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08-14 投稿


fusible 发音

英:[?fju?z?b?l]  美:[?fju?z?b(?)l]

英:  美:

fusible 中文意思翻译



fusible 常用词组

fusible interlining ─── 粘合衬;粘补;热熔衬

fusible alloy ─── 易熔合金,低熔合金

fusible 短语词组

1、fusible circuit breaker ─── 熔丝断路器,保险丝断路器

2、fusible link ─── [计] 熔丝连接

3、fusible calculus ─── [医] 可溶性尿石

4、fusible vent ─── 可熔的通风口

5、fusible resistor ─── [电] 熔断电阻器

6、fusible plug ─── [化] 熔塞; 易熔塞

7、fusible salt ─── [化] 易熔盐

8、fusible link PROM ─── [计] 熔丝连接可编程序只读存储器

9、fusible alloys ─── [化] 易熔合金

10、self-fusible ore ─── [化] 自熔矿

11、fusible clay ─── 易熔粘土

12、fusible alloy ─── [化] 易熔合金

13、fusible metal ─── [化] 易熔金属 ─── [医] 易熔金属

14、fusible cone ─── [化] 熔锥; 示温熔锥

15、fusible ROM ─── [计] 熔断性只读存储器

16、fusible wire ─── [电] 熔断线

17、fusible cut-out ─── [医]熔断器

18、fusible alloy fusible metal ─── [机] 易熔合金

19、fusible disconnect switch ─── 可熔断开开关

fusible 词性/词形变化,fusible变形

名词: fusibility |

fusible 相似词语短语

1、fusilli ─── n.意大利螺旋面;意大利螺丝粉;n.(Fusilli)人名;(意)富西利

2、audible ─── adj.听得见的

3、fusile ─── adj.可聚变的;可熔的

4、feasible ─── adj.可行的;可能的;可实行的

5、suasible ─── 可诉的

6、fungible ─── adj.代替的;可取代的;n.代替物

7、infusible ─── adj.不熔化的;不熔化性的

8、foible ─── n.弱点;小缺点;癖好

9、fusibly ─── 易熔的

fusible 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the event a cylinder is exposed to fire or other sources of excess heat, the fusible plug is designed to melt and release the cylinder contents. ─── 在钢瓶暴露于火或其它的过热源的情况下,易熔塞熔化,钢瓶释放出内容物。

2、fusible powder ─── 可熔性粉末

3、fusible salt ─── 役盐

4、In some fuses, the fusible element is made of silver, but usually it is tin, copper, aluminum, or some alloy. ─── 在某些熔断器中,可熔断元件用银制成,但通常为锡、铜、铝或某些合金。

5、NF3 cylinder valves are equipped with pressure relief devices consisting of a frangible rupture disc backed by a fusible alloy. ─── NF3钢瓶配备有由易碎破裂盘及其后的易熔合金组成的减压装置。


7、fusible calculus ─── [医] 可溶性尿石


9、Base characteristic of silk sand washing process, mostly materials used in fusible interlining was selected. ─── 本文根据丝绸砂洗工艺的特点对生产浆点粘合衬布的主要原材料进行了试验筛选。

10、Development of the Fusible Alloy in (smoke) Fire Damper ─── (排烟)防火阀易熔合金的研制

11、Technology of Fusible Core Injection Mould ─── 可熔型芯注射模具技术

12、This device will not protect a cylinder from over pressurization if the fusible alloy is not heated to its yield temperature. ─── 如果易熔合金没有被加热到它的变形温度,这个装置无法对钢瓶过压加以保护。

13、The production practice shows that this kind of fusible sheet has the features of easy operation and low cost. ─── 实际生产证明该易熔片具有使用方法简单、成本低等特点、易于推广。

14、The fusible cutout of US type package transformer and its basic structure and the movement property, protective principles, scope and coordination were introduced. ─── 介绍了美式箱式变压器的熔断器及其基本构造,以及熔断器的动作特性、保护原理、保护范围和保护配合;指出了运行维护中应注意的事项。

15、The face of these devices is marked with the burst pressure rating of the disk and the yield temperature of the fusible alloy. ─── 这些装置的正面标记着盘的破裂额定压力和易熔合金的变形温度。

16、Keywords silk;fusible interlining;stripping strength;bending shearing; ─── 丝绸;粘合衬;剥离强度;弯曲刚度;剪切刚度;

17、Since metal is fusible, it will change into liquid when the temperature is high enough. ─── 由于金属是可熔的,所以当温度相当高时,它就会熔为液体。

18、The changes of the shrinkage rates of polyester fabrics in fusible interlining in different temperatures and times are discussed. ─── 取三种粘合衬与涤纶面料粘合,测试不同的粘合温度和放置时间条件下缩率的变化,并且进一步分析了这一变化。

19、fusible alloys ─── [化] 易熔合金

20、A hard, white, translucent ceramic made by firing a pure clay and then glazing it with variously colored fusible materials;china. ─── (瓷, 一种坚硬的白色透明的陶瓷,其制法是将纯陶土放在火中烧制,然后用各种颜色的易熔材料给其上釉;

21、Based on the shear theory of Newtonian viscous liquid, the fusible damp coefficient is established for electromagnetism dynamic polymer Extruder screw s axial vibration system. ─── 对聚合物电磁动态塑化挤出机螺杆轴向振动系统,根据牛顿型粘性流体的剪切理论,确定了聚合物熔体的阻尼系统。

22、Let the fusible plug of sealing ring install to Fixture , screw it in accordance with the provided torque of the manual. ─── 将安装封圈的易熔塞安装到测试夹具上,按手册要求力矩拧紧。

23、Keywords fusible core;low melting alloy;injection moulding; ─── 可熔型芯;低熔点合金;注射成型;

24、The mean value and coefficient of variation will be used for evaluating the intensity and uniformity of fusible interlining bonding objectively. ─── * 测试结果既可直观显示,又可打印记录,可提供多种测试数据(全部峰值、最大值、最小值、平均值、离散系数)。

25、a fusible alloy [metal ─── 易熔合金[金属]

26、Carefully place the fusible piece on top, matching it to the jacket edges. Cover with a damp cloth and fuse in place. ─── 仔细地把粘合衬放在上面,与门襟止口对齐。用一块湿布覆盖并定位粘合。

27、plug - in fusible cutout ─── 插入式熔断器

28、Carefully place the fusible piece on top, matching it to the jacket edges. ─── 仔细地把粘合衬放在上面, 与门 襟止口对齐。

29、Should have fusible in front pocket. ─── 前袋应用朴。

30、Fusible Interlining with the men and women and polyester filament line of products has a strong research and development capabilities, to meet the needs of different customers! ─── 在男女装粘合衬和涤纶长丝线的产品上有很强的研究开发能力,能够满足客户不同的需求!

31、fusible safety plug ─── 安全阀

32、fusible disconnect switch ─── 保险丝断路器

33、fusible metal film resistor ─── 保险丝型金属膜电阻器

34、The company set up under the test centre, resin lining workshop, shop front, the rear workshop, lumbar lining workshop, Heitan lining workshop, Fusible Interlining workshop, and other departments. ─── 公司下设测试中心、树脂衬车间、前方车间、后方车间、腰衬车间、黑炭衬车间、粘合衬车间等部门。

35、fusible alloy-type fixed temperature detector ─── 易熔合金定温探测器

36、YG034/BQ3 peeling-strength tester is a specialized instrument used for testing the peeling strength of the fusible interlining and garment materials. ─── YG034/BQ3型剥离强度仪是最新研制的用来检测粘合物粘合牢度的专用标准仪器。

37、EDTA Titration of Bismuth in Fusible Alloy ─── EDTA络合滴定法测定易熔合金中高含量铋

38、fusible element sprinkler ─── 易熔元件洒水喷头

39、Research on Compound Fusible Core Injection Molding Process ─── 复合熔芯注射成型的工艺研究

40、Empty Box of Fusible Ore ─── 可熔矿石空盒

41、A Study on Forced Air Cooling and Thermal Control Through Phase-change of Fusible Material ─── 强迫空气加相变散热研究

42、fusible link readout memory ─── 可熔链式读出存储器

43、fusible alloy fusible metal ─── [机] 易熔合金

44、The Selection of EQ1141G Series Car Fusible Lines ─── EQ1141G 系列汽车易熔线的选用及其电路设计

45、fusible plug ─── 易熔塞保险丝插塞

46、Oilpressure switch Fusible plug. Cold prevention swich. ─── [油呀开关(限半密式压缩机)](易熔栓)(防冻开关)

47、fusible cut-out ─── 可熔保险丝

48、This paper approached the influential law of fusible interlinings and fusion-bonding technologyto clothing gas. moisture and water permeabilities. ─── 探讨了粘合衬与粘合工艺对服装透气性、透湿性及透水性影响的规律。

49、How to control fusing conditions during the double point fusible interlining is used is particular. ─── 同时对双点粘合衬在使用过程中的压烫条件的控制加以阐述,力求做到配伍的合理性和最佳性。

50、bridge fusible cutout ─── 插入式保险丝

51、Yield temperature of fusible plug ─── 易熔塞动作温度

52、It introduced the basic principle of injection moulding with fusible core, and expatiated the material, manufacture, installation, and fusible core release from mould. ─── 介绍了可熔型芯注射成型的基本原理,重点阐述了可熔型芯的材料、制造、安装、脱模。

53、Temperature-dependent fuse is one of the important parts in (smoke) fire dampers, and the fusible alloy is the key element of the fuse. ─── 温度熔断器是(排烟)防火阀中的重要部件之一,而其中的易熔片又是熔断器的关键元件。

54、Over 3000 New Products have been added, including more fusible and dichroic glass, Delphi Exclusives and the latest from Diamond Tech . ─── 3000新产品已加入,包括更多的熔和分色玻璃,德尔福独家和最新的钻石技术。

55、The production practice shows that this kind of fusible sheet has the features of easy operation and low cost. ─── 实际生产证明该易熔片具有使用方法简单、成本低等特点、易于推广。

56、fixed temperature detector using fusible alloy ─── 易熔合金定温火灾探测器

57、The melting point and the shear strength of Bi-Pb-Sn-Cd fusible alloys were determined by DSC and tension tester. ─── 利用差热分析仪和拉伸试验机,研究了易熔合金Bi-Pb-Sn-Cd的成分对合金熔点和剪切强度的影响.

58、fusible toner ─── 可熔性墨粉

59、fusible sprinkler ─── 易熔喷头

60、The design and development of fusible alloy type automatic sprinkler heads ─── 易熔合金型自动喷水灭火喷头的设计与发展

61、Study on the Fusible Plaster Mold Cast Process of High Al Zinc Alloy ─── 富铝锌合金石膏型熔模铸造工艺的研究

62、speed tailoring, cut the front interfacings from a fusible interfacing. Trim away the darts, and fuse the interfacing in place. ─── 若喜欢快速缝制,前衣片衬布可用粘合裁。修剪掉省道,衬布定位粘合。

63、safety fusible plug ─── 易熔安全塞

64、fusible solder type sprinkler head ─── 易熔元件

65、Pressures above 500 psig may cause the fusible alloy to extrude and eventually release the product. ─── 500 psig以上的压力会使易熔合金变形和最终释放出产品。

66、Bi-Sn-In fusible alloy ─── Bi-Sn-In易熔合金

67、Shunt Trip Shunt trip is a feature added to a circuit breaker or fusible switch to permit the remote opening of the breaker or switch by an electrical signal. ─── 分励脱扣分励脱扣是线路断路器或可熔电闸的一个特性,可通过远程信号来进行分断或转换。

68、Shunt Trip|---|Shunt trip is a feature added to a circuit breaker or fusible switch to permit the remote opening of the breaker or switch by an electrical signal. ─── 分励脱扣|---|分励脱扣是线路断路器或可熔电闸的一个特性,可通过远程信号来进行分断或转换。

69、Want to make friends with you who are from all over the world,our company mainly produce nonwoven fabric, garment fusible interlining, ─── 我也使用了一下,搜索出来的结果是和以前大不一样哦。

70、The plugs may use one of several designs to hold the fusible alloy in place. (See Fig. 2.) The temperature rating of the fusible metal is stamped into the face of the device. ─── 塞子可以采用几种设计中的一种,把易熔合金置于适当的位置。易熔金属的额定温度印在装置的正面。

71、fusible alloy ─── 易熔合金

72、a fusible bismuth-base alloy; melts at about 160 degrees Fahrenheit. ─── 可熔的铋基合金,在华氏度熔化。

73、"Mr.Sloan's conception was a fireproof curtain with heat fusible linkage, which would drop instantly and automatically in the event of a fire; ─── 思龙先生的发明是一种采用可熔断挂钩的防火帘,当出现火灾时,会立即自动的掉落悬挂下来,阻挡大火蔓延。

74、self fusible ─── adj. 自熔的

75、The replicas are made by using a thin film of fusible alloy on a stiffening platen ─── 复制是用附着在加强托板上的可熔合金薄膜实现的。

76、fusible resistor ─── 可熔电阻熔阻丝

77、All of the three above groups can be obtained in either fusible or non-fusible form. ─── 上述三种衬布既有易熔的,也有不熔的。

78、Keywords intermediate frequency induction furnace;battery grade mischmetal;fusible salt protection; ─── 中频感应炉;电池级混合稀土金属;熔盐保护;

79、Carefully place the fusible piece on top, matching it to the jacket edges. Cover with a damp cloth and fuse in place. ─── 仔细地把粘合衬放在上面,与门襟止口对齐。用一块湿布覆盖并定位粘合。

80、The fusible alloy will prevent the disk from rupture if it remains in place. ─── 如果易熔合金保持在适当的位置,它将防止破裂盘破裂。

81、fusible slag ─── 易熔渣流动性熔渣

82、a fusible alloy metal ] ─── 易熔合金金属

83、fusible wire ─── [电] 熔断线

84、fusible solder ─── 易熔焊料

85、manufacturer of indium based products including solders, salts, oxides, plating chemicals, fusible alloys, fabricated products, sputtering targets, and preforms. ─── 以铟为主的产品制造厂,包含焊接剂、盐、氧化物、电镀化学品、可融解合金、装配产品等。

86、Just make sure to sew a wide enough seam allowance so they fusible doesn’t show through. ─── 但是要确保缝合线有一定的宽度,这样融合带就不会露出来了。

87、Simply choose one of the wonderful fusible qualities from Vilene's 'Speed Tailoring' range according to your fabric weight. ─── 只要根据面料的厚薄选择一种好的热熔衬即可。

88、The fusible plug device is a nonreclosing pressure relief device designed to function by the yielding or melting of a plug of fusible metal. ─── 易熔塞装置是一个非重闭减压装置,通过易熔金属制成的塞子的变形或熔化发挥作用。

89、a fusible bismuth-base alloy,melts at about 160 degrees Fahrenheit ─── 可熔的铋基合金,在华氏160度熔化

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