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08-14 投稿


epicure 发音

英:['ep?kj??; 'ep?kj??]  美:['?p?kj?r]

英:  美:

epicure 中文意思翻译



epicure 网络释义

n. 老饕;美食家;享乐主义者

epicure 短语词组

1、epicure reviews epicure ─── 评论

2、epicure de luxe ─── 奢华之家

3、epicure definition epicure ─── 定义

4、epicure challenge epicure ─── 挑战赛

5、epicure seasoning ─── 美食家调味料

6、epicure steamer epicure ─── 蒸汽机

7、epicure crab ─── 伊壁鸠鲁蟹

8、epicure meals ─── 美食家餐

epicure 相似词语短语

1、epicures ─── n.老饕;美食家;享乐主义者

2、epicarp ─── n.[植]外果皮

3、epicurise ─── 表皮硬化症

4、epimere ─── (中坯层的)上段

5、epicurize ─── 高温硫化

6、pedicure ─── n.修趾甲术;足部治疗;足部治疗医师;vt.修脚

7、epicene ─── adj.通性的;有两性特征的;n.阴阳人

8、depicture ─── v.描刻画;描绘

9、epicurean ─── adj.(尤指通过美食)享乐主义的;伊壁鸠鲁(学派)的;食物(美味的);n.享乐主义者;美食家;信奉伊壁鸠鲁主义的人

epicure 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mr. zhou must be a epicure, it is a good choice to promote communication between china and west by foods! ─── 周兄一定是个美食家,用美食来促进中西方的交流确实是个不错的选择,呵呵!

2、This cookery book have be write by a real epicure ─── 这本食谱是由一位真正的美食家写的

3、epicure n. ─── 嗜美味者;

4、Chueh-hui's grandfather, as a well-known gentleman who had several collections of poems published, an epicure of ancient books. and paintings, could not go against the fashion. ─── 祖父原也是名士,印过两卷《遁斋诗集》送朋友,又喜欢收藏书画,所以在这一点上也未能免俗。

5、every man his price . well preserved fat corpse gentleman , epicure , invaluable for fruit garden. ─── 保养得好好的肥肥胖胖的尸体,上流人士,美食家,对果园来说是无价之宝。

6、Epicure delicacies Spring roll, crab balls, scallops and batter fried baby shrimp ─── 特色旋景春卷,蟹球,鲜带子及炸虾仔

7、1.But the epicure is so keen to have new experiences that he or she is reluctant to make commitments. ─── 1.但是美食家是如此锋利的有新经验以致于他或者她不愿作承诺。

8、The epicure awarded with highest metric black belt means the high-standard requirements for the life and work. ─── 获得最高黑带级别的美食家就意味着他对生活和工作的高标准、严要求。

9、A devoteeto sensuous and luxurious living; an epicure. ─── 享乐主义者喜爱豪华奢侈生活的人;享乐主义者。

10、During "Project Epicure" five years ago, it made 1, 500 visits to Indian homes, rich and poor, to see how people cook and eat. ─── 在五年前的“美食项目”,它派出1500名员工前往印度当地富裕和贫穷的人家家里去观察当地人如何做饭和吃饭。

11、9 see joke: Epicure eats roast duck only in Beijing, pure roast duck is very allegedly insipid arrive, north that took one ticket person to eat a tunnel makes the same score roast duck. ─── 9看笑话: 老饕在北京专吃烤鸭,据说地道的烤鸭很难吃到, 有次带了一票人去吃地道的北平烤鸭。

12、This cookery book is writes by a real epicure. ─── 这本食谱是由一位真正的美食家写的。

13、This cookery book has been writen by a real epicure. ─── 这本食谱是由一位真正的美食家写的。

14、As far as social ethics were concerned Eustacia approached the savage state, though in emotion she was all the while an epicure. ─── 游苔莎这个人,在习俗的道德一方面,很近乎野蛮,但是在个人的情感一方面,却又是位精致细腻的人。

15、Favour was visited along with each epicure recently sample, as expected deserve the reputations one enjoys. ─── 近日有幸随各美食家一访品尝,果然名不虚传。

16、" no less epicure feels duck buttock path of in a huff: "Little younger sister! ─── 同样地老饕摸摸鸭屁股又气呼呼道:“小妹!

17、A devotee to sensuous and luxurious living; an epicure. ─── 享乐主义者喜爱豪华奢侈生活的人; 享乐主义者

18、Trust me, there are few more satisfying sounds to the epicure than that of 40 metres of pig gut landing on your doormat. ─── 相信我的忠告吧,那比你在家门口堆着40米长的猪肠子要好得多。

19、How was he to deal with this epicure of five years old, who rejected bread-and-milk and asked for veal cutlets? ─── 一他怎么去对付这个拒绝面包和牛奶却要吃小牛肉片的、五岁的美食家呢?

20、The beliefs, tastes, or lifestyle of an epicure. ─── 享乐主义享乐主义者的信仰、爱好或生活方式

21、Sometimes, I do feel like a pure epicure. ─── 在台湾,我不记得有跟谁握手过。

22、A devotee to sensuous and luxurious living;an epicure. ─── 享乐主义者喜爱豪华奢侈生活的人;享乐主义者

23、2.The beliefs, tastes, or lifestyle of an epicure. ─── 每小块食物都吃得津津有味的样子。

24、Also I like animals especially lovely dogs.I am a epicure. ─── 我还很喜欢小动物,尤其是可爱的小狗。

25、She grows very fatly, at ordinary times appetite is wonderful, and she others of not care a cent gives her the coronal with epicure laurel. ─── 她长得很胖,平时胃口极好,而她又毫不在乎别人给她冠以美食家桂冠。

26、Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (French epicure and gastronome): The discovery of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star. ─── 让·昂泰尔姆·布里亚-萨瓦兰(法国美食家):发明一道新的菜式比发现一颗新的星星更让人幸福。

27、Ogre that he was, he spoke like an epicure. ─── 他虽是个吃人恶魔,说话倒像个美食家。

28、It is very rare today for a restaurant meal to set the epicure back an entire month's earning. ─── 今天很少说是去餐馆美餐一顿就会花掉整个月的工资。

29、Epicure on 45, the revolving restaurant located atop the Radisson Hotel Shanghai New World is featuring a selection of imported oyster dishes from November 1st to 30th. ─── 位于上海新世界丽笙大酒店45楼的旋景餐厅,在11月1日至30日期间推出新鲜健康的进口生蚝料理,精选当季原料,为美食爱好者献上别具一格的生猛美味。

30、EPICURE, n. An opponent of Epicurus, an abstemious philosopher who, holding that pleasure should be the chief aim of man, wasted no time in gratification from the senses. ─── 美食家:伊壁鸠鲁的对头,一种饮食有节的哲学家。他坚信人生的主要目的是感官享受,因此他不愿为满足理性的需要而浪费时间。

31、The epicure awarded with highest metric black belt means the high-standard requirements for the life and work. ─── 获得最高黑带级别的美食家就意味着他对生活和工作的高标准、严要求。

32、He researches diets carefully, and is a true epicure. ─── 他对于饮食非常有研究,可以算得上是名副其实的美食家了。

33、2.A devotee to sensuous and luxurious living;an epicure. ─── 享乐主义者喜爱豪华奢侈生活的人;

34、9 see joke: An epicure eats roast duck only in Beijing, pure roast duck is very allegedly insipid arrive, north that took one ticket person to eat a tunnel makes the same score roast duck. ─── 9看笑话: 有个老饕在北京专吃烤鸭,据说地道的烤鸭很难吃到,有次带了一票人去吃地道的北平烤鸭。

35、a devotee to sensuous and luxurious living; an epicure ─── 喜爱豪华奢侈生活的人;享乐主义者

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