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08-15 投稿


ferreted 发音

英:[?fer?t?d]  美:[?fer?t?d]

英:  美:

ferreted 中文意思翻译




ferreted 词性/词形变化,ferreted变形

动词过去式: ferreted |形容词: ferrety |名词: ferreter |动词过去分词: ferreted |动词第三人称单数: ferrets |动词现在分词: ferreting |

ferreted 短语词组

1、ferreted away ─── 被套住的

2、ferreted definition ─── 套圈定义

3、ferreted out ─── 搜出, ─── 搜获

4、ferreted means ─── 套圈式工具

5、ferreted out crossword ─── 找出纵横字谜

6、ferreted out define ─── 确定

7、ferreted in a sentence ─── 插入句子

8、ferreted out issues ─── 查明问题

ferreted 相似词语短语

1、ferrety ─── adj.似雪貂的

2、fermented ─── adj.酿造;已发酵的;v.使…发酵;动乱(ferment的过去分词)

3、ferrets ─── n.雪貂;白鼬;(尤指在封闭或狭小空间中的)搜寻,查找;搜寻者;v.(翻箱倒柜地)搜寻,寻找;搜出,查获某物;用雪貂猎鼠(猎兔);不断地烦扰、纠缠;担心;n.(Ferret)(法、美、西、英、巴)费里特(人名)

4、ferrite ─── n.铁酸盐;铁素体

5、ferried ─── v.摆渡;(尤指定期)运送(ferry的过去式及过去分词)

6、ferrate ─── n.高铁酸盐,铁酸盐

7、ferret ─── n.雪貂;白鼬;(尤指在封闭或狭小空间中的)搜寻,查找;搜寻者;v.(翻箱倒柜地)搜寻,寻找;搜出,查获某物;用雪貂猎鼠(猎兔);不断地烦扰、纠缠;担心;n.(Ferret)(法、美、西、英、巴)费里特(人名)

8、ferreter ─── 费雷特

9、ferrates ─── n.高铁酸盐,铁酸盐

ferreted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Your ability to ferret out secret information will lead you to an inside scoop on an amazing financial deal.You need to get down to basics with regard to yourself. ─── 你善于挖掘秘密信息的本事会让你得到关于一笔令人惊异的金融交易的内幕消息;

2、We will drop down with the current a short distance, and ferret him out ─── 咱们再顺流下去,很快就会找到他的。

3、Not finished with his response, he ferreted for a small piece of paper torn and yellowed in a scrapbook of sorts and presented it to us. ─── 说着,他从一本分类簿中摸出来一片撕烂了的发黄的小纸给我们看。

4、" But in Wadao "Haier and" Brokeback, have not ferreted out all over to find his body, also found that sites can not find nests and underground tunnels. ─── 但在挖到“地孩儿”的断臂处,深挖遍找也未见其全身,发现地点也找不到巢穴和地下隧道。

5、Ferret about among old records for further details ─── 在旧记录中寻找更多的细节

6、Ferret out information that will hold them responsible.You might get behind if you spend too much time debating senseless issues. ─── 如果花费太多时间争论无意义的问题,你可能会落后于他人。

7、Whatever plans they had for the ferret and himself had now been abandoned. ─── 但他打算让白鼬做的事以及他自己的计划全都泡汤了。

8、Ferret Laser Detector ─── 全天候侦察飞行群激光探测

9、He ferreted out quite a lot of information. ─── 他侦察到了相当多的情报。

10、ferret reconnaissance ─── [电] 带子侦察

11、First North Korea's army transports the poison in private, is ferreted out by the southern sub-bureau, ─── 先是北韩的军队私下运毒,被南区分局查获,

12、keen-sighted viverrine of southern Asia about the size of a ferret; often domesticated. ─── 大概为雪貂大小有敏锐视力的南亚灵猫;经常被家养。

13、North American black-footed ferret ─── 北美黑足鼬

14、ferret about among old documents for a secret ─── 为找出秘密而翻查旧文件

15、Year 2000 Information Ferret ─── 千年虫探测器

16、ferret satellite ─── [计] 无线电侦察卫星

17、She had not quite taken her father's meaning, and thought that he wanted Liu Yu-ying to ferret out Chao Po-tao's secrets for him ─── 她稍稍有点误解了父亲的意思,她以为父亲是要利用刘玉英来探取老赵的秘密。

18、Semiautomatic Ferret Equipment ─── 半自动电磁探测设备

19、"Are you looking for a jacket?" is a closed question, and of course, it's designed to ferret out a yes or no. ─── "您在找夹克?"是一个闭合的问题,当然,它被设计成想得到是或否的结果。

20、Dui, a triad gofer who has a particular affinity for assembling, though not necessarily shooting guns, is sent undercover in an elementary school to ferret out the kid of a powerful gangster. ─── 十二岁的林志宏(文俊辉饰)是一名有学习困难症的孩子,他不是哑巴但从没开口说过一句话,宏的妈妈常跟宏说爸爸飞去了远方,还向著一朵胶花说只要花开,爸爸便会回来。

21、How to Ferret out the Hidden Conditions in Physics Problems ─── 如何挖掘物理习题中的隐含条件

22、During the early 1950's he even ferreted out for us the first authentic Japanese restaurant in New York. ─── 50年代初,他甚至在大纽约市大海捞针一般为我们找到一家真正的日本料理店。

23、He ferreted about in a desk drawer for some relevant documents. ─── 他在书桌抽屉中寻找一些有关文件。

24、But they need to be of the right type, in order to ensure the ferret's health and safety. ─── 五谷特别是问题。但,白鼬是肉食者,并且他们可以传达到变化狭窄挖洞,因此他们对工作是完善的。

25、He had "ferreted out" nothing. ─── 他什么也没有“逮住”。

26、8.He ferreted out my address from somewhere, and wrote to ask how I was doing. ─── 他不知从哪里找到了我的地址,写信来询问我的近况如何。

27、3.Another pet food is being pulled off the shelves.The Eight in One company is recalling its Dingo brand dog, cat and ferret treats.This announcement is not connected to earlier pet food recalls. ─── 另一种动物食品已经可以现货供应了.一家公司正在召回他的野狗牌狗食,猫食和雪貂食品.这份声明与早前的动物食品召回并没有联系.

28、John dispatches his whole gang to ferret out his son’s whereabouts, only to find out that his rivals are redeploying people in China to assail him. ─── John派出他全部手下去搜寻他儿子下落,但是只查到他的对手在中国正召集人对付他。

29、It is useless to ferret about among old papers and books ─── 在旧文件和旧书堆里搜寻是没有用的。

30、It is the responsibility of the subsurface stratigrapher to ferret out from these studies, or materials. ─── 地下地层工作的责任在于把那些研究材料检索出来。

31、Nevertheless, we may at this moment try to ferret out its main purpose and its main result. ─── 不过我们目前还是可以试图归纳一下它的主要目标和主要结果。

32、Collaborating with the IMF, it is meant to ferret out macroeconomic and financial risks. ─── 与国际货币组织的合作,目的是搜寻宏观与金融风险。

33、ferret out the solution to a mystery. ─── 发现了谜底

34、She's determined to ferret out the truth. ─── 她决心查明真相。

35、ferret receiver ─── 侦察电视接收机

36、keen-sighted viverrine of southern Asia about the size of a ferret; often domesticated ─── 大概为雪貂大小,有敏锐视力的南亚灵猫;经常被家养

37、After the Hu Feng case surfaced, it was necessary to ferret out the counter-revolutionaries. ─── 在胡风问题出来以后,清查反革命是必要的。

38、Resembling an overgrown ferret, the Jarvey is one of the few beasts that can actually talk. ─── 和成年雪貂一样,土扒貂是极少数会讲话的动物之一。

39、ferret smell out ─── vt. 追猎(搜获, 查获)

40、"That devil of a Marius has ferreted out the nest of a millionaire grisette in his tree of dreams! ─── “马吕斯这小鬼,他在梦乡树上找到了一个极为富有的姑娘!

41、Among them, were ferreted out the "stock" the best is a "small-cap and small-cap stocks," as one of the company's shares. ─── 其中,被深挖的“个股”最好是集“小市值和小盘股”为一体的公司股票。

42、Introduced to the U.S. a century ago, it is creeping into the upper Midwest, wiping out prairie dogs and threatening the black-footed ferret, one of North America's rarest species. ─── 一个世纪前,鼠疫杆菌入侵美国,逐渐蔓延至整个中西部,经草原犬鼠的传播,对北美最濒危的黑脚貂造成威胁。

43、"The Black-footed ferret (M. nigripes), of the North American plains, has a Black mask across the eyes and Brownish Black markings on the feet and tail tip. " ─── 北美平原的黑足雪貂(M. nigripes)的双眼之间有一块黑色,脚和尾尖上有浅棕黑色斑纹。

44、His problems ferreted him day and night. ─── 他的困难使他日夜不能安宁。

45、The insurance company ferreted out the truth about the fire. ─── 保险公司侦破了那场火灾的真相。

46、"What cannot this calculate, " his teammate says, "I that only as a result of me reasonable collide to think of dream of my ferret banquet, looked for a reserve. ─── “这算不了什么,”他的队友说,“我那位仅由于我的合理冲撞就把我驱出席梦思,并找了一名替补。”

47、ferret of prairie regions of United States; nearly extinct. ─── 产于美国草原地区的雪貂;几乎灭绝。

48、Isolation and Identification of Ferret Canine Distemper Virus ─── 一株水貂犬瘟热病毒的分离与鉴定

49、Philosophy is an attempt to ferret out the most significant of these, to bring them into the bright light of awareness, and, if possible, to submit them to critical appraisal. ─── 哲学旨在找出其中最有意义的部分,将其纳入人们的自觉意识之内,并且在可能的情况下对其加以评价。

50、and the ferret and the land crocodile and the lizard and the sand-lizard and the chameleon. ─── 壁虎,龙子,守宫,蛇医,??蜓。

51、She is ferreted about among old papers for the letter. ─── 她在一堆旧文件里搜寻那封信。

52、Keywords Sound localization Absolute Auditory;Vision Ferret; ─── 声音定位;绝对的;听觉;视觉;雪貂;

53、ferret distemper virus ─── [医] 雪貂瘟热病毒

54、You can ferret out secret information if you just listen to what others have to say. ─── 听听别人的话,你可以探出些私密。

55、On October 23, Li and so on under Han Guoji “the snake head” Piao, Wu eagerly anticipates, from airport preparation leaving country when is ferreted out on the scene. ─── 10月23日,李某等在韩国籍“蛇头”朴某、吴某引领下,从机场准备出境时被当场查获。

56、She will try her best to ferret out for us where they have gone. ─── 她将尽力为我们查出他们到底去了哪里。

57、In the crowd of guests a dapper young man with the sleek head of a ferret was also studying the silk purse. ─── 在宾客的人群中,一个长着光亮的雪貂脑袋的衣冠楚楚的男子也在研究着那个丝绸钱包。

58、Then I have to submit my report on feminism .I have to ferret out my original research. ─── 他看上去很衰弱,不过我想他是为了让我关心他而假装的。

59、A one to ferret out, criticizing each other and demands. ─── 一条一条地揪出来,彼此挑剔和要求。

60、Ferret about in the house ─── 在屋子里到处搜寻

61、It is the Chipmunk, Ferret and Prairie Dog Species that greets you today. ─── 今天是花栗鼠、雪貂和草原土拨鼠王国向你们问候。

62、ferret about ─── 各处搜寻

63、They managed to ferret the facts out after hours of painstaking examination of records ─── 他们花了数小时辛辛苦苦地检查档案之后查出了事实真相。

64、Her mother took her to a clinic, and a doctor ferreted out the truth. ─── 母亲带她到一间诊所,医生发现真相。

65、In June 20 the same day, Beijing border control main terminal has only ferreted out above two cases, in the near future this kind of case will present the obvious trend of escalation. ─── 仅在6月20日当天,北京边检总站就查获了以上二起案件,近期此类案件呈现出明显上升趋势。

66、Black-footed ferret ─── n. 黑足鼬

67、Unlike Watergate, Climategate didn't come to light because investigative journalists ferreted out the truth. ─── 同水门事件不同,“气候门”还没有因为调查记者挖出事实真相而完全暴露出来。

68、"Whatever is the matter, Cousin Benjamin? Is it a cat? or John Stoat Ferret?" ─── “到底什么事,本杰明表弟?是猫吗?还是约翰鼬獾?”

69、ferret of prairie regions of United States; nearly extinct ─── 产于美国草原地区的雪貂;几乎灭绝

70、At MetLife, he was known to call managers many levels down the chain of command to ferret out information, starting the conversation, 'Hi, it's Bob. ─── 在大都会保险时,本默切出了名的喜欢打电话给低许多级别的经理来询问信息,他通常会以“你好,我是鲍伯”的招呼语来开始谈话。

71、You can be in Alibabali search, should meet of a lot of, you are in otherwise directly the search in Baidu or Gu Ge also can ferret one pile. ─── 你可以在阿里巴巴里搜一下,应该会很多的,要不你直接在百度或谷歌里搜也能搜出一大堆。

72、She opened the drawer and ferreted around for her keys. ─── 她打开抽屉,翻找她的钥匙。

73、That devil of a Marius has ferreted out the nest of a millionaire grisette in his tree of dreams! ─── 马吕斯这小鬼,他在梦乡树上找到了一个极为富有的姑娘!

74、If the muzzle has been properly tied the ferret will be free to lick but not to bite. ─── 如果口套已经被系好,那只雪貂将只能自由舔舐,而不能咬人。

75、Other symptoms can include stunted growth and a ferret like facial appearance. ─── 其他症状包括发育不良和出现鼬样的面部表情。

76、"And when the Normans sent the Sheriff of Nottingham to ferret Robin Hood out and destroy his band, all it did was rally the opposition. ─── 他说: “当诺曼发出了谢里夫诺丁汉以鼬罗宾汉和摧毁他的乐队,它所作的只是反对派集会。

77、A black - footed ferret. ─── 一种黑脚黄鼬

78、Pockets of support that might have gone unnoticed can be ferreted out. ─── 那些过去没被注意的支持者正一批批被发掘出来。

79、keen-sighted viverrine of southern Asia about the size of a ferret; ─── 大概为雪貂大小有敏锐视力的南亚灵猫;

80、Did a clairvoyant help U.S. commandos ferret Saddam Hussein out of his hiding place in Iraq three years ago? ─── 三年前是不是一个千里眼帮助美国突击队找到萨达姆的藏身地并一举拿获他的?

81、Q: (Frederic Ferret - L'Equipe) Question to all drivers about the sharkfin engine cover. ─── Q: 我的问题问所有车手有关于鲨鱼鳍。

82、She opened the drawer and ferreted around for her keys. ─── 她打开抽屉,翻找她的钥匙。

83、This weekend NPR ferreted out the story behind the ever-present and never functional "Free Public WiFi". ─── 本周末,美国国家公共电台播报了永远存在且从未起作用的“免费公共 WiFi ”背后的故事。

84、The Eight in One company is recalling its Dingo brand dog, cat and ferret treats. ─── 八合一公司召回了它的野狗牌狗食、食以及雪貂食物。

85、And... Alex Sutton with his ferret! ─── 亚历克斯?萨顿带着他的白鼬!

86、Your ability to ferret out secret information will lead you to an inside scoop on an amazing financial deal. ─── 你获取信息的能力能使你有效的解决了钱物方面出现的问题。

87、She be ferret about among old papers for the letter ─── 她在一堆旧文件里搜寻那封信

88、"One lady in a clothes shop thought it was a ferret and was waiting for it to jump out, " Aisha laughs. ─── “有一次,一家成衣店的一位妇女以为是只黑足鼬,还等着它跳出来呢,”爱莎笑着说。

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