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08-15 投稿


rufous 发音

英:['ru?f?s]  美:['r?f?s]

英:  美:

rufous 中文意思翻译



rufous 短语词组

1、Rufous Owl ─── 恶心的猫头鹰

2、Rufous rubber cup ─── [网络] 鲁棒橡胶杯

3、rufous morph ─── 红褐色变种

4、rufous necked wood rail ─── 棕颈木栏杆

5、rufous hummingbird ─── 红褐色蜂鸟

6、rufous bush chat ─── 赤褐色灌木丛

7、rufous sided towhees ─── 棕边丝巾

8、rufous hummingbird bird ─── 红褐色蜂鸟

9、rufous crowned sparrow ─── 红冠麻雀

10、rufous colored birds ─── 红褐色的鸟

11、rufous piculet ─── 鲁菲·皮库莱

12、rufous hornero ─── 红褐色的霍内罗。

13、Rufous Sparrow ─── 可怜的麻雀

rufous 相似词语短语

1、raucous ─── adj.沙哑的;刺耳的;粗声的

2、-ulous ─── 好极了

3、brumous ─── adj.冬天的;多雾的

4、roucous ─── 橙色植物染料;胭脂树红

5、routous ─── 红头发的

6、ruinous ─── adj.破坏性的,毁灭性的;零落的

7、rubious ─── adj.红玉色的;红色的

8、grumous ─── adj.凝块的;黏液的;成聚团颗粒的

9、rugous ─── adj.有皱纹的;多皱纹的

rufous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Rufous Scrub-Bird ─── n. 棕薮鸟

2、Rufous Antpitta ─── n. 棕蚁八色鸫

3、size of a chicken, it had arm feathers with black-and-white portions, creating the spangled pattern you might see on a prize rooster at a county fair. On its head it wore a gaudy rufous crown. ─── 在1.5亿年前,体型与小鸡相仿,其前肢羽毛黑白相间,形成了闪亮的图案效果,头部还有一块艳丽的红褐色顶冠。

4、The Rusty Laughingthrush is dark rufous-brown above and on the breast, the head is finely barred blackish, the belly is dark gray, the vent white and the wings and tail are rufous. ─── 物种特征:描述:体型略大(28厘米)的棕褐色噪鹛。眼周蓝色裸露皮肤明显。头、胸、背、两翼及尾橄榄栗褐色,顶冠略具黑色的鳞状斑纹。

5、Rufous Treepie ─── n. 棕腹树鹊

6、But the Rufous Hummingbird migrates the longest distance, from Mexico to Alaska and back, totaling 5,000 miles. ─── 但是棕煌蜂鸟才是迁徙最长距离的蜂鸟,牠们从墨西哥飞到阿拉斯加后又飞回的距离总计五千英里。

7、Rufous elephant-shrew ─── n. 赤褐象鼩

8、Rufous Monarch Flycatcher ─── n. 棕王鹟

9、Rufous Woodpecker ─── n. 栗啄木鸟

10、The rufous and white fringes of mantle and scapulars are not well-defined (meaning, not V-shaped). ─── 亚成鸟上背和肩羽处会有明显的白线,照片中没有。

11、2(1) Abaxial surface of leaves fulvous to rufous, with felted continuous indumentum of branched hairs. ─── 叶背面黄褐色的到红棕色,具毡状分枝毛的连续的毛被。

12、rufous turtle dove meat ─── 斑鸠

13、48-year-old man presented with the 18-year history of multiple, rufous and small papules on the back of hands and upper and lower legs. ─── 48岁。因双手、足背和双下肢多发性淡红色角化性小丘疹18年就诊。

14、Rufous Bristle-Bird ─── n. 棕色刺鹰

15、abaxial surface densely spongy to compacted, white to fawn, tomentose, hairs dendroid sometimes with a floccose rufous upper layer. ─── 背面海绵状密被到紧密的,白色到淡黄褐色,被绒毛,毛树枝状有时具被丛卷毛红棕色上层。

16、Rufous Songlark ─── n. 棕鹨莺

17、Rufous Chatterer ─── n. 棕红鸫鹛

18、Rufous Rockjumper ─── n. 棕岩鸲(鸫科)

19、The most important birds are Common tern(1 367 one/hm 2),Chinese pond heron (0 484 one/hm 2) and Rufous backed shrike(0 338 one/hm 2),Chinese pond heron,Common tern,Black drongo and others (22 species) are euryoecious, PIE is 0 838. ─── 最重要鸟类为普通燕鸥(1.367 只/hm 2)、池鹭(0.484 只/hm 2)和棕背伯劳(0.338 只/hm 2); 广性分布的有池鹭、普通燕鸥、黑卷尾等22 种;

20、Rufous Fantail ─── n. 棕额扇尾鹟(王鹟科)

21、Rufous Flycatcher ─── n. 棕色蝇霸鹟

22、Rufous Tree-Creeper ─── n. 棕短嘴旋木雀

23、Leaf blade obovate, elliptic, or oblong-elliptic, indumentum thin, felted, brown to rufous, especially on adaxial surface. Fl. Jun. ─── 倒卵形的叶片,椭圆形,或长圆状椭圆形的,毛被薄,毡合,棕色到红棕色,特别在正面上花期6月

24、Rufous Grass Warbler ─── n. 棕草扇尾莺

25、White-browed Rufous Piculet ─── n. 白眉棕啄木鸟

26、Rufous Babbler ─── n. 棕鸫鹛

27、It is commonly rufous, blade fleshy, pour egg form to grow, because appearance resembles a horse,age and get a name. ─── 一般为红褐色,叶片肥厚,为长倒卵形,因为样子像马齿而得名。

28、Rufous Sparrow ─── n. 棕麻雀

29、Rufous Owl ─── n. 棕鹰鸮

30、young shoots with pale rufous tomentum, eglandular. ─── 幼枝具浅的红棕色的绒毛层,无腺体。

31、Rufous Fantial Warbler ─── n. 棕扇尾莺

32、Leaves abaxially densely rusty yellow or rust colored, rarely rufous tomentose; terminal inflorescences short subracemes, rarely cymose panicles, with few flowers. ─── 叶背面密被锈色黄的或锈色,很少红棕色被绒毛;顶生的花序短近总状花序,很少密伞圆锥花序,具很少花。(56

33、Rufous Paradise Flycatcher ─── n. 棕寿带

34、It differs in the smaller size of all parts and rufous scabrous tomentum. ─── 它在全株各部分较小和红棕色的粗糙的绒毛层的方面不同。

35、: There is some rufous blood on the floor. ─── 地面上有一片惨红的血迹。

36、Rufous Nightjar ─── n. 棕夜鹰

37、Rufous Piha ─── n. 棕皮哈

38、Configuration feature: This varietal feature is style does not have wool, corollaceous amaranth, there is rufous spot inside, cry ' piece after working above dark Brown, below Brown. ─── 形态特征: 本变种的特征是花柱无毛,花冠紫红色,内有红褐色斑点,叫‘片干后上面暗褐色,下面褐色。

39、Rufous Sabrewing ─── n. 棕刀翅蜂鸟

40、Rufous Laughingthrush ─── n. 棕噪鹛

41、Rufous Thrush ─── n. 棕鸫

42、Rufous Whistler ─── n. 棕厚头啸鹟

43、Trees up to 15 m tall, glabrous except for rufous pubescent branchlets, stipules, abaxial leaf surface, pedicels, and sepals. ─── 乔木达15米高,除了小枝、托叶、叶背面、花梗和萼片上被红棕色短柔毛外无毛。

44、Rufous Hornero ─── n. 棕灶鸟(灶鸟科)

45、The wake of a hovering rufous hummingbird. Yellow vectors show air velocity, revealed by particle image velocimetry. ─── 棕煌蜂鸟悬停时引发的尾流。黄色的矢量位点是通过粒子图像测速技术显现的气流速度。

46、Square face edges and corners is trenchant, make up the impression shoulds not be too shallow, the impression with ad cool-headed colour adds rufous cheek red, can make square face has strong feeling. ─── 方脸型棱角分明,化妆底色不宜太浅,色彩沉着的底色加上红褐色的面颊红,会使方脸有结实感。

47、Rufous Short-toed Lark ─── n. 棕短趾百灵

48、4(3) Leaves acuminate, margin crenate-serrate, abaxially rufous tomentose on veins at least when young; inflorescence 20-30-flowered; widely distributed in China. ─── 叶渐尖,边缘具圆齿有锯齿,红棕色被绒毛在脉上幼时至少;花序20-30花;在中国的广泛分布。

49、Rufous Piculet ─── n. 姬棕啄木(啄木鸟科)

50、Rufous Cacholote ─── n. 棕卡乔雀

51、Gray-breasted Rufous Fantail ─── n. 灰胸扇尾鹟

52、The black-and-rufous giant elephant shrew hid in his habitat and refused to come out for afternoon feeding. ─── 黑红褐色巨象鼩躲进栖所,拒绝外出接收下午的喂食。

53、Rufous Gnateater ─── n. 棕食蚊鸟

54、capsules oblate, ca. 6 mm in diam., 3-celled, densely rufous crispate lanate. ─── 扁球形的蒴果,直径约6毫米,3室,密被红棕色卷曲绵状毛。

55、Rufous Potoo ─── n. 棕林鸱

56、Rufous Fishing Owl ─── n. 棕渔鸮

57、Rufous Sibia ─── n. 黑头奇鹛(画眉科)

58、1 Leaf blade obovate, elliptic, or oblong-elliptic, indumentum thin, felted, brown to rufous, especially on adaxial surface. ─── 倒卵形的叶片,椭圆形,或长圆状椭圆形,毛被薄,毡状,棕色到红棕色,特别在正面上。

59、Rufous Mourner ─── n. 棕悲雀

60、Rufous powder, Taste bitter easy to absorbmoist ─── 棕红色粉末、味微苦、具引湿性

61、Rufous Wren Warbler ─── n. 棕鹩莺

62、Rufous Turtle Dove ─── n. 山斑鸠

63、Rufous Wren ─── n. 棕鹪鹩(鹪鹩科)

64、Rufous rat-kangaroo ─── n. 赤褐袋鼠

65、rufous albinisim ─── 暗红色白化病

66、Rufous Casiornis ─── n. 棕卡西霸鹟

67、Rufous Hummingbird ─── n. 棕褐蜂鸟(蜂鸟科)

68、These modifying genes are called rufous polygenes and act like, well, a collection of checkers (lets say red and white checkers). ─── 这些修改基因叫做红褐色因子群,它们的控制作用就象一个棋子组合(红和白的跳棋子)。

69、apex obtuse;abaxial surface with persistent, 2-layered indumentum, upper layer fawn to rufous, hairs cup-shaped, only slightly fimbriate, lower layer thin, appressed; ─── 基部楔形先端钝背面具宿存的,2层的毛被,上层淡黄褐色到红棕色,杯状的毛,仅稍流苏状的,下层薄的,贴伏;

70、Great Rufous Woodcreeper ─── n. 大棕砍林鸟

71、young shoots with a thin or thick woolly, whitish to rufous indumentum composed of rosulate, branched or dendroid hairs, sometimes with setae or glands. ─── 幼枝具薄或厚具绵状毛,带白色到红棕色毛被由莲座状组成的,分枝或毛,有时具刚毛或腺体。

72、Rufous mouse-eared bat ─── n. 棕红鼠耳蝠

73、The tiny Rufous hummingbird is able to recall where and when it last dined on the sweet nectar of flowers, according to new research, proving bird brains are smarter than first thought. ─── 一项新的研究显示,小小的棕煌蜂鸟能够回忆起自己上一次在何时何地进食甜蜜的花蕊,从而证明鸟的大脑比人们最初想像的还要聪明。

74、Rufous Bush Robin ─── n. 棕薮鸲

75、Rufous Rock Jumper ─── n. 棕岩鸲

76、Adult: Tail unbarred pale rufous above, slightly paler and greyer below; broad black band along trailing edge of wing. ─── 成鸟:尾羽上部淡棕色,无条纹,下部稍淡而发灰,翼外缘有宽的黑色镶边。

77、abaxial surface discontinuously rufous tomentose, hairs branched to subrosulate; ─── 红棕色被绒毛的不连续地在背面,毛分枝到近莲座状;

78、Rufous Coucal ─── n. 棕鸦鹃

79、Rufous Hornbill ─── n. 棕犀鸟

80、Adult: Tail unbarred pale rufous above, slightly paler and greyer below; broad black band along trailing edge of wing. ─── 成鸟:尾羽上部淡棕色,无条纹,下部稍淡而发灰,翼外缘有宽的黑色镶边。

81、All pale and many rufous morphs have pale head and breast and progressively darker belly. ─── 所有的淡色型和许多棕色型头部和胸部苍白色,胁部渐次发黑。

82、a last rufous mountain with a rich rug of lucerne at its foot. ─── 最后一座红山,山脚布满一片繁茂的紫花苜蓿。

83、Dimorphic Rufous Fantail ─── n. 棕色扇尾鹟

84、Rufous Night-Heron ─── n. 棕夜鹭

85、Rufous Spinetail ─── n. 棕色针尾雀

86、Rufous Field Wren ─── n. 褐刺莺

87、Black-faced Rufous Warbler ─── n. 黑脸棕溪莺

88、Black and rufous elephant-shrew ─── n. 黑象鼩

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