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08-15 投稿


observable 发音

英:[?b?z??rv?bl]  美:[?b?z??v?bl]

英:  美:

observable 中文意思翻译




observable 短语词组

1、observable object swiftui ─── 可观察物体快速

2、observable features ─── 可观察特征

3、observable variable ─── 可观测变量

4、observable image file ─── [计] 可观察图象文件

5、Observable universe ─── 可观测的宇宙

6、observable collections ─── 可观察收藏

7、observable artifact ─── 可见文物

8、observable deterioration ─── 外观可见的变质,显著变质

9、observable universe map ─── 可观测宇宙图

10、observable indicators ─── 外显指标

11、observable string c# ─── 可观测串c#

12、Functionally Related Observable Differences ─── 功能相关的可观察差异

13、observable temperature ─── [电] 可测温度

14、observable side effects ─── 可观察到的副作用

15、observable temperature rise ─── 可测温升

16、Functionally Related Observable Dif ─── 功能相关的可观察差异

17、observable image feature ─── [计] 可观察图象特性

18、observable information ─── 可观测信息

19、observable artifacts ─── 可观察到的伪影

observable 词性/词形变化,observable变形

副词: observably |

observable 相似词语短语

1、observably ─── adv.显著地;醒目地

2、inobservable ─── 看不见的

3、conservable ─── 守恒的

4、observantly ─── adv.敏锐地

5、servable ─── 可服务的(serve的变体)

6、unobservable ─── adj.难以察觉的;注意不到的;不可见的

7、observances ─── n.仪式(observance的复数);遵守

8、observance ─── n.惯例;遵守;仪式;庆祝

9、reservable ─── 可保存的

observable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Dereferencing a NULL pointer in Windows 98/Me will not, of itself, cause any immediately observable problem. ─── 在Windows98/Me中将废弃一个NULL指示器,自然而然的,将不会立刻引起任何明显的问题。

2、Among the many wild changes observable on familiar things which made this wild ride unreal, not the least was the seeming rarity of sleep. ─── 在这次荒唐的骑马旅行中他发现许多日常事物发生了近于虚幻的荒唐变化,睡眠很少似乎并不是其中最小的变化。

3、The pair can then pass from virtual to real, leading to an outward flux of observable light and a corresponding decrease in the mass of the hole. ─── 于是这对光子就会由虚转实,形成一股可观察到的向外光通量,而此时黑洞的质量也会相应下降。

4、But, it was postulated, if ether exists, then another observable phenomenon, ether "drift," must also exist. ─── 但是,它是假定的,如果以太存在,然而另外的看得见的现象,以太“冲洗”也必定存在。

5、Co eused: How about observ Marketing ng from the third person's point of view to see whether are they mutually in love? ─── 惑儒:那如果以第三人的角度去看这两个人是否爱对方呢?

6、But this view is widely observable. ─── 但是这项观点已被普遍认同。

7、Don't be afraid to create your own Observable implementation if needed. ─── 如果形势需要,别害怕建立你自己的被观察对象。

8、We can see all the way out to the edge of the observable universe, all the way back in time, almost to the moment of the Big Bang itself. ─── 我们能够一直看到可以观测到的宇宙边缘,能够回望时间长河,几乎追溯到宇宙大爆炸的瞬间。

9、When it was growing and grown, I have observ'd already, how many things I wanted, to fence it, secure it, mow or reap it, cure and carry it home, thrash, part it from the chaff, and save it. ─── 在庄稼成长和成熟的时候,我前面也已谈到,还有许多事要做。我要给庄稼地打上篱笆,又要保护庄稼不受鸟害。然后是收割、晒干、运回家、打谷、簸去秕糠,而后把谷物收藏起来。

10、When the denatured reduced egg white lysozymes were renatured by dilution method, an observable amount of aggregate precipitate could be immediately formed. ─── 当用复性液稀释复性还原服变性蛋白溶菌酶时,会迅速产生可观量的沉淀。

11、Class can implement the Observer interface when it wants to be informed of changes in observable objects. ─── 如果一个类希望在可观察对象变化时得到通知,它可以实现Observer接口。

12、Recently we discovered that under some special conditions, black holes may have other observable properties, but this is beyond the scope of this course. ─── 但我们最近发现,在非常特殊的条件下,黑洞可能有其他可观测的物理特性,由于这牵涉高深物理,在这里不再作进一步的探讨。

13、It's observable that moral education is challenged by the cultural plurality, market economy, and web culture. ─── 德育面临文化多元化、场经济、息网络化的挑战。

14、Any of the psycho-social activities of humans or animals that can be observed directly by others or can be made systematically observable by the use of special strategies. ─── 可以被他人直接观察到的,或可以通过制定专门方案进行系统观察的人类或动物的任何心理-社会活动.

15、Like humans, wolves display a variety of temperaments. Their family structure more closely resembles ours.Loyalty and affection toward kin are two of a wolf's more observable characteristics. ─── 就像人类一样,狼也是性情多变的种族。它们的家族结构和人类很相似。对家族的爱和忠诚是他们两大显著的特征。

16、Interface when it wants to be informed of changes in observable objects. ─── 如果一个类希望在可观察对象变化时得到通知

17、The communicative intention of pragmatic vagueness is achieved by the extensional assumption, which is a combination of the assumption schema and the information in the immediately observable context. ─── 其交际意图的获得离不开听话人认知语境中的扩展假设,它是由假设图式与现时语境中的信息组合而成的。

18、Indeed, several modern models use this concept to predict observable changes in regional seismicity patterns before large earthquakes16-1839 117 . ─── 当然,有几项现代的模型采用这种概念在大地震发生前预测地区性地震活动图案中可以观察到的变化39117118。

19、Assuming that this pattern continues, space beyond our observable universe teems with galaxies, stars and planets. ─── 假设这个图样能继续延伸下去,在我们可观测的宇宙之外的空间中,就会充满了星系、恒星与行星。

20、And now, some days of bitter grief having elapsed, an observable change came over the features of the mental disorder of my friend. ─── 悲痛欲绝的几天过去了,我朋友精神错乱的表现有了可察觉得出的变化。

21、When the PBA/PS composite particles mixed with PS resin at melt state, the similar phase separation phenomena were observ... ─── 当复合粒子与聚苯乙烯粒料熔融共混时,也有类似的相分离现象发生。

22、It is possible to reduce the loss of spatial resolution by virtue of the spectrum coincidance of the filters and the non linearity of liquid crystal.It is also observ... ─── 利用三色滤光片透射光谱的重叠性质和液晶的非线性,可以减少激光下彩色液晶电视的分辨率的下降。

23、The former refers to the transfer occurs in the observable speech patterns and the transfer of cultural meanings of words,and the latter refers to the transfer of deep sociocultural values. ─── 前者指发生在表层文化层面上的迁移,如言语行为和交际模式,它很容易被观察到,这一层面的迁移若稍加注意便可克服。

24、His voice slowly fell, he was conscious that in this room his accents and manner wore a roughness not observable in the street. ─── 他的声音慢慢地低下来,他意识到他的话声和态度在大街不觉得怎样,而到了这间屋子里便显得粗暴了。

25、Text segmentation based on PLSA associates different latent topics with observable pairs of word and sentence.In the experiments, Chinese whole sentences are taken as elementary blocks. ─── 基于PLSA模型的文本分割试图使隐藏于片段内的不同主题与文本表面的词、句对建立联系。

26、Secondly, some of the undoubted differences in performance observable at present look like the inverse of earlier differences. ─── 第二,目前一些可观察到的在表现上毫无疑问的差异,看上去像早期差异的反转。

27、Galaxies were detected that are a billion times fainter than the unaided eye can see and over a range of colours not directly observable by the eye. ─── 在这片星系的海洋中,仅有银河系少数的恒星可见,其它的都比肉眼可观测的恒星要昏暗十亿倍,其色彩范围也超出了一般的颜色范围。

28、Finally, information net based space based on the space station and growing development of remote sensing will be presented as the trend of development of earth observ... ─── 介绍了我国空间站对地观测应用的重要意义。

29、As a formal teaching activity at school, which is not only perceivable but observable as well, psychological guidance is far from unpredictability with regard to its process and methods. ─── 在学校对学生实施心理辅导作为一种可观察和感受到的正式的学校教育活动,辅导的过程和方法并非不可捉摸。

30、The observability of linear timeinvariant dynamic system can be obtained by the analysis of the observable matrix, but it can not give the observability. ─── 对于线性系统,其可观测性可通过对可观测性矩阵的分析获得,但并不能求出系统的观测度。

31、Among the many wild changes observable on familiar things which made this wild ride unreal, not the least was the seeming rarity of sleep. ─── 在这次荒唐的骑马旅行中他发现许多日常事物发生了近于虚幻的荒唐变化,睡眠很少似乎并不是其中最小的变化。

32、The diagram below shows the hidden and observable states in the weather example. ─── 下图展示了在天气的例子中的隐状态以及可观察状态。

33、Its only contact with reality is through observable quantities. ─── 它与真实唯一的接触是通过可观测量实现。

34、Giant voids may well exist out there, but the chance of our finding one in our observable universe would seem to be tiny. ─── 巨型空洞可能存在,但是我们在可观察到的宇宙中找到这么一个的可能性是微乎其微的。

35、MIMO model with observable states ─── MIMO状态可观测模型

36、Extended game with observable delay ─── 可观测滞后扩展博弈

37、Like humans, wolves display a variety of temperaments.Their family structure more closely resembles ours .Loyalty and affection toward kin are two of a wolf's more observable characteristics. ─── 就像人类一样,狼也是性情多变的种族。它们的家族结构和人类很相似。对家族的爱和忠诚是他们两大显著的特徵。

38、A satisfied weld appearance was obtained under the optimized process parameters.The surface of observ... ─── 在合理的工艺参数下,可获得表面光滑、无堆高和无变形等缺陷的焊缝。

39、The observable economic facts belong to that phase and even such laws as we can derive from them are not applicable to other phases. ─── 可观察到的经济事实都属于这个阶段,甚至我们能从这些事实推导出来的规律,也不能用到别的阶段上去。

40、The main research work only focus on bryophyte flora and morphological observ ation so far, and falls behind those reaserch work in some other provinces in Ch ina. ─── 到目前为止,主要研究仅限于苔藓植物区系、形态解剖学的研究,同国内其它地区的苔藓植物区系研究尚有较大的差距。

41、In this case we have two sets of states, the observable states (the state of the seaweed) and the hidden states (the state of the weather). ─── 在这个例子中,我们有两个状态集合,可观察的状态(海藻的状态)和隐状态(天气的状态)。

42、The long inconclusive series of wars on the continent were comfortably removed, in terms of danger or observable bloodshed. ─── 从危险性和明显的流血来看,大陆上长期未决胜负的一系列战争已经令人高兴地消除了。

43、In contrast, high-frequency fluctuations such as seasonal temperature variations are observable and somewhat predictable, so that groups could have adapted their behaviors accordingly. ─── 相反,诸如季节性温度变化等高频波动是可以观察到的,而且在某种程度上是可以预测的,因此群体可以相应地调整它们的行为。

44、Sudden cessation of speech or a thought process without an immediate observable cause, sometimes considered a consequence of repression. ─── 中断说话或思虑无意识地突然中断,可能是感情压抑的结果

45、ConcreteObservable - concrete Observable class. It maintain the state of the object and when a change in the state occurs it notifies the attached Observers . ─── 具体被观察者-具体的被观察者类。维护了对象的状态并且当其状态改变时能够通知已经添加的观察者。

46、In the everyday world, it is natural and intuitive to think of everything being in an eigenstate of every observable. ─── 在每个世界里,在每一个可见的特征态里它是自然与直觉来想象每一个存在。

47、There was a slight air of abstraction that became observable to Deerslayer and Cudith, if to no others. ─── 如果说别人没看出来,至少打鹿者和卡蒂丝是看出这有些恍惚的神态来了。

48、English Gothic novel studies have gone through three observable stages since the publication of the first Gothic novel; marginalization, legitimization and multiplization of research perspectives. ─── 大致可以将这一过程分为三个历史阶段,即边缘化阶段(1764-1920)、合法化阶段(1920-1970)和批评视角多元化阶段(1970至今)。

49、Similar trends are observable in mainland Europe. ─── 类似的趋势在欧洲大陆也能见到。

50、Sudden cessation of speech or a thought process without an immediate observable cause,sometimes considered a consequence of repression. ─── 中断说话或思虑无意识地突然中断,可能是感情压抑的结果。

51、The pattern is observable in most countries that have pursued such policies. ─── 在大多数追随这些政策的国家里可以看到这一模型。

52、The SINS/DTU system's observable matrices in different moving bases are obtained by using the method of analyzing the piece wise constant system. ─── 利用分段线性定常系统分析方法,提取了不同运动基座情况下SINS/DTU组合系统的可观测性矩阵;

53、In his recovered energy he was sometimes a little fitful and sudden, as he had at first been in the exercise of his other recovered faculties; but, this had never been frequently observable, and had grown more and more rare. ─── 在他恢复活力之后有时也发

54、The thermodynamics of irreverible processes and concept of generalized variables can be used to derive creep constitutive equation in which strain is expressed as observable va. ─── 应用不可逆过程的热力学和广义变量的概念可以分析材料的蠕变变形。

55、We can find the probability distribution of an observable in a given state by computing the spectral decomposition of the corresponding operator. ─── 在一给出的情形里,靠处理相应操作者的光谱分析,我们能够发现一可见的概率分布。

56、But since the brain, and society, is a connected system, the accumulation of these micro-attitudes, from neuron to neuron and person to person, can result in observable behavior. ─── 但是,由于大脑和社会是相互联通的系统,神经元与神经元之间,以及人与人之间这种微观层面的分享一旦积聚起来,将形成可观察的行为。

57、It is recommended that selecting observables after a running average filter or combination as a detection observable can detect and correct cycle slips for single frequency. ─── 因此,本文选择合适的经过平滑或组合处理后的观测数据作为探测周跳的检验量,探测并改正单个频点上的周跳。

58、open and observable; not secret or hidden. ─── 公开的和明显的;非秘密的或不被掩藏的。

59、After all, such trends are easily observable in spheres other than language. ─── 何况这类影响在语言以外的许多方面是显而易见的。

60、If P is doubled, V will be cut in half. These laws are universal; under the stated conditions they hold everywhere in the observable universe. ─── 如果P被加倍,v半将被削减。这些法律是普遍的;在陈述的条件下他们在可测的宇宙举行到处。

61、When an Observable object is updated it invokes the update() method of each of its observers to notify the observers that it has changed state. ─── 当一个Observable对象被更新时,它会调用每个观察者的update()方法来告诉他们:我的状态已改变。

62、Observers living in the Andromeda galaxy and beyond have their own observable universes that are different from but overlap with ours. ─── 住在仙女座星系或更远处的观测者,也有他们各自的可见宇宙,和我们的有所重叠,却不太一样。

63、low observable reentry vehicle (LORV) ─── 小雷达截面再入飞行器

64、Giant voids may well exist out there, but the chance of our finding one in our observable universe would seem to be tiny. ─── 巨型空洞可能存在,但是我们在可观察到的宇宙中找到这么一个的可能性是微乎其微的。

65、We felt the need for a book describing the next steps, how LSM is connected to the observable physics of the real world. ─── 尤其值得一提的是,强相互作用和弱电相互作用没有被分开来讨论,而是交织在一起用统一的理论框架来处理。

66、While sipping it, you can contemplate how that simple act can be traced all the way back to the beginning of our observable universe and perhaps beyond. ─── 当你啜饮咖啡时,请想像一下这麽简单的动作,竟能一路回溯到我们可观测宇宙初生之时,甚至到诞生之前。够神奇吧!

67、Refactoring, per se, does not change the observable behavior of the software; it enhances the internal structure. ─── 在本质上,重构不改变软件可见的外部功能,它只是增强了软件的内部结构。

68、reentry observable prediction and experiments ─── 再入观察预报与试验

69、It is usually associated with scarring of meninges or arachnoid membranes of the spinal cord, observable with CT-scan with myelography. ─── 它通常与疤痕的脑膜或蛛网膜脊髓,观察到的CT扫描与脊髓。

70、Lowest observable adverse effect level. ─── 可观察到在生理上或毒性反应上产生影响的最低浓度。

71、To make power system dynamically observable by use of the information measured by phasor measurement units (PMUs), on the basis of R. ─── 利用PMU的量测信息实现系统的动态可观测,考虑PMU数据刷新时间快的特点,在R.

72、The observable universe grows by a light-year every year as light from farther away has time to reach us. ─── 可观测宇宙的範围,会因来自更远处的光线到达我们这里而每年向外长大一光年。

73、The infalling matter that emits X-rays does not fall into the black hole at a steady rate, but rather more sporadically, which causes an observable variation in X-ray intensity. ─── 发出X辐射射线的下陷物质并不是以恒定的速率落向黑洞,而是偶然发生的,这导致了一种可以被观察到的X射线辐射强度的变化。

74、If the operator's spectrum is discrete, the observable can only attain those discrete eigenvalues. ─── 假如操作者光谱是发散的,可见仅能获得那些离散特征值。

75、Their only observable characteristics were energy and spin. ─── 它们仅有的可观测特征是能量与自旋。

76、The placebo effect refers to all the observable behaviors caused by placebo. ─── 安慰剂效应是指由安慰剂所引起的可观察的行为。

77、Withstand high temperatures practiced two days, a total of one and a half hours in observable when the target did not play. ─── 顶着高温练了两天,一共一个半小时,在瞄靶的时候却没有发挥出来。

78、Mars is too faint and too low in the sky to be observable. ─── 火星太暗,在空中位置太低,所以观测不到。

79、maximum observable dimension (MOD) ─── 可视粒径

80、In the everyday world, it is natural and intuitive to think of everything being in an eigenstate of every observable. ─── 在每个世界里,在每一个可见的特征态里它是自然与直觉来想象每一个存在。

81、For example a level I-V on the Mercalli scale would represent a small amount of observable damage. ─── 例如,1-5度麦加利烈度表示地震破坏程度较小。

82、Their results show that specific patterns of cosmic energy can hold clues to the geometry of the six-dimensional shape - the first type of observable data to demonstrate such promise, says Tye. ─── 他们的结果表明宇宙能的特殊式样可能掌握着6维形态几何学的线索。亨利.泰说,这是第一种展示出这种前景的可观察数据。

83、From a scientific standpoint, the magnitude scale is based on seismic records while the Mercalli is based on observable data which can be subjective. ─── 从科学角度出发,震级是以地震记录为基础计算得出的,而麦加利烈度则以可观测数据(可能带有主观性)为基础得出。

84、Holding the breath is the clearest observable sign of incorrect posture or acture. ─── 屏息是不正确的姿态或行态的最明显的可观察到的信号。

85、The observable properties of a cell or an organism, which result from the interaction of the genotype and the environment. ─── 在基因型和环境的共同作用下,生物实际表现出的性状特征。

86、With a stable light source, this can be determined from a preliminary observ ation. ─── 在光源稳定的情况下,可通过预先观测来确定。

87、Observable phenomena; an observable change in demeanor. ─── 可观察到的现象; 可观察到的态度上的变化

88、Conde positivism is based on empirical natural science, with observable and testable facts and knowledge as its content. ─── 孔德的实证主义是以实证自然科学为根据,以可以观察和实验的事实及知识为内容。

89、Functionally Related Observable Differences ─── 功能上相关的可以观察到的差异

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