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08-15 投稿


gnawed 发音

英:[n??d]  美:[n??d]

英:  美:

gnawed 中文意思翻译



gnawed 短语词组

1、gnawed away ─── 破坏

2、gnawed through ─── 啃穿

gnawed 词性/词形变化,gnawed变形

动词过去式: gnawed |动词过去分词: gnawed |动词第三人称单数: gnaws |动词现在分词: gnawing |名词: gnawer |

gnawed 相似词语短语

1、-jawed ─── adj.有颚的;有颌的;v.喋喋不休(jaw的过去分词);n.(Jawed)人名;(印)贾韦德

2、gnashed ─── vt.咬牙切齿;vi.咬牙切齿;n.咬

3、unawed ─── adj.无敬畏感的;不惊奇的

4、-awed ─── adj.充满敬畏的,畏怯的;vt.使……敬畏;使……惊叹(awe的过去式和过去分词);n.(Awed)(苏丹)奥德(人名)

5、begnawed ─── 收割台

6、gnarled ─── adj.[木]多节的;粗糙的;多瘤的;v.把…扭曲;长木瘤(gnarl的过去分词)

7、unlawed ─── 不幸的

8、gnarred ─── v.咆哮,吼;吠(同gnarr)

9、gnawer ─── n.腐食物;咬噬者;臼齿动物,啮齿动物

gnawed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He stole the corn, he upset the milk-pails, he broke the eggs, he trampled the seedbeds, he gnawed the bark off the fruit trees. ─── 他偷走谷子,弄翻牛奶桶,打碎鸡蛋,践踏苗圃,咬掉果树皮。

2、"You look, is what the sod here compares dooryard fatter, tenderer?You are gnawed in this! ─── “你看,这里的草皮是不是比前院的更肥、更嫩?

3、Her princes within her are roaring lions; her judges are evening wolves; they gnaw not the bones till the morrow. ─── 她中间的首领是咆哮的狮子。她的审判官是晚上的豺狼,一点食物也不留到早晨。

4、He took out a handful of nuts from his pocket, gnawed at them and began to eat. ─── 于是他装出若无其事的样子,从口袋里掏出一把坚果,咬于壳,吃起果仁来。

5、He gnawed the rectitude of his life: he felt that he had been outcast from life's feast. ─── 对自己生活的疑问咬啮着他--他的生命,毫无意义。

6、We ain't a-going to GNAW him out, are we? ─── 我们总不能用嘴巴去啃出一条道儿来叫他出来,不是么?”

7、to bite; to snap at; to gnaw ─── 噬

8、He gnawed at a great venison pasty, and down beside him stood a great flagon, the sight of which made all three of the outlaws feel thirsty. ─── 一看到这情形,使得三个亡命之徒都觉口渴。

9、Godot.They quarrel, make up, contemplate suicide, try to sleep, eat a carrot and gnaw on some chicken bones. ─── 他们争吵、打扮,企图自杀,试图睡觉,他们吃了根胡萝卜,他们啃了些鸡骨头。

10、Her good people on the spot to come up with sewing up the seam and I give her a standing seam, but on crack when she finished, the line of his mouth gnaw When her husband came in! ─── 她人很好,当场就拿出针线缝了起来我也站著给她缝,可是就当她缝完,用嘴把线咬断时,她老公进来了!”

11、The parts of the plant that have been gnawed and therefore damaged by the insect pests are especially vulnerable to attack. ─── 因害虫啃咬而受到损害的植物部分更易感染真菌。因此,害虫损害率低的。

12、But, japanese is to excogitate special chili to reduce weight food, be not thought like you, dry gnaw chili. ─── 但是,日本人是研究出专门的辣椒减肥食品,并不是像你所想的,干啃辣椒。

13、He tried to find something to say to Hsin-mei, but Hsin-mei ignored him.Left without aid or resistance, he let the pain of his affliction nibble and gnaw away at his heart. ─── 他竭力寻出话来跟辛楣说,辛楣不理他,鸿渐无抵抗、无救援地让痛苦蚕食虫蚀着他的心。

14、And you will drink it and drain it And gnaw at its shards; And you will tear out your breasts; For I have spoken, declares the Lord Jehovah. ─── 34你必喝这杯,以致喝尽,杯破又啃杯片;你必撕裂自己的胸;因为这事我曾说过,这是主耶和华说的。

15、She gnawed at her fingernails. ─── 她咬手指甲。

16、She had that, uh, super-pcp strength, you know? She gnawed on my neck. And did she bleed on you? ─── 她有那种精神病人的蛮力知道吧她咬了我的脖子你有没有接触到她的血?。

17、A young man feeling pain, Batuijiupao, secretly quite happy to go to trial with fists, she where Lee's teeth, my lifeline was not gnaw it. ─── 小伙子感觉一阵疼痛,拔腿就跑,暗自庆幸还好先用拳头去试,否则她那儿的利牙,我的命根子岂不被它咬断。

18、As they sailed away a pack of sea otters swam out and gnawed holes in their boats. ─── 当他们扬帆时,一群海獭游走并在船身上咬了一些洞。

19、Hauser had brought an old spelling-book with gnawed edges, which he held wide-open on his knee, with his great spectacles askew. ─── 奥泽尔老人还带了一本边角都已破损的旧识字课本,摊放在膝头上,课本上横放着他那副大眼镜。

20、To gnaw or wear away; erode. ─── 啮蚀,腐蚀啮蚀或磨损;腐蚀

21、A 19-year-old Indonesian girl has eaten her own fingers due to a weird disease.She began to gnaw her fingers from the age of 10. ─── 印度尼西亚一名19岁的女孩身染怪病,从10岁开始啃食自己的手指,现在10根手指都已被吃掉。

22、With the margin irregularly toothed, as if gnawed. ─── 叶缘具参差不齐的齿,好象被啃过似的。

23、Although the world outside embraced by young boys and girls is very exciting, she jails Herself into the tower of ivory and let her inferiority gnaw her sad heart. ─── 外面的世界虽然精彩,却被红男绿女所拥有着,她独自把自己封入象牙塔内

24、When you hear your own stomach rumbling with hunger, you'll feel as if a large snake were trying to gnaw its way out of your belly. ─── 当你听到肠子饿得咕咕地叫时,好像有一条巨蛇要从你的腹内咬破了皮肉钻出来一般;

25、Torments gnawed into his life. ─── 他备受折磨。

26、He was gnawed by hunger. ─── 他受饥饿的折磨。

27、We struggled against the feeling of loneliness that gnawed at our souls and we overcame it; that feeling I never shared with anyone again. ─── 我们同啃噬自己心灵的孤独感不屑斗争,最终我们赢了。此后,我再也没有与别人分享这种感觉。

28、he gnawed it down to splinters. ─── 他要把它啃咬成碎片才罢休。

29、He had been gnawed on by a sense of guilt. ─── 他一直爱着负罪感的折磨。

30、Her mistake gnawed at her conscience. ─── 她的错误折磨着自己的良心。

31、Why shouldst thou tarry so much as one other day in the torments that have so gnawed into thy life? ─── 你何必还要一天天陷在蚕食着你生命的痛苦之中!

32、fear that constantly gnawed me. ─── 恐惧不断侵扰我

33、She gnawed at her fingernails. ─── 她咬手指甲。

34、To gnaw with the teeth in the manner of a rodent. ─── 嚼咬象啮齿类动物那样用牙齿啮蚀

35、Beggar has the answer that enrages yuan of force: "Madam, I am already hungry was overcome, gnaw a bit your sod so. ─── 乞丐有气元力的回答:“夫人,我已经饿的受不了了,所以就啃一点你们的草皮。”

36、She was immediately carted off to be sold for two snowmobiles and a year's supply of food, and ended up leaning against a wall being gnawed by stray dogs. ─── 一经发现,她就被那位牧民立即运去卖掉,换回两辆摩托雪橇以及一年的食物,而她则靠在某处的一堵墙上,忍受着野狗的咬啃。

37、Israel is a scattered sheep; Lions have driven him away. First the king of Assyria devoured him, and last this Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon has gnawed his bones. ─── 以色列是打散的羊,狮子把他赶逐出去了。首先是亚述王将他吞灭,末后是巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒将他的骨头啃断。

38、gnaw into; make resentful or angry. ─── 侵蚀;使愤慨或者生气。

39、It was obvious from their appearance that the young trees had been gnawed at by some small creature. ─── 从那些幼树的外形看来,显然被什么小动物啃过了。

40、The reason why this strange thing took place is that she gnawed stealthily her fingers every day for 3 years and eaten gradually her 10 fingers. ─── 因为,3年来她每天偷偷啃咬自己的手指。

41、Tell them our bodies shall lie in no grave, our bones will be carried off and gnawed by ravening wolves and black crows will pick out our eyes. ─── 我们告诉他们所在机关没有坟墓,我们将引发和骨头啃ravening黑狼和乌鸦会挑眼睛。

42、"It's your duty to invite all the rats in the world to gnaw at your bones." ─── 你的责任是邀请世界上所有的老鼠来啃你的骨头。

43、When you hear your own stomach rumbling with hunger,you'll feel as if a large snake were trying to gnaw its way out of your belly. ─── 当你听到肠子饿得咕咕地叫时,好像有一条巨蛇要从你的腹内咬破了皮肉钻出来一般。

44、Once inside, they will constantly gnaw at virtually anything - including concrete, lead, and plastic. ─── 一旦进入,他们就会不断地咬嚼一切东西,包括混凝土,铅,塑料等。

45、Good: Plant is following guidelines set forth in Division's sanitation manual. No evidence of rodents (i.e. droppings outside bait station; gnaw or rub marks, etc.) found in any area of the plant. ─── 好:厂房符合区域公司的卫生手册的指南。厂房内任何区域未发现老鼠的痕迹(即饵站外有鼠屎,咬或擦的痕迹等)。

46、His small eyes gleamed with a green light, his whole face had a look as if he gnawed himself. ─── 他的小眼睛闪着绿光,整个脸庞看上去就象自己在折磨着自己。

47、Monica: Yeah, I tried to gnaw myself free. ─── 对,我自己试着解开过。

48、and other little rodents that gnaw away the farmers' profits. ─── 和其他啮齿动物无限制地繁殖起来。

49、His small eyes gleamed with a green light, his whole face had a look as if he gnawed himself. ─── 他的小眼睛闪着绿光,整个脸庞看上去就象自己在折磨着自己。

50、The guilt he felt as a result of his strong Roman Catholic upbringing gnawed constantly at him. ─── 接受罗马天主教会教育的他感到罪恶不断侵蚀着他的心。

51、Melanie smiled at him through sparkling tears while Scarlett felt the fox of wrath and impotent hate gnaw at her vitals. ─── 媚兰眨着泪眼对他笑了笑,然而思嘉只觉得一阵怒火和内在仇恨在狠咬她的脏腑。

52、What is happiness? Happiness is that you eat fish, I eat meat, we look at others gnaw bone. ─── 幸福是什么?幸福就是你吃鱼,我吃肉,看着别人啃骨头。

53、Then she was silent, but the desire in her heart was not stilled, but gnawed there and tormented her, and let her have no rest. ─── 她听到这话便不吭声了,可她心中的愿望并没有就此消失,而是在不停地折磨着她,让她得不到片刻的安宁。

54、Precious now sometimes plays with dog bones, and Honey lets Precious gnaw on her like a puppy would. ─── 喵宝现在偶尔会玩狗骨头玩具,甜心也让喵宝像小狗一样在她身上啃咬。

55、The house smelled of fried pork and the mouse-gnawed army blanket on the cot in the corner. ─── 房间里弥漫着炸猪肉的味道,角落里的宿营床上放着一条被老鼠咬过的军毯。

56、A doubt began to trouble him, it gnawed at his huge moral strength. ─── 一种怀疑开始使他烦恼,并且消耗他那巨大的意志力。

57、Anxiety gnawed at his heart. ─── 他忧心如焚。

58、Agriculture negotiation: difficult to gnaw the bone ─── 农业谈判:难啃的骨头

59、He went up to him, and soon gnawed away the ropes. ─── 1.那些看似弱小的人也许能真正的帮上忙;

60、Her gnawed right front leg became infected and her vet went to LSU for help. ─── 她的右前轮素三腿受到感染和她的兽医前往路易斯安那州立大学的帮助。

61、week by week, the betrayal gnawed at his heart. ─── 他每个星期都在遭受着背叛的折磨。

62、Withered up through want and hunger, They gnaw at the dry ground, A gloom of waste and desolation. ─── 3他们因穷乏饥饿,身体枯瘦,在荒废凄凉的幽暗中,啃食于干燥之地;

63、Gnaw: This ghoul ability is now able to be set on autocast. ─── 啃咬:这个食尸鬼技能可以设置为自动施放。

64、From January of 1999 to February, the company carried on the foundation of the systematic environment, the preparation of the basic data was a hard bone that Shanghai Bell must gnaw . ─── 1999年1月到2月,公司进行了系统环境的建立,基础数据的准备是上海贝尔必啃的一块硬骨头。

65、"Right, I am to want to use ' gnaw buttocks ' ' go to curium ' , this is too difficult nevertheless, so I decide first ' gnaw buttocks ' , again ' go to curium ' . ─── “对呀,我是想用‘啃腚’‘造锯’,不过这太难了,所以我决定先‘啃腚’,再‘造锯’。”

66、As they gnaw away, the stench is overwhelming, a rancid sweetness that stings the eyes and lungs, clinging to hair and clothes like a vile perfume. ─── 当小虫啃完尸肉,恶臭弥漫开来,这种带有甜味的腐臭会刺激眼睛和肺部,就像沾附在头发和衣服上的讨厌香水。

67、Anxiety gnawed at his mind. ─── 不安折磨他的心。

68、Mr. Lin gnawed his lips. He vowed he would raise his prices the next day. He would charge first grade prices for second-rate merchandise. ─── 那时候,林先生便咬一下嘴唇,决定明天无论如何要把货码提高,要把次等货标上头等货的价格。

69、However, once bored pigs have reached this level of psychopathy they may gnaw the remaining stump of the tail as far down as they can. ─── 但不管怎么做,这些百无聊赖的小猪在精神错乱以后,还是会尽可能地去啃噬残留的尾根。

70、When attending a college, learn me of article lesson is not busy, not be to read a novel all the day, get online namely, had period end to just agree to gnaw a few day textbook madly only. ─── 上大学时,学文的我课业并不繁忙,整天不是看看小说,就是上网,只有到了期末才肯狂啃几天课本。

71、But on the sixth day, hunger made itself felt again, and gnawed him almost to the heart. ─── 可是到了第六天,饥饿再次袭来,他的腹空如雷鸣,震得心都要跳出来了。

72、At 3-1/2 weeks old, the puppies get to gnaw on and fight over them. ─── 我们的小狗从小时候开始就会喂一些鸡翅膀和鸡脖子(生的)。

73、His attitude towards her gnawed away at her confidence. ─── 他对她的态度一直在削弱她的自尊心。


75、Some small creature have gnawed a hole through the wood ─── 一些小动物(生物)把这木头咬了个洞。

76、month by month, the betrayal gnawed at his heart. ─── 他每个月都在遭受着背叛的折磨。

77、gnaw a hole.See Synonyms at bite ─── 咬一个洞参见

78、Gnaw a tree again to prevent an ass, he went to asinine fasten on cement lever, went again. ─── 为防驴再次啃树,他把驴拴到了水泥杆上,就又走了。

79、That if I had kill'd a goat, or a fowl, by any contrivance, I had no way to flea' or open them, or part the flesh from the skin, and the bowels, or to cut it up; but must gnaw it with my teeth, and pull it with my claws like a beast. ─── 即使想方设法打死一只山羊或一只鸟,我也无法把它们开膛破肚,剥皮切块,而只好像野兽一样,用牙齿去咬,用爪子去撕了。

80、And she totally consumed the bear over the course of several days, leaving the head, the front and rear feet with the tubular bones (the caput of the bone was gnawed) and shreds of fur.? ─── 事后母虎把母熊向下拖了一小段距离,并在接着的7天里把它完全吃光,只剩下头,前后脚和管状骨(骨头端部已经被咬掉)以及少量毛皮。

81、She saw him gnaw his under lip, and roll his eyes, and she knew he was always fatal when he looked so. ─── 她看到他咬着下嘴唇,眼睛翻转着,知道他一这样,总是要做出什么可怕的事情。

82、Gnaw a hole. ─── 咬一个洞

83、No evidence of rodents (i.e. droppings outside bait station; gnaw or rub marks, etc.) found in any area of the plant. ─── 厂房内任何区域未发现老鼠的痕迹(即饵站外有鼠屎,咬或擦的痕迹等)。

84、He’ll grapple and gnaw at creatures just long enough to give you some time to retreat and wing some firebombs or send some mongrels in. ─── 它会抓住、撕咬敌人,这样你就有足够时间撤退或是释放火焰骷髅,亦或是丢出几个混血兽。

85、" Stannis Baratheon with a grievance was like a mastiff with a bone;he gnawed it down to splinters. ─── 史坦尼斯拜拉席恩像獒犬慢慢啃碎大骨那样反复咀嚼他的怨气。

86、He didn't know these bugs were so hungry they weren't choosey about what they ate.As soon as they saw flesh, they bit.They aimed their jaws at Greatest Metal's thumb and began to gnaw. ─── 哪知这些虫早已饥不择食,见肉便噬,两只前颚对著金大的大拇指便是一夹。

87、Self-doubt began to gnaw away at her confidence. ─── 对自己的怀疑渐渐吞噬了她的自信心。

88、Rats had gnawed through the cable. ─── 老鼠把电缆咬断了。

89、She cried out in grievance and gnawed on the ridge of the lower hem of her jacket, which made lose the heart to continue criticizing her. ─── 她委屈的哭了,咬着衣角,让人不忍再批评了。

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