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08-15 投稿


eyas 发音

英:[['a??s]]  美:[['a??s]]

英:  美:

eyas 中文意思翻译



eyas 短语词组

1、eyas x2 ─── 相同的x2

2、eyas name eyas ─── 名称

3、eyas plan ─── 高计划

4、eyas tran ─── 很忙

5、eyas hawk ─── 无障碍

6、eyas book ─── 下一本书

7、eyas bird ─── 同一只鸟

eyas 词性/词形变化,eyas变形


eyas 相似词语短语

1、ryas ─── n.里亚毯;里亚毯编织法

2、nyas ─── 新的

3、eyes ─── n.眼睛(eye的复数);n.(Eyes)人名;(英)艾斯

4、etas ─── n.希腊语的第七个字母;(日)贱民(eta的复数)

5、eras ─── n.时代,纪元;(地质)代;重要日子,重大事件(era的复数);n.(Eras)(美)埃拉斯(人名)

6、eyras ─── n.美洲南部所产之小野猫

7、pyas ─── n.分(缅甸的货币单位)

8、-yas ─── abbr.日元升值附加费(YenAscendSurcharge);纱线分析系统(yarnanalysissystem)

9、Mayas ─── n.玛雅人(Maya的复数)

eyas 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Located in Muli County, Eya Naxi Ancient Village has just removed its mysterious veil. ─── 香格里拉雪白的神山下,藏族人民至今仍转动着经轮,传唱着动人的格桑拉;

2、After months of dry, sweltering days, a young girl feasts on the first monsoon rains in the village of Eya, where the Irrawaddy meets the Andaman Sea. ─── 乘客和货物分散在运货甲板上,这是一段10小时的旅程,从缅甸中部的曼德勒,到位于河流三角洲顶端的首都仰光。

3、An old woman, her eyes wide, describes the great waves coming and everyone in Eya fleeing inland. ─── 一位老妇人睁大着眼睛,向我描述当时巨大的波浪袭来,村里每个人都逃往内陆。

4、six weeks for the eyas to mature into a fully grown peregrine falcon. ─── 雏鹰成长为一只完全成熟的游隼大概需要六周的时间。

5、Melancholy Expression in One's Eyas ─── 忧郁的眼神

6、It took about six weeks for the eyas to mature into a fully grown peregrine falcon. ─── 雏鹰成长为一只完全成熟的游隼大概需要六周的时间。

7、If you have time, I advise you to see our plant with your own eyas. ─── 如果您有时间,我建议您亲眼看看我们的工厂。

8、EYAS Erbium Ytterbium Amplifier Scheme ─── 铒钇放大器方案

9、It took about six weeks for the eyas to mature into a fully grown peregrine falcon. ─── 雏鹰成长为一只完全成熟的游隼大概需要六周的时间。

10、A creek's dream is flowing into the sea, A eyas's dream is soaring in the sky, while for the little duck, is to be the beautiful swan. ─── 溪水的未来是大海,雏鹰的未来是翱翔天空,丑小鸭的未来是变成美丽的白天鹅。

11、Organic Conbination of Medal Contention for Eyas and Ideological and Moral Teaching ─── 浅谈雏鹰争章与思想品德教育的有机结合

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