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08-14 投稿


Ceylonese 中文意思翻译



Ceylonese 短语词组

1、ceylonese names ─── 锡兰人的名字

2、ceylonese art ─── 锡兰艺术

3、ceylonese 2 ─── 锡兰语2

4、Ceylonese Rebellion ─── 锡兰人叛乱

5、ceylonese caste ─── 锡兰种姓

Ceylonese 相似词语短语

1、Veronese ─── adj.维罗纳人的;维罗纳的;n.维罗纳人;n.(Veronese)(意)韦罗内塞(人名)

2、clones ─── n.无性繁殖系个体;复制品(clone的复数);v.复制(clone的单三形式);[遗]使无性繁殖

3、Celanese ─── n.纤烷丝(一种人造丝);赛拉尼斯

4、chersonese ─── n.半岛

5、ceylonites ─── n.锡兰石;[矿物]镁铁尖晶石

6、Ceylonese ─── adj.锡兰的;锡兰人的;n.锡兰人

7、ceylonite ─── n.锡兰石;[矿物]镁铁尖晶石

8、chalones ─── n.[生化]抑素

9、chelones ─── 先令

Ceylonese 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ceylon White-headed Starling ─── n. 斯里白头椋鸟

2、Ceylon Spurfowl ─── n. 斯里鸡鹑

3、"From the late 18th century it Began to Build power in Malaya and acquired the Cape of Good Hope, Ceylon, and Malta." ─── 18世纪末期开始在马来亚建立势力,并夺取好望角、锡兰和马尔他。

4、One species in Ceylon and one from Philippines to New Guinea.Not much imported,and about one dozen mixed in one vessl from New Guinea,Tawau in Sabah and hill areas in Sarawak. ─── 仅2种?一种分布于锡兰?另一种分布区域由菲律宾至新几内亚、进口量不大?主要进口由新几内亚沙巴之斗湖及沙唠越之高山区。

5、Ceylon Whistling Thrush ─── n. 斯里兰卡啸鸫

6、Glass Beads, Rocaillies Beads, 15/0-6/0, Square, Round Hole, Bugles Beads, 2 Cut Beads, Silverlined, Rainbow, Lustered, Ceylon, Opaque, Transparent, Inside Color, Coating Color, etc. ─── 可用来装饰的玻璃珠 尺寸:15/0-6/0圆洞珠, 方洞珠, 2-5分管珠, 外角珠. 颜色: 透明, 灌银, 透明五彩, 透明奶油, 电镀, 瓷玉, 五彩瓷玉, 奶油瓷玉, 中染及奶油中染系列等等.

7、Polarimetric, singleace and lutegrating fiber optic sensors have ceylon advantages overconvenhonal sensors so they can be used as optimal sensing system/elements in an electrorheological structure. ─── 光纤传感器因具有抗电磁干扰、灵敏度高、可挠曲铺设等优点,故成为构成智能结构传感系统的最佳方案。

8、A Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon - Index to Volumes 1-14 ─── 斯里兰卡植物老修订手册:索引与第1-14卷

9、The dominanceof tea over coffee in the British Empire canbe traced to the failure of coffee in British Ceylon in the 1870s due to infectionwith leaf blight, caused by the fungus Hemileia vastatrix. ─── 在大英帝国时期,由于感染了由真菌咖啡锈病引起的枯叶病,茶叶的优势超过咖啡可以被追溯到十九世纪七十年代英国在锡兰种植咖啡的失败。

10、His right hand once more more slowly went over again: choice blend, made of the finest Ceylon brands ─── 他又读了一遍,精选配制,用最优良的锡兰[5]品种配制而成。

11、Twinings Earl Grey blend includes China tea, Indian Darjeeling, Ceylon, and a hint of Lapsang souchong, a strong, "smoky" black tea. ─── Twinings的混合伯爵茶包括中国茶,印度大吉岭茶,锡兰茶和微量的正山小种(中国产上等红茶,有明显的烟熏香味)。

12、Ceylon Dusky Blue Flycatcher ─── n. 锡兰暗蓝鹟

13、All Ceylon Buddhist Students Federation ─── 全锡兰佛教学生联合会

14、Ceylon Frogrnouth ─── n. 领蛙口鸱

15、Air Ceylon ─── 斯里兰卡航空公司

16、Tropical Africa,India,Ceylon,Borneo,New Guinea and Microesia.Afromosia in west Africa belonging to the same genus. ─── 分布于热带非洲、印度、锡兰、婆罗洲、新机内亚、波里尼西亚、西非。

17、ceylon sorrowless tree (saraca declimata) ─── 垂枝无忧花

18、But Bibhishana, the King of Ceylon, said, 'I bow down to Narayana and to none else. ─── 但是锡兰的国王比比萨纳说:‘除了那罗延纳以外,我不会向任何人倔从。’

19、We use the best materials and controls to ensure that your teabag serves up the very essence of the superlative qualities of Ceylon tea in each cup. ─── 我们使用最好的材料和制作工艺来确保您的每一杯茶都具有锡兰红茶的极致品质真谛。

20、Its flavor is sharper and less subtle, and the bark is thicker than that of the Ceylon cinnamon tree. ─── 它的味道是更加强烈和较不纤细的,并且树皮是比那锡兰桂香树更加厚实。

21、I consider it originally as a dragon head Ceylon Dao at a sight when I get up!This is the very bullfight of Ming dynasty's style! ─── 刚起来猛一看还以为是把龙首锡兰刀呢!这才是明代风格的斗牛啊!

22、Ceylon sore mouth ─── 热带口炎性腹泻

23、Perara J:Anatomy of the origin of the deep femoral artery. Ceylon Med J.1995;4 0(4):139. ─── 王启华,孙博主编:临床解剖学丛书(四肢分册).人民卫生出版社1991;274.

24、Our master tasters have carefully chosen and crafted this teabag using quality teas from the famous Ceylon tea regions for your tasting pleasure. ─── 我们的茶叶鉴赏大师们会针对您的口感兴趣从斯里兰卡最富盛名茶叶产区仔细精选和雕琢高品质茶叶制作这些茶包。

25、Chinese tree with aromatic bark; yields a less desirable cinnamon than Ceylon cinnamon. ─── 中国肉桂树种;气味亚于印度肉桂。

26、The picture shows the unit's liaison officers being trained in Ceylon. ─── 图为该部队联络官在锡兰基地受训时合影。

27、Ceylon Junglefowl ─── n. 蓝喉原鸡

28、Soon, the Dutch began importing and growing coffee in places like Java and Ceylon (largely through slave labor), and the British East India Trading Company was popularizing the beverage in England. ─── 很快,荷兰引进咖啡豆并在爪哇、锡兰(大多是奴隶劳动)等地开始种植。大不列颠东印度贸易公司将这种饮料在英国普及开来。

29、Ceylon calumba ─── [医] 锡兰防己

30、visit sri lanka (ceylon) in indian ocean brought by srilanka.com offerring news and information on srilankan hotels ... ─── 工程:(凉水塔防腐、地下室)堵漏;高空 安装工程 :(避雷针、航标灯、爬梯)安装 ...

31、Ceylon long-tailed shrew ─── n. 斯里兰卡长尾麝鼩

32、The ancient capital of Singhalese kings of Ceylon, it has extensive ruins and is a Buddhist pilgrimage center.Population, 3',000. ─── 是锡兰岛锡兰族国王的古都,有大片的废墟并且是佛教朝圣中心。

33、First of all, one should use Indian or Ceylonese tea. ─── 首先,你得用印度或者斯里兰卡茶。

34、Ceylon,depends on its center location,became an advanced culture place where to know the West better and Chinese businessman meet Arabia dealers as well. ─── 沿印度洋海岸也有丝绸贸易。

35、The main tea-producing areas are India, China, including Taiwan, Sri Lanks (Ceylon) and Japan. ─── 主要的产茶地区有印度、中国(包括台湾)、斯里兰卡(锡兰)和日本。

36、Ceylon ironwood ─── 斯里兰卡铁力木

37、A cofounder of the Jesuit order(1534) with Ignatius of Loyola, he established missionaries in Japan, Ceylon, and the East Indies. ─── 沙勿略,弗朗西斯1506-1552西班牙传教士,他和罗耀拉一起创建了天主教耶稣会,后在日本、锡兰和东印度建立传教区

38、Ceylon Wood Pigeon ─── n. 紫头林鸽

39、one of two great schools of Buddhist doctrine emphasizing personal salvation through one's own efforts; chiefly in Sri_Lanka (Ceylon); Myanmar (Burma); Thailand; Cambodia. ─── 佛教的二大流派之一:流行于室利兰卡,缅甸,泰国和柬埔寨;强调通过个人信仰争取个人救赎。

40、Ceylon Caecilian ─── n. 双带鱼螈(鱼螈科,双带鱼螈)

41、During the battle HMAS Perth was sunk and Hobart was damaged before proceeding to Ceylon. ─── 在战役中,HMAS珀斯号被击沉,霍巴特号受到损伤后开向锡兰。

42、Ceylon cardamom ─── 大果型小豆蔻

43、The best Indian and Ceylon ebony is produced by D. ebenum, which grows in abundance west of Trincomalee in Sri Lanka. ─── 最好的印度和锡兰乌木取自D. ebenum,广布斯里兰卡亭可马里(Trincomalee)以西的平原地区。

44、A city of central Sri Lanka east-northeast of Colombo. The last capital of the ancient kings of Ceylon,it is a resort and religious center. Population,97,872. ─── 康提斯里兰卡中部一城市。位于科隆坡东北偏东。该市曾为古代锡兰国王的最后一个首都,现为旅游胜地和宗教中心。人口97,872。

45、Ceylon persimmon sawdust ─── 乌木屑

46、English tea is mainly from India or Ceylon, which was originally transported by the East India Company. ─── 国内,很难想象回国又这样的机会。回国了就要开始烦恼了。

47、Ceylon Killifish ─── n. 锡兰单唇鳉(鳉科)

48、Ceylon cinnamon bark oil ─── 斯里兰卡肉桂皮油

49、Ceylon kino ─── 斯里兰卡吉纳树胶

50、They also played in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), as well as India, Iran, Iraq and Turkey. ─── 他们也在阿富汗,巴基斯坦,锡兰(现斯里兰卡)和印度,伊朗,伊拉克,土耳其演出。

51、of or relating to Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) or its people or culture. ─── 属于或关于斯里兰卡(原来是锡兰)、斯里兰卡人或斯里兰卡文化的。

52、Spanish Jesuit missionary. A cofounder of the Jesuit order(1534) with Ignatius of Loyola, he established missionaries in Japan, Ceylon, and the East Indies. ─── 沙勿略,弗朗西斯1506-1552西班牙传教士,他和罗耀拉一起创建了天主教耶稣会,后在日本、锡兰和东印度建立传教区

53、Sri Lanka, rich in spirituality and famous for its Ceylon tea, is a small island country in the Indian Ocean, south of India. ─── 斯里兰卡是一个印度洋小岛国,位于印度南方,富有灵性,以盛产锡兰茶闻名。

54、Ceylon helminthostachys rhizome ─── 入地蜈蚣

55、Cinnamon is the ground inner bark of Cinnamomum zeylanicum, principally grown in Ceylon. ─── 桂皮是樟属植物内皮研磨而成,主要生长在锡兰(现在叫斯里兰卡)。

56、The Silk Road on the Sea extends from southern China to present day Brunei, Thailand, Malacca, Ceylon, India, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Iran. ─── 海上丝绸之路从中国南部一直伸展到今天的文莱、泰国、马六甲海峡、锡兰、印度、巴基斯坦、菲律宾和伊朗。

57、Ceylon Magpie ─── n. 斯里蓝鹊

58、Ceylon satinwood ─── 东印度椴木

59、First of all, one should use Indian or Ceylonese tea. ─── 首先,应该喝印度茶或锡兰茶。

60、Ceylon Grey Hornbill ─── n. 斯里兰卡灰犀鸟

61、500 chests Ceylon black tea ─── 500箱锡兰红茶

62、peafowl of India and Ceylon. ─── 产于印度和斯里兰卡的孔雀。

63、This is where he befriends two other Ceylonese boys and escapes the supervision of an almost-aunt in first class. ─── 在船上,迈克尔与另外两名锡兰男孩成了朋友,并且逃离一等舱姨妈一样的女人的监视。

64、For aroma and flavor, I think you can't beat Ceylon teas. ─── 就香气和味道来说,我想什么也比不过锡兰茶。

65、Ceylon White-Eye ─── n. 斯里绣眼鸟

66、From the standpoint of know-how the only difference between the miner of graphite in Ceylon and the logger in Oregon is in the type of know-how. ─── 从实际知识的角度看,远在锡兰的石墨开采工与俄勒冈的伐木工之间的唯一区别,仅在于实际知识的类型不同。

67、It was one of these missions which carried that cutting of the Bo Tree, of which we have already told, to ceylon ─── 我们已经谈过,把菩提树的一枝带到锡兰去的,就是其中的一个使团。

68、A city of central Sri Lanka east-northeast of Colombo. The last capital of the ancient kings of Ceylon, it is a resort and religious center. Population, 97, 872. ─── 康提斯里兰卡中部一城市。位于科隆坡东北偏东。该市曾为古代锡兰国王的最后一个首都,现为旅游胜地和宗教中心。人口97,872

69、The expert recognises Ceylon sapphires from the luminosity and brilliance of their light to medium blue colour. ─── 专家认可锡兰青玉从他们 的光光度和光华对中等蓝色颜色。

70、Ceylon Coucal ─── n. 锡兰鸦鹃

71、Managing the land by advocating the law that with possessing ceylon land one man must serve as corvee; ─── 主张以“配丁田法”管理土地;

72、Ceylon Hanging Parrot ─── n. 锡兰短尾鹦鹉

73、In Ceylon, for instance, he helped restore the legitimate ruler to the throne. ─── 例如,在锡兰(即今天的斯里兰卡),他扶持合法统治者重登王位。

74、a republic on an the island of Ceylon. ─── 位于锡兰岛上的一个共和国。

75、The oldest sapphire finds are in Ceylon, or Sri Lanka as it is known today. ─── 最古老的蓝宝石产地是在锡兰,今日称为斯里兰卡。

76、Tenders may be sent through the post under Registered cover or could be deposited in the tender box provided for this purpose at the office of the Deputy General Manager (NWP), Ceylon Electricity Board, Assedduma, Kuliyapitiya. ─── 我们努力在此网站发布最准确和最及时的信息,但我们不可能保证所有提供的信息都是完全正确的。

77、Ceylonese jewel merchants tell Ma Huan that their rubies are the crystallized tears of Buddha. ─── 锡兰珠宝商告诉马欢,他们的红宝石是佛陀眼泪的结晶。

78、An Indian or Ceylonese messenger, servant, or foot soldier. ─── 印度或锡兰的传令兵、仆人或步兵

79、China cotton; Ceylon cotton; Siam cotton; tree cotton ─── 中国棉;锡兰棉;暹罗棉;木棉

80、Ceylon graphite ─── 斯里兰卡天然石墨

81、This is further characterized by the addition of accent brought in from English tutorscoming from India, Ceylon, and Scotland etc. ─── 加上从印度、锡兰、苏格兰、爱尔兰等地招聘的英文老师带有家乡口音,而本地师资也良莠不齐,为新加坡英语的形成提供了温室。

82、burrowing scaly-tailed rat of India and Ceylon. ─── 产于印度和锡兰的尾巴上有鳞的穴居鼠。

83、Ceylonese rats ─── n. 斯里兰卡鼠属

84、Spanish Jesuit missionary. A cofounder of the Jesuit order(1534) with Ignatius of Loyola,he established missionaries in Japan,Ceylon,and the East Indies. ─── 沙勿略,弗朗西斯1506-1552西班牙传教士,他和罗耀拉一起创建了天主教耶稣会,后在日本、锡兰和东印度建立传教区。

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