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08-14 投稿


falsity 发音

英:['f??ls?t?; 'f?ls?t?]  美:['f?ls?ti]

英:  美:

falsity 中文意思翻译



falsity 短语词组

1、falsity define ─── 虚假定义

2、falsity law ─── 虚假定律

3、falsity seen ─── 看到虚假了吗

4、falsity definition ─── 错误定义

5、falsity and failure ─── 错误与失败

6、falsity of idolatry ─── 偶像崇拜的虚假性

7、falsity antonym ─── 虚假反义词

8、falsity means ─── 虚假意味着

9、falsity syn ─── 假同步

falsity 同义词

inaccuracy | falsehood | untruth | dishonesty |falseness | hollowness | incorrectness | deceptiveness | fallaciousness

falsity 词性/词形变化,falsity变形

名词复数: falsities |

falsity 反义词


falsity 相似词语短语

1、falsie ─── 女用衬胸

2、fabulosity ─── n.非现实性;传说性质;无稽

3、falsies ─── n.假乳房(使乳房看起来丰满的胸罩衬垫,falsie的复数)

4、falsely ─── adv.错误地;虚伪地;不实地

5、falsism ─── n.极为明显的谬论

6、falsify ─── vt.伪造;篡改;歪曲;证明...虚假;vi.撒谎

7、falsish ─── 法尔西什

8、varsity ─── n.大学;大学运动代表队;adj.大学代表队的

9、callosity ─── n.无情;老茧皮;硬结

falsity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、difficult to convict him of the falsity of his beliefs. ─── 难以使他认识到他信仰的虚假性。

2、Inference. Discriminating among degrees of truth or falsity of inferences drawn from given data; ─── 推断。从所给的材料中区分正确或错误推断的程度。

3、I have therefore to request that you will promptly advise me of the truth or falsity of these statements. ─── 我所以要求你立即把这些消息的真伪告诉我。

4、In the agreement or disagreement of its sense with reality,its truth or falsity consists. ─── 222它的实际意思与现实相符或者不相符,从而它为真或者为假。

5、The basic cause of the financial falsity in listed company is from the imperfection of senior partner's voting rights and non-transaction. ─── 而大股东投票权的非完备性:拥有股权的不可交易性,成为上市公司财务虚假的根本原因。

6、any evidence that helps to establish the falsity of something. ─── 否定一个已经证实的事情的证据。

7、He nearly give in.After he back home,His mother comfort him,and help him with summing up his falsity . ─── 小明回到家后,他的妈妈安慰了他,并帮他总结错误。

8、recognition of falsity ─── 辨伪

9、falsity water level ─── 假液位

10、The Falsity of Comparative Advantages Theory and the Historical Experiences on Industrialization in China ─── 比较优势理论的误区与中国工业化战略选择的经验教训

11、For a mathematician, a theory is complete if its axioms and rules of inference are powerful enough to prove the truth or falsity of any formula that can be expressed in the language of the theory. ─── 对于数学家来说,如果推导一个理论的定理和规则能足够强有力地证明任何可以用理论的语言被表达的表达式真或假的话,那么这个理论就是完整的。

12、Identify the attack and show that the character or circumstances of theperson has nothing to do with the truth or falsity of the propositionbeing defended. ─── 证明:识别攻击并且指出人的特点和社会关系与需要辩护的观点的正确错误并无关系。

13、41 Truth-possibilities of elementary propositions are the conditions of the truth and falsity of propositions. ─── 41基本命题的其值可能性是命题真和假的条件。

14、On the appearance although"disorderly", although"full", this is exactly the author to pursue, "full" medium have truth or falsity, "disorderly" medium have order. ─── 画面上虽然“乱”了,虽然“满”了,这正是作者的追求,“满”中有虚实,“乱”中有秩序。

15、the event will prove cross, and the matter come to no good end;for Scorpio is a sign of falsity. ─── 或火星在命宫,事件将翻腾复杂,且结果不吉,因天蝎为虚诈星座。

16、The phenomena of accounting information falsity of listed corporations have surfaced now and then,and the trend is getting worse. ─── 近年来,上市公司会计信息失真现象层出不穷、屡禁不止,而且有愈演愈烈之势。

17、( Even someone thinks that that dog is wild kind of dog and the half-blooded animal of of liger, this is to have no science according to, is to hide an Ao dog to grow of falsity and misunderstanding. ─── 甚至有人认为该犬是野种犬与狮虎之间的混血动物,这是没有科学根据的,是对藏獒犬种的歪曲和误解。

18、And so too it is a very important fact that the truth or falsity of non-logical propositions cannot be recognized from the propositions alone. ─── 因此,一个同样也是非常重要的事实是:非逻辑命题的真或假不能单从命题本身看出来。

19、Isabel had been thinking all day of her falsity, her audacity, her ability. ─── 伊莎贝尔整天都在想着她的虚伪,她的无耻,她的手腕。

20、She wrote a lot of books that exposed the avarice of the authoritarian .the autocracy of the autocrat and the falsity of the autonomy. ─── 她写了许多书,暴露了权力主义者的贪婪,独裁者的独裁政体和自治权的虚伪。

21、We have shown the falsity of the story . ─── 我们已证明那个报道不真实。

22、If you are angry with that the press have given by the Chinese government and the death caused by that,I want to ask you:are you sure there are no falsity? ─── 如果你是愤怒与新闻界已经遭到了中国政府和死亡原因是由这一事件引起的,我想问你:你确定他们不虚假?

23、This film reflects falsity and cruelty of feodal courtesy and a generation's disillision by means of a big family of four genetations.It's a harmonious family on the surface. ─── 影片从一个四世同堂的大家庭的衰弱反映了封建礼教的虚伪残酷和一代青年的觉醒。

24、The concepts of truth and falsity have different logical meanings: 1.They show whether the subjects' understanding of object is in accordance with the objective reality in a proposition. 2. ─── 摘要真和假两个概念在逻辑学中有不同的含义:一是在命题的特征中它们表达主体对客体的认识是否和客观实际情况相一致的问题;

25、It is as if there are two TRUTHS: one that is dull, flat, boring, at least in the eyes of those who daub it with falsity; the other ... ─── 仿佛有两种真实:一种灰色,平淡,厌烦,起码在那些用虚假涂抹粉饰的人眼里看如此;另一种......

26、Fact, is the life of all things; falsity, fiction, or whatever it may call itself, is certain to be the death. ─── 真实,事实,是一切事物的生命;虚假,虚构,或者它可能自称的任何名目,都必定是死亡。

27、They suggest consumers not being mislead by the falsity advertisement. ─── 他们建议消费者不要被虚假广告引入歧途(误导).

28、Based on an explanation of the definition, forms and characteristics of social falsity, this paper explores the causes of social falsity and the ways our society returns from falsity to truth. ─── 本文在对什么是社会的虚假性、社会虚假性的表现和社会虚假性特征阐述的基础上,对产生社会虚假性的原因进行了探析;

29、He stressed to distinguish the truth and falsity from the book studied, not to follow the book blindly; ─── 他强调治学要甄别书中真伪,不可盲从书籍;

30、The essential of falsity is male might of utterance around male consciousness. ─── 虚妄的实质在于男性意识中心下的男性话语强权。

31、This not only exposed the falsity of "sur-perception", but also pushed the criticism to a new step. ─── 这不仅戳穿了“超感性世界”观的虚假性,而且将对它的批料引向深入。

32、Falsity of accountant information and preventive measures ─── 谈会计信息的虚假及防范措施

33、cause of falsity ─── 虚假原因

34、Yet the evidence of its falsity is undeniable. ─── 然而前提虚假的证据是无可争辩的。

35、Her sense of Mrs. Penniman's innocent falsity, which had lain dormant, began to haunt her again ─── 她感到对佩尼曼太太无知与虚伪的那种厌恶在潜伏一阵之后又开始来纠缠她了。

36、Whatever he tried to be, whatever he took up, evil and falsity drove him back again and cut him off from every field of energy. ─── 无论他想做一个什么人,无论他着手做什么事,罪恶与虚伪都把他推开,挡住他所活动的一切途径。

37、It is as if there are two TRUTHS: one that is dull, flat, boring, at least in the eyes of those who daub it with falsity ; the other . . . ─── 仿佛有两种真实:一种灰色,平淡,厌烦,起码在那些用虚假涂抹粉饰的人眼里看如此;另一种…

38、The compatibility of the two expressions lie in merely pursuing the reality of fact, avoiding the possible falsity of fact and the unreality of fact. ─── 在事实认定可能并非真实的情况下,通过正当法律程序、协商与沟通以及法律论证,达到事实认定与判决的可接受性,是保障判决合法性的关键。

39、Basic methods of handling operation stratagems are “flexible application of dispersion and concentration”, of “normal and special strategies” and of “falsity and truth”. ─── 虚实既指力量的强弱,又指现象的真假。

40、Falsity Reserve Fallacy ─── 假值保留谬误

41、He nearly give in. After he back home, His mother comfort him, and help him with summing up his falsity . ─── 小明回到家后,他的妈妈安慰了他,并帮他总结错误。

42、The third aspect deals with the problem consciousness in literary study, making a preliminary analysis of the significance, truth or falsity, and creativeness of problem. ─── 三是关于文艺研究中的问题意识,对于问题的意义、问题的真伪和问题的创生性作了初步分析。

43、The question is whether it forfeits that protection by the falsity of some of its factual statements and by its alleged defamation of respondent. ─── 问题在于,某些事实陈述上的错误和被告提出的诬蔑指控是否使它失去宪法的这一保护。

44、However, the falsity out of the mouth of an authority can be a truth, at least in a certain period of time. ─── 但谬误从权威人士口中出来,可以成为真理,至少一段时期是真理。

45、Your each ones are all very excellent, working feeling excelsior, but their eyes were misty the view was falsity! ─── 你的各个方面都很优秀,做事情精益求精,而他们的眼睛模糊了视线歪曲了!

46、The meaning of the truth and falsity of a compound proposition is whether its branches can reflect the correctness and wrong of different logical relations formed by different combinations. ─── 三是在复合命题中,复合命题的真假是指肢命题的真假是否反映了由于逻辑联结项的不同所形成的不同逻辑关系的正误。

47、Analysis of the Cause for Financial Falsity of Listed Company--Research from the Intactness of Stockholder's Voting Rights ─── 上市公司财务虚假的成因--基于股东投票权完备性角度的研究

48、The Theory of the Jobbery Official Order and the Falsity from the Contrived Account Information ─── 从寻租理论看会计信息人为失真

49、Problem Analysis of Locomotive Signal Code Falsity ─── 机车信号几个乱码问题的分析

50、We have shown the falsity of the story. ─── 我们已说明那个报道不真实。

51、As we all know, painting as an expressive language is full of falsity and misconceptions. ─── 用传统的油画媒介与手法,李青成功地呈现出当代中国艺术的新视域;

52、Discussion about Truth or Falsity and True or False Proposition ─── 真、假与命题真假意义的诠探

53、Study of Transformer's PD Sources Number Estimation and Falsity PD Sources Elimination ─── 变压器局放源数估计及虚假源剔除研究

54、A delusion is a false belief that is stubbornly maintained despite evidence of its falsity. ─── "妄想"是一个错误或虚妄的信念看法,顽固的保持著即使有证据证实这信念看法是错误或虚妄的.

55、A. We have shown that the story is false. B. We have shown the story to be false. C. We have shown the falsity of the story. ─── 我们已经说明这个故事是虚构的。

56、Falsity in Enterprise Interest Accounting ─── 企业利润核算不实的审计方法

57、In criminal investigations,the burden of proof is on the investigating officer to prove the falsity of the tax return or other questioned item (ownership of an asset,etc.). ─── 在刑事程序中,税务调查官员负有举证责任,证明纳税申报表或其他事项(财产所有权等)的虚假性。

58、accounting information falsity ─── 会计信息失真

59、I try to protect my pure sky from being polluted by evil and falsity. ─── 我固守那份纯净的天空,不让邪恶和虚伪轻易污染。

60、I have therefore to request that you will promptly advise me of the truth or falsity of these statements. ─── 我所以要求你立即把这些消息的真伪告诉我。

61、The causes for social falsity include: neglect of morality in political construction; ─── 社会的虚假性主要表现在:政治领域的虚假性;

62、Since the theory of ideology, so described, is concerned with the truth and falsity of beliefs, it might even be considered a form of classical social epistemology. ─── 因为意识形态的理论,就象被描述的那样,开始关心信仰的真假,这种理论也被认为是一种经典的社会认识论。

63、In the agreement or disagreement of its sense with reality, its truth or falsity consists. ─── 它的实际意思与现实相符或者不相符,从而它为真或者为假。

64、In China stock market, up to the present the financial falsity of listed company has been a difficult issue that restricts the development of the stock market. ─── 摘要我国上市公司的财务虚假问题一直是制约我国股票市场稳定运行和规范发展的难点问题。

65、But that's not necessarily so;a false belief can be just as comforting as a true one, provided the believer never discovers its falsity. ─── 伴随这幅照片的故事描述了一个儿童是穆斯林,一个是印度教徒,一个是**徒。

66、He has always avoided human connection, but through the tender ministrations of a peasant he comes to recognize the mesh of falsity in which he's lived. ─── 书中很多事例,由于涉及外交和他国声誉,故而不能具体点出这些国家的名字和涉及的国家的人员的具体姓名。

67、To make the agency which the administrative action was made to issue an administrative action via using the method of falsity, threat, or bribery. ─── 一以诈欺、胁迫或贿赂方法,使原行政处分机关作成行政处分者。

68、I don`t doubt the falsity or deception of cyberspace, but facts speak louder than words. ─── 我承认网络世界里存在虚假和欺骗,不过事实胜于雄辩。

69、The truth or falsity of a statement depends on facts, and not on any power on the part of the statement itself of admitting contrary qualities. ─── 判断的对错取决于事实,而不是取决于判断(容纳对反性质)自身的部分力量。

70、On the Origin of Statistical Data Falsity and the Regulating Countermeasures ─── 统计虚假成因及治理对策研究

71、Her sense of Mrs Penniman's innocent falsity, which had lain dormant , began to haunt her again. ─── 她感到对佩尼曼太太无知与虚伪的那种厌恶在潜伏一阵之后又开始来纠缠他了。

72、Analysis of Causes for Accounting Information Falsity and Counter-measures ─── 会计信息失真成因分析及对策

73、"It is an impudent falsity! ─── "厚脸皮,撒谎!

74、It is utterly important to govern the falsity of accounting information. ─── 治理会计信息失真,提高会计信息质量已刻不容缓。

75、Her sense of Mrs Penniman's innocent falsity , which had lain dormant, began to haunt her again. ─── 她感到对佩尼曼太太无知与虚伪的那种厌恶在潜伏一阵之后又开始来纠缠他了。

76、Through the studies of economic source and objective causes of accounting information falsity some suggestions about how to harness the falsity of accounting information have been proposed. ─── 摘要通过探讨会计失真的经济根源及客观原因,提出了治理会计信息失真的几点建议。

77、Proof: Identify the attack and show that the character or circumstances of the person has nothing to do with the truth or falsity of the proposition being defended. ─── 找出该类的攻击,并且表明企图证实一个人所提的某个论点的是非对错用不著把他的人格还有其所属环境扯进来。

78、Anyhow, you can benefit nothing from flaunt except falsity or disgust, it is only a disaster. ─── 总之,炫耀除了虚伪或者让人厌恶,其它什么也没带给你,它只不过是个祸害。

79、Rough Falsity ─── 粗糙假

80、In the agreement or disagreement of its sense with reality, its truth or falsity consists. ─── 它的实际意思与现实相符或者不相符,从而它为真或者为假。

81、I want you to explain to me why so many people are still scrambling for cyberdates if it's full of danger, falsity and deception. ─── 我想让你向我解释一下。既然网上充斥着危险、虚伪和欺骗,为什么还有那么多人对此趋之若鹜。

82、If any falsity, I, the shipper, will take all the compensation and legal liability caused. ─── 如有虚假,我公司将承担由此造成的一切经济损失和法律责任。

83、interest accounting falsity ─── 核算不实

84、It was difficult to convict him of the falsity of his beliefs. ─── 难以使他认识到他信仰的虚假性。

85、He recognized the falsity of his own opinions. ─── 他认识到自己意见的错误。

86、By nudging us into a dazzling linguistic world, Bronte has managed to send us a signal which is meant to be an invitation to join her in the process of telling good from bad and distinguishing truth from falsity. ─── 勃朗特把我们推入了一个光怪陆离的语言世界,无非是要我们和她一起去分辨良莠,区别真伪。

87、Isabel had been thinking all day of her falsity, her audacity, her ability ─── 伊莎贝尔整天都在想着她的虚伪,她的无耻,她的手腕。

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