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08-14 投稿


diffuseness 发音

英:[d??fju?sn?s]  美:[d??fju?sn?s]

英:  美:

diffuseness 中文意思翻译



diffuseness 短语词组

1、diffuseness definition ─── 扩散度定义

2、diffuseness def ─── 扩散定义

3、diffuseness versus specificity ─── 扩散性与特异性

4、diffuseness meaning ─── 扩散意义

5、diffuseness synonyms ─── 扩散同义词

diffuseness 相似词语短语

1、diluteness ─── 稀释

2、differentness ─── 差异性

3、diffusibleness ─── 扩散性

4、diffusedness ─── n.普及,散布

5、profuseness ─── n.挥霍;丰富

6、diffuses ─── adj.弥漫的;散开的;vt.扩散;传播;漫射;vi.传播;四散

7、diffusiveness ─── 扩散

8、diffusers ─── n.[机]扩散器(diffuser的复数形式);柔光镜

9、diverseness ─── n.多样性;不同

diffuseness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Its essence is the course of knowledge diffuseness . ─── 其本质是知识的传播与扩散的过程。

2、diffus neuroendocrine system ─── 弥散性神经内分泌系统

3、It is the diffuseness of China's religion that has witnessed and formed the social order of power. ─── 正是这种扩散的宗教形式,证明并构成了中国社会之中的权力秋序。

4、New modes and media of inheritance and diffuseness have accelerated contemporary inheritance of Yi flower-drum dance. ─── 新的传承和传播方式和媒介的出现,共同推进了彝族花鼓舞的当代传承。

5、Mixing at the bottom is mainly composed of diffuseness and convection, while in place near free space, convection plays key role in blending. ─── 床层下部速度波动有利于颗粒在床内的扩散及对流混合。

6、Abstract:This paper generalizes the origin, diffuseness and distributing of the veranda style ar-chitecture in the world, and expatiates the evolution of the veranda style architecture in China. ─── 摘要:本文简要概括了外廊式建筑在世界的起源、传播与分布,并重点阐述了外廊式建筑在中国的发展。

7、It is the diffuseness of China's religion that has witnessed and formed the social order of power. ─── 正是这种扩散的宗教形式,证明并构成了中国社会之中的权力秋序。

8、Francois Sillion and Clande Puech,“A General Two-Pass Method Integrating Specular and Diffus Reflection”, ACM Computer Graphics, Vol 23, No. 3, pp.335-344, 1989. ─── 张忠宝、陈利琮、王宗铭,“提高蒙地卡罗直接照明法效能的两种技巧”,中兴大学工程学刊第十二卷,第一期,民国九十一年三月.

9、The Olympic Games is an international sports event and tourism focus.The effective marketing is indispensable to the diffuseness of Olympic image. ─── 奥运会作为一个世界性的旅游开发热点,其形象的宣传离不开有效的营销策略。

10、In the form of institution, the public religion is also of feature of diffuseness, concerning all activities and value of acts in the form of private religion. ─── 这个制度形式的“公共宗教”,同时也包含了“私人宗教”形式及其一切活动和价位行动,表现出最为扩散的宗教形式。

11、His musical composition matches the tautness of the novel, and what he calls its "almost total lack of diffuseness". ─── 他的作曲完全契合了这部小说紧凑的风格。

12、The Agricultural Sci-tech Innovation Development and the Technical Diffuseness of Shanxi Province ─── 山西省农业科技创新发展与技术扩散

13、Keywords relaxor ferroelectrics;aging;field-induced phase transition;diffuseness; ─── 弛豫铁电体;老化;场诱导相变;弥散度;

14、Formulate the diffuseness of photosensitizer and oxygen in tissues by the Ficks law. ─── 用Fick定律描述光敏剂和氧在组织中的扩散和分布;

15、This paper discusses a few theoretical problems related to diffuseness of word meaning. ─── 本文探讨了与模糊词义有关的几个理论问题。

16、The marriage convenance of ancient Rome contains abundant cultural implications.We can see the folk-custom diffuseness of ancient Rome and spirit of culture. ─── 古罗马婚姻礼仪蕴含着丰富的文化内涵,从中也可以看出古罗马民俗的流传及罗马文化精神。

17、This paper generalizes the origin, diffuseness and distributing of the veranda style architecture in the world, and expatiates the evolution of the veranda style architecture in China. ─── 本文简要概括了外廊式建筑在世界的起源、传播与分布,并重点阐述了外廊式建筑在中国的发展。

18、The Agricultural Sci-tech Innovation Development and the Technical Diffuseness of Shanxi Province ─── 山西省农业科技创新发展与技术扩散

19、The functions of their diffuseness, orientation, agglomeration, catalyzer and controls are indispensable factors of science development. ─── 其传播功能、导向功能、凝聚功能、催化功能和控制功能等等是科学事业发展中必不可少的重要因素。

20、Formulate the diffuseness of photosensitizer and oxygen in tissues by the Ficks law. ─── 用Fick定律描述光敏剂和氧在组织中的扩散和分布;

21、Keywords modeling powder;adsorption;diffuseness;dispersion force;orientation force;induction force; ─── 关键词造型粉;黏结吸附;扩散;色散力;取向力;诱导力;

22、but diffuseness and warmth remained for Bingley's salutation. ─── 但是说到词气周到,情意恳切,可就比不上彬格莱先生那几声问候。

23、Multicultural Diffuseness and Development of Commodity Economy in Ethnic Areas of Southwest Frontier Region--Taking Northwest Yunnan in Ming and Qing Dynasties as the Example ─── 多元文化传播与西南边疆民族地区商品经济成长--以明清时期的滇西北地区为例

24、systema nervorum diffus ─── 分散性神经系统

25、Keywords suburbanites of Shanghai;surname;intermarriage scope;correlation analysis;principal components analysis;pedigree records;simulative test;natural diffuseness; ─── 上海郊区;姓氏;通婚范围;相关分析;主成分分析;家谱;模拟测试;自然扩散;

26、Because of sedimentation and trapped nutriments, rules of transportation and diffuseness of nutriments may also change in downstream river corridor of a dam. ─── 许多学者对此持不同意见,他们认为由于河流的自然演变及人类活动影响,已经形成了新的河流生态系统,使其逆转到原始状态是不可能的。

27、Cultural Diffuseness ─── 文化传播

28、Insulin sensitivity and the diffuseness of coronary artery disease in humans ─── 胰岛素敏感性与冠状动脉病变弥漫性的关系

29、There existing out-fields in the solution, the dynamic equation of solute diffuseness in the solution is deduced from the lattice theory of liquid quasi-crystalline structure. ─── 从液体似晶结构的“格子”理论出发,推导了有外场存在情况下溶液溶质扩散转移的动力学方程。

30、Its essence is the course of knowledge diffuseness. ─── 其本质是知识的传播与扩散的过程。

31、Discusses on synergism-enhanced action of out-fields on solute diffuseness in the solution ─── 论溶液中外场对溶质扩散的协同强化作用

32、His musical composition matches the tautness of the novel, and what he calls its "almost total lack of diffuseness" . ─── 他优美的作曲与该小说紧绷的氛围以及被他称之为“几乎完全不冗长”的风格相得益彰。

33、This paper discusses a few theoretical problems related to diffuseness of word meaning. ─── 本文探讨了与模糊词义有关的几个理论问题。

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