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08-15 投稿


differentiated 发音

英:[?d?f??ren?ie?t?d]  美:[?d?f??ren?ie?t?d]

英:  美:

differentiated 中文意思翻译




differentiated 同义词

differentiated 反义词


differentiated 词性/词形变化,differentiated变形

动词第三人称单数: differentiates |名词: differentiation |动词过去分词: differentiated |动词现在分词: differentiating |动词过去式: differentiated |

differentiated 常用词组

poorly differentiated ─── 低分化;分化不良

well differentiated ─── 分化良好;高度分化的

moderately differentiated ─── 中度分化

differentiated 短语词组

1、differentiated products ─── 差异产品

2、differentiated circuit ─── 差分电路

3、differentiated treatment ─── [经] 差别待遇

4、differentiated intrusion ─── 分异侵入作用

5、differentiated race ─── 分化种族

6、differentiated product ─── 差异化产品

7、differentiated goods ─── 差异产品

8、differentiated intrusive ─── 分化侵入体

9、differentiated echo ─── 区分回波

10、differentiated boss ─── 差异化boss

11、differentiated dike ─── 分异岩脉

12、differentiated spikelet ─── 分化小穗

13、differentiated function ─── 微分函数

14、differentiated pulse ─── 微分脉冲

15、differentiated cells ─── 分化细胞

16、differentiated rocks ─── 分化岩石

17、differentiated classroom ─── 差异化课堂

18、de-differentiated (de-differentiate ─── 的过去分词) vi. 去分化;反分化

19、well-differentiated ─── 分化良好型的

differentiated 相似词语短语

1、dedifferentiate ─── v.(细胞或组织)去分化

2、differentiate ─── vi.区分,区别;vt.区分,区别

3、differentiating ─── v.区别,区分;使不同,使产生差异;差别对待;使变化;求……的微分(differentiate的现在分词)

4、dedifferentiated ─── vi.(细胞)去分化,反分化,脱分化(dedifferentiate的过去式和过去分词)

5、differentiator ─── n.[自]微分器;微分电路;区分者

6、undifferentiated ─── adj.分不开的,无差别的

7、differentiae ─── n.种差(differentia的复数形式)

8、differentiates ─── 区分;差别;使有差别

9、dedifferentiates ─── v.(细胞或组织)去分化

differentiated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The positive expression of the p53 p73 was observed significant correlation with Dukes stages and differentiated grades of the colon cancer. ─── 且p53、p73在结肠癌中的阳性表达之间也具有相关性。

2、Following the example of previous editions, the GEM also differentiated the entrepreneurs due to their motivation to develop a unique business. ─── 下面的例子,以前的版本,在创业板上市的企业家也有区别的,由于其动机如何制定一个独特的业务。

3、B>Huntsman is a global manufacturer and marketer of differentiated chemicals. ─── 亨斯迈是精细化学品的全球制造商及营销商。

4、It may merely have differentiated products built on advertising. Or it may have truly superior management. ─── 它也许仅仅具有依靠广告宣传树立的各种与众不同的产品,抑或它可能具有确实胜人一筹的经营管理方法。

5、A structurally differentiated form of an element that exhibits allotropy. ─── 同素异形体化学元素的结构分化形式,表现为同素异形现象

6、Most of them are low grade or well differentiated liposarcoma (rather than the myxoid or pleomorphic variants of liposarcomas). ─── 大部分都属于低级别或分化良好型脂肪肉瘤(而非粘液型或多形性脂肪肉瘤)。

7、The ten?year survival rate of OTC was 91.9%, and OTC was 19% of differentiated thyroid carcinoma. ─── OTC病人的10年生存率达91.9%;

8、HES cell cultures hae to be closely watched to remoe any of these spontaneously differentiated colonies. ─── 因此,必须密切观察培养的HES细胞,并随时去掉自发分化的细胞集落。

9、One character is not clearly differentiated from another. ─── 人物之间的区别没有明显刻划出来。

10、This is a malignant lymphoma, small cleaved cell type, follicular (also known as: malignant lymphoma, poorly differentiated lymphocytic type, nodular). ─── 属恶性淋巴瘤,小裂细胞型,滤泡性(也称为:恶性淋巴瘤,低分化淋巴细胞型,结节性)。

11、In the development of nervouse system,many kinds of neurons and glial cells are differentiated from common precursor cells. ─── 在神经系统发育过程中,多种神经元及神经胶质细胞是由共同的前体细胞分化而来的。

12、CVC, EVC, O139 and nonO1 nonO139 strains ca n be detected and differentiated by the size and numbers of Multiplex PCR bands via electrophoresis. ─── PCR产物经电泳 ,根据扩增条带的大小和数目 ,可检测和区分CVC、EVC、O139群和非O1非O139群。

13、The injured dogs' behaviour cannot be differentiated from that of their uninjured pack mates. ─── 受伤犬的行为与其它未受伤的犬没有什么区别。

14、Only the featured handicrafts are chosen for sale that is differentiated from the other tourist souvenirs. ─── 应选择出售那些具有特色的工艺品,要和其他旅游工艺品有所差异。

15、Chinese Yew and Mairei Yew can be easily differentiated from Yunnan Yew through the texture of its leaf. ─── 中国红豆杉和美丽红豆杉可以通过叶子的质地与云南红豆杉区分开。

16、ZB group differentiated greatly including 14 races. ─── ZB群菌株分化最大,共出现了14个生理小种。

17、To consider the Byzantine military, cultural, and economic advances as differentiated aspects of a single phenomenon is reasonable. ─── 把拜占庭的军事、文化和经济发展看作是一个单一现象的不同方面是合理的。

18、This should be differentiated and treated differently. ─── 对此,应当区分不同情况,区别对待。

19、Both in HIA and LIA, significant difference occurred between poorly to moderate and well differentiated SCC ( P

20、The products of the various firms are differentiated. ─── 不同厂商销售的产品有差别。

21、The gem-grade beryl, topaz and rock crystal are occurred in the well differentiated hypermiarolitic Be-bearing granitic pegmatite. ─── 分异良好的富晶洞含Be花岗伟晶岩,产宝石级的绿柱石、黄玉和水晶。

22、Zhalong population and Jiaohe population are apparently differentiated into two groups with a very small gene flow between them. ─── 扎龙和蛟河明显分化成两个不同的群体,它们之间的基因交流很小。

23、An inner segment with calycal processes is formed.The inner segment is then differentiated into an ellipsoid and a myoid. ─── 因此提供了另一线索:硬骨鱼胚后视网膜的生长极大地剌激(促进)了胚胎视网膜的发育。

24、There is no clear consensus on the management strategy for skull base metastasis from differentiated thyroid carcinoma. ─── 关于分化型甲状腺癌颅底转移的治疗策略,还没有明确的共识。

25、The numbers of differentiated cells induced by BMP-2,ATRA,VD3 and DEX were not correlative with the amount of RA receptor mRNA. ─── 4 .BMP一2、ATRA、VD3和DEX诱导形成的分化细胞量与RA受体mRNA

26、Pools of human adipose-derived adult stem (hADAS) cells can exhibit multiple differentiated phenotypes under appropriate in vitro culture conditions. ─── 人脂肪来源的成体干细胞群在适当的体外培养条件下显示出多向分化表型。

27、From Unidimensional Control to Differentiated Coordination. ─── 从线性控制到使有差异的协调。

28、Integration The degree to which differentiated work units work together and coordinate their efforts. ─── 一体化:差异化工作单位一起工作和协调他们工作的程度。

29、These data supported that Leukemic cells (APL; treated by RA are differentiated forward to mature granulocytes. Following the patients attained CR. ─── 上述观察证实了全反式维甲酸能诱导APL患者的早幼粒细胞沿着粒系方向分化成熟而实现CR.

30、Sexual dimorphism were found in all seven morphometric characters measured. with caudal width and subcaudal scales most significantly differentiated. ─── 一、雌蛇与雄蛇的尾长,尾宽,尾围,尾下鳞数,肛鳞,尾环及体环 等7种形质都有显著的差异,而以尾宽及尾下鳞数为鑑别雌雄的 良好形质。

31、Undertake otology examination can be differentiated carefully. ─── 仔细进行耳科检查可以鉴别。

32、In this enlargement, barley, alfalfa, and sugar beets can be differentiated. ─── 在这张放大的照片上,大麦,苜蓿和甜菜都能被区分开。

33、He differentiated the value of any redundant. ─── 他对任一赘余值进行微分。

34、The results of RAPD analysis suggest that the genus Agkistrodon is a highly differentiated group. ─── RAPD分析结果提示蝮属是一个高度分化的类群。

35、This adenocarcinoma of prostate is so poorly differentiated that no glandular structure is recognizable, only cells infiltrating in rows. ─── 前列腺癌分化程度极低,腺体结构不能分辨,仅有成行的细胞浸润。

36、Europe is not very well differentiated in the Ameri- can mind. ─── 在美国人的头脑里,欧洲各国间没什么区别。

37、At the right, the tumor is less differentiated and several dark mitotic figures are seen. ─── 在右侧可见癌组织呈低分化,并可见几个染色较深的核分裂像。

38、The differentiated neuron can form junction by cell migration, neurite extension or cytoplasmic bridge. ─── 分化神经元可以通过细胞迁徙、突起延伸及共同胞质桥等方式相连接。

39、One small project which has proved to be a success is a differentiated rubbish collection in the biosphere reserve. ─── 小型计画的成功,是生物圈保护区的垃圾分类。

40、The act or process of individuating, especially the process by which social individuals become differentiated one from the other. ─── 个性形成个性化的过程或行为,尤指社会性的个体相互离异的过程

41、Based on such information, recurrent naevi can be differentiated from reactive pigmentations in most cases. ─── 基于这些信息,可区别出大多数病例是复发痣还是反应性色素沉着。

42、Often need to be differentiated with photograph of foliaceous bursa caruncle. ─── 常需与叶状囊肉瘤相鉴别。

43、Scientific work is differentiated from art by its necessary connection with the idea of progress. ─── 科学工作不同于艺术在于它与进步的概念有必然联系。

44、Huntsman is a global manufacturer and marketer of differentiated and commodity chemicals. ─── 亨斯迈是精细化学品及通用化学品的全球制造商及营销商。

45、The margins of pinna are not revolute.The pinna mesophyll is well differentiated with a single vein. ─── 小叶片边缘木反卷,叶肉分化,具单脉,木质部发育为中始式,气孔为单环型。

46、As this lava began to crystallize, it would have differentiated to produce a more silicic melt that was enriched in thorium. ─── 由于这熔岩开始结晶,它将有区别的,以产生更多的钍丰富的硅熔体。

47、To address different needs of each township and village with different conditions, Taitung needs a comprehensive yet differentiated planning. ─── 台东县各乡市镇情况不同,应该要因地制宜的融入不同的需求进行配套方案。

48、Contrast frame and color differentiated pedals. ─── 使用强烈颜色对比的钢框和脚踏。

49、The main danger easily occurred in manufacture process of the coatings are sorted,reviewed,differentiated and analyzed. ─── 对涂料生产过程中存在的主要危险有害因素进行了归类、总结、辨识和分析。

50、Understanding the niche in which the product resides gives it a relevant differentiated benefit (RDB). ─── 了解产品居住的适当位置给它一个相关的被区分的好处(RDB)。

51、Burnout and work engagement are two psychological concepts whicn can be differentiated. ─── 倦怠和投入是可以相互区分的两个心理学概念。

52、Protophloem The first-formed PRIMARY PHLOEM, differentiated from the procambium in the region just behind the meristem. ─── 原生韧皮部:最早形成的初生韧皮部,由位于分生组织中的原形成层分化而来。

53、EPCs exist in the peripheral blood,and can be differentiated into mature endothelial cells( ECs) by the stimulation of VEGF, bFGF, IGF and EGF. ─── 外周血中确实存在EPCs,并且在促血管生长因子VEGF、b-FGF、IGF、EGF等的刺激下能分化为成熟的内皮细胞。

54、Huntsman is a global manufacturer and marketer of differentiated chemicals. ─── 亨斯迈是精细化学品的全球制造商及营销商。

55、Thelesion must be differentiated erom TB, chronic osteomyelitis and osteogenicsarcoma. The importance of early diagnosis was also pointed out. ─── 应与骨结核、骨髓炎,溶骨性肉瘤鉴别,并提出早期诊断的重要性。

56、the company is able to produce individually differentiated goods whether ordered in person, on phone, or online. ─── 企业有能力为个人、或通过电话和网络下的订单提供个性化的差异产品。

57、The height, DBH and crown of C.burmannii individuals were found moderately differentiated. ─── (2)阴香种群个体的高度、胸围和冠幅多数为中等分异;

58、Therefore EP and AW additives are very often not differentiated between. ─── 因此,EP添加剂和AW添加剂经常不加区分地使用。

59、The development of mouse kidney tubules requires two kinds of differentiated cells. ─── 小鼠肾小管的发育需要有两种分化的细胞。

60、However, Confucianism has said "nothing" mere "state", for its part, the emptiness of the other two said to be differentiated from the other patterns. ─── 但是,就儒家所言“虚无”仅仅是“境界上的”而论,它的虚无之说是与其它两家的相区别的另一形态。

61、Understanding the niche in which the product resides gives it a relevant differentiated benefit (RDB). ─── 了解产品居住的适当位置给它一个相关的被区分的好处(RDB)。

62、We differentiated exceptive sample by defining inclusion degree. ─── 对于不属于单个反链的新样本,我们将定义包含度加以判别。

63、The principles laid down by the UNCED in Rio, especially the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities", should be adhered to. ─── 坚持里约环发大会所确定的各项原则,特别是“共同但有区别的责任”的原则。

64、Multiple instances of the same placeholder are differentiated by subscripts, as shown in the example. ─── 同一占位符的多个实例由下标区分,如本示例所示。

65、Target cells were differentiated from effect cells by CFSE dying. The mortality of Target cells were determined by FACS. ─── 以CFSE标记靶细胞来区分效应细胞,再以PI染色,用FACS检测靶细胞的死亡率。

66、In this paper, however, the image differentiated by means of a filter is entered into a computer using a CCD camera and then integrated. ─── 本文件中,但是,有区别的图像通过一个过滤器是进入了一个电脑使用的是CCD相机,然后综合。

67、BrdU/GFAP-positive cells represented the population of newborn cells that differentiated into glial cells. ─── GFAP双标的阳性细胞代表增殖的神经干细胞分化方向为神经胶质细胞。

68、In the law system of China, the guardian and parental authority are not differentiated. ─── 在我国的法律制度中,并未把亲权人和监护人分开。

69、The positive rates of love differentiated cancer was lover then that of high differentiated cancer (P

70、From a sonship which can hardly be differentiated from being a bondslave status, to mature sonship. ─── 从像奴隶一样的儿子身分,到成熟的儿子身分。

71、As "touch and texture" is nothing but a psychological factor of differentiated opinions, it is a permanent law in the Element of Beauty. ─── 虽然「触感与质感」这仅仅是一种见仁见智的心理因素,但在美元素里,却是一项永不改变的定律。

72、These five wild isolates could be divided into three SSCP patterns and they were differentiated from the Enders strain. ─── 两株上海野毒株Wsh1和Wsh2株的相应序列之间差异为4%,呈现另两种模式。

73、The UCBs cultured with cytokines of GM-CSF, SCF, EPO and IL-3 differentiated into CD1a~+, CD83~+, CD11c~+ and CDw123~+ DCs. ─── 在培养液中加入细胞因子GM-CSF、IL-3、SCF和EPO后培养2~4周,脐血单个核细胞可分化为CD1a+、CD11c+、CD83+、CDw123+树突状细胞。

74、Substances differentiated tissues secrete are called chalone. ─── 已经分化的组织分泌物称为抑素。

75、A subpopulation of cells differentiated into adipocyte-like cells when cultured in 10% fetal bovine serum. ─── 在含10%胎牛血清的培养基中培养时,细胞可以分化成类脂肪细胞。

76、RPC in both of the two groups differentiated into various retinal cells, including Thy1.1-positive RGC. ─── 实验组和对照组的RPC都能分化为多种视网膜细胞类型,包括Thy1.1阳性的RGC,但两组RPC向RGC分化的百分比不同。

77、It has to be differentiated with optic neuritis, orbital apex syndrome, and superior orbital syndrome. ─── 容易与视神经炎、眼窝尖端症候群、及上眶裂症候群等混淆。

78、Here is a moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma in which some, but not all, of the neoplastic cells in nests have pink keratin. ─── 图示一中分化鳞癌,仅部分癌细胞巢状排列,有粉红色的角蛋白。

79、The differentiated cell gets out of the cyst through a dorsal small pore of cyst wall and becomes a morphologically normal ciliate. ─── (3)脱包囊过程中,细胞吸水膨大,细胞体分化成变形虫状并显示一致的弱荧光,但未见微管胞器的荧光图像;

80、The differentiated neuron appeared an obvious movement of cell migration and neurite extension. ─── 分化的神经细胞有明显的细胞迁徙运动和突起延伸。

81、In asbestosis patients, lung cancer must be differentiated from benign fibrotic masses and rounded atelectasis. ─── 在石棉肺的病人中,肺癌一定要和良性纤维化团块和圆形肺不张相鉴别。

82、As United States society became more specialized and differentiated, greater extremes of wealth began to appear. ─── 随着美国社会变得更加专门化和差异化,社会中开始出现更大的贫富差距。

83、In practice,it should be differentiated from the common begging behaviors,the crime of abducting and swindling c... ─── 实践中,应当厘清它与违反治安处罚法的一般违法乞讨行为、拐骗儿童罪、故意伤害罪等的界限。

84、In Ancient Japan they signified social status and in New Zealand the Maori people differentiated members of different tribes by their tattoos. ─── 在古日本,它象征着社会地位,而在新西兰毛利人则通过他们的纹身来区分不同部落的成员。

85、There are also pennaceous feathers that obviously had differentiated barbules and coherent planar vanes, as in stage 4 of the model. ─── 牠们身上甚至也有正羽,明显拥有分化的羽小枝和平坦的羽片,如同模型的阶段4所述。

86、Some populations were genetically differentiated from each other. ─── 一些人口从基因上区别开来。

87、A differentiated part of an organism, such as an eye, a wing, or a leaf, that performs a specific function. ─── 器官一个生物体中起着特定作用的独特部分,例如一只眼、一只翅膀或一片叶子

88、The structure of ER and the cytochemical distribution of it's marker enzyme G6Pase tended to normally differentiated cells. ─── 内质网的结构及标志酶G6PA的细胞化学分布亦趋同于正常分化细胞。

89、The skin biopsy specimen contained poorly differentiated squamous carcinoma cells which were almost identical to those of the primary lesion. ─── 一位63岁男性主诉吞咽疼痛及双侧性下颈部无痛性肿块,同时在左前臂亦出现一快速蔓延的皮肤隆起斑块。

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