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08-15 投稿


apprehensively 发音

英:[??pr??hens?vli]  美:[??pr??hens?vli]

英:  美:

apprehensively 中文意思翻译



apprehensively 网络释义

adv. 担心地

apprehensively 词性/词形变化,apprehensively变形

副词: apprehensively |名词: apprehensiveness |

apprehensively 短语词组

1、apprehensively define ─── 忧虑地定义

2、apprehensively antonyms ─── 悬念反义词

3、apprehensively sentence examples ─── 悬疑句例

4、apprehensively meaning ─── 忧虑的意思

5、apprehensively mean ─── 卑鄙的

6、apprehensively autopsy ─── 令人担忧的尸检

apprehensively 相似词语短语

1、reprehensively ─── 应受谴责地

2、inapprehensively ─── 不恰当地

3、apprehensiveness ─── n.领悟力;忧虑感

4、apprehensive ─── adj.忧虑的;不安的;敏悟的;知晓的

5、apprehensibility ─── n.能理解

6、misapprehensively ─── 误会地

7、apprehensible ─── adj.可理解的,可了解的

8、apprehensibly ─── 理解地

9、comprehensively ─── adv.包括地;包括一切地;完全地;彻底地;全面地

apprehensively 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Situation is very bad, most passenger begins prayer apprehensively to rise. ─── 情势非常不妙,大多数乘客惴惴不安地开始祷告起来。

2、March 29 morning, the Garden Hotel in Guangzhou announced the award ceremony list for Guangzhou real estate industry, not to speak of any apprehensively. ─── 3月29日上午,在广州花园酒店举行颁奖典礼公布的获奖名单,对于广州房地产行业来说,没有半点悬念可言。

3、"What, lad?" he asked apprehensively, sliding slowly away from the wall to the middle of the bench. "I'm afraid I was not hearing you well." ─── “什么,孩子?”他担心地问,慢慢地从墙边儿,溜到了椅子中间。“我听不懂你说的什么。”

4、Cheng Qiao (alias) placing jotter and a pen, hurry to apprehensively attended a meeting. ─── 程乔(化名)夹着笔记本和一支笔,惴惴不安地赶去开会了。

5、After a year of struggle in property prices, the real estate industry and outside of the rising trend of real estate prices is no longer a apprehensively. ─── 在经历了一年的房地产价格之争后,房地产业界内外对房地产价格的上涨走势已不再存有悬念。

6、Buck watched them apprehensively as they proceeded to take down the tent and load the sled. ─── 他们开始动手拆帐篷,装雪橇,巴克在一旁担心地看着他们。

7、This apprehensively about a bid, whether successful or not, with its concept of development will have a "bloody battle"; ─── 申奥这一悬念即将揭开,无论成功与否,具有申奥概念的一批楼盘都将有一番“血战”;

8、They glanced backward over their shoulders from time to time, apprehensively, as if they feared they might be followed. ─── 他们时不时地边跑边回头看,十分担心被人跟踪。

9、"Expo concept" would bring apprehensively Shanghai soaring prices? ─── “世博概念”带来悬念上海房价是否会飞涨?

10、Many apprehensively not. ─── 很多悬念都没有了。

11、Currently developers are using their profits to fill the holes, but if prices continued to rise in the second quarter of next year, prices will rise this will be the next apprehensively. ─── 目前开发商都用自己利润填补窟窿,但如果明年第二季度价格仍持续上涨,房价会不会上涨这将是明年的悬念。

12、And works on the environmental impact apprehensively may accompany the rebuilding of Hong Kong have always works. ─── 而工程对环境影响的悬念,可能会伴随洋山建港工程的始终。

13、apprehensively 3 : How old property tax? ─── 悬念一:房价将降一两成?

14、He glanced a trifle apprehensively towards the crowded ballroom. ─── 他敏捷地朝挤满了人的舞厅瞟了一眼。

15、In fact, the construction of Hong Kong and dredging them apprehensively on the core is built Hong Kong Shan "individual onrush", or port-forwarding division, "overall progress" questions. ─── 其实,关于建港与疏浚联动悬念的核心,就是洋山建港是“单兵突进”,还是带动长三角港口分工合作、“整体推进”的疑问。

16、The man himself seemed to be watching me apprehensively, waiting to see what I would do. ─── 那男人好像正担心得望着我,等着看我下一步要干什么。

17、Conspicuous in the hazy sky above the garden, a stork bustles about apprehensively. ─── 花园朦胧的天空中,一只鹳的身影清晰可见,正在忧心忡忡地奔忙着。

18、The door opened. She looked up apprehensively. ─── 门开了,她恐惧地抬头一看。

19、The real estate market growing external risks, investment properties has led to a full apprehensively unsustainable path. ─── 房地产市场外部风险日益扩大,已使投资房产走上一条充满悬念的不可持续之路。

20、", the accumulation of land forming competitive advantage has little chance, only to fall on apprehensively funds. ─── “如果一些项目公司拿到很低的土地,然后转手或者做成项目快速销售,那样这些开发商的利润就会是百分之几百。”

21、CRUSH of 500 listeners waited apprehensively as, ill and moving slowly, Fred Halliday came up to speak about Iran. ─── 当病中的弗瑞德?韩礼德慢慢地走上讲台作关于伊朗的演讲时,等待中挤作一团的500名听众都有些担心。

22、In this paper, the study of concrete is hierarchically classified into four levels, viz macroscopic, mesoscopic, microscopic and nasoscopic level. The research approach and applied fields of four levels are apprehensively reviewed. ─── 把对混凝土断裂问题的研究分为宏观、细观、微观和纳观 4个层次 ,综述了不同层次的研究方法及适用对象 .

23、The company around the table watched Voldemort apprehensively, each of them, by his or her expression, afraid that they might be blamed for Harry Potter‘s continued existence. ─── 桌边的人都胆战兢兢的看着伏地魔,从每个人的表情可以看出,他们都害怕伏地魔将哈利能存活至今怪罪于自己。

24、The man himself seemed to be watching me apprehensively, waiting to see what I would do. ─── 那男人好像正担心得望著我,等著看我下一步要干什麽。

25、When the mist cleared, Ah-chin was gone and Tseng Chia-chu was crouching on the couch like a frightened dog, gazing apprehensively at his father ─── 到他再能够看清楚眼前的物象时,阿金已经不见了,只有曾家驹蹲在烟榻上像一匹雄狗,眼睛灼灼地望着他的老子。

26、sustained few days in Beijing lengthy media coverage, on the 11th, Beijing Banking Association announced banks Qiandai no apprehensively to lose customers. ─── 在北京媒体持续几日长篇累牍的报道之后,11日,北京银行业协会毫无悬念地公布了银行欠贷客户的失信情况。

27、Recently, the Legend interested in the real estate sector apprehensively finally settled. ─── 近日,有关联想有意介入地产界的悬念终于尘埃落定。

28、Buck watched them apprehensively as they proceeded to take down the tent and load the sled. ─── 他们开始动手拆帐篷,装雪橇,巴克在一旁担心地看着他们。

29、And the men driving the trucks and the overloaded cars listened apprehensively ─── 这些卡车和那些装载过重的汽车的司机,都提心吊胆地倾听着。

30、I am sorry i cannot try best to do the things and always make you apprehensively. ─── 我抱歉我不可能设法最好做事和总是做您惶惑。

31、[ Donghongyu] This is a apprehensively, to buy property should not suffer. ─── [董宏宇]这是一个悬念,抓紧买楼应该不是吃亏的。

32、Photo : Saddam will be handed over after the arrest of six major apprehensively huge property? ─── 图:萨达姆被捕后的六大悬念会交出巨额财产吗?

33、Case in Guangzhou but fire "51" Golden Week property without apprehensively! ─── 对症下药治虚火广州"五一"黄金周楼市无悬念!

34、They glanced backward over their shoulders from time to time, apprehensively , as if they feared they might be followed. ─── 他们时不时地边跑边回头看,十分担心被人跟踪。

35、Jonas did so, a little apprehensively. Beneath his bare chest, he felt the soft folds of the magnificent cloth that covered the bed. ─── 乔纳斯照著做了,虽然有点犹豫。在他赤裸的胸膛下,他感觉到包覆著床的华丽柔软床包。

36、apprehensively two : two "10 billion project" can go hand in hand? ─── 悬念二:两大“百亿工程”能否齐头并进?

37、Divisions adjustment X apprehensively 1: How different policy convergence? ─── 区划调整十大悬念1:不同政策怎衔接?

38、“Just that what?” Obi-Wan asked a bit apprehensively. ─── “只是那个什么?”奥比万有点担心起来。

39、The four poor devils grew pale and glanced apprehensively at one another. ─── 那四个可怜虫面色煞白,面面相觑。

40、This track surface elevation at the same time the greatest gap of about 12 meters, and is considered one of the world's most difficult, most of the racing apprehensively Road. ─── 同时这条赛道路面高程最大落差约为12米,被认为是世界上难度最大,最充满悬念的赛车道。

41、He glanced a trifle apprehensively towards the crowded ballroom ─── 他敏捷地朝挤满了人的舞厅瞟了一眼。

42、Now the central bank to make such a conclusion, basically that the near future, at least the major cities property prices to no apprehensively. ─── 如今央行作出这样的结论,基本上表明近期内,至少是大城市的房地产价格走向不会再有悬念。

43、Chenyifei hours later, he left the painting prices will rise, become a apprehensively takes the minds of people. ─── 陈逸飞飞去后,他留下的画的价格是否会飞升,成了萦绕人们心头的一个悬念。

44、However, in no circumstances apprehensively, started strong in 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou. ─── 然而,在毫无悬念的情况下,广州开始畅想2010年亚运年。

45、Chenyifei hours later, he left the painting prices will rise, become a apprehensively takes the minds of people. ─── 陈逸飞飞去后,他留下的画的价格是否会飞升,成了萦绕人们心头的一个悬念。

46、Thus, the Green Group funds chain from test to name the whereabouts of a group apprehensively. ─── 至此,格力集团的资金链再遭考验,给格力集团的去向留下悬念。

47、beginning today onwards "CBD six apprehensively" series of reports, from the demand, planning, structure, public building, institutional and comprehensive analysis on six Beijing CBD building. ─── 本报从今日起推出的“CBD六大悬念”系列报道,将从需求、规划、结构、公建、体制及反思6个方面全面剖析北京CBD的建设。




美 /??pr??hens?v/

英 /??pr??hens?v/



比较级 more apprehensive

最高级 most apprehensive


I am a little apprehensive about whether tomorrow's concert will go smoothly.







The men who sat nearest considerately turned their faces towards the other end of the field, some of them beginning to smoke; one, with absent-minded fondness, regretfully stroking the jar that would no longer yield a stream.


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