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08-15 投稿


revoking 发音

英:[r??v??k??]  美:[r??vo?k??]

英:  美:

revoking 中文意思翻译




revoking 反义词


revoking 词性/词形变化,revoking变形

名词: revoker |动词过去分词: revoked |动词现在分词: revoking |动词过去式: revoked |动词第三人称单数: revokes |

revoking 同义词

invalidate | vacate | withdraw | annul | countermand | overrule | renege | retract | overturn | abolish | lift | cancel | reverse |rescind | recall | repeal

revoking 短语词组

1、revoking deal ─── 撤销交易

2、revoking previously ─── 先前撤销

3、revoking previously assigned ─── 撤消以前分配的

revoking 相似词语短语

1、reinvoking ─── 再投注

2、re-evoking ─── 重新唤起

3、evoking ─── 引起

4、recooking ─── 反冲

5、relooking ─── 重读

6、revoting ─── 改版

7、rebooking ─── 倒带

8、revokingly ─── 撤销

9、provoking ─── adj.刺激的;令人生气的;激怒人的;v.刺激;激怒;挑拨;诱发;鼓动(provoke的现在分词)

revoking 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、2 I understand that any misrepresentation of information may result in KDU revoking acceptance or terminating my enrolment. ─── 本人了解一切虚假资料将导致院方不录取或取消本人的入学资格。

2、3. To handle review applications against the Trademark Office's decision on revoking trademark registrations and give review decisions. ─── 受理不服商标局撤销注册商标决定的复审申请并作出复审决定。

3、The REVOKE statement will fail if CASCADE is not specified when you are revoking a permission from a principal that was granted that permission with GRANT OPTION specified. ─── 在撤消通过指定GRANT OPTION为其赋予权限的主体的权限时,如果未指定CASCADE,则将无法成功执行REVOKE语句。

4、It does not mean revoking China's established normal trade status," he said. ─── 这不意味着取消中国已有的正常贸易关系地位。"

5、It includes several major functionalities: private key generating, certificate issuing, certificate publishing, certification revoking and CRL publishing, etc. ─── FSCA的CA子系统提供产生密钥、生成证书、发布证书、撤销证书、发布证书撤销列表等服务。

6、Later on kings and prophets could promulgate new laws but there was no way of revoking old ones. ─── 后来,各国的国王和先知们虽然可以颁布新法律,但却无法废除旧法律。

7、In this case, the court shall grant an award to reject the application of Qihao Company for revoking the arbitral award No. 641 [2002] of Shenzhen Arbitration Committee. ─── 本案应当裁定驳回七好公司撤销深圳仲裁委员 [2002]深仲裁字第641号仲裁裁决的申请。

8、Russian officials have threatened to halt the project by revoking necessary operating permits and warning that they might criminally prosecute Shell employees over supposed ecological violations. ─── 俄罗斯官员已经用撤消工作许可证的方法对威胁工程项目停止,他们还警告会从刑法上检控壳牌公司的雇员违反了生态环境。

9、revoking the business license of the company or its branch. ─── 四对公司或分支机构营业许可之撤销。

10、it eternally postpones bliss, eventually revoking bliss in life. ─── 它把幸福永远向后推延,实际上是取消了幸福。"

11、But revoking the granted permission at a higher scope does not take precedence. ─── 但是,在更高级别撤消已授予权限的操作并不优先。

12、Revoking ALL does not revoke all possible permissions. ─── 撤消ALL不会撤消所有可能的权限。

13、Revoking a privilege from a user or group revokes that privilege granted by any other account. ─── 从用户或组撤消特权是撤消其他任何帐号授予他的特权。

14、Then I took my staff called Favor and broke it, revoking the covenant I had made with all the nations. ─── 我折断那称为荣美的杖,表明我废弃与万民所立的约。

15、On a Role of Chinese Trade Unions'Safeguarding the Rights of Workers from Revoking Industrial Relations ─── 从劳动关系的解除看工会维权作用的发挥

16、The policy flexibilities include controlling migrated access permissions, performing fine grain access control and revoking permitted access permission. ─── 这些灵活性需要支持控制访问权限的转移,执行细粒度的访问控制和撤消之前许可的访问权限。

17、It includes the several major functionalities: private key generating, certificate issuing, certificate publishing, certification revoking and CRL publishing, etc. ─── WCA 的CA 子系统提供产生密钥、生成证书、发布证书、撤销证书、发布证书撤消列表等服务。

18、Only the intimidated party himself (herself) in a marriage relationship may plead for revoking the marriage. ─── 因受胁迫而请求撤销婚姻的,只能是受胁迫一方的婚姻关系当事人本人。

19、The PBC, together with the SAFE, shall be in charge of granting and revoking the franchise of the operations of foreign exchange purchase and sale. ─── (四) 具有结售汇汇价接收、发送管理系统。

20、Public Key Infrastructure, based on public key cryptography, is a set of hardware, software, humans, policies and procedures which aim at creating, managing, storing, publishing and revoking certificates. ─── 公共密钥基础设施PKI是以公钥加密为基础,创建、管理、存储、分发和撤消证书所需要的一组硬件、软件、人、策略和过程。

21、An improved scheme which can conquer the security deficiencies and improve the efficiency in executing the revoking procedure is proposed. ─── 本文提出了改进办法,克服了原体制的安全缺陷,并提高了取消验证执行阶段的效率。

22、If no application for reconsideration is submitted or no suit is filed within the prescribed period, the penalty of revoking the permit shall go into effect. ─── 逾期不申请复议或者不起诉的,吊销许可证的处罚生效;

23、Revoking permissions will protect the source team project from any further changes and enable you to save it for historical reference. ─── 撤消权限将保护源团队项目避免任何进一步的更改,并且使您可以保存它以用于历史参考。

24、A Touch on Legal Application of Clause 2 of Article 77 of the Criminal Law, in Respect of the Revoking of Suspension of a Jail Sentence ─── 刑法第77条第2款关于撤销缓刑规定之法律适用

25、An anonymity revoking electronic payment system ─── 一种可撤销匿名性的电子支付系统

26、Federal Court Prevents DHS From Revoking An Approved Immigrant Visa Petition When Beneficiary Is Already In The U.S. ─── 联邦法院禁止国家安全局废除对当事人已在美国的移民签证申请。

27、The cost of revoking a member and updating witness is smaller than the previous accumulators.The security of the new group signature scheme is proved. ─── 撤销一个成员和更新证据所花费的代价比以前的累加器更小,而且证明了新的群签名的安全性。

28、There are no provisions for revoking the prize. ─── 没有撤销获奖的规定。

29、The decision revoking the patent right shall be registered and announced by the Patent Office. ─── 撤销专利权的决定,由专利局登记和公告。”

30、The appointment of a Nominee shall continue until Citibank receives notice in writing from You revoking or altering the appointment. ─── 对被指定人的任命应持续有效,直至花旗银行收到您撤消或改变任命的书面通知。

31、The tribal council informed him it was revoking his membership, and that of his 86-year-old mother, two sisters, and niece. ─── 有人会告诉他的部落撤销其会籍,而他86岁的老母亲,两个姐姐和侄女。

32、He also said the State Department has been heavily reviewing databases and revoking some U. S. visas it had previously issued. ─── 他还说,国务院正在对资料库进行重大审核,并撤销了一些已签发的签证。

33、In August, he shocked the sugar beet industry by revoking approval of the beets until the USDA carries out an environmental impact study. ─── 八月,他撤销了对甜菜上市而震惊甜菜工业,直到美农业部进行完环境影响研究。

34、China’s legislature did water down a measure that would have imposed strict fines on the media for “inaccurate reporting,” but the law still contains provisions revoking media licenses for violations. ─── 中国的立法确实相对缓和了些,以前对媒体的“失实报道”可是处以重罚,但是法律中仍有有吊销执照的规定。

35、The operating system can be used to manage the granting (and revoking) of database roles and to manage their password authentication. ─── 操作系统可以用于管理数据库角色的授予与回收,及角色的密码验证。

36、Twenty-four percent favor other punishment, ranging from revoking Walker's citizenship to executing him. ─── 另外有24%的人主张其他惩罚,包括取消他的公民资格和死刑。

37、1) The enterprise has been punished by the administrative organs by revoking its permit or business license. ─── (一)企业因违法行为被行政机关给予撤销或者吊销许可证、营业执照处罚的。

38、The official said he was 'not required to give a reason' for revoking visas, the group said. ─── 该组织称,那位官员表示他无须就拒签做出解释。

39、Research of Revoking Mechanism of Authorization in Secure Operating System ─── 安全操作系统授权撤销机制的研究

40、A notice under subsection (1) shall include an adequate statement of the reason or reasons for revoking the appointment. ─── 根据第(1)款发出的通知须载有关于撤销委任的理由的充分陈述。

41、the act of revoking or annulling or making void ─── 取消、废除或使无效的行为

42、revoking permission ─── 撤消权限

43、A part of the registered trademark shall be revoked, if the reason for revoking involves only that part. ─── 撤销理由仅涉及部分注册内容的,该部分内容予以撤销。

44、revoking business license ─── 吊销营业执照

45、the act of revoking or annulling or making void. ─── 取消、废除或使无效的行为。

46、(3 ) Propose a real-time certification querying mechanic which applies RTCS protocol according to the shortcomings of querying system in traditional CRL, OCSP certificate revoking. ─── 针对传统CRL、OCSP证书撤销查询机制的缺点,提出在CIST中采用基于RTCS协议的实时证书查询机制;

47、The punishment of revoking the exploration or mining license shall be decided by the department that issued such licenses. ─── 给予吊销勘查许可证或者采矿许可证处罚的,须由原发证机关决定。

48、Public Key Infrastructure, based on public key cryptography, is a set of hardware, software, policies and procedures which aim at creating, managing, storing, distributing and revoking certificates. ─── 公共密钥基础设施PKI是以公钥加密为基础,创建、管理、存储、分发和撤消证书所需要的一组硬件、软件、策略和过程。

49、In practice that is difficult: unless someone has dual nationality, revoking their citizenship means making them stateless. ─── 但实践是困难的:除非某些人有双重国籍,剥夺他们的公民权意味着使他们无“国”可归。

50、4.to reform the regulations about going on the market, the share matching, and revoking the privileges; ─── 改革关于上市、配股、停牌的规定;

51、Official Reply of the Supreme People's Court on Whether A Convict's Custody Period before Announcement of Probation May Offset the Term of Imprisonment When Revoking Probation ─── 易制毒化学品进出口国际核查管理规定

52、Ministerial discretion should be exercised only in "one-off" cases such as the revoking of citizenship or national security matters. ─── 部长级会议的酌情权,应行使只有在“一次性”的情况下,例如作为撤销公民权或国家安全的事项。

53、At present, the Light Industry, Trade and Industry information has been added "warning message" but not yet revoking their licenses. ─── 目前,中光实业在工商资料上已被加注“警示信息”,但未被吊销执照。

54、However, when revoking specific administrative behaviors might do great harm to public interests, they should not be revoked. ─── 但判决撤销具体行政行为可能对公共利益造成重大损害的除外。

55、Article 24 The RA/LRA check and operation post shall take charge of checking, making and revoking relevant institutional certificates in the payment management information system. ─── 第八条 支付管理信息系统的综合业务数据仅供各级用户内部管理使用,未经人民银行同意不得擅自对外披露。

56、On imposing administrative penalty to China Sida International Economic and Technical Cooperation Corporation of China, revoking its qualification of providing labor service abroad ─── 外经贸部关于给予中国四达国际经济技术合作公司撤销对外劳务合作经营资格行政处罚的通报

57、On the Trademark Ascertainment and Conduction after Revoking Business Items of Enterprise Corporation ─── 企业法人营业执照吊销后商标权的认定和处置

58、Revoking a privilege from a user or group revokes that privilege granted by any other account. ─── 从用户或组撤消特权是撤消其他任何帐号授予他的特权。

59、The competent commercial department should verify regularly the cancellation or revoking with industrial and commercial administratio at the same level. ─── 商务主管部门应定期与同级工商行政管理部门核实注销或吊销情况。

60、Revoking the relevant business license. ─── (七)撤销有关业务许可。

61、Revoking permissions will protect the source team project from any further changes and enable you to save it for historical reference . ─── 撤消权限将保护源团队项目避免任何进一步的更改,并且使您可以保存它以用于历史参考。

62、a solicitor subject to periods of suspension totaling three years in aggregate shall be issued a disposition revoking their registration as a solicitor. ─── 受停止招揽行为期间累计达三年者,应予撤销其业务员登录处分。

63、Or withholding or revoking the Business License for Enterprise as a Legal Person ─── 扣缴、吊销《企业法人营业执照》

64、Before revoking, 70% of the salary will be paid till the employee return to work. ─── 若未解除合同,工资将按70%发放,直至恢复正常工作为止。

65、The announcement of revoking the Business License of Enterprise Legal Person and the Business License is issued by the company registration authority. ─── 吊销《企业法人营业执照》和《营业执照》的公告由公司登记机关发布。

66、By signing below the undersigned understands and certifies that by revoking the Limited Power of Attorney, the Trading Agent's right to trade the account will be terminated. ─── 经签署下列,签署人了解并确认取消委托授权,交易代理人为帐户交易之权力将被取消。

67、The new marriage law has established many new principles and systems applicable to the civil law, and the system of nullifying or revoking a marriage is one of them. ─── 新的婚姻法已建立了许多新的原则和制度适用于民法,该系统为取消或废止婚姻就是其中之一。

68、revoking rights in insolvency ─── 破产撤销权

69、To address the problem, China's quality watchdog raised the bar on food safety September 18, revoking a special status that helped some producers avoid inspections, Bloomberg reported. ─── Bloomberg报道,为解决该问题,中国质检总局9月18日提高食品安全检测标准,撤销了一项给予一些厂商产品免检的特殊政策。

70、”The outlet opened in 2000 amid a media furore so severe that the museum authorities considered revoking its lease after two months. ─── 要知道,这件事的起因在于中国人自己不尊重自己。

71、revoking the a ointment of an election agent or election expe e agent. ─── 撤销选举代理人或选举开支代理人的委任。

72、Revoking access requires deleting a certificate. ─── 撤销访问需要删除一个证书。

73、On the Legal Consequence of Revoking the Business License ─── 论吊销营业执照的法律后果

74、For more information about granting or revoking connection authority, see GrantConnectTo method and RevokeConnectFrom method. ─── 有关授予或撤消连接权限的详细信息,请参见GrantConnectTo方法和RevokeConnectFrom方法。

75、(3) Not timely revoking the licenses if finding that the port operators and port trimming service operators with operation licenses are no longer eligible for statutory conditions; ─── (三)发现取得经营许可的港口经营人、港口理货业务经营人不再具备法定许可条件而不及时吊销许可证的;

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