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stirrup 发音

英:[?st?r?p]  美:[?st?r?p]

英:  美:

stirrup 中文意思翻译




stirrup 网络释义

n. [建] 箍筋;马镫;镫形物n. (Stirrup)人名;(英)斯特拉普

stirrup 反义词


stirrup 词性/词形变化,stirrup变形


stirrup 短语词组

1、stirrup iron ─── 马蹬(不连皮带)

2、stirrup pants ( ─── 女式)健美踏脚裤

3、stirrup-piece n. ─── 镫形支架

4、stirrup-shaped ─── [网络] 镫形

5、stirrup bolt ─── 镫式夹螺栓

6、capsule stirrup ─── 胶囊马镫

7、foot stirrup ─── 脚箍

8、stirrup rest ─── 马镫休息

9、swivel stirrup ─── [医] 旋回牵引镫

10、Chutro's stirrup ─── [医] 丘特罗氏牵引镫

11、stirrup cup n. ─── 上马酒(古代骑者在 ─── 上马远行时喝的告别酒)

12、Finochietto's stirrup ─── [医] 菲诺切托氏牵引镫

13、stirrup leather n. ─── 马镫皮带

14、inclined stirrup ─── 斜向箍筋

15、stirrup anastomosis ─── [医] 镫形吻合

16、stirrup (bone) ─── 马镫(骨)

17、stirrup bone ─── [医] 镫骨

18、stirrup pump n. ( ─── 消防用的)手摇灭火泵

19、resilient stirrup ─── 弹性箍筋

stirrup 同义词

stimulation | affect |rouse | arouse | merge | wake up | perturb | shift | evoke | stirring | conjure | rally | hustle | mixture | disturb | bustle | budge | scramble | call down | mix | incite | waken | agitate | to-do | excite | mixing | mingle | blending | shake up | uproar | touch | fuss | put forward | blend | stimulate | bring up | mobilize | splash | jumble | trouble | move | flurry | motivate | invoke | awaken | disquiet | raise | conjure up | commotion | shake | ado | combine | disturbance | call forth

stirrup 特殊用法

1、lifting stirrup ─── 起重框架

2、stirrup for hoisting ─── 起重箍, 起重钳具[夹头]

3、triple-looped stirrup ─── 三匝蹬筋

4、locking stirrup ─── 锁闭马镫铁

5、resilient stirrup ─── 弹性套环扣件

6、ingot stirrup ─── 锭钳

7、vertical stirrup ─── 竖向箍筋

8、U-shaped stirrup ─── 马蹄形蹬铁

stirrup 相似词语短语

1、chirrup ─── v.(小鸟)唧唧叫;(人)尖声说;n.吱吱声

2、stirs up ─── 激起;煽动;搅拌;唤起

3、stir up ─── 激起;煽动;搅拌;唤起

4、stirp ─── n.血统

5、stirred ─── v.搅动(stir的过去式和过去分词)

6、stickup ─── n.粘贴;竖领;强盗;抢劫者;翘器物;adj.粘贴的;竖领的;突出的

7、sirup ─── n.糖浆;糖蜜

8、stirrer ─── n.搅拌器;搅拌用勺子;煽动者

9、stirrups ─── n.[建]箍筋;马镫(stirrup复数)

stirrup 习惯用语

1、hold the stirrups (for) ─── (为某人)扶住马镫, 服侍, 奉承

2、(high) up (in) the stirrups ─── 身分高, 富有

stirrup 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He is shined to come down right, right leg chooses the ground, left foot is however on stirrup, double closefisted holds rein. ─── 他向右被闪下来,右脚点地,左脚却在马镫上,双手紧抓住缰绳。

2、Modeng Town located at Wuxiang County east, the township government locus for the ink stirrup village, is apart from the county 60 kilometers. ─── 墨镫乡位于武乡县东部,乡政府所在地为墨镫村,距县城60公里。

3、stirrup strap ─── n. (=stirrup leather) 马镫皮带

4、The smallest bone is the 'stirrup,' deep in the ear. It is hardly larger than a grain of rice. ─── 人体最小的骨头是镫骨,在耳朵的深部,比一颗米粒大不了多少。

5、foot stirrup ─── 张弦用弩镫

6、In order to study the deformation behavior of steel-encased concrete T-composite beam under pure torsion action, five full size cantilever specimens with different stirrup ratio were designed. ─── 摘要为了研究新型外包钢-砼T形截面组合梁在纯扭作用下的变形性能,设计了5根不同配箍率的的足尺悬臂组合梁。

7、Bohler's extension stirrup ─── 伯勒(氏)牵引镫

8、Parts for the steering stirrup and caliper brake system are shown in dark Blue. ─── 转向系统零件箍筋和卡钳制动显示在深蓝色。

9、stirrup for fingers, traction ─── 指骨牵引镫

10、The Applicable Table of the Stirrup Selection of Shear Wall Restrained Margin Element ─── 剪力墙约束边缘构件箍筋选配实用表格

11、By muting certain requirements of ductility, the limit values of axial compression ratio of C80 SRHC columns are put out, and the influence of stirrup ratio on it is also analyzed. ─── 在满足一定位移延性的基础上,提出了C80型钢高强混凝土柱的轴压比限值;并就配箍率对轴压比限值的影响进行了分析,进一步提出了与不同配箍率相关的轴压比限值.

12、solid stirrup ─── 实心镫

13、For this CNC stirrup bender , many electric and pneumatic parts are imported from Japan and German, such as PLC, servomotor and reducer. ─── 控制系统:该机采用CNC,其中PLC、伺服电机、减速机等关键性电器元件均选用日本、德国等国际名牌产品;

14、U-shape stirrup ─── U形箍筋

15、The shear carried by the concrete and the tendon and the variations of stirrup stress in beams under repeated loading have been analyzed. ─── 文中分析了在重复荷载作用下梁内混凝土承受的剪力和箍筋应力的变化规律。

16、resilient stirrup ─── 弹性套环扣件

17、The design variables include the size of beam sec tion, rebar diameter and quantity of reinforcement, diameter and span of stirrup . ─── 以符合设计条件的梁截面尺寸,主筋直径、根数,箍筋直径、间距为设计变量;

18、double stirrup ─── 双环扣

19、The most common form of web reinforcement used is the vertical stirrup. ─── 最常见的形式箍筋采用的是垂直箍筋。

20、clamping stirrup ─── 夹紧卡箍

21、stirrup anastomosis ─── [医] 镫形吻合

22、stirrup leather ─── n. 马镫皮带

23、For the "horseman" in your life: This heavy 14K yellow and white gold "horse stirrup" bracelet is sure to please that special guy or gal! ─── 您生命的马术师!这款14K黄金和14K白金马镫手链会是您特殊的她(或他)的最爱。

24、Mr Dance told me to jump down and knock, and Dogger gave me a stirrup to descend by. The door was opened almost at once by the maid. ─── 丹斯先生叫我跳下马去敲门,道格让我踩着马镫下了马,我刚敲门,女仆就把门打开了。

25、suspension stirrup ─── 悬吊弓

26、Chutro's stirrup ─── [医] 丘特罗氏牵引镫

27、oxbow stirrup ─── U形马镫

28、Wear cowboy boots or a riding boot with a small heel to help hold your foot in the stirrup without getting stuck. ─── 最好穿后跟较小的牛仔靴或马靴。这样有助于脚保持在马镫里面,且不被卡住。

29、stirrup piece ─── n. 镫形支架

30、When tramping around in snow, I've found stirrup loops to be essential for preventing the trouser cuff from riding up over the top of the boot and letting snow in. ─── 当在雪地里行走是,我发现镫形拉环在防止裤脚缩到靴子顶端上面和防止雪进入靴子是很有必要的。

31、” As a result, the chief of the defense staff, Air Chief Marshal Sir Jock Stirrup, decided “to withdraw Prince Harry from Afghanistan immediately,” the ministry said. ─── 因此,国防部首席长官,空军大元帅约克-斯特鲁普爵士决定“让哈里王子立刻撤出阿富汗”。

32、loading form stirrup ─── T形截面混凝土梁

33、stirrup bone ─── n. 镫骨

34、rear stirrup ─── 后叉

35、volume ratio of stirrup ─── 体积配箍率

36、The first diagonal cracking load analysis of UHPCC prestressed I-Beam without stirrup ─── UHPCC工字型预应力无腹筋梁斜裂载荷分析

37、composite welding ring stirrup ─── 复合焊接环式箍筋

38、Andler's stirrup carrier ─── 安德靳(氏)牵引镫夹取器

39、"If you speak the truth, have a foot in the stirrup. ─── " - Turkish proverb "讲真话的人应该一只脚踩在马镫里.

40、The method for calculating the shear carried by the concrete and the stirrup stress in beams with inclined cracks are suggested in the paper. ─── 提出了有斜裂缝梁内的混凝土承受的剪力和箍筋应力的计算方法。

41、On the nearside, lean out over the ball with weight in the left stirrup. ─── 在左侧,身体向外倾斜,头部在球的上方,重量放在左边脚蹬上。

42、dilator with stirrup lock, uterine ─── 带马镫形锁扣的子宫扩张器

43、triple-looped stirrup ─── 三匝蹬筋

44、By taking axial compression ratio, local angle, stirrup space, the ratio of stirrup and etc. into consideration, the author studies the displacement ductility ratio for speical-shaped columns such as L shape, T shape and t shape. ─── 摘要通过考虑不同轴压比、不同加载角度和不同配筋率等情况,对异形柱位移延性比进行了研究。

45、The first-order effects of the stirrup were dramatic. ─── 马镫的一阶效应已是非常巨大。

46、square stirrup ─── 方形箍筋

47、Stirrup to be used with Pilot ascenders. Features include adjustable length, aluminium stepping platform and a heel closure to keep the foot securely in place. ─── 将使用的马镫与试验上升者。特点包括可调整的长度、铝跨步平台和脚跟关闭安全地保持脚到位。

48、Cross-Jack Yard: Close-up of the Mizen top, shows the stirrup where the foot-rope will reeve. ─── 后桅下桁:后桅桅楼的近摄,显示了穿过脚绳的蹬。

49、Research on reinforced concrete beam with high-strength stirrup under uniform load, ─── 均布荷载下高强箍筋混凝土梁抗剪性能研究

50、Put your left foot in the stirrup. ─── 左脚踩镫.

51、disconnecting stirrup ─── 摘开绳套

52、The most common form of web reinforcement used is the vertical stirrup. ─── 最常见的箍筋采用的是垂直箍筋。

53、Besides, increase of stirrup ratio and longitudinal bars in the end of web also have effect on the ductility of the columns. ─── 增大配箍率及端部加强纵筋对试件的延性有一定的改善。

54、He walked up to the horse and put his foot in the stirrup. ─── 他走到马的身边,把脚踏在马蹬上。

55、On the offside (right), weight in the right stirrup, head over the ball, bring the stick down like a hammer and watch the ball. ─── 在右侧,重量放在右侧脚蹬上,头在马球的上方,球杆像榔头一样向下,眼睛看着球。

56、closed stirrup ─── 封闭式箍筋

57、inclined stirrup ─── 斜面箍筋

58、Horse Equipment Products Hardware ( Bits, Spur, Stirrup etc) Textiles ( Mats, Rugs, Clothes etc) Leather ( Bridle, Saddle, Girth etc) Other accessories ─── [相关分类:赛马,运动安全,小地毯和垫席,皮革产品

59、Two or three had a straw rope attached to the cross-bar of the dray, and suspended under them like a stirrup, which supported their feet. ─── 有两三个人把草绳拴在车底的横杆上,象个马镫似的悬在身体的下面,托着他们的脚。

60、stirrup pump ─── n. 手摇灭火泵

61、She tried to put her foot into the stirrup. ─── 她试图把脚放进马镫里。

62、stirrup (bone) ─── stapes

63、Finochietto's stirrup ─── [医] 菲诺切托氏牵引镫

64、She had to lengthen her stirrup leathers. ─── 她得放长马镫皮带。

65、journal stirrup ─── 支耳

66、extension stirrup with protected stainless steel pin ─── 带防护不锈钢针的牵引镫

67、split stirrup ─── 分离镫

68、The influence on SRC wide beam on its load-bearing capacity by the stirrup ratio and its shaped steel height is researched in this paper. ─── 主要研究配箍率和型钢腹板高度对型钢混凝土扁梁抗剪承载能力的影响。

69、stirrup cup ─── n. 上马酒(古代骑者在上马远行时喝的告别酒)

70、E: To get started, just put your left foot in the stirrup and swing your right foot over.Make sure to hold on to the pommel while you do,'cause you could slip otherwise. ─── 开始的时候,把左脚放在马镫上,随后跨上右脚。注意这么做的时候拉住鞍桥,不然可能会滑下去。

71、T-beam stirrup ─── 丁字梁箍筋

72、double stirrup add bracing construction ─── 双抱箍法

73、Quickly seizing his gun, Hadji Murad placed his foot in the narrow stirrup, and silently and easily throwing his body across, swung himself onto the high cushion of the saddle. ─── 他很快抓住枪,阿方在狭窄的Murad脚放在马蹬、默念易身上扔海峡,随即推高自己的鞍垫。

74、The invention of the stirrup is imputed to the Chinese. ─── 人们认为,马镫是中国人发明的。

75、round stirrup ─── 圆箍筋

76、Wear cowboy boots or a riding boot with a small heel to help hold your foot in the stirrup without getting stuck. ─── 最好穿后跟较小的牛仔靴或马靴。这样有助于脚保持在马镫里面,且不被卡住。

77、He walked up to the horse and put his foot in the stirrup. ─── 他走到马的身边,把脚踏在马蹬上。

78、extension stirrup with cord and hook ─── 带绳及钩的牵引镫

79、It is also good practice in case you lose your stirrup during a chukka. ─── 万一你在比赛中失落脚蹬,这也会是个很好的练习。

80、ent manner, the optimization arrangement manner of stirrup in frame column is presented that distributing stirrup of the same section to adjacent region between two stirrup sections. ─── [摘要] 在分析传统复合箍筋布置方式优缺点的基础上,提出了框架柱箍筋的优化布置方式,即将同一截面上的复合箍筋分散到相邻箍筋截面中间。

81、Closed stirrup with flash butt welding method can not only avoid malpractices in normal closed stirrup construction, but also can improve construction quality&& work efficiency with fewer steel materials. ─── 将箍筋用闪光对焊焊成封闭环式,不但可以避免常规箍筋安装中的弊端,提高工程质量,还可以节省钢材、高工效,具有良好的社会效益和经济效益。

82、PETRUCHIO. Where be these knaves? What, no man at door To hold my stirrup nor to take my horse! Where is Nathaniel, Gregory, Philip? ─── 彼特鲁乔:这些混账东西都在哪里?怎么门口没有一个人来扶我的马镫,接我的马?纳森聂尔!葛雷古利!腓力普!

83、On the offside (right), weight in the right stirrup , head over the ball, bring the stick down like a hammer and watch the ball. ─── 在右侧,重量放在右侧脚蹬上,头在马球的上方,球杆像榔头一样向下,眼睛看着球。

84、u stirrup ─── u 形箍筋

85、safety stirrup ─── 安全卡盘

86、A displacement-based deformation capacity design method was then developed for RC cantilever walls, with an expression for the stirrup characteristic value for a specified drift demand. ─── 在此基础上,提出了RC剪力墙基于位移的变形能力设计方法,得到了RC剪力墙在不同位移角要求下配箍特征值的计算公式。

87、If you're going to tell the truth, you better have one foot in the stirrup. ─── 踩着马镫再讲实话。哈哈,免得跑不迭。

88、swivel stirrup ─── [医] 旋回牵引镫

89、canvas stirrup ─── 帆布镫形带

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