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08-15 投稿


lease 发音

英:[li?s]  美:[li?s]

英:  美:

lease 中文意思翻译





lease 网络释义

n. 租约;租期;租赁物;租赁权vt. 出租;租得vi. 出租

lease 词性/词形变化,lease变形


lease 短语词组

by/on lease

1. 以租借方式

These tools are available only by lease.


1、contract of lease of property ─── [法] 财产租赁契约

2、a lease of life ─── 寿命

3、building lease ─── [经] 租地造(房)屋权, 建筑物租约

4、consolidation by lease ─── [经] 租赁合并

5、finance lease ─── [经] 融资租赁

6、discount on lease obligation ─── [经] 租赁债务贴现

7、assignment of lease ─── [法] 租赁权的转让

8、concurrent lease ─── [法] 同时租借

9、dry lease ─── [经] 干租赁

10、financial lease ─── [经] 财务租赁, 融资性租赁

11、determination of lease ─── [法] 租借期的终止

12、automatic termination of lease ─── [经] 租约自动终止

13、a new lease of life ─── 富于希望的, 新生

14、crown lease ─── [法] 政府租地契约, 官契

15、closed-end lease ─── [经] 限额租赁, 不公开租赁

16、amortization of lease-hold ─── [经] 租赁费(权)摊销

17、capital lease ─── [经] 资本租赁, 筹资租赁

18、cancelable lease ─── [经] 可解除的租约

19、by lease ─── 以租借方式

lease 常用词组

lease contract ─── 租契;租赁契约

lease term ─── 租赁期

financial lease ─── 融资性租赁;财务租赁

lease 相似词语短语

1、cease ─── vi.停止;终了;vt.停止;结束;n.停止

2、lase ─── v.发出激光;以激光照射;n.(Lase)(美、印尼)莱斯(人名)

3、fease ─── 费斯

4、leaser ─── n.出租人;分纱机

5、leas ─── n.草地;草原(lea的复数形式)

6、please ─── vt.使喜欢;使高兴,使满意;vi.讨人喜欢;令人高兴;int.请(礼貌用语)

7、leased ─── v.出租;租用;租借(lease的过去式和过去分词)

8、ease ─── n.容易;舒适;安逸;v.减轻,缓解;小心缓缓地移动;使容易;放松;(使)贬值;(股票价格、利率等)下降,下跌

9、leases ─── n.[租赁]租赁;租约;租赁协定(lease的复数);v.出租;租得(lease的三单形式)

lease 习惯用语

1、take ... on lease ─── 租用[得]

2、put out to lease ─── 出租

3、hold on [by] lease ─── 租借

4、by [on] lease ─── 租用[借]

5、a new lease of [on] life ─── (由于病愈或烦恼消除等而)精神焕发, 寿命延长

lease 特殊用法

1、capital [finance, financial, financing] lease ─── 财务租赁

2、round trip lease ─── 往返程租赁

3、cancelable lease ─── 可取消租赁

4、executory lease ─── 租赁债务

5、long-term lease ─── 长期租约

6、tax lease ─── 课税租赁

7、day-to-day lease ─── 暂时租赁

8、net lease ─── 净租赁(即承租人担负一切税捐费用的租赁契约)

9、international lease ─── 国际租借

10、service lease ─── 提供维修和服务的财产租赁, 服务性租赁

11、non-cancelable lease ─── 不可取消的租约

12、building lease ─── 租地造屋权

13、brokerage lease ─── 经纪租赁

14、straight lease ─── 定期定率租赁(到期后所租设备归还出租人)

15、intra-family lease ─── 集团内部租赁

16、true lease ─── 正式租赁

17、percentage lease ─── 百分率租约(即按租赁财产收益的一定百分数计算租金的租约)

18、proprietary lease ─── 产权租赁

19、perpetual lease ─── 永租权

20、direct-financing leases ─── 直接融资租赁

21、house lease ─── 房屋租约

22、operating lease ─── 维护性租赁

lease 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They lease the land from a local farmer. ─── 他们从当地一位农场主手中租得这块土地。

2、Renews a lease for the specified time. ─── 将租约续订指定的时间。

3、Don't try so hard, the best things come when you lease expect them. ─── 不要太努力去找,最好的事情是在最预计不到的时候出现的。

4、B: We know this new shopping arcade is ready for lease. ─── 我们知道这幢新的购物商场已开始招租.

5、We lease all our photocopy equipment. ─── 我们所有的复印设备都是租来的。

6、We've taken a lease on an office building. ─── 我们已租了一幢办公楼。

7、I rent my new car from the lease holder. ─── 我从车主手里租到了这辆崭新的汽车。

8、Tenants who were ejected for violations of their lease. ─── 因违反租约被驱逐的佃户

9、On this public domain the government, as proprietor, can lease grazing, lands. ─── 作为这块国有土地的所有者,政府可在该土地上出租牧地。

10、This summer, Adobe joined the lease to Bayern. ─── 今夏,奥多以租借的身份加盟拜仁。

11、about a month later , finding that he had not made any progress , shaughnessy reported definitely that slawson would not extend the lease. ─── 大约一个月后,他发现自己毫无进展,而此时肖内西则明确的告诉他,斯劳森不愿延长租期。

12、After ten minutes,they finally agree ro to the lease terms. ─── 十分钟后,双方同意所有租凭条件.

13、Since recovering from her operation, she's had a new lease of life. ─── 她手术复元以後活得更有劲了。

14、It has been agreed that the lease will run for twenty- five years. ─── 已同意租赁合同期为25年。

15、You can get a car on your terms: rent, lease or buy one. ─── 你可以按你自己的条件得到一辆汽车,或临时租用,或长期租用或购买一辆均可。

16、Don't try so hard, the best things come when you leas. ─── 五一呆在寝室是最无聊的。。。。难道有个小女生找个话题来聊

17、We know this new shopping arcade is ready for lease. ─── 我们知道这幢新的购物商场已开始招租。

18、These domain name are for sale or lease. ─── 以下域名出售或出租,请与王先生联系。

19、The minimum lease term is one year. ─── 合同的最短期限为一年。

20、Rising lease rates prefigured the last big move in gold back in the spring of 2007 just as the two Bear Stearns hedge funds were blowing up. ─── 早在2007年春,不断上升的黄金租赁价格就曾预示过上次金价的飙升。当时正值贝尔斯登(BearStearns)旗下两只对冲基金破产。

21、The Managing Director suggested to the Board that the best way of obtaining capital for the expansion program should be to sell me company's headquarters to a finance house and then lease them back. ─── 总经理向董事会建议筹措资金以实现发展计划的最好办法莫过于把公司总部的产权卖给一家金融机构,然后再租回来使用。

22、Commercial Net Lease Realty Inc. ─── 商业净租赁不动产公司。

23、Our lease of our apartment is almost up. ─── 我们房屋的租期就要到了。

24、Our funds had run out and our lease was up. ─── 我们的钱已用完,租约又到期了。

25、We will lease you the house for a year. ─── 我们将租你房子一年。

26、The lease of our flat falls in next moth. ─── 我们公寓的租约下月到期。

27、It has been agreed that the lease will run for 25 years . ─── 同意该租赁期限为25年

28、The advantage of the emotions is that they lea us astray. ─── 情绪的好处在于引我们走入歧途。

29、Property returns the lease status for a lease. ─── 属性返回租约的租约状态。

30、They agreed to renew the lease for another year. ─── 他们同意把租约延长1年。

31、Would you care about a cup of lea? ─── 你喜欢喝杯茶吗?

32、The lease of our house will fall in next year. ─── 我们房子的租约到明年就满期了。

33、Kara and Stan are standing outside of a store for lease. ─── 卡拉和史丹正站在某个要出租的店门口。

34、Do you understand all the terms of the lease? ─── 你理解这份租赁契约中的所有条款吗?

35、They have finally settled on the terms of the lease. ─── 他们最后就租赁条件达成了协议。

36、Our present lease on the flat expires next month. ─── 我们这套公寓的租约下月到期。

37、The lease on our house has one more year to run. ─── 我们房子的租约有效期还有一年。

38、If the object has never been marshaled before, the lease returned is in its initial state and the lease properties can be set. ─── 如果对象以前从未被封送,则返回的租约将处于其初始状态且可以设置租约属性。

39、Rent will not be modified during the term of this Lease Agreement. ─── 在本租约有效期内,租金不予调整。

40、Before I sign a lease I would like my husband to see it. ─── 在签约之前,我要让我丈夫看一下。

41、Lease come and help me sometime next week. ─── 下周某时请来帮我。

42、There has also been a row between the site's developer and its landowner over the terms of the lease. ─── 这块地皮的开发商和地产所有人之间也因地产租赁合同条款产生了分歧。

43、It is a lease of land for a substantial period. ─── 它是一种长期土地租凭合同。

44、We do not sell, rent or lease your personal information. ─── 我们不出售或租借您的个人信息。

45、Conduct decisions to lease or buy equipment. ─── 对租赁还是购买设备进行决策。

46、She bought the house on a 99-year lease. ─── 她以99年的租契买下了这栋房子。

47、You have to sign a one-year lease and pay the security deposit. ─── 你要签一年的租约,同时还要付订金。

48、Since her hip operation she's had a new lease of life. ─── 她自髋关节手术以后活得更有劲了。

49、You have to sigh a one-year lease and pay the security deposit. ─── 你得签一年的租约并付订金。

50、The lease on our flat runs out in a few months. ─── 我们公寓的租约还有几个月就到期了。

51、Registers a sponsor for the lease without renewing the lease. ─── 在不续订租约的前提下为该租约注册主办方。

52、Perhaps Greece could lease a few of its islands to help with its debt crisis in lieu of repayment of its foreign debt. ─── 也许希腊可以将一些岛屿租借出去,这样有助于偿还外债。

53、We have no success in trying to sell the lease. ─── 我们在出售租赁权方面没有成功。

54、DO you have to sign a twelve-month lease? ─── 你要签十二个月的租约吗?

55、He took a house on a lease of ten years. ─── 他租了一幢房子,租期为十年。

56、You haven't paid your rent for two months. I'm ending your lease. ─── 你三个月没有交房租了,我要跟你终止合同。

57、The river Lea flows into the Thames which flows into the North Sea. ─── 利河流入泰晤士河,泰晤士河流入北海。

58、The lease on their London flat runs out in a few months. ─── 他在伦敦的公寓租约几个月后就要到期了。

59、They have a large ~ from lease of property. ─── 他们从财产租赁中获得一大笔收入。

60、They're abandoning the lease. ─── 他们放弃了租契。

61、Registers a sponsor for the lease. ─── 为该租约注册主办方。

62、He took up a 10-year lease on the house. ─── 他为这房子签了10年的租约。

63、Since recovering from her operation,she's had a new lease of life. ─── 她手术复元以后活得更有劲了。

64、She planned to lease her apartment to a friend . ─── 她计划把她的房间租给一个朋友。

65、Mike Lea has been consistent all the way through. ─── 基兰.李本赛季表现十分稳固。

66、He has the flat on a long lease. ─── 他长期租用该公寓。

67、To lease for less than the proper value. ─── 廉价出租以合适的价值以下的廉价出租

68、You must specify a lease duration. ─── 您必须指定租约期限。

69、The girl he lea ned against was his daughter. ─── 他靠着的那个女孩是他的女儿。

70、The endless lea will purify your thought. ─── 一望无际的草原会净化你的思想。

71、Maybe you will want to move before your lease runs out. ─── 也许你打算在租约期满前搬迁。

72、He lease his home for the summer. ─── 他将房子出租供人避暑。

73、The lease of their house will fall in next year. ─── 他们房子的租约明年到期。

74、If the conditions are suitable,I'd like to extend the lease. ─── 如果我觉得条件合适的话,我可以再延期。

75、He had persuaded them to lease him a house. ─── 他已说服他们租给他一座房子。

76、One that lets property under a lease. ─── 出租人在一定租赁期限内把财物出租给他人的人

77、The lease plainly states that all damage must be paid for. ─── 租约明确规定,一切损坏必须赔偿。

78、Lease was illegal intermediary outwit you? ─── 您租房时被不法中介骗过吗?

79、It has been agreed that the lease will run for 25 years. ─── 同意该租赁期限为25年。

80、We have a short lease on our current premises. ─── 我们有一个短期租赁现有房屋的合同。

81、We lease a printer from Korea "TBG. ─── 我们从韩国租赁打印机“TBG.

82、Do you have any apartment to lease now? ─── 你们现在有没有公寓要出租啊?

83、The lease of the land has fallen in. ─── 土地的租期满了。

84、"Mike Lea has been consistent all the way through. ─── “麦克.李也是非常出色。

85、We renew the lease for another year. ─── 我们再订一年租约。

86、In the early 20th century there was intermittent debate about trying to convert the lease into a permanent cession. ─── 20世纪初期,在试图把租借变为永久的割让上曾进行过断断续续地辩论。

87、They have to modify the terms of their lease. ─── 他们不得不修改租赁条款。

88、We will lease you the house for one year. ─── 我们将把这房子租给你一年。

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