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08-14 投稿


dependant 发音


英:  美:

dependant 中文意思翻译



dependant 词性/词形变化,dependant变形


dependant 短语词组

1、dependant type ─── 依赖类型

2、dependant upon ─── [网络] 依赖于

3、dependant clause ─── 从属条款

4、dependant or dependent ─── 依亲或 ─── 依亲

5、dependant fsa covid ─── 从属fsa covid

6、dependant child ─── [法] 要抚养的孩子

7、dependant on ─── [网络] 依赖于

8、dependant contract ─── 受抚养人合同

9、dependant coefficient ─── 依赖系数

dependant 相似词语短语

1、appendant ─── adj.附属的;附加的;n.附属物;附属品

2、dependants ─── 受扶养的家属;受赡养者

3、descendant ─── n.后裔,子孙;(由过去类似物发展来的)派生物;(机器等)后继型产品;adj.下降的;祖传的

4、dependent ─── adj.依靠的;从属的;取决于…的;n.依赖他人者;受赡养者

5、dependents ─── n.家属(dependent的复数);从属单元格;关联

6、defendant ─── n.被告(人);adj.防御的,防守的

7、dependancy ─── n.从属;从属物;依存关系

8、defendants ─── n.[法]被告(defendant的复数)

9、dependance ─── n.依赖性(等于dependence)

dependant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Both are esthetic and depend much on symmetry. ─── 两种活动都要求美感和匀称性。

2、But that all depend on the specific circumstances. ─── 不过,那要看具体情况而定。

3、A point or circumstance on which subsequent events depend. ─── 关键,转折点一种发展过程所依赖的某种事物

4、You can depend on this dictionary. ─── 你可以信赖这本辞典。

5、We shall win the game, (you can) depend on it. ─── (你)尽管放心好了,我们会打赢这场比赛的。

6、Depend on others and you always repent. ─── 依赖他人,悔之晚矣。

7、You may depend on it that he will turn up in time. ─── 你可以相信他会及时赶到的。

8、You may depend on their support. ─── 你可依靠他们的支持。

9、You can depend of him to be there. ─── 你可以相信他一定会在那儿。

10、ELIZABETH CALEEBER: He's going to be dependant on you know me for all his life. ─── 伊丽莎白?卡莉柏尔:最大的挑战恐怕是他这一生都必须依靠我了。

11、He is the person you can depend on. ─── 他是你能信任的人。

12、All living things depend on the sun for their growth. ─── 万物生长靠太阳。

13、Yon may depend on it that they will support you. ─── 你相信好了,他们会支持你的。

14、To follow as a result; depend on. ─── 作为一个结果;依赖于

15、As mentioned earlier, the cache is also context dependant. ─── 如前所述,缓存也依赖于上下文。

16、Or it might be nearer the truth to say that they are least dependant on thrills for their happiness. ─── 或许这样说更接近实情:他们不靠刺激去求愉快。

17、You may depend on his/him coming. ─── 你可以相信他会来。

18、Original valid passport or travel document & identity card for you and or your dependant(s) who attend the interview. ─── 你和(或)任何参加这次面试的受你抚养家属的具有法律效用的原始护照或者旅行证件和身份证明。

19、He was the person you could depend on. ─── 他是你可以信赖的人。

20、Health depend on good food, fresh air and enough sleep. ─── 健康依靠的是良好的食物,新鲜的空气和充足的睡眠。

21、All living thing depend on sunlight, air and water. ─── 一切生命依赖于阳光、空气和水。

22、Be someone others can depend on. ─── 做一个别人可信赖的人。

23、You can depend on the accuracy of the test. ─── 你可以信赖测试的准确性。

24、This will break scripts dependant on the private-public key pair. ─── 这会破坏依赖于公私密钥对的脚本。

25、Depend upon it, you will succeed. ─── 你准能成功。

26、Depend on others and you will go hungry. ─── 依靠别人要挨饿。

27、You may depend upon her arriving on time. ─── 你可以相信她会准时来到。

28、He is a man on whom you can safely depend. ─── 他是一个你能放心信赖的人。

29、You may depend on it that she will help you. ─── 你可以相信她会帮助你的。

30、They will depend more on their parents. ─── 他们将更加依赖父母。

31、Don't be silly, you must depend on one's own. ─── 别太傻了,你要靠自己。

32、You may depend on the authenticity of the report. ─── 你可以相信这报告是完全可靠的。

33、You may depend on me to help you. ─── 你放心,我会帮助你的。

34、You may depend on him to do it well. ─── 你可以相信他能把事办好。

35、You may depend on it that she will go with you. ─── 你可以相信她会与你同行。

36、You can't depend on the train arriving on time. ─── 千万不要认为这列火车能正点到达。

37、You may depend on it that he will help you. ─── 你可以指望他来帮助你。

38、You may depend on it that she will fulfil the plan. ─── 你们可以相信她会完成这个计划。

39、You can' t depend on the train arriving on time. ─── 千万不要认为这列火车能正点到达.

40、They go at the job as if their lives depend on it. ─── 他们拚命做这项工作。

41、He is a man whom you can depend on. ─── 他是个你可以信赖的人。

42、He is the person you can depend on . ─── 他是你能信任的那个人。

43、You can depend on us to fulfill the task on time. ─── 你尽管放心,我们能够按时完成任务。

44、You can never depend on his arriving on time. ─── 你永远也别指望他按时到达。

45、You should always depend on yourself rather than someone else. ─── 你应该是依靠你自己,而不足别人。

46、You may depend upon his consenting. ─── 你可以相信他会同意。

47、You can't depend on him to come in time. ─── 你不能指望他会准时来。

48、To cause to depend; make reliant. ─── 使依靠;使依赖

49、All green plants depend on light. ─── 一切绿色植物都依赖光。

50、You always depend on an obsolete viewpoint . ─── 你老是信赖一个过时的观点。

51、Often, file system paths are operating system dependant. ─── 文件系统路径通常依赖于操作系统。

52、You must try to pull yourself together your family depend on you. ─── 你应该振作起来--你的家庭都指著你呢。

53、The production of sufficient food is often dependant on managing pests. ─── 充足的粮食生产往往依赖于对害虫的治理。

54、You may depend upon his coming . ─── 你可相信他会来。

55、Depend on what morals, the entire black in the end. ─── 什么世道,从上到下黑到底了。

56、They could never depend on Tim's arriving on time. ─── 他们决不能寄望提姆准时到达。

57、He can depend on his wife for sympathy. ─── 他相信妻子会同情他。

58、You can depend on his coming in on Sunday. ─── 你放心,他星期天一定来参加。

59、Remove data that does not depend on the whole key. ─── 删除不依赖于整个键的值。

60、They were all dependant relatives of the comprador . ─── 他们通常是跟买办有关系的人。

61、Specific Results Depend on the Facts of Each Case. ─── 具体结果如何,须视乎每宗个案的事实。

62、They shouldn't depend on foreign countries for oil. ─── 他们不应当依赖外国的石油。

63、The Fool is an inextricable part of his masters construct of reality and his livelihood is dependant on its existence. ─── 小丑是他主人的现实结构中无法摆脱的一部分,并且他的生活有赖于现实结构的存在。

64、You may depend on them to be there early. ─── 他们靠得住,会早到的。

65、You can't depend on him to lend you a lot of money. ─── 你不要指望他会借给你多少钱。深信不疑;

66、He will come soon depend upon it. ─── 你可以完全相信他一会儿准来。

67、ADC results are dependant on the setting of the decimal flag. ─── ADC的结果取决于D标志的设定。

68、But more often we have to depend on guesswork. ─── 但更常见的情况是我们只能推断。

69、You can't depend on your parents forever. ─── 你不能永远依赖你的双亲。

70、You may depend on the accuracy of the report. ─── 你可以信赖报告的准确性。

71、He is kind of person you can safely depend on . ─── 他是你保险可以信赖的一种人。

72、Your assumption doesn't depend on adequate facts. ─── 你的假设不是建立在充分的事实基础上的。

73、You may depend on me to be there early. ─── 你放心,我会早些到那儿。

74、He is a man whom you can depend on . ─── 他是一个你可以信赖的人。

75、Mills used to depend on wind power or water power. ─── 从前磨坊常常得依靠风力或水力来作动力。

76、You can depend on the accuracy of his report. ─── 你可以信赖他报告的准确性。

77、Don't depend on others. Stand on your own two feet. ─── 不要依靠别人,要靠自己。

78、The exact voltages used depend on the local supply. ─── 具体电压要视地区供电情况而定。

79、They depend heavily on us for help. ─── 他们很大程度上依赖我们的帮助。

80、Cab drivers largely depend on tips. ─── 出租车司机主要靠小费。

81、A sick dog is as much a dependant as a sick child. ─── “狗儿生病就像孩子生病一样需要人照顾。”

82、He was the sort of person you could depend on. ─── 他这个人你是可以信赖的。

83、He is a man that you can safely depend on. ─── 他是一个你能放心依赖的人。

84、You may depend upon it that they will support you. ─── 你放心好了,他们会支持你的。

85、It goes without saying that our plans depend on the weather. ─── 不消说,我们的计划取决于天气如何。

86、It all depend on whether she like the boss or not. ─── 一切都取决于她喜欢还是不喜欢这个老板。

87、You can depend on whomever you can trust. ─── 你可以依靠任何你所信赖的人。

88、The results you see depend on the layering effect. ─── 你看到的结果依赖于这一层的效果。

89、You can depend on him to make a sound choice. ─── 你可以依靠他作出正确的选择。

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