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08-15 投稿


clews 发音

英:[klu?z]  美:[kluz]

英:  美:

clews 中文意思翻译



clews 短语词组

1、clews stroka ─── 线绳条

2、clews actor ─── 线索演员

3、clews boats ─── 提示船

4、clews hall ─── 线索厅

5、clews ranch ─── 克莱斯牧场。

6、clews band ─── 提示带

7、clews crushed ─── 线索被压碎了

8、clews law ─── 线索法则

clews 词性/词形变化,clews变形

动词第三人称单数: clews |动词现在分词: clewing |动词过去式: clewed |动词过去分词: clewed |

clews 同义词

ingeniously | expertly | skillfully | shrewdly |smartly

clews 反义词

stupidly |foolishly

clews 相似词语短语

1、chews ─── n.咀嚼;求斯糖;咀嚼物(chew的复数);v.咀嚼;咬(chew的三单形式)

2、clefs ─── 谱号(clef的复数)

3、clegs ─── n.(英)牛蝇;马蝇;虻

4、clows ─── 木屐

5、clew ─── n.线索;线团;vt.提示;绕成线球

6、crews ─── n.一起工作的人,一群做同一工作的人;n.(Crews)人名;(英)克鲁斯

7、clems ─── v.(使)受饥渴寒冷之苦;遭受饥渴寒冷之苦;n.(马戏团工人与城镇居民之间的)争吵;n.(Clem)(美)克莱姆(人名)

8、claws ─── n.爪子(claw的复数);v.(用爪或钳)抓(claw的第三人称单数形式)

9、flews ─── n.(猎犬等的)上唇两旁的下垂部分

clews 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Expert clew: High temperature contented, microtherm contented, pure belong to commercial hype, provide quality to have nothing to do with clean. ─── 专家提示:高温陶、低温陶,纯属商业炒作,与洁具质量无关。

2、The setting sun resembles a clew, an one root ground pesters its light rise. ─── 夕阳像个线团,一根一根地把它的光线缠起来。

3、Several items of main clews for the teaching of steel structure is presented in the paper . ─── 钢结构课程教学的一些粗浅体会。

4、2, if see bracken shape is crystal on smear,mucous crystallization checks cervix, bracken shape crystallization jumps over action of estrogen of apparent, thicker, clew remarkable. ─── 2、子宫颈粘液结晶检查 如涂片上见羊齿状结晶,羊齿状结晶越明显、越粗、提示雌激素作用显著。

5、Before day-dawn, Judge Thatcher and the handful of searchers with him were tracked out, in the cave, by the twine clews they had strung behind them, and informed of the great news. ─── 天亮之前,送信的人根据撒切尔法官和跟他一起的人留下的麻绳记号找到了他们,告诉了他们这个重大的消息。

6、The design of instructional software should support the learners attempt to resolve the prohlem, should watch the attempt and make judge in order to provide specific and suggestive feedback and clew. ─── 在教学软件的开发设计中,应为学习者尝试解决问题提供支持,并通过对尝试的监视,进行判断,以提供具有针对性的和启发性的反馈和提示;

7、On August 18 morning, basis of policeman of group of public security of public security bureau of Lian Jiang county clew, accuse to seize suspect Zhang Mou through close cloth (male) . ─── 8月18日上午,连江县公安局治安大队民警根据线索,经过严密布控抓获嫌疑人张某(男)。

8、But in the afternoon the sun is shining, it clews us it is summer now . ─── 而下午又是艳阳高照,展示给人们的却是其在夏天应该有的真是面目。

9、But consider details of a case is major, substation of suppress smuggling of collect lake custom decides to launch investigation to clew. ─── 但考虑到案情重大,罗湖海关缉私分局决定对线索展开调查。

10、Be like serious again the education of medullary hematopoiesis dry cell of barrier patient shows, directional ancestor the cell decreases, clew is much abler the cell decreases or dysfunction. ─── 如严重再障患者的骨髓造血干细胞培养显示,定向祖细胞减少,提示多能干细胞减少或机能障碍。

11、Clew and practice of personnel system reform in MCH organs ─── 妇幼保健机构人事制度改革的思路与实践

12、The blemish of clew marrow can do a cell through embedded and normal marrow and correctional, accordingly, dry cell is lacked or blemish is the cause with this kind of the commonnest anaemia. ─── 提示骨髓的缺陷能够通过植入正常骨髓干细胞而矫正,因此,干细胞缺乏或缺陷是这种贫血最常见的原因。

13、After user first time retrieves, the retrieval related meeting clew word, help user searchs more relevant result, statistic makes clear can promote retrieve a quantity to promote 10-20% . ─── 在用户第一次检索后,会提示相关的检索词,帮助用户查找更相关的结果,统计表明可以促进检索量提升10-20%.

14、Clew 4: Prevent neighbour lampblack to enter a to prevent lampblack flow backward, the platoon a place with a draught of the kitchen, close the door needs to shut when going out for a long time rise. ─── 提示四:防止邻居油烟进家为了防止油烟的倒灌,厨房的排风口、封闭门在长期外出的时候需要关闭起来。

15、the ways employed by all sorts of traditional culture to develop and highlight super-experimental mind are the basic clews for building traditional martial art and promoting its Gongfu level. ─── 传统文化各家之开发与彰显超验心的方式,乃是传统武术构筑与提升其功夫境界的基本思路。

16、Clew the three sails up, we need to go faster ─── 把三个小帆张起来,我们要加快航速。

17、Clew the mainsail down, the wind is too strong. ─── 拉下主帆,风太大了。

18、4, determine the content of female, progestational hormone in blood is like content of female, progestational hormone low, clew is ovarian function abnormal or exhaustion. ─── 4、测定血中雌、孕激素的含量 如雌、孕激素含量低,提示卵巢功能不正常或衰竭。

19、Some clews may be useful--they may help you , while others are useless--they will block the road to find a murder. ─── 有些线索有用——它们能帮助你,可有些线索却不利——它们妨碍你找到凶手。

20、Introduce a new design clew of a trimming die,and give an expatiation to the design concept and working process of the trimming die. ─── 介绍了一种切边模设计的新思路,并对这种切边模的设计构想以及工作过程给以详细阐述。

21、It is to say namely, this clew should be clear concise. ─── 即是说,这提示应该是清楚并简洁的。

22、Healthy clew: after satiate meal, a quit smoking, quit two baths, three ring angry, four four-ring belt, wu jie, brush, six ring to the toilet, seven, eight quit drinking, you know? ─── 健康提示:吃饱饭后,一戒吸烟,二戒洗澡,三戒生气,四戒松裤带,五戒刷牙,六戒上厕所,七戒喝酒,八戒你知道了吗?

23、The victim restarts computer by this clew, who thinks this mysterious webpage is hiding unexpectedly trojan program. ─── 事主便按此提示将电脑重启,谁想这个神秘网页竟暗藏着木马程序。

24、clew lines ─── 帆耳索

25、Clew and Means of Study on Rejecting Arciform Worm Infection with Chinese Herb ─── 中药抗弓形虫感染的研究思路与方法

26、Inform against clew to type the computer by person specially assigned for a task, add a password to manage strictly, perhaps approve without accredit, other staff member must not be examined; ─── 举 报线索由专人录入计算机,加密码严格管理,未经授权或者批准,其他工作人员不得查看;

27、"Conscience proof" is not criminal lawsuit evidence hut evidence clew, either substantially or formally. ─── “良心证明”不管从实质上还是从形式上分析,都不属于刑事诉讼证据而是证据线索。

28、Clew: Do not believe agency is so called the lie that natural floor can have off color certainly. ─── 提示:不要相信经销商所谓的天然地板一定会有色差的谎话。

29、On March 1, 2008, jiangsu province is in like Gao city police deal with experience gun clew discovers one case in dispute process together. ─── 2008年3月1日,江苏省如皋市警方在处置一起纠纷过程中发现一起涉枪线索。

30、Evolution of financial intermediation are theoretically explained along three clews. ─── 金融中介演变规律的理论解释是基于三条线索展开的。

31、Clew 2: Put a plant to reduce air to pollute to be able to be put a few can purify airy plant. ─── 提示二:摆放植物减少空气污染可以摆放一些可以净化空气的植物。

32、Microsoft enabled new download clew draw a frame round, let what the user is clear about see what want download truly what is them. ─── 微软启用了新的下载提示框,让用户清楚的看到什么是他们真正想要下载的。

33、New clews of understanding the history of Milky Way galaxy can be offered by analylizing the data above. ─── 对以上数据的发现和研究将对理解银河系的历史提供新的线索。

34、Thought Clew to Search after Strategic Prospecting Precincts of Oil and Gas Resources in Marine Facies Basins in China ─── 对中国海相盆地油气资源战略选区的思路

35、Right faceless outside informing against clew to need except investigation job, forbidden have handwriting identification; ─── 对匿名举报线索除侦查工作需要外,严禁进行笔迹鉴定;

36、Main material is white paperboard, both-sides. Other supplements are chopsticks, popsicle sticks, the core of ball-point pen, clew, plastic spring, etc. ─── 主面料是双面白卡纸,还有一些辅料,筷子,冰棒棍,圆珠笔芯,线团,塑料弹簧什么的,不再赘述。

37、Good appearance!Here are some clews:it's mostly owned by the local officers,but probably not warlords because they don't need it given by their underlings. ─── 品像挺好!提供点线索:多半是收藏地点当地政要土豪劣绅之类,军阀可能性较小,他们本身就有指挥刀,不需要下级赠送.

38、The Clinical Manifestation and Diagnostic Clew of Multiple Myeloma ─── 多发性骨髓瘤的临床表现与诊断思维提示

39、According to actor cruel interior the personage says, the wrong clew page that this page acquiesces for the website, but the specific reason that did not disclose this breakdown. ─── 据优酷内部人士称,该页面为网站默认的错误提示页,但并未透露此次故障的具体原因。

40、Authority of be decided by and mode of operation depend on an user, software itself does not have any revulsive clew. ─── 取决权和操作方式在于用户,软件本身无任何诱导提示。

41、After stage state police holds this clue, track down by following clues, found the Nuojiya about this penates secret eventually the exact clew of boss of mobile phone inn. ─── 台州警方抓住这条线索后,顺藤摸瓜,终于找到了关于这家神秘的诺基亚手机店老板的确切线索。

42、Clew and countermeasure of sustainable ctevelopment on ecological tour in Hezuo city ─── 合作市生态旅游可持续发展的思路与对策

43、New clews of understanding the history of Milky Way galaxy can be offered by analylizing the data above. ─── 对以上数据的发现和研究将对理解银河系的历史提供新的线索。

44、To the chief procurator the newspaper sends when informing against clew, ought to use confidential bag sealed, fill in confidential number, seal off personally by the chief procurator; ─── 二是实施阳光执法。

45、(5) micturition not free companion bilges painful: SenileThe maleMuch clew prostate is proliferous, yi Ke sees at urethral stone. ─── (5)排尿不畅伴胀痛:老年男性多提示前列腺增生,亦可见于尿道结石。

46、In doing this he trusted solely to 'instinctive guidance,' as he called it, and not to any hints or clews obtained through the senses. ─── 当时他只遵循着他所谓的”本能的指引“,而不相信任何通过感官得到的标识和指引。”)

47、clew down ─── 扯下桁

48、Many consumer oppugn the security of net silver in succession, silver-colored inspect also can pay a risk on dispatch clew net. ─── 不少消费者纷纷质疑网银的安全性,银监会也发文提示网上支付风险。

49、They have such reason, him clew wants pass the winter I feel this is above criticism. ─── 他们有这样的理性,提示自己要过冬我觉得这是无可非议的。

50、With the help of David, Dad worked as a clew man for the police.Elder daughter worked as a dancing girl, and mom, as a massagist in a massage parlor. ─── 在吴大维的帮助下,董骠去做线民,大女儿去做舞女,沈殿霞在按摩院替人按摩,全家出动筹钱。

51、"We still are used in game page designedly like 3 class piece means undertakes clew, threaten minor must not be entered. ─── “我们还特意在游戏页面用像三级片的方式进行提示,恐吓未成年人不得进入。”

52、Bold conception, infinite originality, clew wears stylist people want to reconsider: Natural style, how should locate is gift nicer? ─── 大胆的构思,无限的创意,提示着设计师们要重新考虑:自然风格,该怎样定位才更好?

53、Expert clew: Enjoy sweet fume. Sweet fume effect magical, some have effect reducing weight. Increase the investment to the body appropriately, if all sorts of bodies maintain, hydrotherapy. ─── 专家提示:享受香熏。香熏功效神奇,有些具有减肥功效。适当增加对身体的投资,如各种身体保养、水疗等。

54、What if see on smear,discharge is ellipsoidal, clew already had the effect of progestational hormone on the foundation of estrogen action. ─── 如涂片上见成排的椭圆体,提示在雌激素作用的基础上已有孕激素的影响。

55、Have a headache reduce, clew symptom improves. ─── 头痛减轻,提示症状好转。

56、"Conscience proof" is not criminal lawsuit evidence but evidence clew,either substantially or formally. ─── “良心证明”不管从实质上还是从形式上分析,都不属于刑事诉讼证据而是证据线索。

57、don't you reckon they'll want clews? ─── 你以为他们不是都需要线索么?

58、Yet he betrayed a democratic fondness for Wagner, and the "Tannhauser" overture, when she had given him the clew to it, claimed him as nothing else she played. ─── 只是他对瓦格纳流露出一种平民化的兴趣。他经她一点拨便发表意见说《坦豪瑟》序曲跟她弹奏的其他作品大不相同。

59、Research Clew and Practice of Treating Parkinsonism with Method of Tonifying Liver and Kidney ─── 培补肝肾法治疗帕金森病的研究思路及实践

60、The basic clew of system building for basin water right allocation is suggested as grade in vertical orientation and classification in horizontal direction. ─── 提出的流域水权配置体系建设的基本思路为:纵向分级、横向分类。

61、According to clew, until pay treasure attestation the success. ─── 按照提示,直到支付宝认证成功。

62、Great!A software of assembly,in assembly language.you can get the clew to carry out the function as soon as you run this program. ─── 不错,汇编小软件!用汇编编的。具体功能在你编译后运行的时候会有提示。:)

63、Expert clew: As the growth of the age, the metabolic speed inside our body is decelerated, poisonous ability of oneself airframe platoon is abate, should prevent " into be more than piece " . ─── 专家提示:随着年龄的增长,我们体内新陈代谢的速度减慢,自身机体排毒能力减弱,应该防止“入大于出”。

64、molecular clew diameter ─── 分子线团直径

65、You must be careful to read, or you will lose many clews. ─── 你得仔细点读,否则你会错过线索。

66、On the one shelf at the library he found Karl Marx, Ricardo, Adam Smith, and Mill, and the abstruse formulas of the one gave no clew that the ideas of another were obsolete. ─── 在图书馆的一个书架上他发现了卡尔·马克思、李嘉图、亚当·斯密和米尔,这一家的深奥公式无法证明另一家的思想已经过时。

67、Clew: The makeup that contains alcohol part water makes moisture volatilize, dry skin is a bit further from it still had better. ─── 提示:含有酒精成分的化妆水促使水分挥发,干燥的皮肤还是离它远一点为妙。

68、No word, no clew, no hint, of the divine had ever reached him before.He had never believed in the divine ─── 以往他从不曾被神圣的话语、启示或讽喻所打动,也不曾相信过神圣的事物。

69、Clew, after high-energy scar, the hemal endodermis cell of remoteness place can produce apparent morphology change, this is far the main feature that amounts to effect. ─── 提示,高能创伤后,远隔部位的血管内皮细胞可发生明显的形态学变化,这是远达效应的基本特征。

70、With the clew of ichthyofauna composition, it was considered that there was no aboriginal species as well as endemic species evolved in this insular system. ─── 以湿地鱼类区系组成为线索,认为在湿地内无土著种,更未形成狭域分布的特有种。

71、Clew the down, the wind is too strong. ─── 下主帆,风太大了。

72、Doctor clew, what there is recrudesce after vaginitis is treated is likely, because this patient needs,follow examine. ─── 医师提示,阴道炎治疗后有复发的可能,因此患者需要随诊。

73、The effects of clew period(DP),dew temperature (DT),and the amountof nitrogen fertilizer (N) on the infection of rice blast were studied underthe growth chambers. ─── 在人工气候室条件下研究了露温(DT),露时(DP),和施氮量(N)对稻瘟菌侵染的综合影响。

74、Just under those two clews interweaved with one another, this dissertation spreads and deepens continuously. ─── 本研究正是在这两条线索相互交织中不断展开和深化的。

75、So the thesis canprovide some clews to the country STP and local industry development policy by the conception of the model and the internalization of theoretic tools on industry spatial analysis. ─── 因此通过模型的建构与产业空间理论分析工具的整合,研究对于国家科技政策与地方产业发展策略都能提供若干的空间启示。

76、I take the clew divine. ─── 我领会神的提示.

77、clew of sail ─── 帆下角铁圈

78、To raise the lower corners of(a square sail) by means of clew lines. Used with up. ─── 扯(帆)上桁通过收帆索把(横帆)的下角升起。与up连用

79、Infection of scanty helicoid of clew uncle family name is to form Bei Ershi's paralytic important cause of disease to learn a basics. ─── 提示伯氏疏螺旋体感染是构成贝尔氏麻痹的重要病原学基础。

80、In fierce Chang Baian resides the entrance to manage prominent place, of height of a piece of 1 rice left and right sides " healthy clew " the card is conspicuous (see below photograph) . ─── 在武昌百安居入口处显著位置,一张1米左右高度的“健康提示”牌引人注目(见下面照片)。

81、Expert clew can do teapoy of type of a fold. ─── 专家提示可做一个折叠式小桌。

82、It's not easy to find a clew, but there are many clews in this story. ─── 发现线索不容易,但本故事中有许多线索。

83、Clinical go up to occurrence tear decreases or disappear, clew pathological changes is located in genu shape ganglion or near side paragraph person, appropriate uses this art reduce pressure. ─── 临床上出现泪液减少或消失,提示病变位于膝状神经节或近侧段者,宜用此术减压。

84、spread a large clew ─── 多上[少上]风帆; 大张[收缩]气势

85、The clew of hematic natrium pelter of unidentified reason is measured into fluid overmuch, input moisture especially overmuch, cause disease of blood of attenuant sex low natrium. ─── 不明原因的血钠骤降提示入液量过多,尤其是输入水分过多,导致稀释性低钠血症。

86、Nevertheless expert clew says, want to assure the effectiveness that the electron signs, use lawful the digital certificate that orgnaization of tripartite attestation signs and issue is crucial. ─── 不过专家提示说,要保证电子签名的有效性,使用合法第三方认证机构签发的数字证书是关键。

87、clew up ─── 扯帆上桁,把帆下角扯到桁上(准备卷帆)

88、Isabel is the major character in The Portrait of a Lady, so the development and transition of her personality serve as a clew in the story. ─── 伊莎贝尔作为中的主人公,她的性格发展以及转变是故事发展的主要线索。

89、This paper contrasts the differences in emission limits, testing circulations etc of regulations before and after upgrade, and expects to offer some clews to control diesel vehicle emissions. ─── 我国的排放法规升级对于汽车行业和石化行业都是巨大的挑战,本文对比了升级前后的法规在排放限值、试验循环等方面的差异,以期对控制柴油车辆的排放提供一些思路。



clear(清理、清除)、 clean (清洁)、clever(聪明的)、 clerk (店员、职员)、clearance(清除、清理)、 clergy(牧师、神职人员) 、clemency(宽容、仁慈)、 cleavage(分裂)、 clearinghouse(票据交易所) 、clench (抓紧、咬紧)、cleft(裂缝、裂口)、cleanup(清扫、清除)、clerical(文书工作的、神职人员的)、clew(线索)




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