击。

21、The air quality in 113 was worse than Grade III,accounting for 33.2%. ─── 113个城市空气质量劣于三级,占统计城市数的33.2%。

22、You'll become iii if you continue to overwork. ─── 你这样劳累下去就要病了。

23、Investment Partners III, L.P. ─── 之一般夥伴之顾问。

24、But even if Basel III had not been too little, it may have been too late. ─── 但就算巴塞尔III不是过于宽松,它也太晚了。

25、He's breaking slowly, just see how iii he looks. ─── 他的身体越来越弱,瞧他那副病恹恹的模样。

26、Report of commodity market competitiveness in China III. ─── 中国商品市场竞争力报告2。

27、View of the Eiffel Tower from the Pont Alexandre III, Paris. ─── 从亚利山大三世桥上观艾菲尔铁塔。

28、Richard III is crowned king of England. ─── 1483年的今天,理查三世加冕为英格兰国王。

29、Doctors used to bleed people when they were iii. ─── 从前人们生病时,医生常为他们放血。

30、Resolution III, IV, and V designs are particularly important. ─── 分辨力为III、IV及V的设计特别重要。

31、Louderback III, Jay Holmen, Geraldine F.Dominiak. ─── 书名/作者 Managerial accounting //Joseph G.

32、Celebrations in the City on George III's Golden Jubilee. ─── 乔治三世黄金大赦年时城市中的庆典。

33、Elemental Mantle III Increases fire and ice resistances by 84. ─── 增加冰火抗性84点。

34、Part III: Learning how to ask a question in English. ─── 一起学习如何用英语提问。

35、Lawler III, John Grant Rhode. ─── 作者声明: Edward E.

36、Esprit III color is also supported in Wyse 370 mode. ─── Wyse 370方式下也支持Esprit III颜色。

37、Dawson is still trying to finalize a contract agreement with point guard John Lucas III, who played 13 games with the Rockets last season. ─── 道森仍然正在准备卢卡斯三世最后的合同,在上个赛季,卢卡斯代表火箭队拍了13部影片。

38、The NT Rights of the Terminally III law has left physicians and citizens alike trying to deal with its moral and practical implications. ─── 澳北州通过的晚期病人权益法使得无论是内科医生还是普通市民都同样地力图从道义和实际意义两方面来看待这一问题。

39、An Artaxerxes III, covered with blood, flourishes dimly for a time. ─── 一个阿尔塔薛西斯三世浑身血污,影影绰绰地兴盛了一段时间。

40、Napoleon III becomes Emperor of France. ─── 1852年,拿破仑三世成为法兰西的皇帝。

41、Parts II and III provide useful principles for the Refinement phase. ─── 另外,程序员在细化阶段也应该密切参与,这是很关键的。

42、How convincing is Cleanthes’s argument about the eye, in Part III? ─── 在第三部份中,克里安堤斯对于眼睛的论述是否有力?

43、You should work hard, but don't overdo it and make yourself iii. ─── 你应该努力工作,但不可过度把自己累病了。

44、Maritime code of the People's Republic of China III. ─── 中华人民共和国海商法2。

45、Another 14 have exceeded Grade III. ─── 14个城市超过三级标准。

46、King Charles III of Spain sent George Washington a male donkey as a gift. ─── 西班牙国王查尔斯三世送了一头公驴给乔治·华盛顿当礼物。

47、One of these products, the RTS, S candidate malaria vaccine, is now undergoing a very large phase III trial in Africa. ─── 其中一项产品,RTS,S候选疟疾疫苗目前正在非洲处于大规模三期临床试验阶段。

48、In Episode III, viewers will see the climactic finale of the Clone Wars. ─── 在星球大战第三集,观众将看到克隆人战争的巅峰结局。

49、Rose: I reals'hope she w iII be happy You know, my mother always wants to marry her to a millionaire but her husband isn't. ─── 罗丝:我真的希望她会快乐。你知道,我妈妈一直想将她嫁给百万富翁,可是她的丈夫却不是。

50、The detail design for Central Reclamation Phase III is in progress. ─── 中环填海计划第三期的详细设计工作现正进行。

51、Constitution of the People's Republic of China III. ─── 中华人民共和国宪法2。

52、He took it into his head that we had spoken iii of him Behind his hack. ─── 他突然怀疑我们在背后讲他的坏话。

53、Pope Gregory III designated November 1st as All Saints' Day, a time to honor saints and martyrs. ─── 教皇格里高利三世将11月1日定为万圣节,以此纪念圣人和殉道者。

54、Photo 2.28 Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche III holding a Phurba. ─── 图2.28依怙主敦珠甯波车第三世手持普巴杵。

55、They assigned his odd behavior to his iii health. ─── 他们认为他行为古怪是身体不好造成的。

56、George III ruled for 6 0 years . ─── 乔治三世统治达60年。

57、Studies on the genus Eriocaulon from Asia(III). ─── 亚洲谷精草属植物研究(III)

58、From 30 BC onwards, Legio III Augusta was stationed in the province of Africa. ─── 从公元前30年开始,第三"奥古斯塔"军团开始在非洲驻扎。

59、Earlier, H.H.Dorje Chang Buddha III allowed me to see the sufferings of Hell. ─── 在此之前顶圣如来已经让我见到了一次地狱的痛苦感受。

60、The PAI 1 was positive correlated with the IS and CP in group II and III. ─── II、III组患者 IS、C肽、PAI- 1活性明显高于 I组。

61、They were like Division III, something like that. ─── 他们像三师,什么的。

62、Hotel Pere III : Great Deals Available Now! ─── 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.

63、Tom Cruise is back in theatres in Mission Impossible III. ─── 在新片《谍中谍3》中,汤姆·克鲁斯又回来了。

64、He repented and felt as if he had done iii. ─── 他答应了就后悔,觉得可能做得不对。

65、III).Reform of state-owned enterprises is at an important stage. ─── 三是当前中国的国有企业改革正处于重要阶段。

66、The boys in Form III will soon be promoted to Form IV. ─── 三年级的男孩们很快就会升上四年级了。

67、III About the obtainment and use of tax-related information. ─── 三、关于涉税信息的取得和利用。

68、Taqmir's Bolts III - Deals high arcane damage and provides energy feedback. ─── 制造神秘属性高伤害并获得。

69、He substituted for the worker who was iii. ─── 他顶替了那位生病的工人。


71、CD 16 is a kind of receptor for Fc portion of IgG (FcR Y III). ─── CD是 lgG FC片段的一种受体(FCR Y Ill)。

72、Haikou has attained Grade I while 14 of them attained Grade III. ─── 其中海口达到一级标准而另外14个城市空气质量为三级。

73、Phase III, from March 1991 to March 1993, focused on the refinement and institutionalization of these activities. ─── 从1991年3月到1993年3月,第三阶段的重点是对这些活动做精细的改进并且使其制度化。

74、BBF III: Oh, I love open-mics, I love coming here to do open-mics, absolutely. ─── 喔,一点也没错,我喜欢街头演说,也爱来这儿演说。

75、Henry III wanted to diorce Catherine of Aragon but the Pope refused. ─── 亨利八世欲与阿拉贡的凯瑟琳离婚,但是教皇拒绝了。

76、In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that Albert Stubblebine III was at the heart of America's military machine. ─── 事实上,可以毫不夸张地说,阿尔伯特·斯塔布尔宾三世曾经位居美国军事机构的核心。

77、Carl III of Sweden-Norway is crowned king of Norway, in Trondheim. ─── 1818年的今天,瑞典-挪威联盟的卡尔三世在挪威的特隆赫姆加冕为挪威国国王。

78、Taoist Sanqing was a statue, Buddha III was replaced by Buddhism. ─── 原为道教三清塑像,后被佛教改成三世佛。

79、Mr Adams was iii, so someone else was seconded to do his work. ─── 亚当斯先生病了,所以另派了人做他的工作。

80、Fragility of the Ecological Environment iii Tarim River Basin. ─── 塔里木内陆河流域生态环境脆弱性分析。

81、JJ said that his photos in Maldives were shot by 1D Mark III. ─── 发烧是圆梦的过程,既是痛苦的,又是令人欢愉的。

82、Quake III Frag Till Ya Drag ... ─── > 商业 > 人力资源 > 求职招聘 > 猎头公司.

83、Harbison, III, Guy L.Steele, Jr. ─── C语言参考手册 / Samuel P.

84、Yukiko Kobayashi Asako Kobayashi (III) Kendal Ridgeway Daniel Nathan Spector R. ─── Keith Harris 桥口亮辅 Kwai Shui 赵宝刚 何云 Jimmy N.

85、TMNT III: The Turtles Are Back... In Time! ─── 2回复:关于一部电影的问题,希望各位达人能回答下我!!

86、Type III fairy ring with only mushrooms present. ─── 只长有蘑菇的三类仙环病。

87、What's with the mission impossible III,bull shit, Milo ? ─── 什么叫《不可能的任务III》麦洛?

88、Scheaffer, William Mendenhall III, R.Lyman Ott. ─── 书名/作者 Elementary survey sampling /Richard L.

89、Uses a high-sensitivity SiRF star III GPS receiver. ─── 使用高灵敏度GPS接收系统;


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