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08-15 投稿


gustatory 发音

英:[g?'ste?t(?)r?; 'g?st?t(?)r?]  美:['g?st?,tori]

英:  美:

gustatory 中文意思翻译



gustatory 短语词组

1、gustatory bud ─── [医] 味蕾

2、gustatory lemniscus ─── [医] 味觉丘系, 内脏丘系

3、gustatory bulb ─── [医] 味蕾

4、gustatory cells ─── [医] 味细胞

5、gustatory anesthesia ─── [医] 味觉缺失

6、gustatory center ─── [医] 味 ─── [觉]中枢

7、gustatory area ─── [医] 味区

8、gustatory modality ─── [网络] 味觉模态

9、gustatory organ ─── 味觉器官; ─── 味器

10、gustatory organs ─── [医] 味觉, 味觉器官

11、gustatory audition ─── [医] 闻声觉味

12、gustatory glands ─── [医] 味腺, 埃伯内氏腺, 舌腺

13、gustatory cell ─── 味觉细胞

14、gustatory nuclei ─── [医] 味觉核

15、gustatory epilepsy ─── [医] 味觉性癫痫

16、gustatory hyperesthesia ─── [医] 味觉过敏

17、gustatory analysis ─── [医] 味觉分析

18、gustatory illusion ─── [医] 味错觉, 错味

19、gustatory hallucination ─── [医] 味幻觉, 幻味

gustatory 词性/词形变化,gustatory变形

异体字: gustative |副词: gustatorily |

gustatory 相似词语短语

1、gustatorily ─── 味觉

2、gestatory ─── 妊娠期

3、gustatorial ─── 味觉的

4、mutatory ─── 突变体

5、degustatory ─── 品尝者

6、gustations ─── n.味觉;品尝

7、castratory ─── 阉割

8、fustigatory ─── 裙料

9、cunctatory ─── 联系人

gustatory 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、gustatory area ─── 味觉区

2、gustatory adaptation ─── 味觉适应

3、Thus, the amiloride-sensitive PPK28 channel may serve as the osmolarity sensor for gustatory water reception in the fruit fly. ─── 这些研究结果提示PPK28通道作为渗透压感受器,参与果蝇的味觉水感受。

4、gustatory sweating syndrome ─── 味觉性出汗综合征

5、gustatory papilla ─── 味觉乳头

6、gustatory threshold ─── 味觉阈

7、gustatory (gustatorius) ─── 味觉细胞

8、gustatory region ─── [医] 味区(舌)

9、The effects of gustatory and visceral stimulation on c-Fos expression in parabrachial nucleus in rats ─── 味觉刺激和内脏刺激对大鼠臂旁核c-Fos表达的影响

10、Sensory analysis. Methodology. Initiating method to gustatory activity. ─── 感管分析.味觉灵敏度的测定方法

11、gustatory system ─── 味觉系

12、Individual differences in gustatory electrophysiological responses of the silkworm, Bombyx mori ─── 家蚕味觉电生理反应的个体差异

13、gustatory perception ─── 味知觉

14、In addition, the present paper also indicated that the morphology and distribution of the oropharyngeal cavity gustatory organ of C.semilaevi are adaptations to its predatory feeding habit. ─── 同时探讨了半滑舌鳎口腔味蕾形态及分布对捕食习性的适应意义。

15、gustatory pore ─── 味孔

16、Keywords parabrachial nuclei;taste neuron;physiological characteristics;pontine taste area;gustatory coding;rat; ─── 关键词臂旁核;味觉神经元;生理特性;脑桥味区;味觉编码;大鼠;

17、gustatory sensilla; ─── 味觉感器;

18、gustatory neurons; sense of taste; chemoreceptors; cardiovascular regulation; medulla oblongata; gastrointestinal afferents; respiratory afferents ─── 味觉神经元;味觉;化学接受体;心血管调节;延髓;胃肠传入;呼吸传入

19、gustatory organ ─── 味觉器官

20、gustatory bulb ─── [医] 味蕾

21、A good dish,either smelly or tasty should be pleasant in gustatory sense,and thus stimulates the appetite. ─── 成功的菜肴在嗅觉上不论是香还是臭,但在味感上是美好的,同样会引起人们的食欲。

22、gustatory epilepsy ─── [医] 味觉性癫痫

23、gustatory epilipsy ─── 味觉性癫

24、gustatory neurons; ─── 味觉神经元;

25、The bacterial protein in wastewater of gustatory production is the material of high-protein feed. ─── 味精生产废水中存在的菌体蛋白是市场畅销的饲料蛋白之一。

26、gustatory sweating sydrome ─── 味觉出汗综合征

27、gustatory papillae ─── [医] 味乳头

28、gustatory organs ─── [医] 味觉, 味觉器官

29、The hotel regularly launching various themes Food Festival, guests enjoy the visual and gustatory pleasure. ─── 酒店定期推出各种主题美食节,让客人享受视觉和味觉的愉悦。

30、gustatory anesthesia ─── 味觉丧失

31、Given cloning's lack of gustatory appeal, a label might be all that's needed to kill the practice. ─── 如果人们对克隆食品缺少胃口,一张标签可能足以将它扼杀。

32、gustatory evoked potential ─── 味觉诱发电位

33、gustatory chemoreceptor ─── 味觉化学感受器

34、Such gustatory exotica as killer bee honey and fresh catnip sauce . ─── 象非洲蜜蜂的蜂蜜和鲜樟脑草酱这样给人带来新奇味觉的事物。

35、gustatory cortical area ─── 味觉皮质区

36、However, there were no significant changes in gustatory test scores following surgery. ─── 但是,术后进行的味觉测试结果却显示没有明显的变化。

37、gustatory repellent ─── 农药味觉驱避剂

38、Whereas attractants, repellents, and many incitants are olfactory substances, stimulants, and deterrents are usually gustatory ─── 引诱剂,排斥剂还是其他的兴奋剂都是嗅觉物质,但刺激剂和阻抑剂常常是味觉物质。

39、gustatory cells ─── 味细胞

40、Pleasure: Visual, Gustatory and Spiritual Deep Fried Mandarin Fish with Mango Salsa by Chef Chen Ye-feng, Howard Johnson Hotel Zhangjiang Shanghai Chinese Version: Cily English Version: Jimmy Photos: Gigi ─── 上海展讯豪生酒店陈业峰厨师献艺生煎桂鱼配芒果色拉

41、Gustatory lacrimation syndrome ─── 味觉溢泪综合征

42、gustatory illusion ─── [医] 味错觉, 错味

43、gustatory pathway ─── 味觉传导路

44、gustatory conductive tract ─── 味觉传导束

45、Appreciating the Chengdu foods is a captivating gustatory and visual experience. The dishes, the containers, and the settings of restaurants and courtyards, pose themselves as artistic creations. ─── 成都美食具有特别丰富的味觉元素和优美的视觉效果。从菜品、餐具、礼品到餐厅、庭院,犹如精妙绝伦的工艺品。

46、Gustatory Electrophysiological Response of the Euryphagous Silkworm, Bombyx mori ─── 广食性蚕的味觉电生理反应

47、gustatory sweating ─── 味觉性出汗

48、gustatory nerve ─── 味觉神经

49、gustatory hyperesthesia ─── [医] 味觉过敏

50、gustatory gland ─── 味腺, 埃伯内腺

51、gustatory hyperhidrosis syndrome ─── 味觉多汗综合征

52、Human mind constantly depend on objects which are taken from visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory and tactile means. ─── 人的心理不断地依赖于从视觉,听觉,嗅觉,味觉和触觉得到的目标。

53、Using specific containers of different shapes and materials for different foods makes the Sichuan cooking not only a gustatory enjoyment but also an eye feast. ─── 今天,这样的传统依然在延续。不同风格的菜品,配搭不同材质和不同形态的餐具,相互映衬,赏心悦目。

54、gustatory sensation ─── 味觉

55、gustatory analysis ─── 味觉分析

56、gustatory lemniscus ─── [医] 味觉丘系, 内脏丘系

57、gustatory receptor mechanism ─── 味觉感受器机能

58、gustatory sudorific reflex ─── 味觉发汗反射

59、gustatory nucleus ─── 味觉核

60、gustatory nuclei ─── [医] 味觉核

61、gustatory words ─── 味觉词

62、gustatory cortex; ─── 味觉的皮层;

63、gustatory hallucination ─── 幻味味幻觉

64、Keywords gustatory production wastewater;bacterial protein;extraction mechanism; ─── 味精生产废水;菌体蛋白;提取机理;

65、gustatory audition ─── [医] 闻声觉味

66、gustatory system; ─── 味觉的体系;

67、Gustatory adj. ─── 味觉的。

68、center gustatory ─── 味[觉]中枢

69、gustatory bud ─── 味蕾

70、gustatory hyperhidrosis ─── 味觉性多汗(症)

71、Keywords feeding stimulant;amino acid;olfactory;gustatory;behavior;adaptation;gibel carp; ─── 促摄食物质;氨基酸;嗅觉;味觉;行为学;适应;异育银鲫;

72、In addition, gustatory enjoyment is one of the main objectives pursued of the human struggle. ─── 此外,味觉享受是追踪人类发展的目标中,最主要的一部分。

73、gustatory stimulus ─── 味刺激

74、gustatory hypoesthesia ─── 味觉减退

75、Image in terms of senses can be further divided into the following 7 types: visual image, auditory image, olfactory image, tactile image, gustatory image, kinaesthetic image and abstract image. ─── 按照感觉的种类,意象又可分为视觉意象、听觉意象、嗅觉意象、触觉意象、味觉意象、动觉意象和抽象意象等。

76、Gustatory agnosia ─── 味觉性认识不能

77、gustatory glands ─── [医] 味腺, 埃伯内氏腺, 舌腺

78、gustatory center ─── 味觉中枢

79、gustatory nerve; ─── 味觉神经;

80、For many Japanese the classical gustatory quartet of sour, sweet, salty and bitter seems insufficient. ─── 对许多日本人来说,似乎酸甜咸苦这四种经典的味觉还不够。

81、gustatory fiber ─── 味觉纤维

82、The open-plan kitchen brings you both gustatory and visual pleasure. ─── 开放式厨房让您享受味觉和视觉的双重盛宴。

83、Keywords Sweating;gustatory;Parotid neoplasms;Surgical procedures;operative; ─── 出汗;味觉性;腮腺肿瘤;外科手术;

84、gustatory lacrimation ─── 味觉性流泪

85、Gustatory partial seizure ─── 味觉部分性发作

86、Transversus linguae of lingual muscles are more developed. The gustatory glands are seen in radix linguae . ─── 舌肌的横纹肌发达,味腺只见于舌根部。

87、Keywords One-stage total tongue reconstruction;Gustatory sensation and movement;External lingual muscles;Myocutaneous flap; ─── 一期舌再造;味觉与运动功能;口底组织;舌外肌;肌皮瓣;

88、gustatory receptor ─── 味觉感受器

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