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scotia 发音

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英:  美:

scotia 中文意思翻译



scotia 短语词组

1、baronetage of nova scotia ─── 新斯科舍男爵酒店

2、scotia peru ─── 苏格兰路

3、scotia banking online scotia ─── 网上银行

4、scotia grendel ─── 边界苏格兰威士忌

5、scotia cinema ─── 斯科舍电影院

6、Nova Scotia ─── 新斯科舍(加拿大省名)

7、ladysnova scotia ─── 斯科舍夫人酒店

8、scotia ny ─── 新斯科舍

9、scotia online scotia ─── 在线

10、Nova Scotia salmon ─── [网络] 新斯科舍鲑鱼

11、Nova Scotia lox ─── [网络] 新斯科舍省

12、scotia online trinidad ─── 特立尼达斯科舍在线

13、Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever ─── 新斯科舍诱鸭寻回犬

14、bluenose boat nova scotia ─── 新斯科舍蓝鼻船

15、scotia sign on scotia ─── 登录

16、Scotia Plaza ─── 斯科蒂亚广场

17、Nova Scotia peninsula ─── 新斯科舍半岛

18、Scotia Sea ─── 斯科舍海

19、Scotia Arc ─── 斯科otia Arc

scotia 相似词语短语

1、scoriac ─── 斯科里亚克

2、scotopia ─── n.暗视力

3、scotoma ─── n.盲点,[眼科]暗点

4、Scotia ─── n.凹形边饰,(柱基的)凹线边饰

5、scotomia ─── 暗点切开术

6、scolia ─── n.土蜂属

7、scoriae ─── n.火山喷出的玄武岩火山石碎块,火山的岩烬;矿渣(scoria的复数)

8、scotias ─── n.凹形边饰,(柱基的)凹线边饰

9、scoria ─── n.矿渣,铁渣;[地质]火山渣;烧过的石头

scotia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Halifax's Castle Hill Castle. ─── 位于新斯科舍省哈利法克斯的城堡山上的哈利法克斯城堡。

2、Teen love Nova Scotia Hotel (formerly Oukewude-Ayala Center Hotel) at the Makati City business district. ─── 位置 马卡迪爱斯科酒店(原欧克伍德-阿亚拉中心饭店)位于马卡迪城市中心商业区内。

3、We're getting a little boy from an orphan asylum in Nova Scotia and he's cominig on the train tonight. ─── 我们从新斯科舍的孤儿院收养了一个男孩,他今晚坐火车来。

4、Lotze of Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, has analyzed hundreds of documents. ─── Lotze),带领了一个国际团队,对数百份文件做了分析。

5、Foundedin 1802, Saint Mary's University is situated within one city block inthe picturesque south end of Halifax, the bustling portside capital ofNova Scotia. ─── 创建于1802年,圣玛丽大学坐落在一个街区在风景如画的南端哈利法克斯,熙熙攘攘的左舷资本的新斯科舍省。

6、Not long ago, the largest GBMC declared itself to be a nation, established a virtual army and invaded Nova Scotia. ─── 前不久,最大的一家媒体巨头宣布自己是一个独立王国,建立了自己的虚拟军队并入侵新斯科细亚省。

7、A Native American people inhabiting Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and the Gasp Peninsula of Quebec. ─── 密克马克族美洲土著人的一个部落,居住在加拿大的新斯科舍省,爱德华王子岛和魁北克省的加斯佩半岛

8、The Bank of Nova Scotia, Guangzhou Branch(Canada) ─── 加拿大丰业银行广州分行(加拿大)

9、The Bank of Nova Scotia, Guangzhou Branch BNSG ─── 加拿大丰业银行有限公司广州分行

10、It is known to occur in Smooth and Rough Collies, Shetland Sheepdogs, Australian Shepherds, Border Collies, and Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers. ─── 已有报道的患有该疾病的犬种有苏格兰牧羊犬、短毛柯利牧羊犬、喜乐蒂牧羊犬、澳大利亚牧羊犬、边境牧羊犬和斯科舍诱鸭寻回犬。

11、Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever ─── n. 新斯科舍水鸭引诱寻猎犬

12、Boris Worm of Dalhousie University and Nova Scotia, Canada ,let the international team that did the study. ─── 一个研究警告说世界海洋海产的供给将会在本世纪中期消失。

13、large searobin; found from Nova Scotia to Florida. ─── 大型海罗宾;产于从新苏格兰到佛罗里达的水域。

14、He set off for a nineteen-day moose hunt in Nova Scotia. ─── 他开始了在新斯科舍为期19天的猎驼鹿行程。

15、What are the provinces of the Atlantic Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick are the provinces of the Atlantic regions. ─── 大西洋区有哪些省份纽芬兰省、安德华王子岛、鲁华士高沙省、纽宾士城省.

16、It is well suited to cold-climate regions in Canada's Niagara Peninsula and Nova Scotia. ─── 它非常适合寒冷,在加拿大尼亚加拉半岛和新斯科舍省的气候地区。

17、Dani - Nova scotia: How are you gonna affect the team, and what will be your role here? ─── 你会对球队产生什么影响?会是什么角色呢?

18、Canadorec. On. Ca Nova Scotia Agricultural College ─── 新斯科舍省农业大学

19、Nova Scotia Regional Public Libraries ─── 新斯科舍地区公共图书馆目录

20、An island forming the northeast part of Nova Scotia, Canada. It was under French sovereignty from '32 to 7'3. ─── 布莱顿岛:形成加拿大新斯科舍东北部的岛屿,'32年至7'3年间一直处于法国的统治之下

21、I appreciate your frankness. Do you know anything about the Bank of Nova Scotia? ─── 我欣赏你的坦率。你对丰业银行了解吗?

22、The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (Toller) was developed in the early 19th century to toll, lure, and retrieve waterfowl. ─── 新斯科舍水鸭引诱寻回犬 (特勒尔)是在 19世纪早期培育的,用来引诱、吸引和寻找水禽的一个品种。

23、Which four provinces first formed the Confederation Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. ─── 哪四个省一起加入了加拿大联邦安大略省,魁北克省,纽宾士城省,鲁华士高沙省。

24、In 1855, British soldiers in Nova Scotia decided to try a form of field hockey on the frozen lakes and ponds, using a puck i lead of a ball. ─── 1855年,新斯科舍的英国士兵决定用一个橡胶圆盘而不是圆球,在冰冻的湖面和池塘上,以场地曲棍球的形式,进行一项运动。

25、Bank of Nova Scotia Chongqing Branch ─── 加拿大丰业银行重庆分行

26、Bank of Nova Scotia ─── 丰业银行(财富500强公司之一, 总部所在地加拿大, 主要经营银行)

27、Not long ago, the largest GBMC declared itself to be a nation, established a virtual army and invaded Nova Scotia. ─── 前不久,最大的一家媒体巨头宣布自己是一个独立王国,建立了自己的虚拟军队并入侵新斯科细亚省。

28、West Island College International in Nova Scotia, which owns the vessel, said it had been on a 10-month voyage when it capsized. ─── 据位于加拿大新斯科舍省的西岛国际学院表示,事故发生时他们的这艘船正在为期10个月的航行中。

29、Nova Scotia ─── 新斯科舍(加拿大省名)

30、17-year-old boy, caught sending text messages in class, was recently sent to the vice principal's office at Millwood High School in Halifax, Nova Scotia. ─── 在加拿大新斯科舍省哈利法克斯的米尔伍德高中,最近有一位17岁的男生被抓到在课堂上发短信,随后他被送到了副校长的办公室。

31、3.Cape Breton Island, Canada, March 31, 2008--A trail of blood remains as sealers load harp seal carcasses following a hunt off the coast of Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia. ─── 08年3月31号加拿大的布雷顿角岛,捕猎海豹者装载格林兰海豹的尸体后,海豹血液的痕迹仍然残留在冰上,这是一场新斯科舍省布雷顿角岛附近海域的捕猎活动。

32、Bank of Beijing-related sources, is currently working with Bank of Nova Scotia Canada to prepare the relevant legal documents. ─── 北京银行相关人士透露,目前正在与加拿大丰业银行准备相关法律文件。

33、Over New England, the ageostrophic flow is from a south to southwesterly direction in a weakly defined ridge downstream of an upper-level trough east of Nova Scotia. ─── 在新英格兰,非地转流从南到西南方向呈现为新斯科舍省东部的上层槽下游的一个弱脊的形式。

34、East Scotia Basin ─── 东斯科舍海盆

35、from Nova Scotia to West Indies and Gulf of Mexico. ─── 产于从新苏格兰到西印度群岛以及墨西哥海湾。

36、By the 1750's, this joyous celebration was brought to Nova Scotia by American settlers from the south. ─── 到十七世纪五十年代,这种快乐的仪式被北美的移居者从南部带到了加拿大的新斯科舍省。

37、Nova Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC) ─── NSAC

38、the Canadian province in the Maritimes consisting of the Nova Scotia peninsula and Cape Breton Island; French settlers who called the area Acadia were exiled to Louisiana by the British in the 1750s and their descendants are know as Cajuns. ─── 加拿大沿海的省,包括新斯科舍半岛和布雷顿角岛;法国殖民者于世纪年代被英国人放逐到路易斯安娜的后裔就叫作阿卡迪亚人。

39、A city of Nova Scotia, Canada, on eastern Cape Breton Island. It is a commercial and industrial center. Population,29, 444. ─── 悉尼(或泽锡德尼)加拿大新斯科舍省一城市,位于布雷顿角岛的东部是商业和工业中心人口29,444

40、Association for Media Literacy Nova Scotia ─── 新斯科舍媒介素养协会

41、Divided into seven compartments by watertight bulkheads, the Scotia could brave any leak with impunity. ─── 斯各脱亚号由防水板分为七大间,一点也不在乎个把漏洞。

42、"atlantic Provinces: the eastern Canadian provinces of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland." ─── 宾大西洋诸省: 加拿大东部省份,新不伦瑞克,爱德华太子岛,新斯科舍和纽芬兰。

43、Naval Research Establishment Dartmouth Nova Scotia ─── 加拿大达特默思海军研究所

44、There are other breeds of Retrievers not currently recognized by the AKC, for example CKC's Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. ─── 、扁平?犬、卷毛猎犬、爱尔兰水猎犬)。此外还有在AKC标准以外的巡回猎犬品种,如?鸭猎犬。

45、What are the provinces of the Atlantic Region Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick are the provinces of the Atlantic regions. ─── 大西洋区有哪些省份纽芬兰省,安德华王子岛,鲁华士高沙省,纽宾士城省。

46、Imagine that you were to do another Web poll of Nova Scotia beer drinkers after a period had elapsed. ─── 假定过一段时间后,您打算对新斯科舍省的啤酒消费者进行另一次Web民意测验。

47、He was packed off to school in Nova Scotia. ─── 他被打发到新斯科舍去上学了。

48、Bank of Nova Scotia Beijing Representative Office ─── 加拿大丰业银行北京代表处

49、Letter of China Banking Regulatory Commission on Approving the Initiation of Dealings of Derivative Products by Guangzhou Branch of Bank of Nova Scotia [Effective] ─── 中国银行业监督管理委员会关于批准加拿大丰业银行有限公司广州分行开办衍生产品交易业务的函[现行有效]

50、Indeed, courts have had little difficulty adhering to the Nova Scotia principle that basic factual assumptions underlying a proposed rule must be made available for comment by interested parties; ─── 实际上,法院在坚持"诺娃 - 斯科舍"案的原则(支持某一提议中的规则的基本事实假定须得到利害关系当事人的评论)方面几乎没有遇到什么困难;

51、Marine Remote Sensing Company in Halifax,Nova Scotia,canada Bringing Space Technology to Sea. ─── 加拿大新斯科舍省海洋遥感公司,空间技术应用于海洋。

52、the collective name for the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. ─── 加拿大新斯科舍、新不伦瑞克和爱德华太子岛诸省的总称。

53、Wiseman, R.J., Uplift resistance of groups of bulbous piles in sand.MScthesis, Nova Scotia Technical College (1966). ─── 徐国荣,“倾斜锚版在紧密砂中曳阻力之研究,”国立中兴大学土木工程研究所硕士论文,台中,2004。

54、Name one province that is on the Atlantic coast of Canada. Newfoundland (Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia) is on the Atlantic coast of Canada. ─── 列出位於大西洋海岸的一个省份。纽芬兰省(爱德华王子岛,纽宾士城省,鲁华士高沙省)。

55、a city of Nova Scotia,Canada,on eastern Cape Breton Island. It is a commercial and industrial center. Population,29,444 ─── 悉尼(或泽锡德尼),加拿大新斯科舍省一城市,位于布雷顿角岛的东部是商业和工业中心人口29,444

56、scotia moulding ─── 凹圆线

57、Bank of Nova Scotia Guangzhou Branch ─── 加拿大丰业银行广州分行

58、The Nova Scotia Department of Education and Culture ─── 关于教师的教育,新斯科舍大学的人文及教育系

59、Key gold traders such as UBS, Mitsui Precious Metals, Barclays Capital and The Bank of Nova Scotia expressed a similar view. ─── 主要的交易者如瑞士银行、三井贵重金属、北克利资金以及新斯科舍银行都表示了相同的看法。

60、the Canadian province in the Maritimes consisting of the Nova Scotia peninsula and Cape Breton Island; French settlers who called the area Acadia were exiled to Louisiana by the British in the 1750s and their descendants are know as Cajuns ─── 加拿大沿海的省,包括新斯科舍半岛和布雷顿角岛;法国殖民者于世纪年代被英国人放逐到路易斯安娜的后裔就叫作阿卡迪亚人

61、"Single curved moldings include the cavetto (concave, with a quarter-circle profile), scotia (deep concave), flute (grooved)," ─── 单曲线脚包括凹弧饰(具有四分之一圆的轮廓的凹面)、凹形边饰(深凹面)、凹槽饰(开槽的)


63、The nearest safe anchorage was in Halifax, Nova Scotia. ─── 最近的安全锚地位于新斯科舍哈利法克斯。

64、the Canadian province in the Maritimes consisting of the Nova Scotia peninsula and Cape Breton Island; ─── 加拿大沿海的省,包括新斯科舍半岛和布雷顿角岛;

65、95. Which provinces are joined to New Brunswick by landNova Scotia and Quebec are joined to new Brunswick by land. ─── 哪些省与纽宾士城省在陆地接壤鲁华士高沙省和魁北克省.

66、In 1855, British soldiers in Nova Scotia decided to try a form of field hockey on the frozen lakes and ponds, using a puck instead of a ball. ─── 1855年,新斯科舍的英国士兵决定用一个橡胶圆盘而不是圆球,在冰冻的湖面和池塘上,以场地曲棍球的形式,进行一项运动。

67、dDepartment of Pediatrics, Dalhousie University, IWK Health Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; ─── 严重的并发症包括心肌炎(2例)、脑病(6例)和脑膜炎(1例)。

68、He and his wife live in Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada. ─── 他和他的妻子在加拿大新斯科舍省的曲罗市定居。

69、“yes, of course,” said Marilla, as if getting boys from orphan asylums in Nova Scotia were part of the usual spring work on any well-rugulated Avonlea farm instead of being an unheard of innovation. ─── “当然很急啦,“玛丽拉说,好像从新斯科舍的孤儿院收养男孩只是任何一个管理良好的阿冯利亚的农场都会做的春季日常工作之一,绝非异想天开之举。

70、Jutting out of the eastern coast of Canada is Nova Scotia, where summers are hot, winters are cold and property is fairly affordable. ─── 新斯科舍探出加拿大东部海岸之外,这里夏天炎热,冬日寒冷,房价相当地低。

71、Canada's left-wing New Democrats easily won a provincial election in Nova Scotia, their first victory in the Atlantic provinces. ─── 加拿大左翼党派新民主党轻而易举地赢得了新斯科舍省选举,这是该党派在大西洋地区各省的第一次胜利。

72、Jutting out of the eastern coast of Canada is Nova Scotia, where summers are hot, winters are cold and property is fairly affordable. ─── 新斯科舍探出加拿大东部海岸之外,这里夏天炎热,冬日寒冷,房价相当地低。

73、University College of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ─── 凯波布兰顿大学

74、You had better travel to Nova Scotia tomorrow. ─── 你最好明天去新斯科舍。

75、Nova Scotia's chief public-health officer, Robert Strang, said the east coast Canadian province had confirmed four 'very mild' cases of swine flu in students ranging in age from 12 to 17 or 18. ─── 加拿大东部沿海的新斯科舍省公共卫生部门负责人斯特朗(Robert Strang)说,该省已证实有4名学生感染了“非常轻微”的猪流感,他们的年龄在12到17、18岁之间。

76、Gulf Nova Scotia Fleet Planning Board ─── 新斯科舍湾捕捞船队规划委员会

77、Technical University of Nova Scotia ─── 新斯科舍技术大学

78、He promised not to run a Liberal candidate against her in the Nova Scotia constituency where she would otherwise stand only an outside chance of winning the Greens their first seat. ─── 他承诺不会在斯高沙选区派出自由党候选人同绿党竞争,如若不然绿党想在这个选区获取席位零突破恐怕都希望渺茫。

79、From 1987 to 1992, Mr.Wang served in Scotia McLeode Securities of Canada. ─── 1987-1992年任职于加拿大枫叶银行证券公司投资银行部。

80、Which four provinces first formed the Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. ─── 哪四个省一起加入了加拿大联邦安大略省、魁北克省、纽宾士城省、鲁华士高沙省.

81、a bay of the North Atlantic between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. ─── 北大西洋的一个海湾,位于新不伦瑞克省和新斯科舍省之间。

82、Nova Scotia Organic Growers Association ─── 新斯科舍有机栽培者协会

83、A coniferous evergreen monoecious tree(Tsuga canadensis) native from Nova Scotia to Alaska and valuable for its timber, as a pulpwood, for tanning, and as an ornamental. ─── 加拿大铁杉:一种松类雌雄同株的常绿树(加拿大铁杉),生长于从新斯科舍省到阿拉斯加的地区,其木料作为纸浆用木材、制革以及装饰物很有价值

84、The Scotia Mine in Kentucky was sealed after a March 1976 accident that killed 26. ─── 1976年3月导致26人死亡的事故使得斯科沙矿被封。

85、The Bank of Nova Scotia Chongqing Branch ─── 丰业银行重庆分行

86、a bay of the North Atlantic between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia ─── 北大西洋的一个海湾,位于新不伦瑞克省和新斯科舍省之间

87、A member of the Writers' Federation of Nova Scotia in Canada, author of In the Light of Day. ─── 加拿大新斯科舍省作家联盟的成员。

88、It is more likely that your poll results reflect a real difference in brand preference among the population of Nova Scotia beer drinkers. ─── 您的民意测验结果更有可能反映了新斯科舍省的啤酒消费者总体对于啤酒品牌偏好的真正差别。

89、After the American Revolution, Nova Scotia was deluged by New Englanders still loyal to the crown and England. ─── 在美国独立战争之后,新斯科舍(加拿大的一个省)涌入了大量仍旧效忠于皇室和英国的新英格兰人。





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