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08-15 投稿


yarns 发音

英:[jɑ?nz]  美:[jɑrnz]

英:  美:

yarns 中文意思翻译




yarns 词性/词形变化,yarns变形

动词现在分词: yarning |动词第三人称单数: yarns |动词过去式: yarned |动词过去分词: yarned |

yarns 常用词组

cotton yarn ─── 棉纱;棉纱线

blended yarn ─── 混纺纱

spun yarn ─── 细纱,纺成纱

yarns 短语词组

1、yarns for baby blanket ─── 婴儿毯用纱线

2、cascade yarns website ─── 层叠纱线网站

3、yarns from italy ─── 意大利纱线

4、yarns at yin hoo ─── 阴虎纱

5、cascade yarns ─── 层叠纱线

6、fancy yarns ─── [化] 花式纱线; 花式丝线

7、sprightly yarns acrylic wool super bulky ─── 蓬松纱亚克力羊毛

8、yarns at yinhoo podcast ─── 银虎播客的纱线

9、carded yarns ─── 粗梳棉纱

10、yarns to dye for ─── 染色用纱线

11、willow yarns.com ─── 柳树纱线网

12、stretch yarns ─── [化] 变形纱

13、blended yarns ─── 混纺纱

14、sprightly yarns acrylic worsted ─── 轻纱腈纶精纺

15、yarns of Holmgren ─── [医] 霍姆格伦氏彩线(检色彩视力)

16、bartlett yarns ─── 巴特利特纱线

17、yarns type ─── 纱线类型

18、yarns def ─── 以演示模式运行

19、spun yarns ─── 纺纱

yarns 相似词语短语

1、carns ─── 卡恩斯(人名)

2、yards ─── n.码数(yard复数形式)

3、tarns ─── n.[地理][水文]冰斗湖,山中小湖;n.(Tarn)人名;(英)塔恩

4、darns ─── v.织补;缝补;n.织补处;adv.非常(同damn);adj.(非正式,加强语气)该死的

5、barns ─── 谷仓;畜棚;车库(barn的复数);巴恩斯(人名Barns);n.(Barns)人名;(英)巴恩斯

6、warns ─── vt.警告,提醒;通知;vi.发出警告,发出预告;n.(Warn)人名;(英)沃恩;(德)瓦恩

7、larns ─── vt.学习;记住;教;vi.记住;学(等于learn);n.(Larn)(美、澳)拉恩(人名)

8、yearns ─── vi.渴望,向往;思念,想念;怀念

9、earns ─── vt.赚,赚得;获得,挣得;使得到;博得;n.(Earn)人名;(泰)炎

yarns 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The result of trial test demonstrates that the quality of yarns forming used by needling fixed flat better than by that of serrated . ─── 生产对比试验表明,针刺型固定盖板的成纱质量优于锯齿型固定盖板。

2、Sweaters made of wool yarns may have a tendency to pill. ─── 由毛线织成的毛衣易起小球。

3、Class 23 Yarns and threads, for textile use. ─── 商标注册类别23纺织用纱、线。

4、She stopped to have a yarn with me. ─── 她停下来与我谈话。

5、A trademark used for an acrylic fiber or yarns made from this fiber. ─── 奥纶一种聚丙烯酸纤维或该种纤维制成的纱线的商标名称

6、He is a spinner of long yarns. ─── 他是一个讲起故事来没有完的人。

7、Breezing through the clientele spinning yarns that were so lyrical. ─── 妳飘然走过客人,编着太浪漫的故事。

8、Another direct yarn numbering system is the tex system. ─── 另一个定长制纱线细度度量系统是特克斯系统。

9、Sam heard and remembered many miner's yarns. ─── 塞姆听到和记下了许多矿工的故事。

10、What is the type of yarn used in your pink swatch? ─── 你们的粉色坯布用的是什么类型的纱线?

11、Spindle is the measure for yarn. ─── 司品德是纱的度量单位。

12、You can't come round with such yarns. ─── 你别想用这套花言巧语来哄骗我。

13、Even twills have the same number of warp and filling yarns on both the face and back and can be considered reversible. ─── 双面斜纹在织物的正反面具有相同数目的经纱和纬纱,织物的两面是可以翻转使用的。

14、But the weaving of these yarns, which may be only one-thousandth of a millimetre thick, is complicated and expensive. ─── 这些线可能仅有千分之一毫米那么粗,所以要用这些线进行编织是很麻烦的,并且费用也相当昂贵。

15、About the yarn...remember this sweater ? ─── 关于这毛线。。。还记得这件毛衣吗?

16、and is characterized by forming a border of said fabric blank by intermeshing at least part of said first plurality of cotton yarns. ─── 而且其特征是,通过使所述第一组多根棉纱的至少一部分交织来形成所述织物坯布的边界。

17、He used to spin yarns(= tell stories)about his time in the Army. ─── 他过去经常编造一些有关他在部队时的离奇故事。

18、A hank of cotton yarn measures 840 yards. ─── 一汉克的棉纱长达840码。

19、Textured yarns are composed primarily of filament fibers. ─── 变形纱主要由长丝纤维构成。

20、The yarn or thread used in making this tape. ─── 制亚麻有色织带所用的纱或纱线

21、John Buchan, that arch-chronicler of yarns about enigmatic African pioneers, would have been proud of a hero who made such a speech. ─── 记述非洲神秘先驱者趣闻轶事的知名编年史家——约翰?巴肯(JohnBuchan),应该会为发表此番演讲的英雄感到骄傲。

22、Men yarn of the harbour's famous pilots. ─── 人们常讲该港口的一些著名领港员的故事。

23、Properties of these yarns were tested. ─── 并测试各纱线的性能。

24、In order to assess the friction of lubricants on multifilament yarns, finish-free yarns are required. ─── 为了评定润滑剂对复丝纱摩擦所起的作用,要求用不带整理剂的纱作试验。

25、Now I just need to find the pattern and the yarn ! ─── 接著要做的便是找寻毛线及图样的任务了!

26、I spent four or five hours a day listening to his yarns. ─── 我每天花四、五个小时听他聊天。

27、High reverse rotation of drum at yarn cut. ─── 在切割纱线过程中,槽筒速度快。

28、She practised so bard at repairing yarn breaks that her fingers became swollen. ─── 她练习接断头,手都练肿了。

29、He span a yarn about his friendship with the royal family. ─── 他胡诌了一通他与王室之间友情的故事。

30、Shine captured in mirror effects with bright yarns and small touches of lurex. ─── 乡村的,不对称图形,蕾丝软斜纹呢,双织软斜纹呢,模糊花形。

31、It is usually not necessary to apply sizing to yarns that used in knitting. ─── 针织用纱通常不需要上浆。

32、A short cluster of elongated strands, as of yarn, hair, or grass, attached at the base or growing close together. ─── 一簇,一丛连在底坐上或长在一起的小簇细长物质,如毛线,头发或草

33、Another variation is to entrap short segments of a novelty-effect material into regularly plied base yarns. ─── 另一种方法是在有规律合胶的底纱中加入一小段,即一小段能产生花式效应的材料。

34、Our cotton yarn is of the best quality. ─── 我们的棉纱质量最好。

35、They pitched a yarn about finding the jewels. ─── 他们编了一个找到宝石的故事。

36、My uncle told us yarns about his trip. ─── 我叔叔给我们讲他旅行时的冒险故事。

37、Don't give me some cooked-up yarn! ─── 不要讲编造的故事给我听!

38、They worked the good yarn in with the bad. ─── 他们把好纱搀到坏纱里。

39、Unbalanced yarns have sufficient twist to kink. ─── 卷缩的纱线捻度过高会产生扭结。

40、Fibre, yarn, and fabric made from the flax plant. ─── 亚麻作成的纤维、纱线及织物。

41、Blended triangle polyester fiber, cationic polyester fiber with viscose fiber, yarns are exploited. ─── 利用三角形涤纶纤维、离子涤纶纤维和粘胶纤维开发了涤粘混纺纱。

42、Equip with optional ABS yarn brake. ─── 可选配ABS纬纱制动装置。

43、Nylon yarn, nylon and polyester fabric. ─── 尼龙纱、尼龙和涤纶织物。

44、The direction of twist is also important. Yarns can be twisted with either a S twist or a Z twist. ─── 捻向也很重要。纱线可以加z捻,也可以加S捻。

45、His romantic yarns salted with Marxist rhetoric had put her in mind of Malraux. ─── 他那富于浪漫气息的奇谈,添上马克思主义的词藻,使她想起马尔罗。

46、I stopped to have a yarn with him. ─── 我停下来跟他聊天。

47、Textured yarns that have been programmed for extraordinary extensibility are known as stretch yarns. ─── 具有特别伸长性的变形纱称为弹丝。

48、The tie or binder yarns is used to attach the effect yarns so that it will remain in position during use and care. ─── 固结纱用来束缚饰纱,这样在产品的应用和维护时,饰纱可以得到保护。

49、Based on Peter Abraham's latest suspense yarn. ─── 基于彼得·亚伯拉罕的最近的悬念纱。

50、A length of yarn, cord, or thread, especially a strong silk thread used mainly to bind the edges of buttonholes. ─── 丝线一段毛线、粗线或丝线,尤指主要用来缝合钮扣孔的结实丝线

51、NingBo ZhongRun Fancy Yarn Co., Ltd. ─── 宁波中润花式纱有限公司。

52、A unit of fineness for rayon, nylon, and silk fibers, based on a standard mass per length of 1 gram per 9,000 meters of yarn. ─── 丹尼尔测量纤维、尼龙或丝的光洁度的单位,每9,000米线重1克称作为丹尼尔。

53、To wind(thread or yarn) onto a quill. ─── 将(线或纱)绕在纡管上

54、You've been listening to some of the yarns they spin in the public-houses about here. ─── 你是听他们在这儿的小酒店里编的离奇故事吧。

55、His yarns suggested that he would like to go to bed. ─── 他呵欠连连,表明他想上床睡觉了。

56、It is possible to stabilize these yarns so that the bulk remains but no noticeable stretch occurs. ─── 将纱线定型,可以保持其蓬松性而没有可见的弹性变形。

57、A plain, coarse, usually woolen cloth made of homespun yarn. ─── 土布普通的、粗制的,家织物做成的布

58、Great selection of sock yarn, etc. ─── 伟大的选择袜子纱线等。

59、Oh, good! You can help me wind some yarn. ─── 哦,好的!你可以帮我缠毛线。

60、Briefly introduce the harm of the yarn hairiness. ─── 介绍了纱线毛羽的危害。

61、In general, single spun yarns must be slashed for all the above reasons. ─── 一般说来,由于上述种种原因,短纤维单纱必须上浆。

62、Because of this, some friction will exist between the shuttle and the warp yarns near the selvages. ─── 因此在布边附近,梭子和经纱之间会存在磨擦。

63、The kitten snarled the yarn by playing with it. ─── 小猫玩纱线,弄得一团糟。

64、Based on the assumption of the braiding yarns with the elliptical cross s... ─── 在椭圆形横截面假设的基础上,考虑了编织纱线的填充因子,建立了编织工艺参数之间的关系。

65、His grandmother spun him a yarn at the fire. ─── 他奶奶在火炉边给他讲故事。

66、A great number of methods for measuring friction of yarns and fibers have been described in the literature. ─── 在文献资料中曾经介绍了许多纱线或纤维摩擦的测定方法。

67、Most stretch yarns can be extended from one and one-half to twice their normal or relaxed length. ─── 大多数弹力丝可被拉伸到正常或松驰状态长度的1倍半到2倍。

68、After a day's hard work the farmers used to chop yarns under this ancient tree. ─── 一天辛苦劳动之后,农夫们常在这棵古老的树下讲故事。

69、A good house-wife does not spend her time in spinning street yarns. ─── 一位贤良的家庭主妇不会浪费时间说短论长,搬弄是非。

70、Spinning wool fibers into yarns requires some special procedures. ─── 将羊毛纺制成纱线需要一些特殊的工序。

71、Men and women recover barriers yarn. ─── 女追男隔层纱。

72、He would often spin us a yarn about his adventures. ─── 他经常向我们编造一些有关自己的奇遇的故事。

73、Supply spindles out of line with yarn guide. ─── 插纱锭与纱线通道不在一条直线上。

74、He spun a yarn about his adventures in Africa. ─── 他胡诌了一个他在非洲的冒险故事。

75、Yarn run found on bottom of inseam. ─── 内长底发现有纱缐。

76、Use and heap headdress of yarn skills. ─── 头饰的使用及堆纱的技巧。

77、He spun us this unlikely yarn about being trapped for hours in a broken lift. ─── 他对我们胡诌在坏电梯中困了几个小时。

78、I tied it with fuzzy white yarn, and admired my work. ─── 我用毛茸茸的白纱线把它系好,欣赏着我的杰作。

79、I enjoy listening to his yarns. ─── 我很喜欢听他的奇谈怪论。

80、The shedding and beating- up cause cycle tension variations in the warp yarns. ─── 开口运动和打纬运动会引起在一个织造循环内的经纱张力波动。

81、Continuous embroidery on yarn goods. ─── 不间断的刺绣。

82、A yarn or fabric made from either of these fibers. ─── 安哥拉山羊毛线,安哥拉山兔毛线,安哥拉山羊毛织物,安哥拉山兔毛织物由上述纤维织物制成的纺线或织物

83、In this system, the warp yarns are fed to the loom. ─── 在该系统中,经纱被送入织机。

84、Filaments of different colours are combined to form two yarns per module. ─── 不同颜色的纤维在每个模块中会聚成两束长丝。

85、Of these, the most important are fabric count and yarn size. ─── 在这三个因素中,最重要的是纱线的密度和纱线的粗细。

86、The begger spun a long yarn about his misfortume. ─── 乞丐虚讲出一大篇关于自己如何不幸的故事。

87、Among those yarns there was one with which Columbus, like all his seafaring companions, must have been familiar. ─── 在这些航线中,有一个哥伦布,就像所有航海的同伴,其中一定有我们所熟悉的。

88、Draw yarn through all sts. Fasten off. ─── 将线穿过所有的针,拉紧结束。

89、Furthermore, in knitted structures, Selfil yarns snag and pull less than ring- spun yarns. ─── 另外,自捻纱用于织造针织品时,与环锭纱相比,纤维不易被拉出。

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