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08-15 投稿


slenderness 发音

英:[?sl?nd?n?s]  美:[?sl?nd?rn?s]

英:  美:

slenderness 中文意思翻译



slenderness 短语词组

1、slenderness limit ─── 长细比极限

2、slenderness coefficient ─── 长细比系数

3、slenderness effects ─── 细长效应

4、slenderness kl/r ─── 长细比kl/r

5、slenderness check ─── 长细比检查

6、slenderness column ─── 细长柱

7、slenderness compensation ─── 细长补偿

8、slenderness effect ─── 细长效应

9、slenderness moment ─── 长细比力矩

10、slenderness rate ─── 细长率

11、slenderness ration ─── 长细比

12、slenderness factor ─── 长细比系数

13、slenderness ratio ─── [化] 长细比

14、slenderness buckling ─── 长细比屈曲

15、slenderness reduction factor ─── 长细比折减系数

slenderness 词性/词形变化,slenderness变形

动词第三人称单数: slenderizes |动词过去分词: slenderized |动词现在分词: slenderizing |动词过去式: slenderized |

slenderness 反义词


slenderness 同义词

slim | trim | meagre | lithesome | small | thin | willowy | lithe | lissome | little | supple | frail | tenuous | svelte | lean | sylphlike |slight | meager | narrow | lank | lissom | fine

slenderness 相似词语短语

1、genderless ─── adj.无性的

2、slenderise ─── 细长的

3、tenderness ─── n.亲切;柔软;柔和;敏感;棘手

4、blondeness ─── 金发

5、cleverness ─── n.聪明;机灵

6、splendidness ─── 辉煌;壮丽;华丽

7、sheerness ─── n.透迷;透明薄织物

8、sleekness ─── n.光滑;油光发亮

9、fenderless ─── adj.无防撞物的;无挡板的

slenderness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She is a girl with a slender figure. ─── 她是一位身材苗条的姑娘。

2、Entombed as her is, the playwright can count on room service to sustain the slender thread life. ─── 尽管那位剧作家已是半截入土的人了,但他仍可依靠旅馆送茶饭到住房的服务维持他那微弱的生命。

3、Her slender and cold fingers. ─── 她细长美丽但是冰冷的手指。

4、He has the perfect body scale: wide sholder and slender haunch. ─── 他拥有最完美的身体比例:肩宽而腰瘦。

5、He live with slender income. ─── 他靠微薄的收入生活。

6、These parts are in themselves slender. ─── 各部分本身都很纤秀。

7、She was slender and had long dark hair. ─── 她身材苗条,有一头长长的黑发。

8、He fumbled the one slender chance we had. ─── 他贻误了我们获得的一个微小的机会。

9、A small, slender fiber or filament. ─── 小纤维一种细小的纤维或丝

10、He put his hands around her slender waist. ─── 他双手搂住她纤细的腰。

11、Her ideal of masculine beauty had always been slender gracefulness. ─── 她心目中的男子美是玉树临风,文质彬彬!

12、The priestess drew a slender black wand from her belt. ─── 女祭司从腰间拿出一只黑色细杖。

13、He had the long slender fingers of a pianist. ─── 他有着钢琴家修长而纤细的手指。

14、We try to combine slenderness with strength. ─── 我们尽量结合苗条与力量。

15、This species is readily distinguished by its extreme slenderness, narrow leaves, and minute flowers on a filiform peduncle. ─── 本种通常它的极端细长、狭窄的叶和丝状花序梗上小的花而容易区分。

16、Does the seed that pricks slender acanthopanax treat insomnia? ─── 刺五加的籽治疗失眠吗?

17、Moreover, the influence of initial crookedness would be reduced as slenderness ratio and bending moment are increased. ─── 初弯曲对杆件的影响随长细比和弯矩的增大而减小;

18、But interdependency is a slender reed. ─── 但是相互依赖是微弱而不可靠的。

19、Della, being slender, had mastered the art. ─── 德拉身材苗条,已精通了这门子艺术。

20、The constraints consist of member stresses, slenderness ratios, nodal displacements and buckling stresses. ─── 其拘束条件包括元件应力、细长比、节点位移及挫曲应力。

21、Herbs perennial, acaulescent, with slender stolon. ─── 多年生草本,无茎,具纤细的匍匐茎。

22、Her long and slender eyebrows are very beautiful. ─── 她长了一双柳叶弯眉,十分好看。

23、I declare the motion carried by a slender majority of eight to six. ─── 我宣布该动议以八比六的微弱优势获得通过。

24、A clothing size for short, slender women. ─── 小号妇女服装为矮小苗条的妇女所设的衣服尺码

25、We try to combine slenderness with strength. ─── 我们力图将苗条和力量完美结合。

26、But the slenderness of that base also means that insolvency threatens when bad times arrive. ─── 但这个基数的微薄程度也意味着,在市况不好的时候,资不抵债的危险就会出现。

27、Her figure was slender and her manner vivacious. ─── "身量苗条,体格风骚"

28、The girl seems to be very proud of her slender back. ─── 姑娘似乎对她苗条的腰身感到很自豪。

29、Most antelope are very slender, deerlike. ─── 大部分的羚羊很纤细,像鹿一般。

30、Earl Newcomb was a tall, slender, shockheaded young man. ─── 厄尔·纽柯布是个细高个儿,头发蓬松的年轻人。

31、North American perennial having a slender bulb and whitish flowers. ─── 北美的一种多年生草本,鳞茎细,花带白色。

32、She is slender, whereas he is stout. ─── 她很瘦弱,而他却又粗又壮。

33、A slender smile still flickered across her face. ─── 她脸上闪过一丝微笑。

34、Girls always eat like a bird in order to keep a slender figure. ─── 女孩子们吃的很少,为的是保持苗条的身材。

35、Her bare arms lay gracefully beside her slender waist. ─── 她那两只下垂的光洁的膀子给她的非常匀称的身体添了几分美丽。

36、A slender hope still flickered within him. ─── 他心中仍闪出一线希望。

37、If he was a man, he was a very slender man. ─── 如果他是个人的话,那么他就是个身材很修长的人。

38、An object likened to a slender, pointed missile either in shape, use, or effect. ─── 外形似镖的事物物体在形状、使用或效果上像一细长带尖的投掷物的物体

39、He was a slender dark complexioned man. ─── 我停下来与他谈了一会儿。

40、The whole family lived on his slender earnings. ─── 全家人靠他微薄的收入过活。

41、The curve of her slender waist is snow whirled by the wind. ─── "纤腰之楚楚兮,回风舞雪"

42、Inflorescence racemose, 3-5 cm, slender, pilose. ─── 总状的花序,3-5厘米,纤细,具柔毛。

43、The sister, Catherine, was a slender worldly girl of about thirty. ─── 她妹妹凯瑟琳是一个苗条而俗气的女人,年纪三十上下。

44、You have a beautifully slender figure. ─── 你的体形十分苗条.

45、The current design philosophy, in which flange and web slenderness limits are independent, is inappropriate. ─── 当前设计原理,在方面耳轮缘和网苗条限制是独立的,是不适当的。

46、Moreover, the influence of initial crookedness would be reduced as slenderness ratio and bending moment are increased. ─── 初弯曲对杆件的影响随长细比和弯矩的增大而减小;

47、To make slender, fine, or small. ─── 使减细,使减小; 使减弱,使变薄

48、They only had a slender hope in their hearts. ─── 他们的心里只有微弱的希望。

49、She is a softspoken and slender young girl. ─── 她是个话语轻柔、身体羸弱的姑娘。

50、Her husband, Tom Willard, is a slender, graceful man. ─── 她的丈夫汤姆·维拉德是个身材细挑优美的男子。

51、She was a tall, blond woman, slender, and stately, and beautiful. ─── 她是一位颀长的金发妇人,长得苗条,美丽、雍容华贵。

52、He likened her to a pale gold flower upon a slender stem. ─── 他把她比作嫩枝上的一朵淡淡的金花。

53、Comparison with the slender trimaran was also given. ─── 并给出了与细长型三体船阻力试验的对比结果。

54、In sum anything looks good on her slender figure. ─── 总之,她身材好,看上去一切都好。

55、Have you not seen Both plump and slender beauties turn to dust? ─── 君莫舞,君不见、玉环飞燕皆尘土!

56、She was slender as a willow shoot is slender. ─── 她苗条极了,就像柳树芽一样。

57、Young girls generally have a slender waist. ─── 一般来说,年轻姑娘腰身苗条。

58、She has got a beautiful slender figure. ─── 她身材优美苗条。

59、Small, slender, and trim. Used of a girl or woman. ─── 娇小的娇小的,柔弱的,和苗条的;用于少女或妇女

60、He was small in height and slender in limb. ─── 他身量不高,四肢细瘦。

61、The slender cowpea is a miniature of the unforgettable childhood. ─── 修长的豇豆,是难忘童年的缩影。

62、Having slender, drooping branches. ─── 垂下的有细长的垂枝

63、This slender tree bends when the wind blows hard. ─── 刮大风时,这棵细长的树会被吹弯的。

64、The daughter was to have but a slender provision. ─── 女儿只能得到一份菲薄的嫁妆。

65、Upon such slender evidence as this did his case rest. ─── 他的案子就是基于这一点微不足道的证据。

66、Slender jet-fountains--sob their ecstasies. ─── 声声咽呜喜极而泣。

67、Branches and pedicels slender, angles hirtellous. ─── 分枝并且花梗纤细,有棱。

68、The larger width-thickness ratios, the greater impact to torsion effect of middle section of the small slenderness members. ─── 宽厚比越大,对小长细比构件中载面扭转效应影响较大。

69、He’s athletic but slender and a little goofy. ─── 他有着运动员的身材,但过于单薄,且有点愚笨。

70、She was as slender as a snake. ─── 她象蛇一样的苗条。

71、Her figure was both plump and slender, elastic as steel. ─── 她的身材又丰满又苗条,象钢丝一样地有弹性。

72、Perhaps my cheerfulness rests on a slender hope. ─── 也许我的快乐是建筑在渺茫的希望之上的。

73、Tests show that the strength of column decreases as its slenderness ratio increases. ─── 试验表明,这种柱子的承载能力随长细比的增大而显著下降。

74、Perennials to 12(-15) cm tall, slender. ─── 多年生植物,高12(-15)厘米,纤细。

75、Asiatic onion with slender bulbs; used as early green onions. ─── 一种亚洲葱,鳞茎细长;被用作早熟的蔬菜葱。

76、She is a tall slender woman. ─── 她是一个身段纤细的女人。

77、Haven't seen you for another year, you are still that slender. ─── 又一年没见了。可看你还是不长肉。

78、Everybody of us admired her slender figure. ─── 我们人人都羡慕她的苗条身材。

79、Sobs shook her slender frame. ─── 她抽泣著,苗条的身体都在颤动。

80、Her slender ander cold fingers. ─── 她细长的美丽的但是冰冷的手指。

81、Any of various slender, narrow-winged hawks of the genus Circus, such as the marsh hawk, that prey on small animals. ─── 各种瘦长窄翅膀的、以捕食小动物为生的鹞属鹰类中的任何一种,例如丛林鹰

82、His musical achievements have been decidedly slender. ─── 他在音乐上的成就微不足道。

83、Lisa curled her slender fingers into a fist. ─── 丽莎把她纤细的手指攥成了拳头。

84、A calculation method for equivalent slenderness ratio by a graphical method is presented. ─── 给出了应用图表法的换算长细比计算方法。

85、She looked young, slender, gay. ─── 她看上去很年轻、苗条、愉快。

86、Hope is a slender reed for a stout man to lean on. ─── 希望是壮汉依靠的一根纤细的芦苇。

87、A tall, slender structure used for observation, signaling, or pumping. ─── 塔状物高耸纤细的建筑物,用于观察、发信号或泵压

88、approach of equivalent slenderness ratio is recommended for calculation purpose. ─── 计算方法宜采用换算长细比法。

89、They won the election but only with a very slender majority. ─── 他们仅以微弱的多数赢得了选举。

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