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pulp 发音

英:[p?lp]  美:[p?lp]

英:  美:

pulp 中文意思翻译

n.纸浆,黏浆状物质; 果肉; 牙髓; [冶]矿浆



vt.使…化成纸浆; 除去…的果肉; 取出(咖啡豆的)果肉



vi.变成纸浆; 成为浆状

pulp 网络释义

n. 纸浆;果肉;黏浆状物质vt. 使…化成纸浆;除去…的果肉vi. 变成纸浆;成为浆状

pulp 词性/词形变化,pulp变形

名词: pulpiness |动词过去分词: pulped |动词过去式: pulped |动词现在分词: pulping |形容词: pulpous |动词第三人称单数: pulps |

pulp 短语词组

1、bleached pulp ─── [机] 漂白纸浆

2、bamboo pulp ─── [化] 竹浆

3、alkaline semichemical pulp ─── [化] 碱法半化学浆; 碱法半化学纸浆

4、chemical pulp ─── [化] 化学浆; 化学纸浆

5、cotton pulp ─── [化] 棉浆

6、beet pulp ─── [化] 甜菜粕; 甜菜浆

7、brown mechanical pulp ─── [机] 棕色机械纸浆

8、a pulp magazine ─── 低级趣味的杂志

9、chemical wood pulp ─── [化] 化学木浆

10、coronal pulp ─── [医] 髓冠

11、bleachability of pulp ─── [化] 纸浆漂率

12、colocynth pulp ─── [建] 药西瓜浆

13、beet pulp press ─── [机] 甜菜压浆机

14、dead pulp ─── [医] 坏死性牙髓

15、bagass pulp ─── [化] 蔗渣浆

16、pulp fiction ─── 黑色追缉令;[电影]低俗小说/危险人物

17、alkaline pulp ─── [化] 碱法浆; 碱法纸浆

18、acid sulfite semichemical pulp ─── [化] 酸性亚硫酸盐半化学浆

19、chemimechanical pulp ─── [化] 化学机械浆; 化学机械纸浆

20、artery of the pulp ─── [医] 髓动脉(脾)

pulp 特殊用法

1、hot-ground pulp ─── 热法磨木浆

2、paper pulp ─── 纸浆

3、slush pulp ─── 粥浆

4、kraft pulp ─── 牛皮纸浆, 硫酸盐浆

5、Steffen sugar pulp ─── 斯蒂芬糖膏

6、sulphate pulp ─── 硫酸盐浆粕

7、powdered pulp ─── 粉状纸浆

8、wood pulp ─── 木浆(造纸原料)

9、pressed beet pulp ─── 榨过的甜菜渣

10、screenings pulp ─── 木节纸浆

11、mucilaginous pulp ─── 粘滑的果(肉)浆

12、tooth pulp ─── 牙髓

13、mechanical wood pulp ─── 机械木纸浆

14、dissolving pulp ─── 溶解木浆(如人造丝木浆)

15、straw pulp ─── 草纸浆

16、conditioning pulp ─── 调和矿浆

17、tomato pulp ─── 番茄纸浆

18、lapped pulp ─── 稀薄纸浆

19、chemical wood pulp ─── 化学木浆

20、high boiled pulp ─── 慢蒸煮的纸浆

21、frozen egg pulp ─── 冰全蛋(液)

22、brown wood pulp ─── 褐色磨木浆

23、groundwood pulp ─── 磨木浆

24、unbeaten pulp ─── 生纸浆

25、chemical pulp ─── 化学纸浆

26、chemimecha-nical pulp ─── 化学机械浆

27、suspended pulp ─── 混浊果汁

28、enamel pulp ─── 釉髓

29、low boiled pulp ─── 慢煮纸浆

30、dental pulp ─── 牙髓

31、exhausted pulp ─── 沥滤渣; 沥滤过的甜菜切片

32、brown ground pulp ─── 褐色磨木浆

33、bamboo pulp ─── 竹浆

34、yellow pulp ─── 稻草纸浆

35、sulphite wood pulp ─── 亚硫酸盐木浆

36、thickened pulp ─── 浓纸浆

37、raw pulp ─── 生纸浆

38、linter pulp ─── 棉绒浆

39、easy bleachable pulp ─── 易漂白木浆

40、high pulp ─── 高糖渣

41、liver pulp ─── 肝浆

42、brown mechanical pulp ─── 棕色机械纸浆

43、splenic pulp ─── 脾髓

44、fruit pulp ─── 果浆, 果泥

45、alpha pulp ─── α-纸浆

46、filter pulp ─── 滤浆

47、firm beet pulp ─── 粗硬的甜菜废丝

48、rayon pulp ─── 人造丝浆粕

49、sheet pulp ─── 片纸浆

50、cellulose pulp ─── 纤维素纸浆

51、mechanical pulp ─── 机械纸浆, 木(制纸)浆

pulp 相似词语短语

1、poulp ─── n.章鱼

2、pulps ─── n.纸浆;[食品]果肉(pulp的复数形式);v.化成纸浆;除去...[食品]果肉(pulp的第三人称单数形式)

3、gulp ─── v.狼吞虎咽地吃;大口地吸;哽住;喘不过气;n.一大口(尤指液体);吞饮的量;吞咽

4、pula ─── n.普拉(博茨瓦纳的基本货币单位);n.(Pula)(美、波、意、印、英、匈)普拉(人名)

5、pulpy ─── adj.果肉状的;泥状的;纸浆状的

6、pul ─── n.普尔(阿富汗的货币单位);n.(Pul)人名;(捷)普尔

7、puli ─── n.普利牧羊犬(匈牙利犬种)

8、pule ─── vi.低声啜泣;呜咽;发轻叫声;n.(Pule)人名;(意、塞、萨摩)普莱

9、palp ─── n.(昆虫等的)触须(等于palpus)

pulp 习惯用语

1、beat (sb.) to a pulp ─── 把某人打得遍体鳞伤, 打个半死

2、reduce sb. to a pulp ─── (震惊等)使某人周身瘫软

pulp 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The gang threatened to beat him to a pulp,if he gave any more trouble. ─── 匪徒威胁他说再不服就把他打个稀巴烂.

2、Around this is the red pulp comprised of many splenic sinusoids. ─── 周围是红髓构成许多脾血窦。

3、The victim's face was battered to a pulp. ─── 受害者的脸打得血肉模糊。

4、This powerful electric juicer automatically separates the pulp from the juice. ─── 这种大功率的电动榨汁机能够自动地将果肉与果汁分离开来。

5、Our football team accepted their challenge and beat them to a pulp. ─── 我们的足球队接受他们的挑战,并把他们打得一败涂地。

6、Too much pulp produces a sour wine. ─── 过多的果肉会让酒变酸。

7、Conclusion: Biomembrane of berberine compound may be an effective direct pulp capping materia. ─── 结论: 黄连素复合生物膜对小型猪牙有良好的直接盖髓作用.

8、Green banana pulp contains large of starch and resistant starch. ─── 摘要青香蕉含有丰富的淀粉和抗性淀粉。

9、Wood pulp: Pulp made from weed. ─── 木浆:用木材制服的造纸用浆。

10、At present raw material of wood pulp papermaking is lacked, market size is great. ─── 目前木浆造纸原料缺乏, 市场容量极大.

11、Cut a watermelon 449, true thin-skinned fragile mushy watermelon pulp. ─── 切一片西瓜四五两,真正的薄皮脆沙瓤。

12、The pulp is full and fleshy. ─── 果肉肥厚。

13、The effect of fines on the reed pulp was studied in this paper. ─── 摘要对芦苇浆中的纤维与细小纤维的组成进行了分析,研究了细小纤维对造纸的影响。

14、Its red and juicy pulp is inside the yellow skin, and it has Vitamin C. ─── 它红色多汁的果肉就在黄色的表皮下,且它含有维他命C。

15、Gently mash the lime pulp with a wooden pestle. ─── 果肉部分朝上,用木杵捣出青柠汁。

16、The design of the effluent treatment process in Rizhao Wood Pulp Co., Ltd. ─── 日照木浆有限公司污水处理工艺设计。

17、Our product scope includes pulp, thermoforming and injection molding parts. ─── 我们公司现在的产品类型包括纸浆模塑、吸塑和注塑。

18、My biceps was being crushed to a pulp. ─── 我的手臂好象已挤成肉酱一般。

19、The eutectic temperature of banana pulp was measured. ─── 利用电阻法测得了香蕉浆的共晶点温度。

20、Liquid media: water, acid, alkali, mud fluid, paper pulp, dyestuff, oil, milk, alcohol, drinking. etc. ─── 液体介质: 水 、 酸 、 碱 、 泥浆 、 纸浆 、 染料 、 油类 、 牛奶 、 酒类 、 饮料等.

21、African gourd-like fruit with edible pulp. ─── 果肉可吃的、葫芦状非洲水果。

22、Squash the grapes into a pulp. ─── 把葡萄压榨成酱.

23、The pulp is white, juicy and crispy. ─── 它的果肉是白色的 、 多汁且清脆.

24、I will make apple pulp for you. ─── 我给你们做苹果泥。

25、Log and wood pulp are large-volume imported forest products for China. ─── 摘要原木和木浆是我国进口林产品中的大宗商品。

26、The operation experiences of Kvaerner NCG system for kraft wood pulp are introduced in this article. ─── 本文主要介绍硫酸盐法木浆厂臭气的收集与处理及运行经验。

27、One who writes fiction, especially a prolific creator of commercial or pulp fiction. ─── 小说作家写小说的人,尤指写商业性小说或低级趣味小说的多产作家

28、To beat to a powder or pulp;pulverize or crush. ─── 捣碎,碾碎,舂烂打碎成粉末或浆;磨碎或压碎

29、Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry of Japan. ─── 日本制浆造纸技术协会。

30、On leaves on the pulp cycle, the next cycle of leaves under pulp. ─── 上叶片产生矿浆上循环,下叶片产生矿浆下循环。

31、The stone wheel crushes it to a pulp, which is then pressed to extract the oil. ─── 亚麻籽先由石滚碾成浆,然后再拿去榨油。

32、Before we could drag him off he'd beaten his poor victim to a pulp. ─── 我们还没来得及把他拖开,他已经把可怜的受害者打瘫了。

33、Small pulp mills tend to be financed by banks in their home markets. ─── 小的纸浆厂家基本依赖于其本地市场中银行的资助。

34、She writes pulp. ─── 她写低级趣味的书。

35、Stew the apple and blackberries to make a thick pulp. ─── 将苹果和黑莓炖成稠浆。

36、Al~3+, Sn~2+ and Ca~2+ can inhibit nonenzymatic brown of Jujube pulp. ─── Al~(3+)、Sn~(2+)和Ca~(2+)可抑制枣浆非酶褐变。

37、In this article the application and progress of organosilicon polymer in pulp and papermaking industry were reviewed. ─── 本文仅就有机硅及其改性聚合物在造纸工业中的应用现状和研究进展进行介绍。

38、East Indian tree having long pods containing a black cathartic pulp used as a horse medicine. ─── 产于东印度的一种决明,具长荚果,含有黑色导泻的果肉,可作马的内服剂。

39、The products are made of pur wood pulp. ─── 产品采用纯木浆制造,

40、The olives are crushed to a pulp by stone rollers. ─── 橄榄被石磙碾成了酱。

41、ESCA is a new and effective means for the study of pulp bleaching. ─── ESCA可为研究纸浆漂白提供新的有效手段。

42、Fenghua City Yongda environmental Molded Pulp packaging plant. ─── 奉化市永达纸浆模塑环保包装厂。

43、Squash the grapes into a pulp. ─── 把葡萄压榨成酱。

44、He was beat to a pulp by the reigning champ. ─── 他被现任冠军打得死去活来。

45、Avicel was made from wood pulp by shivering,hydrolyzing,rinsing,drying. ─── 以木浆板为原料,经粉碎、水解、漂洗、干燥等工序制得微晶纤维素。

46、When you are ready, the pulp is mixed with water again. ─── 你准备好了之后,再次把纸浆与水混合。

47、In this paper, studies about MTA as a pulp capping material are reviewed. ─── 本文就这方面的研究进展作一综述。

48、Exports: copper, fish, fruits, paper and pulp, chemicals. ─── 出口: 铜, 鱼, 水果, 纸浆, 化工.

49、Exports: copper, fish, fruits, paper and pulp, chemicals. ─── 出口:铜,鱼,水果,纸浆,化工。

50、Cook the fruit gently until it forms a pulp. ─── 用文火把水果煮烂。

51、The pulp is white, juicy and crispy. ─── 它的果肉是白色的、多汁且清脆。

52、At the conditions,oxygen delignified bamboo pulp with a Kappa number of 11. ─── 本文进行了高卡伯值硫酸盐竹浆氧脱木素工艺条件的优化。

53、The meat was cooked to rags [ a pulp ] . ─── 肉煮得 稀烂.

54、You've boiled these vegetables to a pulp. ─── 你把这些蔬菜煮成菜泥了。

55、The pulp is sold back to the farmers for feeding to their cattle. ─── 浆糊卖回给农民喂牛.

56、I ground them in the lab, and extracted from the pulp a thick brown liquid. ─── 我在实验室中将它们磨成浆,从浆中提炼出一种棕色浓汁。

57、To beat to a powder or pulp; pulverize or crush. ─── 捣碎,碾碎,舂烂:打碎成粉末或浆;磨碎或压碎

58、Scoop out the pulp and serve it with sugar. ─── 把果肉挖出来和糖一起食用。

59、Jam differs from jelly in its inclusion of fruit pulp or whole fruit; whole-fruit jam is sometimes called preserve. ─── 果酱与果冻不同的是果酱包含了果肉或整颗果粒;整颗果粒的果酱有时叫做蜜饯。

60、Ferrous metals , timber, and pulp seem to offer the main field of reduction. ─── 看来,黑色金属 、 木材和纸浆是削减的重要对象.

61、Critics reviled the novel as unsophisticated pulp. ─── 批评家把这部小说贬为不成熟的低级品。

62、The Voith Andritz pulp plant is also based on the best available technology. ─── 伏伊特、安德里茨纸浆车间也是基于最先进的技术。

63、Its pulp looks like white ice cream and become brown soon because of the air. ─── 它的果肉看起来像白色冰淇淋,且因为空气的关系会很快变棕色。

64、The pulp of this watermelon is too spongy. ─── 这西瓜瓤儿太肉了.

65、Its pulp is small, but the seed is inside the large stone. ─── 它的果肉很小,但种子却在很大的果核里面。

66、Convective drying is a main method of drying pulp mold at home. ─── 对流干燥是国内纸浆模塑制品生产工艺中主要运用的干燥方法。

67、The results indicate that amphoteric could increase the sizing degree of eucalyptus chemimechanical pulp significantly. ─── 研究了两性淀粉对桉木化机浆中性施胶、桉木化机浆的增强和助留的影响.

68、The company manufactures pulp and paper products. ─── 这个公司制造纸浆和纸产品.

69、The bleaching of deinking pulp with Z/P mixture was traduced in this paper. ─── 本文介绍了臭氧/过氧化氢(Z/P)混合漂白脱墨浆的中试结果。

70、Frugivorous birds aimed at ripe fruit and selected the fruits with more pulp. ─── 对于不同的海拔,低海拔果实最先减少,且在传播前期果实减少量大于50%。

71、And, in some cases, wastepaper pulp may be blended in the furnish. ─── 在某些情况下,可在配料中混合一些废纸纸浆。

72、A non-alcoholic soft drink made with lemon juice, pulp, water and sugar. ─── 柠檬汁、果肉、水及糖制无酒精饮料。

73、That boxer got beaten to a pulp, he should really give up fighting. ─── 哪个拳击手被打成了烂茄子,他真应该放弃比赛。

74、This thin layer of pulp was then dried on a piece of fine cloth. ─── 接着把它们均匀地、薄薄地摊开在一块布上晾干。

75、Inexpensive paper made from wood pulp and used chiefly for printing newspapers. ─── 新闻纸由木质纸浆为原料制成的便宜的纸,主要用于印报纸

76、A white gourd is rich in pulp. ─── 冬瓜肉厚。

77、The victim's face was battered to a pulp. ─── 受害者的脸打得血肉模糊.

78、We work with Radiata pine lumber, Eucalyptus chips as well as Eucalyptus pulp logs and hardwood logs and lumber. ─── 产品有辐射松锯材、桉树木片,以及桉树纸浆材原木和阔叶原木及锯材。

79、They grind the bits of food into a soft pulp which makes it easier to swallow. ─── 他们把小块食物研磨成软浆,以便下咽。

80、This lap machine will use former unripe wood pulp to serve as raw material entirely. ─── 该纸板机将全部用原生木浆作为原料.

81、Lymphocyte increased in lymph nodule of white pulp. ─── 白髓淋巴小结里淋巴细胞增多.

82、Jute Indian plant used to produce pulp for especially hard papers. ─── 產于印度的植物。它的纸浆用来制造特别结实的纸。

83、YD-2 pulp tester is the newly development multifunctional teeth detector. ─── YD-2牙髓活力电测仪是本公司首创的多功能病牙检测仪器。

84、The pulp is full and flesh. ─── 果肉肥厚.

85、The compound of PPTA pulp and nylon 6 is studied in this paper. ─── 对芳纶浆粕与聚己内酰胺复合进行了初步研究。

86、The fruit of any of several tropical American trees of the genus Annona having soft edible pulp. ─── 几种热带美洲番荔枝科树的果实,果肉柔软可食。

87、Some pulp writers churn out two or three short stories a day. ─── 有些低级杂志的作家每天粗制滥造地写出两三篇短篇小说。

88、Serofluid will boil below, together with other condiments, pulp mold surface. ─── 将浆水烧开下面,再配以其它佐料,即成浆水面。

89、Did you know that nappies use 30% less wood pulp and so use less trees? ─── 你知道尿布用少于30%的木浆也就是少用木材吗?

90、On the other side of the world Uruguay and Argentina are feuding over two pulp mills being built in Uruguay. ─── 在世界的另一端,乌拉圭和阿根廷正就建在乌拉圭的两座纸浆工厂争吵不休。

91、After the abstraction of the juice from the orange, only a tasteless pulp is left. ─── 柳橙里的汁去掉後, 只剩下不可口的肉了.

92、I'll beat you to a pulp, you dogs. ─── 我要把你们揍个稀烂,你们这两个狗东西。

93、Vibrating screen is mainly used for manufacture of the unscreened pulp. ─── 振动筛选机,主要用于粗浆的制造。

94、The olives are crushed to a pulp by stone rollers. ─── 橄榄由石磙碾成浆。

95、The HBS pulp is suitable for making pape... ─── 回收的高沸醇溶剂可作为制浆溶剂循环使用。

96、More than 99% of vanadium was absorbed on resin from pulp. ─── 利用该工艺,树脂对浆液中钒的吸附率大于99%。

97、Process Industries – Oil, Chemical, Petrochemical, Refining, Pulp & Paper, Pharmaceutical and Food Processing. ─── 制造工业-油, 化工, 石化, 精炼, 纸浆 和 造纸, 制药和食品加工.

98、Its rebound was such that foresters grew it for pulp production. ─── 它的反弹是由于森林官员做为研究成果。

99、He threatened to beat me to a pulp. ─── 他威胁说要狠狠地揍我一顿。

100、Its pulp is yellow, and it tastes sour and sweet. ─── 它的果肉是黄色的,尝起来又酸又甜。

101、In this paper , less chlorine bleaching of mixed hardwoods kraft pulp was investigated. ─── 对硬杂木硫酸盐浆的少氯漂白进行了研究.

102、A preserve made from whole fruit boiled to a pulp with sugar. ─── 果酱由整个的水果与糖熬制成酱而贮存起来的物质

103、I tried to talk myself out of a fight and got beaten to a pulp instead by three other boys. ─── 我尽量克制住自己不要打架,却被另外3个男孩打成了重伤。

104、The Poisson's ratio of molded pulp investigated was determined to be 0.097. ─── 实验测得纸浆模塑材料泊松比为0.097。

105、Some pulp writers churn out two or three thousand words a day. ─── 有些黄色杂志的撰稿人每天粗制滥造地写二三千字。

106、His face had been beaten to a pulp(= very badly beaten). ─── 他的脸被打得稀巴烂。









● 瓣


◎ 组成花冠的各片:花~。

◎ 植物的种子、果实或球茎可以分开的片状物:豆~儿。蒜~儿。

◎ 物体破裂分成的部分。

◎ 量词。


◎ 瓣

petal lamella valove


petal; segment; valves


◎ 瓣 bàn


(1) (形声。从瓜,辡( biǎn)声。本义:瓜类的籽)

(2) 同本义 [melon seeds]



水中有甘蔗,及梅李核瓜瓣。——南朝宋· 谢惠连《祭古冢文》

(3) 瓜果的分瓤 [pulp]


(4) 又如:橘瓣,瓜瓣

(5) 组成花冠的各片 [petal]。如:花瓣

(6) 植物的种子、果实或球茎可以分开的片状物 [segment]


(7) 又如:豆瓣;蒜瓣

(8) 物体自然地分成或破碎后分成的部分 [section]。如:七棱八瓣;摔成几瓣


◎ 瓣 bàn


用于花瓣、叶片或种子、果实、球茎分开的小块儿 [segment]



◎ 瓣膜 bànmó

[valvule] 一种小瓣或类似小瓣膜的结构







● 辨


◎ 分别,分析,明察:~别。~认。~析。~正。~识。明~是非。

◎ 古代土地面积单位,九夫为一辨,七辨为一并。

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