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08-15 投稿


generally 发音

英:[?d?en(?)r?li]  美:[?d?en(?)r?li]

英:  美:

generally 中文意思翻译



generally 同义词

in general | in the main | principally | normally | chiefly | by and large | greatly | primarily | mostly | loosely | as a rule | largely | broadly | mainly | broadly speaking |usually | commonly | more often than not | all in all

generally 短语词组

1、typically generally normally ─── 通常 ─── 通常正常

2、generally speak ng ─── 一般说来

3、generally considered ─── 一般考虑

4、generally accounting ─── [经] 普通会计, 综合性会计

5、generally thought ─── 一般认为

6、generally speaking ─── 一般而言

7、it count less than generally thought ─── 这比一般人想象的要少

8、generally accepted auditing standards ─── [经] 公认审计准则

9、generally accepted accounting principles ─── [经] 公认会计原则

10、it is generally believed that ─── 普遍认为...

11、coloring books are generally ─── 彩色书籍通常

12、cheque crossed generally ─── [经] 普通划线支票

13、produce young generally ─── 一般生产幼体

14、generally accepted ─── [经] 一般公认

15、check crossed generally ─── [经] 普通划线支票

16、it counts less than generally ─── 它比一般情况下要少

17、generally eontracted pelvis ─── [医] 均小骨盆(均匀性狭窄骨盆)

generally 词性/词形变化,generally变形

动词过去分词: generalized |动词第三人称单数: generalizes |动词现在分词: generalizing |动词过去式: generalized |

generally 反义词


generally 常用词组

generally speaking ─── adv. 一般而言

generally accepted accounting principles ─── 公认会计原则

generally 相似词语短语

1、generable ─── adj.能被产生的;可发生的

2、venereally ─── 通过性交;患有性病地

3、enterally ─── 肠内地

4、generalcy ─── n.将军任期,军阶,地位或职权

5、generalia ─── 广义

6、federally ─── adv.联邦地;联邦政府地;同盟地

7、general ─── adj.一般的,普通的;综合的;大体的;n.一般;将军,上将;常规;n.(General)(英)杰纳勒尔(人名)

8、generically ─── adv.一般地;属类地

9、generality ─── n.概论;普遍性;大部分

generally 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is generally thought that traveling abroad can enrich one's knowledge. ─── 一般认为出国旅游可增广见闻。

2、Students of English language and linguistics generally will find it a textbook of lasting value. ─── 英语语言和语言学学生一般会发现它的持久价值的教科书。

3、I generally get up at six. ─── 我一般六点钟起床。

4、Generally speaking, futures contracts, not the commodities, are sold and bought in the futures market. ─── 一般来说,在期货市场上买进卖出的是期货契约,而不是商品。

5、Though there are many types of uniforms, the wearer of any particular type is generally stuck with it, without change, until retirement. ─── 尽管有很多款式的制服,那些某种制服的穿着者却老是不能更换他们,直到退休。

6、The female is generally drab, the male per contra brilliant. ─── 一般来说雌性是黄褐色的,而雄性是色彩鲜明的。

7、Interest rate generally fluctuates in a cyclical manner. ─── 利率常以周期方式浮动。

8、Generally, Playboy pays more for less clothing. ─── 一般来说,在《花花公子》上是穿得越少挣得越多。

9、One's mistakes generally lie at one's own door. ─── 一个人的错误一般只能怪他自己。

10、Generally, the weather is good in springtime. ─── 一般情况下,春天的天气很好。

11、How long do you generally keep your offer open? ─── 你方报盘一般保持几日有效?

12、Generally, war is repugnant, but peace is welcome. ─── 一般而言,战争令人憎恶而和平受人欢迎.

13、Iliad is generally fathered on Homer. ─── 人们一般认为《伊利亚特》为荷马所著。

14、He generally wore an old, shabby hat. ─── 他经常带一顶旧的、破烂的礼帽。

15、Generally speaking, women live longer than men. ─── 一般而言,女性寿命较男性长。

16、The fellow that calls you "brother" generally wants something that doesn't belong to him. ─── 凡是跟你“称兄道弟”的家伙,通常总在打算从你那儿弄到些不属于他自己的东西。

17、He is generally supposed guilty. ─── 一般认为他有罪。

18、With a strong sense of self-reliance, American parents generally do not expect anything in return from their adult children. ─── 由於高度自力更生的思想,美國父母一般不期待成年兒女有任何的回報。

19、Generally speaking, I get home earlier than he. ─── 一般来说,我比他早到家。

20、He was a generally unpopular choice for captain. ─── 人们普遍不欢迎他成为队长的人选。

21、The ploughing generally ceases and the crp is laid by about the last of July. ─── 到了7月底左右,犁地一般来说已结束,要对庄稼进行最后一道中耕了。

22、Generally a correct idea will take many years before it is widely accepted as true. ─── 一般来说,一种正确的思想要许多年才能被人们广泛地承认。

23、Chinese financial stocks generally rebounded. ─── 中资金融股普遍反弹。

24、Evidence based on the reports of others rather than the personal knowledge of a witness and therefore generally not admissible as testimony. ─── 传闻证据证人根据别人讲述的内容而不是本人所了解的情况作出的证词,因此一向不作为可接受的证据

25、Generally, caps have peaks and hats have brims. ─── 一般来说,cap有帽舌,而hat有帽沿。

26、You seem to be generally run-down. ─── 你好像精疲力尽了。

27、Can generally the opposite is true. ─── 可往往事与愿违.

28、Grizzly bears are not generally social creatures. ─── 一般说来,灰熊不是社交型动物。

29、Merchandise on sale is generally nonreturnable. ─── 出售的商品一般是不能退还的

30、The doctor make him generally anesthesia. ─── 医生给做他全身麻醉。

31、Generally magazines come out at stated periods. ─── 一般来说,杂志定时出版。

32、People generally prefer doing business with friends, an axiom that applies just as well to Asia as it does to this country. ─── 人们通常倾向于和朋友做生意,这个原则在美国适用,在亚洲也适用。

33、The returns to agriculture have generally been low. ─── 农业的利润通常是较低的。

34、Generally speaking, we insure W.P.A on CIF sales. ─── 一般来讲,如果是以CIF价成交的话,我们投保水渍险。

35、It is generally believed that it pays to work hard. ─── 一般人都相信努力是值得的。

36、Generally speaking, ceramics product can be classified into two categories: practical and artistic. ─── 一般来说,陶瓷产品可以分为两类,即实用品和艺术品。

37、The sandwich bar is generally packed at lunchtimes. ─── 在午餐时间三明治柜台前通常都挤满了人。

38、Peopleliving in the country generally livelong. ─── 住在乡间的人通常都长寿。

39、Individual layers generally have sharp contacts. ─── 单层间一般具有截然的接触带。

40、Generally speaking, the parks are full on holidays. ─── 一般来说,假日里公园都挤满人。

41、An island of the central Bahamas in the West Indies. It is generally identified as the first landfall of Christopher Columbus(October12,1492). ─── 圣萨尔瓦多,沃特灵斯岛西印度群岛中巴哈马的一个岛屿,普遍认为它就是克里斯多弗·哥伦布航海中见到的第一片陆地(1492年10月12日)

42、It was generally supposed that it would not happen again. ─── 一般都认为此事不会再发生。

43、Generally speaking, futures contract, not the commodity, is sold and bought in the futures market. ─── 一般来说,在期货市场上买进卖出的是期货契约,而不是商品。

44、There is generally no system requirement. ─── 一般并无特别的电脑系统要求。

45、Generally, a book has an introduction. ─── 一般说来,书都有绪论。

46、It is now generally accepted that... ─── 目前,人们普遍认为…

47、But generally he does not sell his labour power. ─── 但通常他一般不出卖劳动力。

48、She is generally regarded as one of the best writers in the country. ─── 人们普遍认为她是该国最优秀的作家之一。

49、Generally, the more any of these adverb is stress, the more negative the sentence sound. ─── 一般说来,这类副词读得越重,句子听起来否定含义就越强。

50、He was generally acknowledged to be the finest poet in the land. ─── 他是公认的全国最优秀的诗人。

51、Sumptuous feasts are generally forbidden. ─── 丰盛酒席普遍地被禁止。

52、The turnover rate generally remained stable. ─── 员工流失率维持稳定。

53、Generally measles occur in children. ─── 一般来说,孩子才患麻疹。

54、Career research papers are set up similar to any other academic paper, but generally contain somewhat different information. ─── 职业研究论文被建立的任何其他类似的学术论文,但通常包含不同的信息。

55、Generally speaking, the universe is hostile to man. ─── 一般说来,宇宙对人类是不友好的。

56、Generally good agreement was obtained. ─── 二者一般吻合良好。

57、Generally, the article reads very well. ─── 一般而言,这篇文章读起来很不错。

58、He generally means well, but he is a little tactless. ─── 一般说他们的存心是好的,不过他对人有些生硬罢了。

59、Generally speaking, the young are less conservative than the old. ─── 一般而言,年轻人比老年人较不保守。

60、The monastic community generally lives a life of simplicity. ─── 僧侣界通常过着简朴生活。

61、It is generally believed that Confucius preserved the literature of China for later times. ─── 一般人都相信孔子为后世保存了中国的文学作品。

62、He is generally rated as one of the best modern writers. ─── 他被公认为现代最杰出的作家之一。

63、Push generally succeeds in business. ─── 在事业中埋头苦干多半成功。

64、The reforms were generally adjudged to have failed. ─── 人们普遍认为,改革已经失败。

65、Let's talk just about investment generally. ─── 咱们只一般性地谈谈投资吧。

66、It is generally accepted that smoking is harmful to our health. ─── 吸烟有害健康,这是大家公认的。

67、Generally it is for love, not just sexual love. ─── 一般来说,这个节日是为了庆祝爱,但不仅限于两性之间的爱。

68、The price is generally open to negotiation. ─── 一般来讲,价格可以商量。

69、How long do you generally keep your offer open ? ─── 你方报盘一般保持几日有效?

70、Financial aids generally taper off after the first year of college. ─── 助学金通常在大学一年级之后逐渐减少。

71、In computer graphics, a hand-held locator operated by moving it on a flat surface.A mouse generally contains a control ball or a pair of wheels. ─── 在计算机绘图技术中,通过在平面上移动进行操作的一种手握的画面定位装置。它通常有一个控制球或一对轮子。

72、He generally keeps silent at a meeting . ─── 他通常在会上保持沉默。

73、Generally speaking, I think you're right. ─── 一般而言,我认为你是对的。

74、As an authority he has got generally acknowledged over the world. ─── 他作为一个权威已得到举世公认。

75、The plan was generally welcomed. ─── 这个计划受到普遍的欢迎。

76、A generally southerly hot wind from the Sahara that blows across Egypt from late March to early May. ─── 喀新风从三月底到五月初从撒哈拉沙漠上吹来的席卷埃及的热南风

77、Perhaps I can make that clearer by saying the older generation is generally conservative. ─── 也许我这么说可以更清楚一点:老一辈人一般都是保守的。

78、Generally, boys are behind girls in spelling. ─── 一般来说男孩子的拼写不如女孩子。

79、Generally, trees should be repotted in the spring. ─── 一般来讲,春天时应该把灌木移栽一下。

80、Young girls generally have a slender waist. ─── 一般来说,年轻姑娘腰身苗条。

81、You will generally find women loosen up less lavishly than men. ─── 你会发现妇女一般不像男人那么慷慨大方。

82、What types of books do you generally read? ─── 你通常涉猎哪类书?

83、It was generally felt that the plan is practical. ─── 一般认为计划是可行的。

84、Generally speaking, I prefer lamb to pork. ─── 一般地说,我喜欢羔羊肉胜过猪肉。

85、A quick recovery of the cotton market is generally expected. ─── 人们大都认为棉花市场将迅速恢复。

86、SASL authentication is generally recommended. ─── SASL认证通常是被推荐的。

87、Generally speaking, everyone has a sense of shame. ─── 一般来说,每个人都有羞耻心。

88、Generally, newspapers follow the American way. ─── 一般说来,报纸遵循美国方式。

89、The fact gave a last touch of distinction to what was generally conceded to be the most brilliant wedding of the year. ─── 这个做法将为那一年中公认的最显赫的婚礼添上最后一道光彩。


平常的近义词:普通。  平常  [释义](1) 基本义:(形)普通;不特别。话虽然平常;意义却很深刻。(作谓语) (2) (名)平时。 [构成]并列式:平+常[同义]通常①、一般①[反义]出奇、奇怪、奇特、特别、特殊  近义词  往常、平凡、通常、平日、日常、平淡、普通、寻常、凡是、大凡、一般、泛泛、平时、平居、平素、闲居、常日、通俗、广泛  反义词  非常、异常  英文翻译  1.(普通; 不特别) ordinary; common2.(平时) generally; usually; ordinarily; as a rule

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